I'm so tired!

I’m so tired!
Migun USA Corp.
The fatigue won’t go away.
Tiredness is such a common complaint that
it’s easy to overlook it as a possible warning
sign that something else is wrong.
If you’re always tried and your fatigue
doesn’t vanish after plenty of rest, it may be
alerting you to an undiagnosed illness.
This potentially life
threatening condition
occurs when the amount
of oxygen carrying
hemoglobin in red blood
cells falls below normal.
The body is forced to
work harder to get oxygen
to vital organs, straining
the heart. When it’s
severe, anemia can lead to
heart attack.
Iron rich red meat is one Rx
Possible causes include deficiencies of iron, folate
(a B vitamin), or vitamin B12; blood loss from
surgery or heavy menstrual periods; chemotherapy
treatments; and chronic disease, such as kidney
disease, diabetes, and hepatitis C.
What the fatigue feels like. You tire easily, feel
lethargic, and notice that tasks you used to do with
ease- such as shopping for groceries or taking out
the garbage- now require effort.
Other symptoms. Chest pain, shortness of breath, pale
complexion, rapid heart rate, feeling cold.
Do this now. Depending on what’s causing your anemia,
your doctor may recommend supplements, healthier food
choices, prescription medication, or other treatments or
tests. Women who have heavy menstrual flows might
benefit from birth control pills, which can reduce blood
Best test. A blood test measuring total blood count,
hemoglobin, and serum ferritin (a measure of the iron
stored in our body).
One of the most
common mental
illness, depression
affects more than 19
million Americans
each year.
What the fatigue feels like. For some, it’s a
debilitating, all-day fatigue, for others, it’s a
sluggish feeling that never leaves, even after
plenty of rest. It may be more noticeable in the
morning. You may find yourself sleeping too
much or too little.
Other symptoms. Changes in eating habits; lack
of motivation; lethargy’ irritability; hopelessness;
not finding pleasure in activities, hobbies, sex, or
Do this now. Contact a mental-health
professional such as a psychologist,
psychiatrist, social worker, or pastoral
counselor. If you need help finding one, ask
our family doctor for a referral.
Best test. A depression screening test is
available online at www.depressionscreen.org.
Kidney disease
This condition occurs
when your kidney’s
don’t filter enough
waste from your
blood, causing toxins
and fluid to build up
and make you feel
Kidney disease
Diabetes and high blood pressure are the
two most common causes of kidney disease.
The condition itself can cause high blood
pressure, as well as anemia, thinning bones,
nerve damage, and poor nutritional health.
Kidney disease also increase your risk of
heart and blood vessel disease.
Kidney disease
What the fatigue feels like. You’re easily tired and
feel like you’re constantly out of breath, especially
at the end of the day. The fatigue is caused by
anemia, which people with kidney disease
Other symptoms. Weight loss, itching, loss of
appetite, nausea, vomiting, swelling or numbness
in hands or feet, frequent urination.
Kidney disease
Do this now. Ask your doctor about the GFR
(glomerular filtration rate) test, especially if you
have diabetes, high blood pressure, or a parent or
sibling with kidney disease. An early screening is
critical because you can lose up to 70% of your
kidney functions before symptoms appear.
Best test. The National Kidney Foundation
recommends three simple test to screen for kidney
disease: blood pressure, urine test for protein, and
a calculation of GFR when you have your blood
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Chronic fatigue
syndrome is difficult
to diagnose and is
characterized by a
persistent or relapsing
fatigue of 6 or more
consecutive months.
Chronic fatigue syndrome
What the fatigue feels like. Profound exhausting
and poor stamina that aren’t alleviated by bed rest.
Symptoms may worsen for days following even
minor physical or mental exertion.
Other symptoms. Poor concentration and short
term memory; flu like symptoms, including
muscle and joint pain, tender lymph nodes, and
headache; blurring and other vision problems;
irritable bowel.
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Do this now. Find a primary care doctor or
specialist who is knowledgeable about CFS and
make an appointment. Your own doctor may
know very little about the disease.
Best test. CFS is a diagnose of exclusion- a doctor
must first rule out other medical conditions that
have the same symptoms before he can make a
definite diagnosis.
When the thyroid
gland produces too
much thyroid
hormone, it’s called
Untreated, it may lead
to osteoporosis or a
dangerously irregular
heartbeat, which can
be life threatening.
What the fatigue feels like. Muscle weakness,
which is especially noticeable when you are
Other symptoms. Restless sleep and insomnia,
inability to concentrate, unexplained weight loss,
feeling warm and sweaty, more frequent bowel
movements. Menstrual periods become less
frequent and lighter.
Do this now. See your primary care doctor,
who may refer you to an endocrinologist for
Best test. A blood test for thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH). A low reading
may indicate an overactive thyroid gland.
Sleep apnea
This sleep disorder-which
can cause cardiovascular
damage is characterized
by shallow or stopped
breathing during sleep.
Untreated sleep apnea
may contribute to
cardiovascular disease,
high blood pressure, and
Sleep apnea
What the fatigue feels like. You’re overly
tired during the day and may nod off at
inappropriate moments or have a strong
urge to nap.
Other symptoms. Loud snoring, morning
headaches, heartburn, poor concentration,
frequent nighttime urination.
Sleep apnea
Do this now. Ask your primary care doctor
to refer you to a sleep specialist.
Best test. Polysomnograhpy, which is an
overnight sleep study at a sleep clinic.
Caused by the Epstein
Barr virus, mono is
called “ the kissing
disease” but is usually
spread through
coughing or sneezing
What the fatigue feels like. It comes on
suddenly. You feel lethargic, weak, and
very sleep.
Other symptoms. Fever, rash, sore throat,
swollen lymph nodes, headache, muscle
aches, loss of appetite.
Do this now. See your primary physician if
symptoms aren’t gone in a week.
Best test. A blood test known as the
monospot test. Positive results will not
occur until you’ve had mono for 1 to 2
Multiple sclerosis
The chronic,
autoimmune disease
affects the central
nervous system, and is
most common in
young adults.
Multiple sclerosis
What the fatigue feels like. Ordinary activities
such as doing laundry take so much physical effort
that they’re exhausting. The fatigue often begins
in the morning , even after a good night’s sleep,
and worsens as the day goes on.
Other symptoms. Difficulty walking, loss of
balance, dizziness, numbness and tingling, pain,
bladder and bowel dysfunction, vision problems.
Multiple sclerosis
Do this now. See your primary care doctor, who may refer you to a
neurologist, preferably one who specializes in MS. Symptoms may
come and go, so you might have to see several doctors before you get a
definite diagnosis.
Best tests. No single test can identify or rule out MS. However,
certain tests may lead your neurologist closer to a diagnosis, they
include: an MRI scan of the brain and sometimes the spinal cord;
evoked potential tests to measure how quickly your nervous system
responds to certain types of stimulation; and a spinal tap, which checks
spinal fluid for signs of the disease.
This chronic illness is
marked by widespread
musculoskeletal aches,
pain, tenderness, and
stiffness in any part of
the body; fatigue; and
sleep disturbance.
What the fatigue feels like. It’s as if you were hit
by a truck. When you wake up, you feel like you
haven’t slept. Your body is stiff, and you have
little energy to do the simplest tasks.
Other symptoms. Muscle and joint pain (which
may be deep, aching, throbbing, or stabbing);
numbness, tingling, and burning; restless legs
syndrome; irritable bowel and bladder; heartaches
and migraine; dry mouth and eyes; and anxiety
and depression.
Do this now. Start with your primary care
doctor, who may refer you to a
rheumatologist (arthritis specialist).
Best test. To get a diagnosis of
fibromyalgia, you must have pain all over
your body for at least 3 months and
tenderness and pain in at least 11 of 18
“tender point.”
Hepatitis C
This liver disease is
caused by the hepatitis
C virus (HCV), which
is spread by contact
with the blood of an
infected person.
What the fatigue feels like. An allover
tiredness that makes even the simplest tasks
feel overwhelming. You’re tired and achy
and unable to concentrate. Getting more
sleep doesn’t seem to help.
Other symptoms. Abdominal pain, loss of
appetite, nausea, fever, jaundice.
Do this now. See your primary care doctor to rule
out other illness.
Best test. First, an ELISA III, or EIA, blood test,
and if it is positive, confirmation with a RIBA test.
If you’re positive on both, you’ve been exposed to
hepatitis C. The next test is HCV/RNA by PCR
(polymearase chain reaction), which can detect
very small amounts of virus.