File - Year 10 English

Essay Writing
Tips for successful essay writing: PLANNING
1. Read the topic and underline key words.
Eg. The three weird sisters orchestrated Macbeth’s demise. Discuss.
2. Define all the key words.
It is important that you look up all key words in the dictionary. Use the dictionary as
a thesaurus.
orchestrated = to put together cohesively
demise = death or decease
Looking up the key words is useful because it helps make thinking directed and it
also allows the writer to find some interchangeable words.
3. Now you have the topic and have underlined the key topics it is time to
There are a number of strategies you need to have to brainstorm:
 Questioning:
Thinking laterally is assisted by asking questions. Knowledge is not expanded by
thinking that you have the answer; rather it is expanded by asking the question.
Why is it so?
Use questioning starters and the key words to write as many questions as you
WHO – Who else contributed to Macbeth’s downfall?
WHAT – What were the events that lead to Macbeth’s demise?
WHEN – When was the point of no return reached?
WHERE – Where did Macbeth’s downfall begin?
WHY – Why did the weird sisters target Macbeth?
HOW – How did the weird sisters go about leading Macbeth to his demise?
Some of these questions are stronger than others but it is encouraging the writer
to think laterally.
Mind map:
The witches
The witches
did not cause
Essay Writing
 Think in opposites:
Think of the opposite argument. A common factor the writer needs to consider
is the opposite side of the argument.
4. It is time to plan for the structure using the TEEL model
Topic Sentence
Example (quote/ other evidence)
Your task is to complete an essay, responding to one of the following topics:
1. ‘Macbeth is solely to blame for his demise.’ Do you agree?
2. In Macbeth there are many factors that contribute to Macbeth’s downfall.
3. ‘Macbeth has no control over the events that lead to his downfall.’ Discuss.
You should write at least an introduction, three body paragraphs and a conclusion,
carefully adhering to the TEEL Model.
Essay Writing
Introduction: In William Shakespeare’s classic play, Macbeth, it is clear that the
three weird sisters orchestrated Macbeth’s demise. From the moment
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Topic Sentence
- Introduces the topic of the
paragraph and links it back
to how it supports their
From the moment
the weird sisters are
introduced, it is clear
that they are setting
their attentions upon
The witches
prophesise for both
Macbeth and
Banquo, yet do not
target Banquo with
the same sense of
“There to meet with
Macbeth” (I, I, 8).
“Hail to thee, Thane
of Glamis, hail to
thee, Thane of
Cawdor, hail to thee
who shalt be kind
The weird sisters, or
witches, seem to
have a particular
desire to toy with
Macbeth. The
audience comes
across the witches
during a storm at the
end of a long battle,
where they could
have access to any
number of soldiers or
noblemen, they are
focusing their
attentions on
Both Macbeth and
Banquo are greeted
by the weird sisters
with three
prophecies about
their futures. For
Macbeth, they greet
him as Thane of
Glamis, which is the
title he inherited
from his father, then
they go on to greet
him as Thane of
Cawdor and as “king
hereafter”. Banquo,
however, is told that
he will be “lesser
than Macbeth and
greater, not so happy
yet much happier”
and that he will
father kings though
he will not be one
himself. There is a
clear difference in the
type of predictions
provided by the
witches – Macbeth’s
Once Macbeth has
become king, the
witches continue to
provoke him,
providing him with
visions intended to
make him feel
invincible, yet also
intended to lead him
to his death.
“by the strength of
their illusion
Shall draw him on to
his confusion:
He shall spurn fate,
scorn death, and bear
He hopes 'bove
wisdom, grace and
Through their initial
prophecy, Macbeth
came to place undue
faith in the witches,
believing them to
possess information
beyond worldly
vision. He places
such trust in them
that he cannot see
the double meaning
in their predictions
and blindly moves
forward to meet his
death, convinced of
his immortality. He is
incapable of sensing
risk or perceiving
- Quotes, statistics, or
anything else that gives
credibility to the argument
- Explains how the quotes
and/or evidence links back
to both the topic and the
Essay Writing
predictions are
current whereas
Banquo’s are
somewhere in a
distant future. This
sense of immediacy
in Macbeth’s
predictions is a key
reason for his
decision to murder
Duncan, validated by
being named Thane
of Cawdor.
Linking sentence
- Links the idea of this
paragraph to the next. (not
needed before the
The witches meet
with both Macbeth
and Banquo in eerie
conditions, greeting
them with predictive
Essay Writing
Topic Sentence
- Introduces the topic of the
paragraph and links it back
to how it supports their
- Quotes, statistics, or
anything else that gives
credibility to the argument
- Explains how the quotes
and/or evidence links back
to both the topic and the
Linking sentence
- Links the idea of this
paragraph to the next. (not
needed before the
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Essay Writing
Your task is to complete an essay, responding to one of the following topics:
1. ‘Macbeth is solely to blame for his demise.’ Do you agree?
2. In Macbeth there are many factors which contribute to Macbeth’s downfall.
3. ‘Macbeth has no control over the events that lead to his downfall.’ Discuss.
4. What is the tragedy of Macbeth?
You should write at least an introduction, three body paragraphs and a conclusion,
carefully adhering to the TEEL Model.
Due Date: ________________________________