FACS Teaching as a Profession SLO

Name of Teacher:
HCPSS Student Learning Objective
Family and Consumer Sciences - Teaching as a Profession
Student Learning
Objective (SLO)
100% of students will demonstrate growth toward mastery in their
understanding of the INTASC standards as measured by a range of
performance tasks documented through the selected artifacts and associated
reflections that comprise each student’s portfolio.
One class of students enrolled in Teaching as a Profession (TAP)
Learning Content
HCPSS Teaching as a Profession Essential Curriculum
Instructional Interval
School year 2013-14
Evidence of Growth
1. First quarter students will complete a baseline portfolio artifact
2. Mid-year evaluation of portfolio reflections.
3. End-of-year evaluation of Teacher Academy portfolio comprised of
artifacts and reflections that demonstrate evidence of each student’s
understanding of the INTASC standards.
All students will complete a baseline-product task that is assessed using
rubric (attached). All students will complete a portfolio that will be
assessed using the same rubric (attached).
Based on a class size of ____ students, following are the results from the
baseline assessment:
 ___ students earned a score of 0-1 on the baseline.
 ___ students earned a score of 2 on the baseline.
 ___ students earned a score of 3 on the baseline.
 ___ students earned a score of 4 or above on the baseline.
(Attach class roster to share students’ scores on Beginning-of-the-Year
Assignment/Performance Task/Assessment.)
Rationale for Student
Learning Objective
Through selecting and reflecting on portfolio artifacts students will be
introduced to the importance and process of self-reflection in the teaching
profession. Through the portfolio students will synthesize their knowledge
about the teaching profession with their own personal goals.
This SLO is a sample. Targets need to be adjusted based on your students’ data. Student growth should be
achieved for all students.
Based on a class size of ___ students, the following are targets on the
 Students who earned a score of 0-1 on the baseline will earn a score
of at least 3 on the final portfolio evaluation.
 Students who earned a score of 2 – 3 on the baseline will earn a
score of at least 4 on the final portfolio evaluation
 Students who earned a score of 4 or above on the baseline will earn
a score of 4 or above on the final portfolio evaluation.
*Please note: Students identified by IEP teams as having significant
cognitive disabilities will have individual targets.
Criteria for Effectiveness
Full Attainment of
More than 90% of
students meet agreed
upon learning
Partial Attainment of
Between 75% and
90% of students meet
agreed upon learning
Insufficient Attainment of
Less than 75% of students
meet agreed upon learning
Teachers will model self-reflection (think-aloud) following instruction.
Teachers will invite PDS interns to share their portfolios with the class.
Teachers will have students peer edit reflections.
Teachers will have students share portfolio artifacts and reflections
orally in pairs, small groups, and with the whole class.
Have students collect work samples throughout the school year for a
portfolio that will demonstrate their mastery of key ideas and concepts
in Teaching as a Profession.
This SLO is a sample. Targets need to be adjusted based on your students’ data. Student growth should be
achieved for all students.
INTASC Portfolio Scoring Tool
Criteria for Artifacts
All given criteria must be in evidence to earn rating.
Distinguished/Exceptional: Evidence demonstrates exceptional knowledge and
 Selected artifact provides an outstanding illustration of INTASC principle
 Reflections are complete, clearly justify selection of artifact and its connection
to the INTASC principle, and provide exceptional evidence of self reflection
 Artifacts and reflections are professionally presented: clean copy,
grammatically correct, spell-checked, and organized
Proficient: Evidence demonstrates comprehensive knowledge and application
 Selected artifact provides a strong illustration of INTASC principle
 Reflections are complete, justify selection of artifact and its connection to the
INTASC principle, and provide evidence of self reflection
 Artifacts and reflections are professionally presented: clean copy,
grammatically correct, spell-checked, and organized
Satisfactory: Evidence demonstrates substantial knowledge and application
 Selected artifact provides an acceptable illustration of INTASC principle
 Reflections justify selection of artifact
 Artifacts and reflections meet most standards for professional presentations
Basic/Need Improvement: Evidence demonstrates some knowledge and
 Selected artifact provides limited evidence of INTASC principle
 Reflections are missing components and do not clearly justify selection of
 Artifacts and reflections are not always professionally presented
Unsatisfactory: Evidence demonstrates little or no knowledge and application
 Selected artifact does not represent INTASC principle
 Required artifacts/reflections are not provided and/or are incomplete
 Artifacts and reflections are not professionally presented