CT6016 Digital Web Marketing - School of Computing and Technology

Digital Web Marketing
Dr Nina Reeves
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CT6016 Digital Web Marketing
Module Guide 2012/13
Teaching team
Learning outcomes
Time commitment
PDP statement
Feedback from Tutors
Lecture Plan (Module Schedule)
Assessment specification
Appendix – Contribution to teamwork (exemplar)
Nina Reeves, Module Tutor
CT6016 Digital Web Marketing
Module Guide 2012/13
Teaching Team
Nina Reeves
Paul O’Brien
Learning outcomes
A student passing this module should be able to:
1. discuss the principles and methods for designing and building multimedia web products
for marketing,
2. demonstrate the ability to produce high quality multimedia promotional materials for a
designated market,
3. critically assess the role and value of computer-based multimedia web approaches to
marketing communications strategy,
4. discuss methods for assessing the costs and benefits of electronic approaches to
5. critically evaluate the role of multimedia systems in gathering market research data,
Module web site: http://moodle.glos.ac.uk which will contain tutorial information, lecture
notes and indicative background reading.
Indicative Reading
Chaffey D. (2007a) Total e-mail marketing: maximising your results from integrated e-marketing.
2nd ed. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Chaffey D. (2007b) E-Business and E-Commerce Management. 3rd ed.Harlow: Prentice-Hall.
Jobber D (2010) Principles and Practices of Marketing. 6th ed. Maidenhead, McGrawHill.
Mariotti J. (1999) Smart things to know about brands and branding. Oxford, Capstone.
Parkin G. (2009) Digital Marketing: strategies for online success. London: New Holland
Publishers (UK).
Perreault W.D, McCarthy E.J, Parkinson S. and Stewart K. (2002) Basic Marketing. European
edition. 14th ed. Maidenhead, McGraw-Hill.
Ryan D and Jones C. (2011) The best digital marketing campaigns in the world: mastering the
art of customer engagement. London: Kogan-Page.
Time commitment required
1 hour lecture, 1 hour lab session, 8 hours self-study per week
Link with CT6008 & PDP
This module links closely with CT6008 Advanced Group Project and should provide additional
skills to help you consider how to market your product. Experience in the past has shown that
this module brings together the technical and theoretical aspects of marketing in an atmosphere
of collaboration and discussion.
Feedback from tutors
All students are entitled to both formative and summative feedback during the module.
Formative feedback is designed to enable you to improve your work/performance and takes
many forms. Students will have several opportunities to receive feedback on their progress, e.g.
during lab sessions, tutorials or seminars; as part of general feedback in lectures; and where
appropriate, one to one sessions with their Academic Review Tutors. Summative feedback is
received when your submitted coursework has been marked. As a minimum this will comprise
constructive comments from the tutor and a grade.
Nina Reeves, Module Tutor
CT6016 Digital Web Marketing
Module Guide 2012/13
Lecture Plan
Wk No.
Practical work
Week 1
Introduction to the module – marketing
concepts, Assessment details.
COMX Competitive Survey
Week 2
Promotional mix - advertising - direct
marketing – publicity
Customers first! Vox pop
Positioning - Market research - Marketing
Information systems
Portfolio: COMX Brand values/
Logo & poster
Week 4
Implementing Brand values
Portfolio: Developing the brand/
TV advert (campus screens);
plan promo video
Week 5
Legal and ethical environment
Portfolio: Produce Campaign
Week 3
Promo video shoot
Week 6
Week 7
CRM - CMR email design for viral
Portfolio: Create an effective
email campaign
Week 8
Social networking marketing strategies
Portfolio: Capitalising on social
Week 9
Case study – Google – Adwords,
Portfolio: Implementing the plan
and gathering evidence
Week 10
Sponsorship considerations
Assignment Workshop
Week 11
Presentation of Promotional
Module Evaluation
Week 12
Nina Reeves, Module Tutor
Deadline Wed 12 Dec 2012
CT6016 Digital Web Marketing
Module Guide 2012/13
Assessment specification
1. Module code and title
CT6016 Digital Web Marketing
2. Module tutor
Nina Reeves
3. Tutor with responsibility
for this Assessment
Nina Reeves
This is your first point of contact.
4. Assignment
001: 100% Coursework: Standard (2000 words or equivalent)
You will be penalised according to the Academic
Regulations for Taught Provision if you exceed the size
5. Submission deadline
Your attention is drawn to the
penalties for late submission;
see Undergraduate Modular
Friday 7th December, 2012 Presentation for formative
Wednesday 12th December, 2012 Final submission
Your attention is drawn to the penalties for late submission;
see Academic Regulations for Taught Provision.
6. Arrangements for
Park Assignment Room
7. Date and location for return
of work
18th January 2013 Park Assignment Room
8. Students with Disabilities
Alternative assessment arrangements may be made, where
appropriate, for students with disabilities. However, these
will only be implemented upon the advice of the Disability
Advisor. Students wishing to be considered for alternative
assessment arrangements must give notification of the
disability (with evidence) to the Disability Advisor by the
published deadlines.
9. University Regulations for
All assessments are subject to the Academic Regulations
for Taught Provision. These include regulations relating to
Errors of Attribution and Assessment Offences. In exercising
their judgement, Examiners may penalise any work where the
standard of English, numeracy or presentation adversely
affects the quality of the work, or where the work submitted
exceeds the published size or time limits, or where the work
fails to follow normal academic conventions for
acknowledging sources.
See *endnote in Section 12
Nina Reeves, Module Tutor
CT6016 Digital Web Marketing
Module Guide 2012/13
10. The requirements for the assessment
Marketing Plan Portfolio (Assesses Learning Outcomes (b) – (g) incl.)
The aim of the assignment is to work in a small team (you may form your own teams of at least 4
students, but if there are students without teams these individuals may be assigned to a team by
the Module Tutor) to create a Promotional campaign for the following scenario:
COMX13 – the annual exhibition of the work of students within the Department of Computing at
the University. The participants comprise inter alia:
CT6008 Advanced Group projects
CT5008 3D Animation for Games
CT4008 Digital Media Design and Development (Flash) paired projects
The Exhibition is intended to provide a showcase for the technical, aesthetic and project
management skills of Multimedia Web Design, Interactive Games Design and Computing
students at the University. These courses are well established and student teams have been
producing professional solutions to business problems since 1998. The previous client list
includes Starchaser Industries, Ribena Toothcare, Cheltenham Motorsports, Cancer Research
UK, the Construction department at GlosCAT and Avon International Group. They have also
explored the business possibilities of new technology such as Mash-ups and Augmented Reality
or created engaging 3D games for entertainment.
The website address is http://comx.glos.ac.uk
Your team’s task is to produce an effective promotional marketing strategy for this year’s COMX
to ensure that there is an audience of prospective employers, friends, prospective students,
relatives and other interested parties. As part of this you will need to develop multimedia, web
and paper-based promotional materials which should demonstrate unity of design theme and be
able to incorporate the logos of sponsoring organisations. The materials must be suitably
designed for cost effective reproduction in a variety of formats, for example on leaflets,
postcards, websites (PC, PDA, Phone and iTV) and CDRom.
ALL media must be copyright free!
Sponsorship of prizes eg: Best Stand, Technical innovation, Product Trailer etc is encouraged
and in the past has included the Institution of Engineering Technology (IET), Gloucestershire
Media, BigDug and ContentMaster. You are encouraged to gain further sponsorship but
please contact the module tutor first with ideas to minimise duplication and annoyance
for the firms approached.
Your team should submit the following:
A. A Portfolio of designs on CD which must include as a minimum:
1. A poster design suitable for A3 (submit as PSD file as in 1). Only use 7  2 words for
the strap line which is up to you to choose. Ensure adequate
Date/Time/Place/Website/QR code info is present.
Nina Reeves, Module Tutor
CT6016 Digital Web Marketing
Module Guide 2012/13
2. A website(s) for COMX suitable for PC and mobile. You should consider carefully what
information potential visitors will need or desire. Different visitors will arrive with different
requirements. You may like to conduct a ‘quick and dirty’ usability study on the COMX12
site to get some evidence to support your design decisions.
3. A video advert(s) suitable for web delivery (eg via Youtube) incorporating evocative
graphics, animations, live action and useful information such as the COMX13 Exhibition
title, Date/Time/Place/Website. Audio may be incorporated but will not be used on the
University info screens. Do remember that it must be copyright free (submit as wmv and
The designs should have a unity across all the items and be presented in a suitable electronic
form (showcase) which could be presented to a prospective client/employer. Look at the
Showcase from previous years on the module website.
B. A Promotional Marketing Plan
This should explain how the designs will be used to promote participation of visitors to the
Exhibition. This might cover physical marketing, portal website, email marketing, web marketing,
viral marketing, use of commercial services such as Adwords and Adsense, Search Engine
Optimisation, celebrity marketing etc
It should also include a detailed schedule of promotional activities with timescales, outcomes
and evidence (eg: emails, sponsorship). It should also include an explanation as to how you
would evaluate the effectiveness of the methods chosen. You should support your ideas with
reference to suitable academic and commercial sources (see *endnote Section 12).
You should provide a spreadsheet on CD giving details of visitors (prospective employers,
alumni, family, friends etc) whom you will invite (use TeamX.xls (where X is your team number)
as the format - available on module website).
The physical format of the submission should be 1.5 line spacing with reasonable margins for
feedback comments and a readable font of point size 12. Use a Footer for page numbers.
11. Assessment criteria
Assessment of written material will be on the basis of the Assessment Criteria for the Computing
Courses (formerly known as the ICT Fields) with special reference to the Criteria Grid overleaf
for practical elements. All academic references should conform to the Harvard standard.
NB: Each member of the team must complete a Contribution to Teamwork questionnaire (see
Appendix) where you are required to analyse your own and others’ contributions to the team
products. The responses will be used in addition to attendance data and the professional
judgement of the Tutors in the case of differential marks being awarded. It is in your interests to
be ‘visible’ and contribute to discussions and exercises during the module so as to provide
evidence for this process.
Nina Reeves, Module Tutor
CT6016 Digital Web Marketing
Module Guide 2012/13
Criteria grid for practical elements:
To achieve <30
To achieve <40
To achieve 40+
To achieve 50+
To achieve 60+
To achieve 70+
Some requirements met, but very limited and not
recoverable. Copyright violation. No contribution to
Deliverables partially complete, e.g. incomplete product
with poor quality images eg: bitmaps. No presentation.
No visitor suggestions, no contribution to teamwork.
All promo designs attempted. Basic understanding of
the Promotional Campaign concept. Some attempt at a
schedule. Few visitor suggestions. Some contribution to
teamwork but variable in quantity and quality.
As 40+ with a range of content and multiple media to
create mood or give information. Practical schedule
showing understanding of audience for and pace of
campaign. Some commercial visitor suggestions eg:
prospective employers. Reasonable contribution to
teamwork. Reasonable attempt at packaging the
As 50+ with original ideas for designs and evidence of
design process from storyboard to product. Good
quality design suited to static PC delivery. Some valid
suggestions for commercial sponsorship. Good
contribution to teamwork including execution of
practical elements. Good, integrated packaging of the
Excellent, aesthetically pleasing, appropriate designs in
a unified design portfolio, packaged to a professional
standard and a complete, detailed schedule. Significant
numbers of visitor suggestions and/or significant
sponsorship negotiated. Excellent contribution to
teamwork including innovative ideas and/or execution
of practical elements.
12. Special instructions
The portfolio must be well organised on the CD and all files should have meaningful names.
Make sure that you name the CD with a felt-tip pen. This work should be a major part of your
portfolio of work to show prospective employers.
Your written work must be word processed and submitted on paper with the CD in a clear plastic
wallet together with a Module Assignment submission form for each team member to the Park
Campus Assignment Room.
* endnote
Careful referencing of sources is vital when making use of the work of others. You are expected
to employ the referencing conventions recommended in the Course. These conventions apply
to information taken from internet sources, as well as books, journals and lectures. If you are
unsure of the way to reference properly, seek advice from a member of staff before you submit
the assessment. These are some of the points you should check before submitting your work:
Nina Reeves, Module Tutor
CT6016 Digital Web Marketing
Module Guide 2012/13
are all direct quotations, from both primary and secondary sources, suitably
acknowledged and placed in quotation marks and indented?
 have you provided full details of the source of the quotation, according to the referencing
convention used in the Course?
 have you acknowledged the source of ideas not your own, even if you are not quoting
directly from the source?
 have you avoided close paraphrase from sources? (Check that you are not presenting
other people’s words or phrasing as if they are your own.)
if you have worked closely with others in preparing for this assessment, is the material you are
presenting sufficiently your own?
Nina Reeves, Module Tutor
CT6016 Digital Web Marketing
Module Guide 2012/13
Appendix – Contribution to Teamwork (exemplar)
Nina Reeves, Module Tutor
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