Basics of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) Organised by Civil Service College, Dhaka Nazrul Islam Executive Director and CEO Infrastructure Investment Facilitation Center 11 February 2012 1 THE OVERVIEW PART A: PPP Concepts • Introduction • Type of PPP’s • PPP History in Bangladesh PART B: Commercial Aspects & PPP Models PART C: Transactions 2 PART A: PPP Concepts 3 What is Public-Private Partnership (PPP) PPP can be defined as a “long term business partnership between the public and private sector through a contract or license, for providing infrastructure services” Examples: Power stations (IPPs), toll roads and elevated expressways, container terminals Infrastructure and Non-Infrastructure Compared TYPE NonInfrastructure Public Sector Private Sector PPP by shares Non-Infrastructure (competitive) Investors free to take up project anytime No Bidding necessary Infrastructure (Govt. monopoly) Investors not free to take up project Infrastruc- Majority Projects Solicited ture Bidding necessary Government gives right to do business x by contract 5 By default, all infrastructure belongs to the Public Sector PPP as a Contractual Framework Medium to long term relationship between the public and private Sector Enable Government to work with private sectors to provide infrastructure Involves sharing and transferring of risks and rewards between public and private Sector Attempts to utilise multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary expertise to structure, finance and deliver desired policy outcomes Clear governance structures established to manage the partnerships More critically… Achieving improved value by • utilising the private sector’s innovative capabilities and skills to deliver economy, efficiency and effectiveness Leveraging private sector capital • to obtain efficiency gains in service delivery and asset creation Life-cycle responsibility, value for money, output specification, risk transfer fundamentals Types of PPP Contracts Service Contracts Management Contracts Lease Arrangements Concessions • • • • • • • • BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) BOO (Build-Own-Operate) BOOT (Build-Own-Operate-Transfer)) BT (Build-Transfer) BTO (Build-Transfer-Operate) ROT (Refurbish-Operate-Transfer) ROM (Refurbish-Operate-Maintain) SOT (Supply-Operate-Transfer) 8 Forms of PPP 100 % non-public ownership Enabler/ Regulator Divestitures BOO Concessions BOT Government’s Role Leases Management contracts 100 % Public ownership Service contracts Provider Duration (yrs) Increasing level of delegation, risk & irreversibility 5 10 15 20 9 25 30 PPP Development Phases in Bangladesh First Generation PPPs: Started with Independent Power Producers (IPPs) after Government approved the 1996 Private Sector Power Generation Policy of Bangladesh Second Generation PPPs: PPP in multiple sectors carried out after the Government approved the Bangladesh Private Sector Infrastructure Guidelines (PSIG) in 2004 Third Generation PPPs: The Government approved the PPP Budget in 2009. The third generation PPP policy & starategy with guidelines have recently been approved by Government in Aug. 2010 10 PART B: Commercial Aspects and PPP Models 11 PPP Models PPP projects can be broadly categorized as follows Model A: Users Pay Fully Model B: Viability Gap Funding (VGF) Model C: Direct Payments Model A: Users Pay Fully Project Viability: The project needs to be viable Demand Risk: Investor bears the risk Tariff: Tariff is fixed by the contract Bidding Parameter: Highest fixed or variable royalty Implications to Budget: No need for allocating budget Model B: Viability Gap Funding Project Viability: The project need not be fully viable Demand Risk: Investor bears the risk Tariff: Tariff is fixed by the contract Bidding Parameter: Lowest VGF payment Implications to Budget: Budget needs to be allocated Model C: Direct Payments Project Viability: Not relevant Demand Risk: Not assumed by the investor Tariff: Bidding parameter determines the tariff Bidding Parameter: Lowest annuity or levelized cost Implications to Budget: Budget needs to be allocated Overview of Contractual Framework Lenders/ Institutional Investors Equity Investors Debt Service (Principal + Interest) Borrower / Concessionaire Concession Agreement Executing Agency Annuity Payments Performance Guarantee Government of Bangladesh Toll Payments Project Construction, Operations and Maintenance Revenues/Cash Flows Revenue Toll Rate/ Fare Collection 16 PART C: PPP Transactions 17 Procurement of PPP Investors Procurement Types • Solicited Projects • Unsolicited Projects Both need engagement of Transaction Advisers Conduct commercial feasibility study to satisfy the requirements of the executing agency, approving authorities, private sponsors and potential lenders Prepare the contract documents (PPA, CA etc) Prepare necessary bidding documents and assist in bid evaluations Assist the implementing agency in contract negotiations and contract finalisation. 18 PPP Contractual Framework Power Authority Fuel Supplier Fuel Supply Agreement Constructio n Contractor Power Purchase Agreement Government Implementation Agreement EPC Contract Loan Agreement O&M Agreement O&M Operator Insurance Companies Insurance Agreement Shareholders Agreement Shareholders 19 Sub-ord Loan Agreement Senior Lenders Sub-Debt Role of the Transaction Advisor Conducting Pre-Feasibility/Feasibility Study Focusing on Commercial Aspects Developing Framework for Bid Process and Bid Criterion Preparing of Bid Document Managing the Bidding Process Assisting in Executing the PPP Concession Agreement with Investor 20