Using National Student Clearinghouse Data: Pleasures and Problems Emily Thomas, convener Stony Brook University Dale Miller Schenectady County Community College Dick Romano Broome Community College Tom Wright Columbia-Green Community College AIRPO Summer Meeting June 2010 Questions to Answer 1. Where do admitted students enroll? 2. Where do transfers go? 3. Do leavers graduate elsewhere? 4. How many undergraduates complete a graduate degree? Where the heck are they? Non-enrolling Accepts 100 99 XYZ College Fall 2007: Scatterplot of Median SAT and Median HS GPA of Admits Not Enrolled by College of Attendance (source: Peoplesoft and Clearinghouse) 98 97 College #20(10) 96 College #7(22) 95 College #5(36) College #21(10) Median HS Avg 94 93 92 College #9(20) College #11(16) College #17(13) College #8(22) College #16(14) College #14(14) College #15(14) College #18(10) College #6(31) 91 College #19(10) College #1(108) College #4(37) College #12(15) 90 College #3(40) College #13(15) College #2(41) 89 College #10(20) 88 87 Note: Schools w/ N>=10; N= in parenthesis Names of the Schools have been Coded 86 85 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 Median SAT 1400 1450 1500 1550 1600 Fall 2008 Scatterplot of Avg. SAT of Students Lost and SAT of Institution (source: IPEDS and Peoplesoft) 1350 1340 1330 1320 1310 1300 1290 1280 1270 1260 1250 1240 1230 1220 1210 Midpoint 25th-75th* 1200 1190 1180 1170 1160 1150 1140 1130 1120 1110 1100 1090 1080 1070 1060 1050 School #5 School #12 School #21 School #18 School #24 School #9 School #1 School #7 School #10 School #23 School #13 School #6 School #15 School #16 School #22 School #8 School #4 School #14 School #20 School #3 School #25 School #2 Avg. SAT of Students Stony Brook Lost Note: names of Colleges * estimate of Avg. SAT Tracking Community College Transfers Using National Clearinghouse Data Richard M. Romano- Broome Martin Wisniewski- Cayuga AIR Professional File #94, 2005 Transfer Rates of New Students (first-time & transfer) for Selected Cohorts Fall 1997, BCC and CCC, as of Spring 2001 Broome Community College New Students…. Cayuga Community College Cohort Transfers Percent Cohort Transfers Percent All students 1616 572 35.4% 1042 530 50.9% Males 789 280 35.5% 498 263 52.8% Females 827 293 35.4% 544 267 49.1% *Whites 770 290 37.7% 976 497 50.9% *Blacks 42 13 31.0% 38 20 52.6% *Hispanics 13 4 30.8% 13 7 53.8% Graduates 431 210 48.7% 226 139 61.5% Non-Graduates 1185 362 30.6% 816 391 47.9% 12+ Credits 1442 523 36.3% 558 293 52.5% Less than 12 Credits 174 49 28.2% 484 237 49.0% Selected BCC & CCC Transfer RatesFirst-time Cohort Entering Fall 1997 Status as of Fall 2001 BCC Transfer Rate (N = 1437) BCC % Transfers (N = 520) CCC Transfer Rate (N =436 ) CCC % Transfers (N = 234) 36.2% 100% 53.7% 100% To 2-year colleges 6.4% 17.5% 12.4% 23.1% *To 4-year colleges 30.0% 82.5% 40.8% 76.1% In-state public 23.2% 77.4% 25.3% 50.0% In-state private 2.0% 6.6% 9.6% 18.0% Out-state public 3.3% 11.0% 2.3% 4.3% Out-state private 1.7% 5.4% 2.1% 3.9% All Transfers Class of 2003 Percent Receiving a Four-Year Degree by Ethnicity P<.0001 From SBU Elsewhere Total Asian 76% 9% 85% Black 70% 5% 75% Hispanic 65% 11% 76% White 60% 16% 76% International 70% 7% 77% missing 67% 9% 76% Total 67% 11% 78% Graduate Degrees Completed by 2002 and 2003 Undergraduate Degree Recipients 31% completed a graduate degree within 7 years of their baccalaureate. Degree Percent N PhD 2% 31 MD, DDS, DO, DV 5% 91 JD DPT Master’s Other/unknown Total 5% 3% 78% 7% 100% 86 52 1,362 136 1,758 Graduation Data To find baccalaureate degree: Filter by Graduated = Y Select V2year4year = 4 Select max(DegreeTitle) to get rid of blanks Select min(GraduationDate) to pick lowest NSC Data: Things to Consider Process Overview •April and November reloads •Database queries create 1 record per student since Fall 1995, from SUNY EOT table (46,000 w/ UHS) •NSC sends back data (304,000 rows) and reports AIRPO: 6/17/2010 Dale Miller: Schenectady County CC NSC Data: Things to Consider NSC Reports (htm vs. cvs) •Total Students in your Request File: •Total Students with no Response Data Available: Analysis of Initial Transfers SCHENECTADY CC HUDSON VALLEY SUNY ALBANY AIRPO: 6/17/2010 45,727 7,457 % # 62.43% 23,893 9.75% 3,730 5.13% 1,962 Dale Miller: Schenectady County CC NSC Data: Things to Consider NSC Return Data (304,000 rows) 5,072 Degree Record – Sch’dy CCC 5,350 Degree Record – Other SUNY 7,235 Degree Record – Non SUNY (802 unique) 7,442 Blank [No Record Found (No SSN)] 16% 105,721 Enrollment record – Sch’dy CCC 84,884 Enrollment record – Other SUNY 88,154 Enrollment record – Non SUNY (1628 unique) 278,759 TOTAL: Used in subsequent analyses AIRPO: 6/17/2010 Dale Miller: Schenectady County CC NSC Data: Things to Consider Top Colleges by Record Count College Name SCHENECTADY COUNTY CC SUNY HUDSON VALLEY CC SUNY ALBANY COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE SAGE COLLEGES UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX SIENA COLLEGE AIRPO: 6/17/2010 Count 105,721 24,951 19,680 10,586 5,552 4,557 4,475 37.9% 9.0% 7.1% 3.8% 2.0% 1.6% 1.6% Dale Miller: Schenectady County CC NSC Data: Things to Consider Top State by Record Count State NY AZ (4557 = Univ of Phoenix) MA FL PA AIRPO: 6/17/2010 Count 243,588 5263 4911 2302 2204 % 87.4% 1.9% 1.8% 0.8% 0.8% Dale Miller: Schenectady County CC NSC Data: Things to Consider College Sequence Coll. Seq. 1 2 3 4 5 6 AIRPO: 6/17/2010 Count 63101 21422 6853 2096 598 133 48 SCHENECTADY CO. CC Coll. Seq. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Count 4 5 1 2 1 1 1 Dale Miller: Schenectady County CC NSC Data: Things to Consider College Sequence Enrollment Begin 9/5/1995 1/22/1996 9/3/1996 9/3/1996 1/22/1997 1/22/1997 8/25/1997 1/6/1998 8/31/1998 1/20/1999 9/8/1999 1/22/2001 5/16/2001 1/27/2003 5/21/2003 9/2/2003 9/7/2004 College Name SCHENECTADY COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE SCHENECTADY COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE SCHENECTADY COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE SUNY ALBANY SUNY ALBANY SUNY ALBANY SUNY TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE SIENA COLLEGE SUNY ALBANY SIENA COLLEGE SIENA COLLEGE SAGE COLLEGES SAGE COLLEGES SAGE COLLEGES SAGE COLLEGES SAGE COLLEGES SCHENECTADY COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE AIRPO: 6/17/2010 Enrollment Status College Sequence H 1 F L W 2 H W F 3 4 H H F H H H H 5 Dale Miller: Schenectady County CC NSC Data: Things to Consider Enrollment Status Description F Full-Time H Half-Time or More (But < FT) L Less Than Half-Time Some local private colleges do not include status, so I assume Full-time. W Withdrawn A Approved Leave of Absence D Deceased AIRPO: 6/17/2010 Count 141773 52891 52609 25110 6138 227 11 % 50.9% 19.0% 18.9% 9.0% 2.2% 0.1% 0.0% Dale Miller: Schenectady County CC NSC Data: Things to Consider Term Length: [Date End] – [Date Begin] Days Count -1 to -256 116 0 97 1 to 64 11,556 65 to 99 18,503 100 to 130 242,440 131 - 363 5926 364 61 365 17 366 to 1727 43 AIRPO: 6/17/2010 % •89% of Days <=12 are 0.04% 0.03% 4.15% 6.64% 86.97% 2.13% 0.02% 0.01% 0.02% Withdraws •Many of the 131-365 are medical schools •SUNY XYZ has 363 records of 204 Days (7/1/2003), all Withdraws. •SUNY ZYX has 10 records of 480 days •SPARTAN SCHOOL OF AERONAUTICS-TECH has all 10 records (1 student) that are >725 days Dale Miller: Schenectady County CC NSC Data: Things to Consider Term Length: [Date End] – [Date Begin] SCHENECTADY CO. CC (no W’s) Days Count 9 1 29 1 31 2 8 week 32 1 48 Summer 1 53 2898 67 1 76 1 AIRPO: 6/17/2010 91 101 15 week 106 Fall/Spring 107 108 114 115 116 1 5214 1600 2271 45028 4633 18697 25340 Dale Miller: Schenectady County CC NSC Data: Things to Consider Term Length - Others Quarter or Trimester systems (75 days) - Union College’s Fall started 9/9 - Ohio State’s Fall started 9/23 - Winter starts 1/3, Spring 4/1 How to handle on-line (Univ. of Phoenix)? (2008) - 732 records: 728 Full-time, 4 Approved Leave - 119 different start dates - 13% <65 days, 14% 65-99 days, 25% 100-130 days, 47% >130 days AIRPO: 6/17/2010 Dale Miller: Schenectady County CC NSC Data: Things to Consider What I do (2008 Grads who transferred in Fall 2008): •Append new NSC data to an empty table w/ [Use] field •Update [Use] to “No-SCCC” if school is Sch’dy CCC •Update [Use] to “Yes-full Semester” if • School <> Sch’dy CCC • Enrollment Status <> “W” (exclude 6100) • Term Length >64 days (exclude 4900) •Establish SCCC denominator (2008 Grads) •Determine how many have a “Yes” match within the given time-frame (Term begin: 8/1–10/1/08) (8/1/08-4/15/09) •Don’t double-count, especially if looking at full AY. •Transfers to 4-years only? Other CCs OK? Still at Sch’dy? Full-time only? Include on-line? Exclude summer? AIRPO: 6/17/2010 Dale Miller: Schenectady County CC Using National Clearinghouse Data Where do admitted students enroll? Where do transfers go? Do leavers graduate elsewhere? How many undergraduates complete a graduate degree? ? Things to consider: record selection, college sequence, enrollment status, term length, data management