BHR 2201 HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT (3 CU) (Human Resource Management Option) Short Description No organization can be successful in the long run without the right number , the right kind of people with required qualification and capabilities, doing the right job at the right time. This is where the function of HRP comes in. Part 1 demonstrates the strategic importance of the HR planning process to organizations. It provides knowledge and skills on how to determine the supply and demand of human resources, Human resource Audit, Succession Planning and how to develop appropriate human resources policies and practices based on best practice methodologies. Part11, Students will be introduced to the fundamental concept of staff training, training needs and assessment, methods of training, designing training programs and evaluation and then identify the role and responsibility of employees in the development process. Course Objectives: To determine how the organization’s human resource needs are determined and to facilitate understanding on how the organizational talents are effectively utilized. To appreciate how an organization may be aligned through differentiation and integration of its human resources to perform competitively. To examine the methods used in forecasting human resources and their relative implications. To appreciate the need and importance of human resource development through various training methods, management development techniques, career development and organizational learning. To equip students with knowledge in training needs assessment, training methods and designing training programs. Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course the students will have reliably demonstrated the ability to: Devise strategies to integrate human resources planning with the strategic initiatives of the organization Forecast staffing needs based on demand and supply issues Evaluate the role that HRM systems play in facilitating the human resource planning process Identify and analyze the emerging issues affecting strategic human resources planning. Intellectual, practical and transferable skills Problem solving skills Analytical Teamwork Communication Teaching and learning Pattern Through the use of lectures, integrated case studies, workplace scenarios, group presentations, independent study, and problem-based learning, students will be able to exploit their acquired theoretical knowledge to design practical programs to facilitate HR utilization and development. The method shall comprise Indicative content Part1:Introduction to Human Resource Planning (HRP), the rationale, how HRP links to HRM; Strategic HRP; HR planning process, Forecasting approaches, HR audit ,challenges and issues; Determining staffing needs and staffing Issues; Succession management, theories and models, improving staff utilization, talent development, employee movement in an Organization, inventory analysis and turnover, traditional approaches for Forecasting/the Planning models, recruitment, deployment and de-recruitment, alternative approaches for matching – employees and jobs; mergers and acquisitions; outsourcing; evaluation of HR programs and policies. Part11: Training, Training methods, Training Needs Analysis, Training Environment, Evaluation of training programs and career planning and management. Assessment Method The assessment method is structured to include coursework and final examination. Coursework consists of assignments, presentations and tests. Course work assessment 30% Final Examination 70% 100% The minimum mark required to pass is 50%, this includes course work and final examination. Each course in the programme is allowed a maximum of three hours for final examination Indicative Sources 1. Armstrong. M. 2001. A handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, 8th Edition. London: Kogan Page. 2. Byars L. Lloyd & Rue, W. Leslie. 2006. Human Resource Management, 8th Edition. New York: McGraw Hill. 3. Kreitner, Robert. 1999. Management. Seventh Edition. New Delhi: A.I.T.B.S Publishers 4. ForhamD,Pimlott, J. 1986. Understanding Industrial Relations. 2nd Edition Holt 5. Renard and Winstone, London. 6. Rae L (2006) Designing Training Programmes, including needs identification and evaluation, Infinity Books 7. Ivancevich M. John. 2003. Human Resource Management, 9th Edition. New York: McGraw Hill. 8 Schuster, Federick E. 1987. Human Resource Management, 2nd Edition. New York: Reston Publishing Company, 9. Sigh R P (2006) Management of Training Programmes, Anmol Publications PVT. Ltd, New Delphi (India).