INTRODUCTION TO BIOADHESION CHRISTINE ORTIZ, Associate Professor Department of Materials Science and Engineering, MIT WWW : c D. Breger, used w/permission, BIOADHESION : DEFINITION e term bioadhesion refers to the adhesion of synthetic and biological macrom very. Such drug delivery may be optimized at the site of action (e.g., on the c mers to second-generation polymers and lectins. The nature of bioadhesive i bioadhesives, such as those used in wound management, surgery, and denti Blood and Blood Vessels 40% cells in plasma or serum (pH7.4, IS=0.15 M) which contains 6-8% proteins (over 3,000 different types) in HOH, including : -58% albumins -38% globulins -4% fibrinogens Synthetic Vascular Grafts or Prosthesis : prosthetic tube that acts either a permanent or resorbable artificial replacement for a segment of a damaged blood vessel (e.g. from athersclerosis,aneurysms, organ transplant, cancer, arteriovenous fistula, diabetes) : $200 million market worldwide Vascular Graft Materials Zhang, et al. J. Biomed. Mtls. Res.60(3), 2002, 502. • expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (Gore-Tex, ePTFE) -fibrillated, open cell, microporous (pore size 0.5-30 mm), 70% air, F F nonbiodegradable, chemically stable, used for 26 yrs, hydrophobic/nonpolar, flexible n F F • polyethylene terephthalate (Dacron, PET) -multifilamentous yarn fabricated by weaving/knitting, amphiphilic, smaller pores than ePTFE O O O O n • polyurethane derivatives • bovine collagen -fibrous, hydrophilic BLOOD FLOW blood plasma proteins PLATELETS! D. Gregory BLOOD PRESSURE+ ATTRACTIVE FORCES BLOOD CLOT! denatures -acute occlusive thrombosis - infection / inflammation - neointimal hyperplasia Solid-Liquid Interface adsorbs BIOMATERIAL SURFACE WHAT CONTROLS PROTEIN ADSORPTION? Total Intersurface Force as a Function of Separation Distance :F(D) Many different components, both attractive (e.g. hydrogen, ionic, van der Waals, hydrophobic, electrostatic) and repulsive (e.g. configurational entropy, excluded volume, osmotic, enthalpic, electrostatic, hydration), can lead to complex interaction profiles. D ENDGRAFTED POLYMER “BRUSHES” ADSORBED POLYMER LAYERS BIOMATERIAL SURFACE Direct Measurement of Protein Interactions with Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) Macromolecules lipid-bound HSA functionalized probe tip, RTIP~65 nm (SEM) F Rixman, et al. accepted, Langmuir 2003. Si3N4 chemically end-grafted PEO50K “mushroom” Lcontour= 393 nm RF=8.7 nm D sodium phosphate buffer ~35-190 covalently solution proteins in maximum immobilized HSA IS=0.01M interaction area (D=0) ~10 nm pH=7.4 ~2.5 PEO chains in maximum interaction area (D=0) s = 62 ± 28 nm Au-coated silicon chip Chemical Attachment Scheme of Lipid-Bound HSA to Si3N4 Probe Tip A. Vinkier; Heyvaert, I.; D'Hoore, A.; McKittrick, T.; C., V. H.; Engelborghs, Y.; Hellemans, I. Ultramicroscopy 1995, 57, 337. S. O. Vansteenkiste; Corneillie, S. I.; Schacht, E. H.; Chen, X.; Davies, M. C.; Moens, M.; Van Vaeck, L. Langmuir 2000, 16, 3330. Si3N4 Probe Tip Si Si Si NH2 CH3 + H3C O Si Si OH CH3 II ABDMS Si O O Glutaraldehyde N Si Si N III Si NH2 N O NH2 Si N CH3 Si CH3 O NH2 N O O O O O NH2 O O Si O HSA H2N CH3 Si O Si CH3 NH2 I NH2 Si NH2 NH2 CH3 Si CH3 N N HSA Fluorescence micrograph of HSA-functionalized cantilever (courtesy of Irvine Lab-DMSE) NH2 O probe tip location Human Serum Albumin (HSA) M. O. Dayhoff Atlas of Protein Sequence and Structure; National Biomedical Foundation: Washington DC, 1972. S. Azegami; Tsuboi, A.; Izumi, T.; Hirata, M.; Dubin, P. L.; Wang, B.; E., K. Langmuir 1999, 15, 940-947. III(C) I(N) II (*Steve Santoso (MIT-Biology) II The smallest and most abundant blood protein in the human body, HSA accounts for 55% of the total protein content in blood plasma 3-D structure consists of 3 homologous subdomains, each containing 5 principal domains and 6 helices. Subdomains form hydrophobic channels placing basic and hydrophobic residues at the ends while the surface remains predominantly hydrophilic Lcontour = 225 nm Isoelectric point=4.7 116 total acidic groups (98 carboxyl and 18 phenolic -OH) and 100 total basic groups (60 amino, 16 imidazolyl, 24 guanidyl). “HEART SHAPED” STRUCTURE OF CRYSTALLIZED HSA (Curry, S., H. Mandelkow, et al. Brookhaven Protein Databank.) charge residue map - red, + blue hydrophilic-hydrophobic map C 8 nm PROPOSED ELLIPSOIDAL STRUCTURE OF HSA IN SOLUTION (Haynes, et al. (1994). Coll. Surf. B. : Biointerfaces 2: 517.) 14 nm 4 nm -9e I (N) -8e II +2e III (C) AFM Images of End-Grafted (Mono-Thiol) PEO50K Chains on Polygranular Gold Substrate (*contact mode, solvent=PBS buffer solution, IS=0.15, pH=5.6) polygranular Au 100 nm 50 nm distance between polymer chains= <s>=6226.8 nm <G>=1/<s>2 =2.6•10-4 nm-2 Au-PEO50K 100 nm 50 nm Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) In Aqueous Solution (Prog. Polym. Sci. 20, 1995, 1043) • maintains some hydrophobic character • high flexibility, low s =1.38-1.95 • high mobility, fast tc =15-100 ps • locally (7/2) helical supramolecular structure (tgt axial repeat = 0.278 nm) • low van der Waals attraction • neutral (tgt) t O H H O O t t Nature 416, 409 - 413 (2002) • hydrophilic & water soluble @RT low c<0.5, high A2=30-60 cm3mol/g2 (large excluded volume), qW(A)=60o intramolecular H- bond bridges between -Ogroups and HOH g t t H O H O t g tO t t 0.278 nm DETERMINATION OF SURFACE INTERACTION AREA AND CONTACT AREA DMAX<100 nm, RTIP<100 nm ATIP(D=0) = 3000-17,000 nm2~40-180 proteins for a monolayer FMAX Rixman, et al. accepted, FMAX/protein<40pN Langmuir 2003. PROBE TIP RTIP surface interaction (tip and substrate not in contact) SUBSTRATE RTIP-DMAX r aqueous solution DMAX ACONTACT <3 nm2 (tip and substrate in contact negligible substrate deformation) “APPROACH” (COMPRESSION OR LOADING) AVERAGE APPROACH CURVE : HSA PROBE TIP VERSUS PEO (SUBTRACTED AU INTERACTION) PBS, IS=0.01M, pH=7.4 A B 3 .2 C HSA probe tip versus PEO surface average Electrostatic surface charge model neutral surface van der W aals PEO/HOH/HSA Dolan Edw ards steric 0 .2 5 RF (PEO50K) 2 .2 1.2 0 .15 A B 5 Au • magnitude of force much larger than predicted by theory -0 .0 5 Rixman, et al. submitted, -0 .8 0 RF (PEO) 0 .0 5 0 .2 C Force (nN ) Force/ Radius (m N /m ) 4 .2 10 15 20 D istanc e (nm ) 25 30 Langmuir 2003. HSA versus PEO : Effect of NaCl IS Approach ● NaCl reduces the goodness of solvent for PEO (Armstrong, et al. 2001) : configurational entropy force expected↓ with ↑IS 3.5 0.3 0.25 RF (PEO) 2.5 0.2 1.0M 2 0.15 1.5 0.15M 0.1 1 0.01M 0.05 0.5 0 0 0 10 20 Distance (nm) 30 Rixman, et al. 2003 unpublished data Force (nN) 3 Force/Radius (mN/m) CONCLUSION: Electrostatic double layer and configurational entropy are outweighed by another interaction which increases with IS →possibly due to water interphase layer ● Salt screening : electrostatic double layer force expected↓ with ↑IS HSA versus PEO : Effect of Solvent on Approach Isopropanol has been shown to block hydrophobic interaction forces (Jiang, et al 2002) 5 0.19 3 0.09 1 -1 0 -0.02 10 20 -0.12 -3 -5 -7 30 0% Isopropanol 0.5% Isopropanol 5% Isopropanol 100% Isopropanol 0% F+sd 0% F-sd Distance (nm) 0.5% F+sd 0.5% F-sd Rixman, et al. 20035% unpublished F+sd data -0.22 -0.32 Force (nN) Force/Radius (mN/m) RF (PEO) Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO): REPULSIVE INTERACTIONS IN WATER - • steric (large excluded volume) - - - -- - - -- • electrostatic double layer forces • hydrophilic/ water soluble : hydration enthalpic penalties for disruption of supramolecular structure H-bonding with water O O H H H O O H O O • neutrality : won’t attract oppositely charged species • high flexibility & mobility : no local steric or charge “RETRACT” (TENSION OR UNLOADING) Quantities Used to Evaluate Nanoscale Adhesion • <FADHESION>, <FADHESION>/Radius, <DADHESION>= average maximum attractive force and corresponding separation distance within a dataset recorded for each point of pull-off and averaged over an entire data set • <Wexp>, <Uexp>/protein=effective adhesive interaction energy per unit area : BCP Theory (a=1.4), JKR (a=1.5), DMT Theory (a=2) : Fadhesion > Wexp > a RTIP • <Ud>, <Ud>/ASUBSTRATE =energy dissipated during loadingunloading cycle Limitation : can’t use for curves exhibiting large adhesive forces followed by large cantilever instability regions (weak cantilever). Ud 0 D max(a ) Fapproach (D)dD D max(r) 0 Fretract (D)dD INDIVIDUAL APPROACH AND RETRACT CURVES, HSA PROBE TIP VERSUS PEO-AU SURFACE, PBS, IS=0.01M, pH=7.4 76% of total experiments 0.2 F HSA probe tip versus PEO-Au approach HSA probe tip versus PEO-Au retract 0.1 0.9 0 -1.1 Force (nN) Force/Radius (mN/m) 2.9 reversible decompression of the (net) repulsive surface interaction and no adhesion -0.1 -3.1 -0.2 0 100 200 300 Distance (nm) 400 500 Au Au Rixman, et al. submitted, Langmuir 2003. INDIVIDUAL APPROACH AND RETRACT CURVES : HSA PROBE TIP VERSUS PEO-AU SURFACE, PBS, IS=0.01M, pH=7.4 17% of total experiments 0 unknown desorption interaction profile -1.2 -3.2 -0.1 -0.2 long-range adhesion due to stretching of individual PEO chain -5.2 -0.3 -0.4 cantilever instability region approach retract -7.2 -0.5 adhesive binding force -9.2 0 100 200 300 F 400 Distance (nm) -0.6 500 600 Force (nN) 0.8 Force/Radius (mN/m) 0.1 nonhysteretic repulsion nonspecific adsorption tether (net) repulsive surface interaction extension of individual PEO chain Au FRUPTURE(Au-S)2-3 nN Rixman, et al. submitted, Langmuir 2003. INDIVIDUAL APPROACH AND RETRACT CURVES: HSA PROBE TIP VERSUS PEO-AU SURFACE : PBS, IS=0.01M, pH=7.4 7% of total experiments cantilever instability region approach retract 0.05 -0.05 -1.4 -0.15 -3.4 F Force (nN) Force/Radius (mN/m) 0.6 -0.25 Au -5.4 -0.35 0 200 400 600 Distance (nm) 800 extension of 2 PEO chains Rixman, et al. submitted, Langmuir 2003. INDIVIDUAL APPROACH AND RETRACT CURVES : HSA PROBE TIP VERSUS PEO-AU SURFACE : PBS, IS=0.01M, pH=7.4 17% of total experiments 0 unknown desorption interaction profile -1.2 -3.2 -0.1 -0.2 long-range adhesion due to stretching of individual PEO chain -5.2 -0.3 -0.4 cantilever instability region approach retract -7.2 0 100 200 300 400 Distance (nm) <Fadhesion>=0.16±0.18 nN <Dadhesion>=265±137nm <Fadhesion>/Radius= 2.46±2.76 mN/m <Wexp> not calculated (DMT, JKR, BCP theories not applicable) <Ud>=1.3•1E3 kBT <Ud>/ASUBSTRATE=0.5 mJ/m2 -0.5 adhesive binding force -9.2 Force (nN) 0.8 Force/Radius (mN/m) 0.1 nonhysteretic repulsion -0.6 500 600 • one polymer chain Rixman, et al. submitted, Langmuir 2003. INDIVIDUAL APPROACH AND RETRACT CURVES : HSA PROBE TIP VERSUS PEO-AU SURFACE : PBS, IS=0.01M, pH=7.4 CREATION OF MOLECULAR ELASTICITY MASTER CURVE (tgt) t O -1.2 H H O O -0.2 -3.2 -5.2 -0.4 Force (nN) Force /Radius (mN/m) 0 t t -0.6 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.278 nm H O -9.2 1 Distance / Lcontour (nm) • reduction in extensional force (*first reported by Oesterhelt, et al. 1999) t g tO t t H Inextensible FJC Markovian 2-state model for Si3N4 vs PEO 0.2 H O strain-induced conformational transition (ttgttt) -7.2 0 g t t O H (ttt) O H H O O O O H 0.358 nm H O O H H reversible on experimental time scales C12H23 Au PEO 40 2 30 20 1 10 0 0 100 200 300 400 30 20 2 1.5 1 10 0 0.5 0 adhesion 2.5 <D<D > (nm) adhesion adhesion > (nm) Dadhesion (nm) > (nN) <F<F adhesion >(nN) (mN/m) <F<F >/Radius (mN/m) adhesion>/Radius adhesion 0 C12H23 Au PEO 3 adhesion 50 F (nN) Fadhesion (nN) (mN/m) Fadhesion /Radius Fadhesion / Radius (mN/m) ADHESION FORCES AND DISTANCES FOR INDIVIDUAL RETRACT CURVES, HSA PROBE TIP VERSUS VARIOUS SURFACES : PBS, IS=0.01M, pH=7.4 500 400 300 200 100 0 C12H23 Au PEO SUMMARY OF RESULTS : PROTEIN-PEO INTERACTIONS • Large, long-range surface repulsion that can’t be explained by electrostatic and steric interactions alone (?WATER) • Elimination of surface adhesion (from ~1.35 nN) even at such low grafting densities • At high compressions, long range adhesion (<Fadhesion>=160 pN) and stretching with an individual PEO50K chain allows the probing of short-range attractive contacts between surface functional groups and an individual PEO chain O NH2 OH O O • H-bonding ADVANTAGEOUS MOLECULAR ATTRIBUTES FOR MAXIMUM BIOCOMPATIBILITY 1) maximum hydrophilicity and water solubility, i.e. molecules capable of strong hydrogen bonding such that there exists an enthalpic penalty to dehydration and disruption of supramolecular structure imposed by incoming protein molecules 2) a net neutral charge so that the surface will not attract proteins of net opposite charge or regions on a protein surface of opposite charge via electrostatic interaction. 3) for macromolecular surfaces, higher molecular weight, long chains with a large degree of backbone flexibility to produce maximum steric repulsion 4) Nontoxic HOW DO BLOOD VESSEL INTERIOR (LUMEN) SURFACES CONTROL NONSPECIFIC ADSORPTION? Control of Nonspecific Adsorption In Blood Vessels Glycocalyx : External, Porous, Dynamic, Densely Carbohydrate Rich Region of Cell Membrane That Play a Role in Cell-Cell Recognition and Also Prevents Non-Specific Interactions , 500 nm thick (Vink, et al 1996 Circ. Res. 79, 581) Presumably, artificial biomaterial surfaces can be made more compatible if they are more similar in chemistry, morphology, and mechanical properties to the cell surface. Glycocalyx-Mimetic Neutral Oligosaccharide Monolayers (Synthesized by Seeberger Lab, MIT-CHEM) OH OH OH O OH O O HO HO chitobiose (CB) O HO OH HN HN O O linear trimannoside (LT) HO HO OH O O HO HO OH O O O HO HO OH OH O OH OH HO HO OH O O OH HO HO O OH O O O O oligomannose-9 (Man-9) O O OH O HO HO HO HO HO HO O HO HO OH O OH OH O HO OH O HO O OH O OH O HO HO O O O O HO O HO HN OH O O HN O O Glycocalyx-Mimetic Neutral Oligosaccharide Monolayers (Synthesized by Seeberger Lab, MIT-CHEM) COOH SAM Mannose SAM LTM SAM HM SAM NM SAM COOH - sd EG3 + sd EG3 - sd Mannose + sd Mannose - sd LTM + sd LTM - sd NM + sd NM - sd HM + sd HM - sd Force (nN) 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 20 40 60 Distance (nm) 80 Plant Fibers lumen (0.11 mm) tertiary wall or secondary wall S3 spiral angle of microfibrils 18o inner secondary wall S2 outer secondary wall S1 (0.71 mm) helically arranged crystalline cellulose microfibril network 40o primary wall : (0.23 mm) disorderly arranged crystalline cellulose microfibril network amorphous region of lignin and hemicellulose HO H H OH H H O HO HO H H OH 1 H H H OH H H O HO O O HO H 1 O H H cellulose OH OH O HO H OH H H 1 OH H H HO n H O