The Official Hickory High School 2014-2015 Band Handbook Directors: David Enloe and Crystal Cox A. Hickory High School Band Classes Students enjoying music and playing their instrument are invited to enroll in Band Class at Hickory High School. They are placed in one of three performance ensembles: Concert Band, Symphonic Band, and Wind Ensemble. All band classes are offered as yearlong classes which meet every other day on an alternating A/B schedule. A Day B Day Bell 1 Concert Woodwinds Concert Brass/Perc Bell 2 Wind Ensemble Symphonic Band Bell 3 Planning Bell 4 Beg. Guitar Planning Beg. Guitar Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band Expectations. Honors students are required to audition for district band, however we encourage all students to audition. All Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band Students are required to attend the Assessment Band Camp in January All Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band Students are required to play in the graduation ceremony at the end of the academic year. All Percussionists need to own their own mallets. Chesapeake Public Schools along with HBPA have provided percussion instruments for students to use. o Percussion students in Concert B Day, Symphonic and Wind Ensemble will need to contact Lone Star Percussion at (214) 340-0835. Please mention you are purchasing the Hickory High School Percussion Pack. B. Daily Class Procedures 1. Students may store their instruments in the band room (at their own risk) in the morning and pick it up in the afternoon after school (the room will be locked by 4:00 pm). 2. Report to class on time. Hickory High School strictly enforces the tardy policy. Be ready to begin class 2 minutes after the tardy bell rings. 3. Always come to class with ALL necessary class materials (instrument, pencil, reeds, mutes, music, folder, stick bag with approved sticks, keyboard mallets, timpani mallets, triangle beaters, and pitch pipe). 4. Every student in the Hickory High School Band is expected to practice their instrument at home. Students are expected to work both in and out of class to improve their playing ability. This will ensure your preparedness for rehearsal time, performances, and playing tests. Typical practice should average 30 minutes per session, 3 nights a week. C. Other Classroom Policies 1. No gum, food, or drink in the band room. This includes all adjacent rooms to the band room. 2. All instruments are to be stored properly in the correct storage area. These areas are to be kept clean and free from clutter (ESPECIALLY PERCUSSION!!!). 3. During band class all personal items including book bags, coats, and other class materials are to be kept in either your band cubby or in the front of the room. 4. The instrument room is for the storing of instruments only. Do not keep personal items in the instrument room other than during class. Any personal items will be turned in to the main office's lost and found. 5. Unauthorized use of another student's instrument is strictly prohibited. Students found using another student's instrument without permission from both the student AND the band directors may face severe penalties including OSS, reimbursement of medical costs, and reimbursement of instrument cleaning and repair. D. School Issued Instruments 1. For those students playing oboe, bassoon, bass clarinet, tenor sax, baritone sax, horn, baritone, tuba, percussion, and specialized marching brass, the Hickory High School Band and Chesapeake Public Schools provide you an opportunity to "borrow" an instrument. 2. All students wishing to "borrow" an instrument MUST return a check out form filled out and signed before taking possession of an instrument. 3. The student is responsible for keeping the instrument in working order throughout the school year. Brass players are expected to keep tuning slides greased and movable, valves oiled and in "nonsticking" order, and instruments and cases in clean working condition inside and out. Woodwinds are expected to replace worn or damaged pads when needed, keep joints greased, prevent moisture build-up in instrument, and keep instrument and case in clean working order. 4. It is required that all instruments be taken to the shop for a check-up before the end of the school year. Chesapeake Public Schools are cracking down on the maintenance of these expensive instruments, so your help is necessary! E. Grading Policy The general breakdown for determining your nine weeks grade is as follows: 1. 30% Daily Participation 2. 30% Concert Participation -Winter Concert, Benefit Concert, Performance Assessment Concert, Spring Concert and Graduation Ceremony (Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band are required to attend the Graduation Ceremony) 3. 30% Playing/ Written Tests (i.e. Smartmusic, chair test or major etude test) 4. 10% Instrument, Music, Band Notebook, and/or other class materials. F. Concert Attire The following attire is required to meet the performance standards of the Hickory High School Band Program. Failure to meet these standards will result in the lowering of your nine weeks grade. Concert Band and Symphonic Band 1. Shirts- White long sleeved tuxedo shirt. (Purchased by student) 2. Pants- Black dress pants or black pressed skirt, calf length or longer. 3. Shoes- Black dress shoes with black socks. No sneakers, sandals or slippers. 4. Tie and Cummerbund- Black tie and cummerbund (Purchased through HBPA $30) Wind Ensemble Men – White long sleeved tuxedo shirt. (Purchased by student) Black Dress pants, black dress shoes, black socks. Ladies – We will be wearing a black concert dress gown. You may purchase a new gown, or purchase one that was used last year by the wind ensemble members. Alterations required will be at your own expense. G. Attendance Policy In order to maintain a high standard in any music program attendance to all rehearsals and performances are essential. The Hickory High School Band strictly adheres to the Chesapeake Public Schools guidelines for concert and rehearsal attendance. Attached to this packet is a letter from Shelly Porter, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum Instruction. This letter describes the requirements for performance attendance. Please also review the section of the CPS High School Band Guidelines concerning rehearsal attendance. The policies regarding attendance include all after-school rehearsals. H. Class Placement It is the directors’ philosophy to place each student in an environment in which their music development is maximized. Many factors are considered when placing a student including: year-long performance in band class, attendance, practice habits, and further development of musical skills (district auditions, private lessons, etc…). Because of the size of the band, not every student will be placed in the group of their choice. Just remember that there are many talented musicians in the band program, and you will be a part of a fantastic musical experience no matter what group you participate in. There will be occasions when bands must hold some after school sectionals to assist students who are having problems with certain parts in their music. (This is similar to if a student needed tutoring sessions in Chemistry!) Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band will hold an Assessment preparation camp (one Friday evening, and Saturday) in the Month of January. I. Make up tests and retakes Make ups It is the responsibility of the STUDENT to get information or materials missed while absent. Students who are absent for a test/concert MUST be responsible for the makeup assignment. The completion date will be three days after the student returns, per Chesapeake School Policy. Tests not made up will become a “0”. Students who do not have an excused absence will NOT be allowed to retake the test. Retakes Students can arrange in advance to come before school, afterschool, or after class to make up or retake a test. J. Band Letter Band letters will be awarded at the end of the year to those students who acquire the required point total by May 1st from the following areas: Marching Band (attendance to all required events) District Band audition score: Possible Making District Band: All-state Auditions: Possible Making All-State: Approved private lessons 8 months of school year Winter Percussion/Colorguard Solo, ensemble, or recital (approved) Approved participation in outside ensemble Summer Music Camps (approved) Jazz Band Section Leader Drum Major Leadership Team Craft Show Help SEVMG Help Concert Crew HBPA Fundraisers (Fruit, pizza, raffle, etc) HBPA Fundraiser -40 items or beyond for one fundraiser 160 100 50 100 100 100 50 50 30 50 30 30 50 20 10 10 10 10 40 Students must earn a total of 200 points to earn a letter. Students who commit serious offenses are subject to the forfeiting of your letter points. K. Class Materials a. Instrument i. All instruments must be in good playing condition. ii. Reed players must have more than one working reed. iii. All students must have materials necessary in maintaining their instrument. iv. Percussionists must have the following: concert snare sticks, yarn wrapped mallets, hard plastic mallets, mediumhard timpani mallets, triangle beater, and stick bag. b. Notebook i. Students are required to have all their band materials in a 3 ringed binder with clear plastic sheets. ii. This notebook should contain all concert music, all exercises, a scale sheet, a fingering chart for your instrument, and any other handouts or information the band directors deem necessary. iii. Fingering charts and trill charts iv. Scale Sheetsc. Pencil d. Smartmusici. Smartmusic is an education tool used to help develop musical skills needed to be successful in high school band. ii. Students are encouraged to utilize Smartmusic at home to help prepare for all tests and auditions. iii. Students will be permitted to complete assignments at home and submit via smartmusic. iv. For any questions about Smartmusic, visit v. Smartmusic requires a microphone and speakers to utilize all of it’s features. vi. Smartmusic also has a built in metronome and tuner for the students to use! L. HBPA & Fundraising The Hickory High School Band Parent Association is a volunteer organization that helps raise necessary funds and provide volunteer support to run our band program. EVERY STUDENT involved in the Hickory High School Band Program benefits from the funds generated by HBPA. A frequent misconception is that HBPA only helps marching band students. The chart below illustrates just how much HBPA spends on different aspects of the band program. Activity Concert Band Only Amount spent by HBPA per student $100 Marching Band $350 Equivalent HBPA fundraising 5 Fall Fundraiser & 5 boxes fruit or combined 10 items 15 Fall Fundraiser & 15 boxes fruit or combined 30 items Fundraising is done 3 times a year. Fall fundraiser and fall fruit sale, spring sale. It is our hope that everyone participates in these fundraisers to help maintain the quality of this band program. M. Charms Music Office Assistant How to access parent/student information in Log on to, and click the “ENTER” link at upper right. Locate the “PARENT/STUDENT/MEMBERS LOGIN” section of the web page. Login to your child’s program account using the following School Code: ________HickoryHSBand______________________ This will bring up the main parent page. This will allow you to look at the “public” calendar for your organization, event list, handouts and other files. Clicking on an event on the calendar brings up the details for that event, such as times, attendance requirements and equipment/uniform necessities. Clicking on “event list” puts all of the calendar information in a list form for easy printing. When you enter your child’s ID NUMBER (Student School ID #) as a Student Area Password, another more detailed screen appears with even more options to view your student’s uniform assignments, music assignments, financial records, forms and inventory. Once you have first entered this ID number, you may create your own, unique password by clicking on the “keyhole” (Change Password) button. Two areas in which you can help the director maintain his/her records: o Update Personal Information – if the director has allowed it, you may help make changes to your child’s student information page (such as updating phone numbers and email addresses if they change) to help the teacher communicate with you more effectively. Click the Personal Info button. o (COMING SOON) If your program has setup online payments, you can make credit card payments for fees, trips and deposits to your student’s account. If credit card payment is activated, you will see blue buttons in the four main areas of the financial statement indicating your ability to make online payments. You will also see links to enter Practice Logs, view Grades, and use the Recording Studio if the teacher has enabled these options. Most importantly, the parent page assists both you and the teacher to communicate with each other. Stay up to date on what’s going on with your student!!! N. Private Lessons Private lessons are not required; however the opportunity gives students a chance to work with a professional specifically on their instrument. Students who participate in private lessons can earn up to 100 points towards their letter in band 2014-2015 HHS Band Calendar of Events SEPTEMBER Sept 12 Home Football Game Sept 13 MB Fall Camp Sept 26 Home Football Game Sept 27 Southeastern Virginia Music Games OCTOBER Oct 4 MB Competition at Grassfield HS Oct 13 Senior Regional Orchestra- Wind Auditions, Oscar Smith HS Oct 17 Home Football Game vs. Lakeland (Homecoming) Oct 18 MB Competition at Indian River HS, Possibly at Sportsplex (TBD) Oct 25 MB Competition at Univ of Delaware, BOA Oct 31 Home Football Game vs. King’s Fork NOVEMBER Nov 1 MB Cary Band Day, Raleigh, NC Nov 7 Home Football Game vs. Oscar Smith HS (Senior Night) Nov 15 HHS Band Craft Show Nov 14 &15 Sr. Regional Orchestra Event, Grassfield HS, Chesapeake, VA DECEMBER Dec 6 Chesapeake City Christmas Parade Dec 9 & 10 Winter Concert (Wind Ensemble, Symphonic, Concert. TBA) Dec 11 Art) Fine Arts Festival (Wind Ensemble, Chorus, Orchestra, Drama, Dec 13 All District Band Auditions, Hugo Owens MS JANUARY Jan 9-10 Band Camp for Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band Jan 9-10 Winter Guard Camp FEBRUARY Feb 6-7 District Band at Indian River HS Feb 28 All Virginia Band and Orchestra Auditions, JMU MARCH March 12-14 Band Assessment at Great Bridge HS. APRIL April 9-11 All Virginia Band and Orchestra @ CNU MAY May 1-2 Musical May 13 & 14 Spring Concerts (Groups to be announced) JUNE June 2 Band Banquet June 12 Graduation @ 7:00 PM FORM 1 PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM AND INFORMATION HANDOUT TO THE BAND DIRECTORS As a student and a member of this band, I have read this handbook and understand the membership requirements, particularly in regard to study, practice, rehearsals, and concert attendance. As a member of this band, I will assume the obligations and responsibilities and do my utmost to accomplish the objectives and follow the principles, rules, and regulations. ______________________________ LEGIBLY print students name _______________________________ Student’s signature __________ Date As parents/guardians of this child, we understand the rules and regulations that our child is expected to follow. ________________________________ Legibly print parent/guardian’s name _________________________________ Parent/Guardian’s signature __________ Date Students and Parents should BOTH mark their calendars to avoid conflicts that could affect the student’s grade!!! FORM 2 Hickory High School Band Information Form Instrument Information (If you are using a school owned instrument you do not have to complete this portion) Type___________________________________________________________________ Brand Name_____________________________________________________________ Serial Number___________________________________________________________ To be completed by all students. Mouthpiece Size________________________ Do you take Private Lessons? Reed Type & Strength___________ ___________Yes ____________No IF Yes, Private Teacher’s Name_____________________________________________ Contact Number__________________________________________________________ FORM 3 I am signing stating that I have logged on to Charm and completed the student and parent contact information. All information is up date and emails address have been checked for accuracy. Information for logging on to Charms is found in the HHS Bands Handbook as well as on our webpage. under PARENTS, then Charms Student_______________________________________________________ Parent________________________________________________________ FORM 4 Smartmusic I understand that Smartmusic will be utilized at HHS this school year to complete assignments. (THIS INCLUDES PERCUSSIONISTS). I understand that I can utilize smartmusic at home as well as at school, however, at school computer time will be limited so all students may complete assignments. I also understand that I will need to update my smartmusic subscription by September 15th by visiting Student___________________________ Parent____________________________ Once you have Smartmusic downloaded in your computer or tablet, please use the following links to enroll for your class and to receive assignments. Symphonic Band Smartmusic Enrollment Wind Ensemble Smartmusic Enrollment Concert A Day (Woodwinds) Smartmusic Enrollment Concert B Day (Brass and Perc.) Smartmusic Enrollment Marching Band Smartmusic Enrollment Jazz Ensemble Smartmusic Enrollment FORM 5 (PERCUSSIONIST ONLY) All Percussionists need to own their own mallets. Chesapeake Public Schools along with HBPA have provided percussion instruments for students to use. All Percussionists need to own their own mallets. Chesapeake Public Schools along with HBPA have provided percussion instruments for students to use. o Percussion students in Concert B Day, Symphonic and Wind Ensemble will need to contact Lone Star Percussion at (214) 340-0835. Please mention you are purchasing the Hickory High School Percussion Pack. All equipment needs to be purchased and brought to band class by September 15, 2014 I understand my child is a percussionist and must purchase their own mallet equipment by September 15, 2014 Student___________________________ Parent____________________________ CHECK OFF LIST Please make sure you have the following: _____Instrument _____Notebook with Sheet protectors _____Pencil (NOT PEN) _____SCALE SHEET _____FINGERING CHART _____TRILL CHART _____PERCUSSION MALLETS _____ Handbook Form (FORM 1 in handbook) _____Information Form (FORM 2 in handbook) _____ Updated Charms (FORM 3 in handbook) ______Smartmusic (Form 4 in handbook) ______ Percussion Mallets (Form 5 in handbook)