Design, Implementation, and Analysis of a Uniprocessor Embedded System LAB 1 CEG 4136: Computer Architecture III TA: Daniel Shapiro Instructor: Prof. Miodrag Bolic Date: 2009/09/09 School of Information Technology and Engineering (SITE) University of Ottawa Report Requirements 1) Title Page 2) Title, Authors, Contact, Affiliation (same information as title page; Example: 3) 2 column format for the rest of the report. No footnotes. Don't use contractions . You must write clearly and without spelling or grammar errors. Never use a picture from the lab manual. 4) Abstract (no more than 100 words) 5) Introduction (State the objectives of the lab. What is the lab about (theories)? Why is the theory needed? What will you learn (theories+practise)? What does the lab prove(results)? Do not repeat these questions in your report. min 250 words) 6) Procedure (The procedure must be repeatable based upon the reading of your procedure section. You need not name every menu click and mouse movement. DO NOT copy the lab manual. Describe all parts/sections of the lab. Reference the lab manual exactly once.) 7) Results (State the results; What did you observe? use accurate captions; include readable graphs/charts/images of your data; analyze the results; show all calculations) 8) Discussion (discuss all relevant observations, answer all questions) 9) Conclusions and Future Work (2 paragraphs, min 3 sentences each. Future work describes how you could expand upon the work that you have done in this lab.) 10) References (min 3 references. Refer to Reference format: Include all of your code, a soft copy of the report, and readable screenshots in a zip/rar/tar.gz file. Submit a PRINTED copy of the report to the T.A., along with a CD/usb/email of the zip/rar/tar.gz. One submission per group. The submitted code and reports may be subjected to automated analysis to detect plagiarism. See Part I: NIOS2 with SDRAM (Based on CEG4131 Lab1) Instructions 1) Read pages 1-10 to 1-18 of 2) Next read pages 128 to 130 of 3) Make sure that you have "NIOS II IDE 9.0 sp2", "SOPC Builder" and "Quartus II 9.0sp2" installed. 4) You are tired of reading. Let's do something. Specifically we will create a NIOS II system connected to an onboard SDRAM. Run the Quartus II IDE. 5) Create a new project called "Lab1" and the top level entity called "Lab1". DO NOT SAVE THE PROJECT TO YOUR NETWORK DRIVE (G:\ or H:\). Instead save your project (i.e. set the working directory) to "C:\work\". Remember to backup your work onto another drive or server before restarting or logging off the computer. Press next. 6) Press next again because we have no files to add to the project yet. 7) Set Stratix as the device family. Select the item from the available devices list that matches the FPGA chip on your FPGA board (this number is printed on the chip and begins with EP1S10). Press Finish. 8) CRITICAL FIRST STEP: Set the license file to C:\altera\license.dat (you will see this in tools license setup…) 9) In Assignment SettingsDevice and pin options Unused Pins set the output pins to “as input tri-stated” instead of “output driving ground”! 10) Create a new Block Diagram/Schematic File. Save the file as Lab1.bdf 11) Add to the design a Phase-Locked Loop component called "altpll" using the MegaWizard plug-in. When the menu is launched select as the output format "VHDL" and press next. The menu you see has 4 tabs: "Parameter Settings", "Output Clocks", "EDA", and "Summary". We want 2 internal output clocks and 1 internal clock, all with an input clock of 50MHz. Under the "General/Modes" tab of "Parameter Settings" set the inclock0 frequency to 50 MHz. 12) Next under "Scan/Inputs/Lock" uncheck "Create 'areset' input ..." and uncheck "Create 'locked' output". 13) Move to the tab "extclk e0". Check "Use this clock". Set the "Clock Phase Shift" to -3.5 nanoseconds. Press finish and then again press finish. If asked tell quartus to always add IP files to the project. 14) Now we want to add the processor to the design. Open SOPC builder from the tools menu. Select VHDL as the target HDL and call the system "PE0" in the system name field. 15) On 16) the left hand side of the "System Contents" tab expand the PLL menu and double click the "Avalon ALTPLL" entry. Notice how we could have added the altpll to the processor block using SOPC builder. Press cancel. 17) Next under "Memories and Memory Controllers" " On-Chip" select "On-Chip Memory (RAM or ROM)". set the memory size to 64 KBytes. Set the Block type to MRAM. 18) Double click the "NIOS II Processor component to add it to the design. Select the Nios II/s. Set the Reset vector and the exception vector to the onchip memory. Change hardware multiple from “DSP blocks” to “none”. Use 2Kbytes for the instruction cache. Press finish. 19) Ensure that the CPU is connected to the memory on the instruction bus and the data bus as follows: 20) Add the "JTAG UART" component without changing the settings. 21) Add the "Interval Timer". 22) Rename the interval timer from timer_0 to sys_clk_timer by right clicking and pressing rename. 23) Add the "System ID Peripheral", "PIO (Parallel I/O)", "SDRAM controller", and "Performance Counter" components with no changes to the default settings. 24) Rename "sysid_0" to "sysid" (IMPORTANT) 25) Rename "pio_0" to "led_pio" (IMPORTANT) 26) Rename "performance_counter_0" to "performance_counter" (IMPORTANT) 27) Rename "sdram_0" to "sdram" (IMPORTANT) 28) Add an "SDRAM Controller" and set it to custom. 29) Add another "PIO" component with 4 bit width and "Direction" set as "Input ports only". For the input options tab check the "Synchronously capture" checkbox and select the "Either edge" option; also check the "Generate IRQ" checkbox and select the "Edge" option. 30) Rename "pio_0" to "button_pio" (IMPORTANT) 31) Although base addresses should already be auto-assigned, go to the "System" menu and click "Auto-Assign Base Addresses" and “auto assign IRQ” 32) Change the IRQ of "JTAG UART" from 0 to 16. 33) Now we are ready to generate the NIOS II system. The design should look as follows: 34) Switch to the "System Generation" tab and press the "Generate" button. If you are prompted to save PE0 then do so. 35) Once system generation is complete, exit the SOPC Builder back to Quartus II. 36) Add PE0 to the design using the same method as we used to add the PLL. A shortcut is to double click on an empty space in the drawing area. PE0 will be found in the "Project" folder. 37) Add a Vcc. 38) Draw a wire from clock c0 to clock clk_0 39) Connect the Vcc to the reset_n port on PE0 40) Create an output pin, name it "PLD_CLKOUT", and connect it to the e0 clock of the PLL. 41) Create an input pin, name it "PLD_CLOCKINPUT[1]", and connect it to the inclk0 of the PLL. 42) Create an output pin, name it "LEDG[7...0]", and connect it to the “out_port_from_led_pio[7..0]” output from the processor. 43) Right click on the PE0 component and click "Generate Pins for Symbol Ports" (AHA!) 44) Now we need to set the pin assignments for the design. either press CTRL+SHIFT+A or navigate to "Assignments" "Assignment Editor" 45) The pin assignment information for your board can be found on the Altera website. For example, if you are using a Stratix EP1S10 then navigate to 46) Under the "Category" section, select "Pin" 47) Double click <<new>> under "To" to select a pin. Next select an assignment for the pin under the location column by double clicking <<new>>. You can do this for each pin, or you can just paste the following table into the editor to speed things up! NOTE: this step should not take more than 60 seconds!! For the EP1S10, these are the pin assignments: BUTTON_PIO_IN[0] BUTTON_PIO_IN[1] BUTTON_PIO_IN[2] BUTTON_PIO_IN[3] CF_ATASEL_N CF_CS_N cf_ide_address[2] cf_ide_address[3] cf_ide_address[4] cf_ide_address[5] cf_ide_address[6] cf_ide_csel cf_ide_data[0] cf_ide_data[1] cf_ide_data[2] cf_ide_data[3] cf_ide_data[4] cf_ide_data[5] cf_ide_data[6] cf_ide_data[7] PIN_W5 PIN_W6 PIN_AB2 PIN_AB1 PIN_K7 PIN_K8 PIN_L9 PIN_J3 PIN_L10 PIN_J2 PIN_G1 PIN_K2 PIN_N3 PIN_L2 PIN_N8 PIN_M4 PIN_N6 PIN_N1 PIN_N9 PIN_P3 cf_ide_data[8] cf_ide_data[9] cf_ide_data[10] cf_ide_data[11] cf_ide_data[12] cf_ide_data[13] cf_ide_data[14] cf_ide_data[15] cf_ide_dmack_n cf_ide_read_n cf_ide_write_n CF_POWER CF_PRESENT_N CTS[1] CTS[2] DCD[1] DCD[2] Display_7_Segment[0] Display_7_Segment[1] Display_7_Segment[2] Display_7_Segment[3] Display_7_Segment[4] Display_7_Segment[5] Display_7_Segment[6] Display_7_Segment[7] Display_7_Segment[8] Display_7_Segment[9] Display_7_Segment[10] Display_7_Segment[11] Display_7_Segment[12] Display_7_Segment[13] Display_7_Segment[14] Display_7_Segment[15] DSR[1] DSR[2] DTR[1] DTR[2] ENET_ADS_N ENET_AEN ENET_BE_N[0] ENET_BE_N[1] PIN_N10 PIN_M2 PIN_N5 PIN_M3 PIN_N7 PIN_L1 PIN_N4 PIN_L3 PIN_M6 PIN_M9 PIN_M10 PIN_H4 PIN_R3 PIN_Y27 PIN_AA27 PIN_Y25 PIN_AA26 PIN_C21 PIN_B21 PIN_A21 PIN_C20 PIN_A20 PIN_B20 PIN_B18 PIN_D21 PIN_E19 PIN_C19 PIN_B19 PIN_A19 PIN_D18 PIN_C18 PIN_A18 PIN_D19 PIN_Y26 PIN_AA25 PIN_V19 PIN_V22 PIN_V25 PIN_V28 PIN_T22 PIN_U26 ENET_BE_N[2] ENET_BE_N[3] ENET_CYCLE_N ENET_DATACS_N ENET_INTRQ[0] ENET_IOCHRDY ENET_IOR_N ENET_IOW_N ENET_LCLK ENET_LDEV_N ENET_RDYRTN_N ENET_SRDY_N ENET_VLBUS_N ENET_W_R_N FLASH_CS_N FLASH_OE_N FLASH_RW_N FLASH_RY_BY_N in_port_to_the_button_pio[0] in_port_to_the_button_pio[1] in_port_to_the_button_pio[2] in_port_to_the_button_pio[3] INIT_DONE LCD[0] LCD[1] LCD[2] LCD[3] LCD[4] LCD[5] LCD[6] LCD[7] LCD_E LCD_RS LCD_RW LEDG[0] LEDG[1] LEDG[2] LEDG[3] LEDG[4] LEDG[5] LEDG[6] PIN_U25 PIN_T19 PIN_U27 PIN_T20 PIN_V27 PIN_V26 PIN_T23 PIN_T24 PIN_R26 PIN_T26 PIN_T28 PIN_T25 PIN_W28 PIN_T21 PIN_K19 PIN_F19 PIN_G19 PIN_L18 PIN_W5 PIN_W6 PIN_AB2 PIN_AB1 PIN_W11 PIN_H3 PIN_L7 PIN_L8 PIN_H2 PIN_H1 PIN_L6 PIN_L5 PIN_J4 PIN_K3 PIN_M7 PIN_M8 PIN_H27 PIN_H28 PIN_L23 PIN_L24 PIN_J25 PIN_J26 PIN_L20 LEDG[7] MICTOR[0] MICTOR[1] MICTOR[2] MICTOR[3] MICTOR[4] MICTOR[5] MICTOR[6] MICTOR[7] MICTOR[8] MICTOR[9] MICTOR[10] MICTOR[11] MICTOR[12] MICTOR[13] MICTOR[14] MICTOR[15] MICTOR[16] MICTOR[17] MICTOR[18] MICTOR[19] MICTOR[20] MICTOR[21] MICTOR[22] MICTOR[23] MICTOR[24] PLD_CLEAR_N PLD_CLKFB PLD_CLKOUT PLD_CLOCKINPUT[1] PLD_CLOCKINPUT[2] PLD_RECONFIGREQ_N PROTO1_CLKOUT PROTO1_IO[16] PROTO1_IO[19] PROTO1_IO[22] PROTO1_IO[23] PROTO1_IO[28] PROTO1_IO[40] PROTO2_CARDSEL_N PROTO2_CLKOUT PIN_L19 PIN_N25 PIN_N26 PIN_L26 PIN_L25 PIN_M19 PIN_M20 PIN_K28 PIN_K27 PIN_N21 PIN_N22 PIN_M26 PIN_M25 PIN_N23 PIN_N24 PIN_L28 PIN_L27 PIN_P26 PIN_N19 PIN_N20 PIN_N28 PIN_M27 PIN_G27 PIN_G28 PIN_K21 PIN_K22 PIN_AC9 PIN_R27 PIN_E15 PIN_K17 PIN_AC17 PIN_U2 PIN_P27 PIN_L4 PIN_K1 PIN_M5 PIN_K4 PIN_J1 PIN_G2 PIN_AB18 PIN_R4 PROTO2_IO[0] PROTO2_IO[1] PROTO2_IO[2] PROTO2_IO[3] PROTO2_IO[4] PROTO2_IO[5] PROTO2_IO[6] PROTO2_IO[7] PROTO2_IO[8] PROTO2_IO[9] PROTO2_IO[10] PROTO2_IO[11] PROTO2_IO[12] PROTO2_IO[13] PROTO2_IO[14] PROTO2_IO[15] PROTO2_IO[16] PROTO2_IO[17] PROTO2_IO[18] PROTO2_IO[19] PROTO2_IO[20] PROTO2_IO[21] PROTO2_IO[22] PROTO2_IO[23] PROTO2_IO[24] PROTO2_IO[25] PROTO2_IO[26] PROTO2_IO[27] PROTO2_IO[28] PROTO2_IO[29] PROTO2_IO[30] PROTO2_IO[31] PROTO2_IO[32] PROTO2_IO[33] PROTO2_IO[34] PROTO2_IO[35] PROTO2_IO[36] PROTO2_IO[37] PROTO2_IO[38] PROTO2_IO[39] PROTO2_IO[40] PIN_AD19 PIN_AE19 PIN_AF18 PIN_AH20 PIN_AH21 PIN_AF20 PIN_AE20 PIN_AF21 PIN_AG21 PIN_AE21 PIN_AD21 PIN_AG20 PIN_AG22 PIN_AH22 PIN_AF22 PIN_AE22 PIN_AH23 PIN_AF23 PIN_AD23 PIN_AG23 PIN_AE23 PIN_AH24 PIN_AE24 PIN_AG24 PIN_AF25 PIN_AH25 PIN_AG25 PIN_AH26 PIN_AG26 PIN_AF24 PIN_AC21 PIN_AC19 PIN_AA20 PIN_Y19 PIN_W19 PIN_W18 PIN_AA19 PIN_Y17 PIN_AB17 PIN_AB19 PIN_V18 RI[1] RI[2] RTS[1] RTS[2] RXD[1] RXD[2] SDRAM_A[0] SDRAM_A[1] SDRAM_A[2] SDRAM_A[3] SDRAM_A[4] SDRAM_A[5] SDRAM_A[6] SDRAM_A[7] SDRAM_A[8] SDRAM_A[9] SDRAM_A[10] SDRAM_A[11] SDRAM_BA[0] SDRAM_BA[1] SDRAM_CAS_N SDRAM_CKE SDRAM_CS_N SDRAM_DQ[0] SDRAM_DQ[1] SDRAM_DQ[2] SDRAM_DQ[3] SDRAM_DQ[4] SDRAM_DQ[5] SDRAM_DQ[6] SDRAM_DQ[7] SDRAM_DQ[8] SDRAM_DQ[9] SDRAM_DQ[10] SDRAM_DQ[11] SDRAM_DQ[12] SDRAM_DQ[13] SDRAM_DQ[14] SDRAM_DQ[15] SDRAM_DQ[16] SDRAM_DQ[17] PIN_U22 PIN_V23 PIN_U23 PIN_V20 PIN_Y28 PIN_AA28 PIN_AE4 PIN_W12 PIN_AC11 PIN_W10 PIN_AA11 PIN_AC10 PIN_AB11 PIN_AC8 PIN_AB10 PIN_V11 PIN_Y11 PIN_AB7 PIN_AG19 PIN_AF19 PIN_AD18 PIN_AE18 PIN_AG18 PIN_AH4 PIN_AE5 PIN_AG3 PIN_AG5 PIN_AG4 PIN_AF4 PIN_AH5 PIN_AF5 PIN_AE6 PIN_AG6 PIN_AH6 PIN_AD6 PIN_AF7 PIN_AH7 PIN_AG7 PIN_AF6 PIN_AG8 PIN_AF8 SDRAM_DQ[18] SDRAM_DQ[19] SDRAM_DQ[20] SDRAM_DQ[21] SDRAM_DQ[22] SDRAM_DQ[23] SDRAM_DQ[24] SDRAM_DQ[25] SDRAM_DQ[26] SDRAM_DQ[27] SDRAM_DQ[28] SDRAM_DQ[29] SDRAM_DQ[30] SDRAM_DQ[31] SDRAM_DQM[0] SDRAM_DQM[1] SDRAM_DQM[2] SDRAM_DQM[3] SDRAM_RAS_N SDRAM_WE_N SHARED_A[0] SHARED_A[1] SHARED_A[2] SHARED_A[3] SHARED_A[4] SHARED_A[5] SHARED_A[6] SHARED_A[7] SHARED_A[8] SHARED_A[9] SHARED_A[10] SHARED_A[11] SHARED_A[12] SHARED_A[13] SHARED_A[14] SHARED_A[15] SHARED_A[16] SHARED_A[17] SHARED_A[18] SHARED_A[19] SHARED_A[20] PIN_AD8 PIN_AH9 PIN_AH8 PIN_AE9 PIN_AF9 PIN_AG9 PIN_AD10 PIN_AF10 PIN_AH10 PIN_AE10 PIN_AF11 PIN_AE11 PIN_AH11 PIN_AG11 PIN_AE14 PIN_Y13 PIN_AE7 PIN_AG10 PIN_AH3 PIN_AH19 PIN_A4 PIN_A3 PIN_B3 PIN_B5 PIN_B4 PIN_C4 PIN_A5 PIN_C5 PIN_D5 PIN_E6 PIN_A6 PIN_B7 PIN_D6 PIN_A7 PIN_D7 PIN_C6 PIN_C7 PIN_B6 PIN_D8 PIN_C8 PIN_E8 SHARED_A[21] SHARED_A[22] SHARED_D[0] SHARED_D[1] SHARED_D[2] SHARED_D[3] SHARED_D[4] SHARED_D[5] SHARED_D[6] SHARED_D[7] SHARED_D[8] SHARED_D[9] SHARED_D[10] SHARED_D[11] SHARED_D[12] SHARED_D[13] SHARED_D[14] SHARED_D[15] SHARED_D[16] SHARED_D[17] SHARED_D[18] SHARED_D[19] SHARED_D[20] SHARED_D[21] SHARED_D[22] SHARED_D[23] SHARED_D[24] SHARED_D[25] SHARED_D[26] SHARED_D[27] SHARED_D[28] SHARED_D[29] SHARED_D[30] SHARED_D[31] SRAM_BE_N[0] SRAM_BE_N[1] SRAM_BE_N[2] SRAM_BE_N[3] SRAM_CS_N SRAM_OE_N SRAM_WE_N PIN_D9 PIN_B9 PIN_H12 PIN_F12 PIN_J12 PIN_M12 PIN_H17 PIN_K18 PIN_H18 PIN_G18 PIN_B8 PIN_A8 PIN_A9 PIN_C9 PIN_E10 PIN_A10 PIN_C10 PIN_B10 PIN_A11 PIN_C11 PIN_D11 PIN_B11 PIN_D10 PIN_G10 PIN_F10 PIN_H11 PIN_G11 PIN_F8 PIN_J9 PIN_J13 PIN_L13 PIN_M11 PIN_L11 PIN_G7 PIN_M18 PIN_F17 PIN_J18 PIN_L17 PIN_B24 PIN_B26 PIN_C24 TR_CLK TXD[1] TXD[2] USER_PB[0] USER_PB[1] USER_PB[2] USER_PB[3] zs_addr_from_the_sdram[0] zs_addr_from_the_sdram[1] zs_addr_from_the_sdram[2] zs_addr_from_the_sdram[3] zs_addr_from_the_sdram[4] zs_addr_from_the_sdram[5] zs_addr_from_the_sdram[6] zs_addr_from_the_sdram[7] zs_addr_from_the_sdram[8] zs_addr_from_the_sdram[9] zs_addr_from_the_sdram[10] zs_addr_from_the_sdram[11] zs_ba_from_the_sdram[0] zs_ba_from_the_sdram[1] zs_cas_n_from_the_sdram zs_cke_from_the_sdram zs_cs_n_from_the_sdram zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[0] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[1] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[2] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[3] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[4] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[5] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[6] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[7] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[8] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[9] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[10] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[11] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[12] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[13] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[14] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[15] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[16] PIN_H26 PIN_U21 PIN_V24 PIN_W5 PIN_W6 PIN_AB2 PIN_AB1 PIN_AE4 PIN_W12 PIN_AC11 PIN_W10 PIN_AA11 PIN_AC10 PIN_AB11 PIN_AC8 PIN_AB10 PIN_V11 PIN_Y11 PIN_AB7 PIN_AG19 PIN_AF19 PIN_AD18 PIN_AE18 PIN_AG18 PIN_AH4 PIN_AE5 PIN_AG3 PIN_AG5 PIN_AG4 PIN_AF4 PIN_AH5 PIN_AF5 PIN_AE6 PIN_AG6 PIN_AH6 PIN_AD6 PIN_AF7 PIN_AH7 PIN_AG7 PIN_AF6 PIN_AG8 zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[17] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[18] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[19] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[20] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[21] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[22] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[23] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[24] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[25] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[26] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[27] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[28] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[29] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[30] zs_dq_to_and_from_the_sdram[31] zs_dqm_from_the_sdram[0] zs_dqm_from_the_sdram[1] zs_dqm_from_the_sdram[2] zs_dqm_from_the_sdram[3] zs_ras_n_from_the_sdram zs_we_n_from_the_sdram PIN_AF8 PIN_AD8 PIN_AH9 PIN_AH8 PIN_AE9 PIN_AF9 PIN_AG9 PIN_AD10 PIN_AF10 PIN_AH10 PIN_AE10 PIN_AF11 PIN_AE11 PIN_AH11 PIN_AG11 PIN_AE14 PIN_Y13 PIN_AE7 PIN_AG10 PIN_AH3 PIN_AH19 48) Compile the project by pressing CTRL+L or the purple play button. You may also navigate to "Processing" and click "Start Compilation" 49) After the compilation completes successfully, we need to put our compiled hardware design onto the FPGA. For this we use the Programmer tool circled in red below, and the FPGA board of course. 50) Plug in the power for the FPGA board. 51) Connect the USB blaster cable from the computer to the FPGA. For the popup about drivers follow the instructions at 52) Run the Programmer 53) Click the "Hardware Setup" button and select the "USB-Blaster" hardware 54) Check the Program/Configure box 55) Press the "Start" button. Awesome, we programmed the FPGA... Now why is nothing happening? Simple. We need to specify the software part of the system with the Nios II IDE. Questions 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) In the Pin Mapper GUI, what does it mean when a pin icon is coloured blue? Why are we using FPGAs to make systems instead of microcontrollers and breadboards? Why did we need the PLL component? What are the output clocks of the PLL used for? Did we really need 2 output clocks? Why is there a phase shift for the e0 clock? Is it faster to integrate peripherals (such as a PLL) with a NIOS II embedded processor system using the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager or the SOPC Builder? 7) Go to the menu "Processing" "Compilation Report". How many Logical Cells (LCs) and memory bits were required to implement your entire design? How many LCs and memory bits were needed to implement the PE0 processor (called |cpu_0:the_cpu_0|)? What percentage of the design does the processor use in terms of memory bits and LCs? 8) A) Why does it appear in the Analysis and Synthesis report that the PLL requires 0 resources (LCs, memory bits, etc.) to implement? B) How many LCs in the FPGA were not used for our project? 9) Open the Timing Analyzer section of the compilation report. Our frequency is currently 50 MHz. What is the execution time of the slowest component (in nanoseconds)? The processing time required for each component is listed in the Actual Time column. We are looking here for the bottleneck component. 10) Let us speed up the clock for the design so that the clock period is as close to the answer from question 9 as possible. Go to "Assignments" "Settings" "Timing Analysis Settings" "Classic Timing Analyzer Settings" "Individual Clocks" button "..." button "List" button. Add the clock to the selected nodes list. Press OK. For required fmax put the frequency that brings the clock period (generated immediately to the right of the fmax box) closest to the answer from question 9. Is the fmax ≈ 63.5 MHz? 11) Set the minimum fmax to the answer from question 10. Run the classic timing analyzer. Were there errors due to the faster clock? Hint: look at the warnings about the output pins. 12) BONUS: If we decrease the period of in_clk (question 11) then the design might run faster, but then doesn't the PLD_CLKOUT (i.e. e0 from the PLL) fail to control the memory properly? Why or why not? What is the true fmax of the design? Show a screenshot for your fmax result. Demonstration Show the T.A. that the project compiles without errors. Part II: Introduction to the NIOS II IDE Instructions 1) Open SOPC builder 2) Select the System Generator tab 3) Click the "Nios II IDE" button 4) In the Nios II IDE select "File" "New" "Project""C/C++ Application"Next button. 5) The system description PE0.ptf is automatically filled in. The CPU defaults to cpu_0 (our processor). Select the "Count Binary" project template and press finish. 6) Read carefully: Right click on the "count_binary_0" project folder at the left of the screen and select system library properties. The window that opens is in fact the count_binary_0_syslib System Library window. The System Library page contains the settings that pertain to the hardware/software interface. The names in this page are the same as the component names in SOPC builder. 7) There are several things we can do to improve the performance of our code. Namely, check the boxes "Program never exits" and "Small C library", uncheck "Support C++" and "Clean exit (flush buffers)". Change all of the memories to onchip_memory instead of SDRAM. Click OK. 8) Press CTRL+B or click "Project" "Build All" 9) Once compilation is complete without errors, let us make a run configuration for our system. Click "Run" "Run" "Nios II Hardware" Open the "Target Connection" tab on the right hand side. 10) Once the hardware has been programmed into the FPGA (Part I of this lab) then right click on the project "count_binary_0" and click "Run as" "Nios II Hardware" 11) The program is now running on the FPGA and printing to the PC console. 12) Now let us watch the code run using the debug perspective. Click "Window" "Open Perspective" "Debug" 13) Click the green debug icon to begin debugging the system. Remember that you are debugging the hardware and the software at the same time. 14) Put a breakpoint on line 394 by right clicking on the gray bar on the left of the code and selecting "Toggle Breakpoint". You can double click to get the same toggle behaviour. A blue circle appears to signify a breakpoint. 15) Click the resume button in the debug menu bar to get the code on the processor running again. (This is next to the stop and pause buttons) 16) Add the count variable to the list of variable names that we are watching. Change the format of the VALUE column to decimal for the count variable. 17) Watch the changes in the value of the "count" variable. It will help you to answer question 1. 18) Remove the breakpoint from line 394 and set a new breakpoint at line 182. 19) Press the resume button. Next press the step into button. 20) In the menus at the top of the IDE click "Window" "Show View""Disassembly" 21) This line of code (line 394) is represented in assembly by two instructions (0x02010358 <count_led+24>: ldbu r2,-32704(gp); 0x0201035c <count_led+28>: stb r2,-12(fp)). The code clearly assigns a value. Study these assembly instructions carefully. As you step through the code the register values will change. Looking at the board LEDs and the Nios II IDE you should see the association between the register values and the LEDs lit up on the board. Change the value of the registers using the debug tools. You should see the lights on the board change. Note: make sure you move past the breakpoint using the step button or the LEDs will not change because you are stuck at a breakpoint. Questions 1) What is the purpose of the program "count_binary.c"? What are the buttons for, and what are the switches for? Explain how "count" is incremented. Explain how "count" gets back to 0x00. 2) In "count_binary.c" why do we need the method "sevenseg_set_hex( int hex )"? How could you have implemented this functionality in hardware instead? 3) What is a JTAG UART and why do we need it in our system design? 4) What is meaning of the "alt_u8" type used in "count_binary.c" on line 182? Demonstration Demonstrate step 21 to the T.A. Part III: Profiling, Speedup, and Scalability Instructions 1) You now have the skills to design the hardware and software of an embedded system. Let us apply your skills to a realistic problem. Create a new C/C++ application in the Nios II IDE. For the project template select the blank template. Name the project "performance_analysis". 2) Create a new blank C file called "performance_analysis.c". 3) Include the following libraries: "stdio.h", "string.h", "system.h", "nios2.h", "unistd.h" and "altera_avalon_performance_counter.h" 4) Create a main function. 5) Declare three volatile integers called "x", "y", and "z" 6) Declare a two dimensional array called "image" representing the following 10 by 10 matrix: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 8 7 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 8 7 6 6 7 8 9 10 9 8 7 6 5 7 8 9 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 8 9 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 9 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 [10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1] 7) Write a loop to nicely print the contents of the image array. 8) Declare three more two dimensional arrays called "results1", "results2", and "results3" with sizes appropriate to the pseudocode in the next step. 9) Write a program which performs the following pseudocode program: filter1[3][3]={ {0,1,0},{0,0,0},{0,0,0}}; filter2[3][3]={ {0,0,0},{0,0,0},{0,1,0}}; for(z = 0 ...127) for(i=0 ...9) { for(j=0 ...9) { results1[i][j]=image[i][i]+image[j][j]; if(i>0&&j>0&&i<9&&j<9) { results2[i][j]=(image[(i-1)%9][(j-1)%9]*filter1[0][0]+ image[(i-1)][(j-0)]*filter1[0][1]+ image[(i-1)][(j+1)]*filter1[0][2]+ image[(i-0)][(j-1)]*filter1[1][0]+ image[(i-0)][(j-0)]*filter1[1][1]+ image[(i-0)][(j+1)]*filter1[1][2]+ image[(i+1)][(j-1)]*filter1[2][0]+ image[(i+1)][(j-0)]*filter1[2][1]+ image[(i+1)][(j+1)]*filter1[2][2]); } results3[i][j]+=image[i][j]&image[j][i]; } } 10) Add a loop to print the three results matrices 11) Add the appropriate calls to the performance counter code which surround the computation but not the array initialization or printing. We will use two counters: one to measure the time required to perform calculations, and one to measure the overhead of the performance counter. ( read pages 29-4 to 29-11) 12) Don’t forget to set the memory to onchip 13) Run project 14) Report the speed results: How many clock cycles? What is the clock rate? Therefore how long did it take to run the program? 15) Set the memory to SDRAM in the NIOS-II IDE. SOPC builder instructions from the T.A. may be needed here. 16) Run project 17) Measure speedup of onchip over SDRAM using execution time. Questions 1) What is the difference between the declarations "volatile int x, y, z;" and "int x, y, z;"? Why does this have significance for our lab? 2) What does the program do when you run it in the Nios II IDE? 3) How can we increase the speed of the program? 4) What effect did you observe comparing the initial "image" matrix with the three results matrices. 5) BONUS: using two real 10 x 10 pixel grayscale images with colours ranging from 0 (black) to 255 (white) design a program for the Nios II which can blend the two images.