Major higher educational programme Field of study: 020400.68


Major higher educational programme

Field of study: 020400.68 Biology.

Specialty: Biophysics.

Degree: master.

Study mode: full-time.

The period of study specified by the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) of Higher

Education (HP) is 2 years.

The study load of the master’s degree programme specified by the FSES of HE is 120

ECTS points.

The programme is meant:

 to prepare master's degree students for independent research, scientific and industrial activity in research institutions, for teaching in specialised secondary and higher educational institutions;

 to prepare personnel in such priority areas as health-related biotechnologies, nonlinear sciences, molecular biology, genomics and proteomics, cellular biotechnologies, regulatory processes, immunology, ecology and mathematical modeling of biological processes.

The list of courses included in the curriculum of the 020400.68 Biology. Specialty :


Fundamental general scientific courses.

Professional English

Semester: 1

ECTS points: 5

Hours: 180

The course aims to help students develop professional competences, abilities and willingness to use a foreign language in the process of intercultural interaction during oral and written professional communication.

The objectives of the course are to develop systematic knowledge of the terminology of profiling specialty; to develop skills and abilities in reading, understanding and translating of professional texts.

Economics and Management

Semester: 1

ECTS points: 3

Hours: 108

The course aims to help students gain knowledge of the theory, methodology and practice in economic management; to gain professional skills related to the development of students' analytical capabilities in taking effective strategic decisions.

The objectives of the course are to study basic concepts of the modern economics and management theory; the most important trends and patterns of modern economic development, its relations with other parts of the society’s development, interaction of economics, social and natural environment; to master skills of socio-economic processes’ modeling for evaluation the results of management decisions.

Compulsory general scientific courses.

Computer Workshop. Statistics. Databases

Semester: 1

ECTS points: 3

Hours: 108

The course aims to gain knowledge and skills in the theory and practice of programming and analysis of biological system models, statistical methods; to understand and be able to analyse critically the information of the experiment; to master methods of processing and analysis of experimental data, to develop cultural and professional competences.

The objectives of the course are to study actual state of the studied field of knowledge, the prospects of its development; to understand, describe and analyse critically the basic information; to master the methods of processing and analysis of theoretical and experimental information.

Philosophical Problems of Natural Science

Semester: 1

ECTS points: 2

Hours: 72

The course aims to get the idea of a comprehensive world view based on the achievements of modern science, the vision of the relationship and interdependence of the processes occurring in the nature, the concept of the origins and evolution of the Universe and life.

The objectives of the course are to study the forms and methods of scientific knowledge and their evolution; historical stages of the development of natural science; to examine the fundamental unity of the natural sciences; to gain a notion of the key stages of the development of natural science, key features of modern natural science, Newtonian and evolutionary knowledge systems.

Elective general scientific courses.

Chemical Ecology

Semester: 3

ECTS points: 3

Hours: 108

The course aims to get acquainted with theoretical and experimental issues of environmental chemistry.

The objectives of the course are to study the characteristics of chemical systems and their role in the environment, chemical processes that occur in all living organisms and the environment, environmental problems; to apply the laws of chemistry and ecology to the environmental studies; to master the methods of ecological control and analysis of natural objects.

Integrated Ecology

Semester: 3

ECTS points: 3

Hours: 108

The course aims to get an idea about the systemic nature of functioning of organismic, population and ecosystem levels of organisation in living matters; to study the basics of ecological systems’ functioning.

The objectives of the course are to study the history of Ecology, its purpose, objectives and methods; to study the features of the main branches of Ecology; to use theoretical knowledge in everyday life; to work with scientific literature; to master the theoretical basics of the discipline.

Biochemistry and Biophysics of Macromolecules

Semester: 2

ECTS points: 2

Hours: 72

The course aims to study the structure and properties of macromolecules that make up all living matters; to get idea of their classification, main characteristics and reaction capacity, as well as main ways of their use in metabolic processes.

The objectives of the course are to study basic concepts of Biological Chemistry, its relationship with Biology, Physics, Medicine; the classification of main natural macromolecules, physical and chemical properties of the main classes of biopolymers; to study basic terms and concepts of Biochemistry and Biophysics.

Biochemistry and Biophysics of Membranes

Semester: 2

ECTS points: 2

Hours: 72

The course aims to familiarise students with the structure and properties of membranes, with their classification and basic characteristics.

The objectives of the course are to study basic concepts of Biological Chemistry, its relations with biology, physics, medicine; to get an idea of the membrane classification, of the physical and chemical properties; to study basic terms and concepts of Biochemistry and


Physical Chemistry

Semester: 1

ECTS points: 4

Hours: 144

The course aims to develop students’ professional competences; to develop students' theoretical basis in order to establish a link between chemical processes and physical phenomena; to improve students’ creative thinking and their intellectual level.

The objectives of the course are to study the most important laws of physical chemistry; the basics of chemical thermodynamics and mechanism of chemical reaction; to master the methodology and methods of scientific research in the field of Physical Chemistry, to acquire skills of experimental work.

Colloid Chemistry

Semester: 1

ECTS points: 4

Hours: 144

The course aims to develop students' professional competences; to familiarise them with the thermodynamic fundamentals of surface phenomena, the methods of obtaining and fundamental properties of disperse systems.

The objectives of the course are to study main physical and chemical patterns, basic laws and patterns of Colloid Chemistry; to study methods of destruction of colloidal systems, to develop skills of using studying and technical literature; to develop experimental work skills.

Fundamental field-oriented courses.

History of Development and Methodological Basis of Biological Science

Semester: 2

ECTS points: 4

Hours: 144

The course aims to study methods and characteristics of scientific research in Biology and Biophysics; to study forms of its organisation; to facilitate the implementation of professional competences for future scientific and practical activities.

The objectives of the course are to understand the value of methodology for research activity; to study the classification of methods of scientific knowledge and the history of biology and basic biological areas; to master methods and methodology of research activity; to study information of the development of biology as a science.

Theory of Biosphere

Semester: 1

ECTS points: 3

Hours: 108

The course aims to widen and systematise knowledge of the origins, structure, evolution and current state of the Earth's biosphere.

The objectives of the course are to study the origins, structure, evolution of the solar system, the Earth and the biosphere; to study the basic components of the energy balance of biosphere; main factors determining the stability of biosphere, basic laws of the evolution of biosphere; to describe biogeochemical processes in the biosphere cycles of the most essential chemical elements.

Genomics and Proteomics

Semester: 3

ECTS points: 4

Hours: 144

The course aims to broaden knowledge of modern genetic mapping and proteomic analysis of organisms; to demonstrate the spheres of practical application of genomics.

The objectives of the course are to get a comprehensive idea of the theoretical basics and methods of genetic engineering, principles of recombinant DNA construction and their insertion into recipient cells; to study main vectors and microorganisms used in Genetic Engineering; to get a comprehensive idea of Ethnogenomics, of the role of Bioinformatics in modern molecular genetics and biotechnology.

Compulsory field-oriented courses.

Spatially Distributed Dissipative Systems

Semester: 2

ECTS points: 3

Hours: 108

The course aims to acquaint students with the conceptual framework of the science dealing with the formation of dissipative structures, its main methods, and scientific concepts; to provide students with full notion of the content of the most important results, essence of key concepts and their occurrence in biological systems.

The objectives of the course are to study the most important concepts, terms and definitions of the theory of Spatially Distributed Dissipative Systems, main thesis of the theory of dissipative structures; to characterise studied phenomena and processes, to develop skills of working with scientific and methodological literature, as well as selecting and systematising facts and events.

Models of Key Biological Systems

Semester: 1-2

ECTS points: 4

Hours: 144

The course aims to acquire knowledge and skills in theoretical and practical basis of analysis models of biological systems; to analyse critically the information of experiments; to study the methods of processing and analysis of experimental information; to help students develop cultural and professional competences.

The objectives of the course are to examine the current state of the studied field of knowledge; the prospects for development of the studied areas, to examine theoretical basics, laws and models in the field of mathematical biology; to study methods of processing and analysis of theoretical and experimental information.

Physical and Physicochemical Research Methods

Semester: 2

ECTS points: 4

Hours: 144

The course aims to study basics of the theory and practice of the substances’ analysis, main experimental regularities underlying physical research methods.

The objectives of the course are to study the basics of atomic absorption spectroscopy method; purpose and working principles of basic building blocks of spectrometers and chromatograph; to develop experimental skills and analysis technique of the composition of matters; to study working methods on modern analytical equipments.

Periodic Impact on Oscillatory Systems. Coupled Oscillators

Semester: 2

ECTS points: 2

Hours: 72

The course aims to acquire knowledge and skills in theoretical basis of oscillatory and wave processes; to study methods of theoretical studies and mathematical modeling; to study basic concepts, laws and models of the systems theory; to help students develop methods of processing and analysis of experimental information; to develop general cultural and professional competences.

The objectives of the course are to study current state of the studied branch of knowledge and the prospects of development of the studied areas; to master methods of processing and analysis of theoretical and experimental information, as well as methods of processing and analysis of theoretical and experimental information for modeling complex networks.


Semester: 3

ECTS points : 2

Hours: 72

The course aims to acquire knowledge and skills in theoretical basis of Neurodynamics; to study methods of theoretical research in Neurodynamics.

The objectives of the course are to put into practice the methods of mathematical modeling in the field of Neurodynamics; to understand, describe and critically analyse basic information; to master the integration of theoretical and empirical knowledge; to study methods of processing and analysis of theoretical and experimental information in the field of


Biophysics of Signaling Mechanisms

Semester: 2

ECTS points: 2

Hours: 72

The course aims to acquire basic knowledge of the principles of information transfer in the natural world, to study the generality of chemical mechanisms providing transmission of communication signals among the elements of a living system regardless of its level of organisation.

The objectives of the course are to study basic concepts and terms, main laws and problems of the studied discipline; to analyse cell signaling properties, functions, and methods of studying; to study the basics of the theory and practice of cell signaling.

Physiology of Cells

Semester: 2

ECTS points: 2

Hours: 72

The course aims to familiarise students with the features of cells’ functioning and their individual structures.

The objectives of the course are to get a full notion of basic laws, problems, achievements, facts, theories, hypotheses, methods according to the content of the course

‘Physiology of Cells’; to investigate the mechanisms of self-regulation of cellular and membrane processes.

Elective field-oriented courses.

Immunological Control

Semester: 3

ECTS points: 2

Hours: 72

The course aims to familiarise students with the basic laws of immune processes, as well as the experimental approaches to their studies.

The objectives of the course are to study cellular and molecular mechanisms of immune recognition; basic mechanisms of the development of immunopathological processes; to apply immunological laws to the biological studies; to study theoretical framework of the discipline, to develop skills in conducting immunobiological experiments.

Basics of Molecular Immunology

Semester: 3

ECTS points: 2

Hours: 72

The course aims to build up student’s profound knowledge in the Basics of Molecular

Immunology; to develop students' professional competences in the framework of the discipline.

The objectives of the course are to get acquainted with basic notions of molecular features of the structure of multicellular organisms and mechanisms of its functioning; to study the immune system, peculiarities of its structure and molecular mechanisms of its functioning.

Self-Regulation of Physiological Processes

Semester: 3

ECTS points: 3

Hours: 108

The course aims to develop student’s skills in systems thinking; to understand the principles of functional system’s organisation and to examine the mechanisms of self-regulation of various functional systems.

The objectives of the course are to build up profound knowledge of the most important concepts, terms and definitions of the theory of functional systems; to study the founders of the

theory and their contribution to the science, basic concepts of the functional systems’ theory, and basic mechanisms of self-regulation of physiological processes.

Normal Physiology and Pathophysiology

Semester: 3

ECTS points: 3

Hours: 108

The course aims to familiarise students with basic concepts of Normal Physiology and

Pathophysiology; to help students develop professional competences within the studied discipline.

The objectives of the course are to get acquainted with the basic functions of the whole organism, single cells and cell structures; to study pathologic processes; to familiarise students with general laws of violations and recovery of single physiological systems and organs’ activities, mechanisms of outbreak, spreading and contraction of diseases and pathological processes.
