Due in December - Sitka School District

Sitka High School
Scholarship Newsletter
December 2014
Warm up your winter with a little cash for college!!
Check out all these great scholarships that are available!!
Due in December
Alaska Masters Swimming Memorial Scholarship
The Alaska Masters Swimming Organization will award a $500 scholarship to a high school student-athlete in 2014. Applicants
must be high school seniors who 1. maintain a 3.0 GPA throughout high school 2. demonstrate involvement in extracurricular
swimming activities at the high school and community level, 3. Have a minimum of 2-years involvement in the Alaskan Swim
Community, and 4. Be accepted into an accredited 2 or 4 year program of study. Special consideration will be given to each
applicant’s character, personal merit, and background. For details and application procedure, visit their website!
Deadline December 1st
for info and application visit: http://www.akmswim.org/pdfs/2013_scholarship_infoapp.pdf
US Service Academy Nomination from Senator Mark Begich (Soon to Change Due to Election Defeat to Dan Sullivan)
Each year Senator Begich has the privilege of nominating outstanding Alaskan students for appointment to one of the four service
academies (Air Force Academy ,US Military Academy, Naval Academy and Merchant Marine Academy). Because securing a
nomination does not guarantee an appointment or offer of admission, the entire process is highly competitive. You are therefore
encouraged to apply to as many sources as you are eligible, including, but not limited to, your Congressional Delegation and the
Vice-President of the United States. For more information on securing Senator Begich’s nomination for one of these prestigious
academies, visit his website!
Deadline December 1st
visit: http://www.begich.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/AcademyNominations
Distinguished Young Women of Alaska
$3,500 cash + tuition scholarship + trip to Alabama
Are you a female senior planning to attend college? The Distinguished Young Women of America (formerly America’s Junior Miss)
contest offers a variety of cash and scholarship opportunities! In Alaska 10-12 cash prizes will be awarded, and the winner of the
Alaska competition will also receive a tuition scholarship and a trip to Mobile, Alabama to compete in the national Distinguished
Young Women contest. Applicants must be a female graduating in 2013, planning to attend college, 2.8 gpa or higher, good health,
and talent performance ability. Sign up online to register for this exciting competition. The competition will take place at the
Ketchikan High School Auditorium on March 18-22, 2014.
Deadline December 6th
to register for the competition visit: www.ajm.org
Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship
Once again, the Elks National Foundation will award 500 four-year scholarships to the highest-rated applicants in this years’
competition. Ranging from $1,000 per year to $12,500 per year, Most Valuable Student scholarships are for students pursuing a
four-year degree, on a full-time basis (minimum of 12 semester hours), in a U.S. college or university. Applicants need not be
related to a member of the Elks. Applicants will be judged on scholarship, leadership, and financial need. Applications must
advance through local, district and state competitions to reach national judging.
Deadline December 6th
for info and application visit: http://www.elks.org/enf/scholars/mvs.cfm
Burger King Scholars Program
Integrity, high standards, entrepreneurial spirit, good citizenship and education were the values that defined James W. McLamore,
co-founder of BURGER KING. The Foundation rewards these values with a variety of scholarships each year, and you don’t have to
be a Burger King employee to apply! There are three different scholarship types available, so check out their website for more
details. Only the first 50,000 applications will be considered, so apply early! Scholarship opens on November 15th and closes on
January 15th.
Deadline December 15th
for info and app visit:http://www.bkmclamorefoundation.org/WhatWeDo/ScholarsProgram
AXA Achievement Scholarship
Have you demonstrated outstanding achievement in activities in school, the community or the workplace? AXA Achievers are
divers, but show ambition, drive, determination, respect for self, family and community, and an ability to succeed in college. Each
year the AXA Foundation, in association with U.S. News & World Report offers scholarships of $10,000-25,000 for students like you.
Your application must be one of the first 10,000 submitted electronically by December 15, 2014 to be considered. Apply early!
Deadline December 15th
for info. and application visit: http://www.axa-scholarship.com/
NFIB Young Entrepreneur Awards
The NFIB Young Entrepreneur Awards program was established to raise awareness among the nation's youth of the critical role
that private enterprise and entrepreneurship play in the building of America. Students are encouraged to apply for awards
beginning October 1, 2013 and may apply until December 17, 2012. NFIB Young Entrepreneur Awards are open to any graduating
high school senior entering their freshman year at an accredited (not for profit) two- or four-year university, college or
vocational/technical institute. Applicants MUST be running their own small business in order to be considered for an award.
Deadline December 18th
for info and application visit: http://www.nfib.com/yef/
*Grades 7-12
Scholastic Art & Writing Awards
It’s time to get creative! Each year, Scholastic sponsors a variety of scholarships for creative individuals in art and writing areas.
Students may submit original works in the following categories a)ARTISTIC- Architecture, Ceramics/Glass, Comic Art, Design,
Digital Art, Drawing, Fashion, Film & Animation, Jewelry, Mixed Media, Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture, Video Games
and Art Portfolio, or b)WRITING- Dramatic Script, Flash Fiction, Humor, Journalism, Novel Writing, Personal Essay/Memoir,
Persuasive Writing, Poetry, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Short Story and Writing Portfolio. Submissions may be made online or by
mail. Check their website for details and individual category rules.
Deadline December 15th
for info and submission requirements visit: http://www.artandwriting.org/
Due in January
*Grades 11-12
Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) Free Speech Essay Contest
The mission of FIRE is to defend and sustain individual rights at America’s colleges and universities. These rights include freedom
of speech, legal equality, due process, religious liberty and sanctity of conscience- the essential qualities of individual liberty and
dignity. This year’s essay question is “Why is free speech important at our nation’s colleges and universities?” Using examples from
FIRE videos, discuss how censorship of student speech is incompatible with higher education.” Essays should be 800-1,000 words
and should be submitted online using the official form.
Deadline January 1st
for info and application visit: http://www.thefire.org/student-network/essay-contest/
* Grades 9-12
JFK Profile in Courage Essay Contest
Each year the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation invites students to consider the concept of political courage by writing an essay
on a U.S. elected official who has chosen to do what is right, rather than what is expedient. A “Profile in Courage” essay is a carefully
researched recounting of a story. The winner of the competitive annual contest is awarded a $10,000 prize and is invited to accept
the award at the Profile in Courage Award ceremony hosted each May at the Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston.
A second place winner receives $1,000 and up to five finalists each receive $500.
Deadline January 5th
for info visit: http://www.jfklibrary.org/Education/Profile-in-Courage-Essay-Contest.aspx
GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship
$10,000 per year
The GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program honors the legacy and character of our nation’s 40th president by awarding
roughly 20 scholarships to college-bound students each year. Successful candidates demonstrate exemplary leadership, drive,
integrity and citizenship. Scholarships are for $10,000 per year, and are renewable for up to 4 years (a total of up to $40,000!). For
more information visit their website or find them on Facebook.
Deadline January 8th
for info and application visit: www.reaganfoundation.org/scholarships
APIASF Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship
APIASF awards scholarships to hundreds of deserving students each year. Qualified applicants must •Be of Asian and/or Pacific
Islander ethnicity •Be a citizen, national, or legal permanent resident of the United States •Be enrolling in a U.S. accredited college
or university in the Fall of 2015. •Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 •Apply for federal financial aid using the (FAFSA) by
February 1 •Submit one letter of recommendation.
Deadline January 9th
for info and application visit: http://www.apiasf.org/scholarship_apiasf.html
Alaska Engineering Education Foundation Scholarships
The Alaska Engineering Education Foundation’s goal is to provide scholarships to support higher education in the engineering and
math and science programs. Scholarships for high school seniors are awarded state-wide and at the regional level. By submitting
one application, you will be considered for three different scholarships, AEEF Scholarship for all state-wide applicants, and ASPE
scholarship for all state-wide applicants, and an ASPE scholarship in each region.
Deadline, January 16th
for info and application visit: http://alaskaeef.org/Scholarships.html
*Grades 9-12
The Gallery Collection “Create-A-Greeting-Card” Scholarship Contest
Do you draw, paint, take photographs or create graphics? The Gallery Collection is seeking artwork submissions from students in
grades 9-12 for their 6th Annual Create-A-Greeting-Card Scholarship program. Greeting card artwork can be for Birthday, Get
Well, Thank You, Anniversary, or Holiday cards. Register online to submit your electronic artwork, or download an entry form
from their website. Examples of winning artwork from previous years is posted online.
Deadline January 18th
for info and entry form visit: http://www.gallerycollection.com/greeting-cards-scholarship.htm
Gates Millennium Scholars Program
$TBD based on financial need
The goal of the Gates Millennium Scholarship Program is to promote academic excellence and to provide an opportunity for
outstanding minority students with significant financial need to reach their highest potential by: •Reducing financial barriers for
African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian Pacific Islander American and Hispanic American students with high
academic and leadership promise •Increasing the representation of these target groups in the disciplines of computer science,
education, engineering, library science, mathematics, public health and the sciences •Developing a diversified cadre of future
leaders for America
Deadline January 16th
for info and application visit: http://www.gmsp.org/publicweb/aboutus.aspx
National Multiple Sclerosis Society Scholarship
The National MS Society Program sponsors scholarships for high school seniors who have been diagnosed with MS or have a parent
with MS and will be attending an accredited postsecondary school for the first time in 2015. Applicants must plan to enroll in an
undergraduate course of study at an accredited two- or four-year college, university, or vocational-technical school. Applicants
must be enrolled at least 6 credit hours per semester in coursework leading to a degree, license or certificate. Scholarship awards
are granted based on financial need, academic record, leadership and participating in school or community activities, work
experience, an outside appraisal, goals and aspirations, special circumstances, and an essay regarding the impact of MS on their life.
Deadline January 15th
for info and application visit:
Pride Foundation Scholarships
Pride Foundation provides post-secondary educational scholarships to current and future leaders in the lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, queer, and straight-ally community from Alaska, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Washington. They offer nearly 50
different scholarships, but there is only one application to complete! Scholarships cover nearly any accredited post-secondary
school or program. This includes community colleges, 4-year public or private colleges and universities, trade or vocational
training, creative studies programs, certificate programs, etc.
Deadline January 16th
for info and application visit: http://www.pridefoundation.org/what-we-do/scholarships/
SAE International Engineering Scholarships
SAE International is proud to award scholarship money to engineering students. SAE scholarships assist in developing the future
engineering workforce by helping students achieve their dreams of becoming an engineer. Funded through the SAE Foundation,
these scholarships encourage academic excellence and help students around the world to pursue their passion for engineering.
Separate, college-specific SAE scholarships are also available. See their website for more details.
Deadline January 15th
for info and application visit: http://students.sae.org/awdscholar/scholarships/hsengineering.htm
Intertribal Timber Council Truman D. Picard Scholarship
The Intertribal Timber Council offers a scholarship for American Indian/Alaska Native students who intend to pursue higher
education in Natural Resources. Successful applicants will have a validated enrollment in a federally recognized or Alaska Native
Corporation, an interest in Natural Resources, a commitment to education, community and culture, and verified financial need.
Application packets include: a letter of application addressing interest in natural resources, commitment to education and culture,
and financial need, a resume, 3 letters of reference, evidence of enrollment in Native Corporation and high school transcripts.
Deadline January 16th
for info and application visit: http://www.itcnet.org/about_us/scholarships.html
Better Business Bureau- Students of Integrity Scholarship
The Better Business Bureau of Alaska, Oregon and Western Washington is seeking students who recognize the importance of
ethical and responsible marketplace practices. Juniors and Seniors are asked to submit an application including an essay
addressing the topic “Which one of BBB’s Standards of Trust do you value most in business? Why?” Qualified applicants must be
graduating in 2014 or 2015, have plans to attend college, and have a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Rules and applications available on the
BBB’s website listed below.
Deadline January 30th
for info and application visit: http://alaskaoregonwesternwashington.bbb.org/scholarship
Elks National Foundation Legacy Awards
Are your parents or grandparents members of the Elks Club? The Elks National Foundation Legacy Awards contest provides
educational assistance to children and grandchildren of Elk members who joined the order on or before April 1, 2011. Eligible
applicants are children, or grandchildren (or step-children/grandchildren)of a living Elk. Applicants must be high school seniors,
going on to college. Successful applicants exhibit the core values of the Elks National Foundation: 1. Knowledge 2. Charity
3.Community and 4. Integrity. Up to 250 scholarships are offered nation-wide each year, approximately 4 awards will be given in
Alaska in 2015. Apply online only.
Deadline January 30th
for info and application visit: http://www.elks.org/ENF/scholars/legacy.cfm
Due in February
Alaska School Counselor Association Scholarships
The Alaska School Counselor Association will be offering a variety of scholarships to students who plan to attend postsecondary
training in Alaska. Scholarships are available for: Alaska Career College, Alaska Pacific University, AVTEC, University of AK
Southeast, University of AK Fairbanks and University of AK Anchorage. Applicants must receive a letter of nomination from a
current member of the Alaska School Counselor Association (talk to Ms. Arp about this) and complete an application packet
Deadline February 1st
for info and app. visit: http://www.alaskaschoolcounselor.org/page/aksca-scholarships
AXA Achievers Community Scholarship
Have you made a positive impact on your community through an outstanding achievement or activity? The AXA Community
Scholarship recognizes students who have empowered society to better face risk through education and action in areas such as
financial, environmental, health and/or emergency preparedness. Qualified applicants are current high school seniors who plan to
enroll full-time in an accredited 2 or 4 year college or university in fall 2015. Successful applicants are also ambitious and
motivated as evidenced by outstanding achievement in school, community, or work activities. Only the first 10,000 applications
will be considered, so apply early!
Deadline February 1st
Nick Begich Scholarship Fund
for info and application visit: http://www.axa-equitable.com/axa-foundation/about.html
Are you interested in a career in education, government, or public service? The late congressman Nicholas J. Begich from Alaska
believed that education was both a right and a privilege that must be available to all. In his memory, the Nich Begich Scholarship
Internship fund offers a variety of awards to deserving students. The highest scoring applicant will be awarded the Eugene A.
Kennedy Award which, at present, is a $2,500 annual award renewable for up to a full four years, pending academic review by the
board. A number of additional grant awards of at least $750 are also given. Applicants must be Alaskan residents at the high school
senior level or above.
Deadline February 28th
for info and application visit: www.nickbegichfund.org
Due in March
National Academy of Engineering- Engineer Girl Essay Contest
Created 50 years ago, the National Academy of Engineering is pleased to once again sponsor their essay contest. This year students
in grades 3-12 are asked to write about how engineering might change our lives over the next 50 years (applicants are encouraged
to explore nutrition, health, communication, education, or transportation areas). The EngineerGirl website is designed to spark the
curiosity of young people and encourage them to consider careers in engineering. Check it out, and submit your essay! (you don’t
have to be a girl to enter!!)
Deadline March 1st
for info and application visit: http://www.engineergirl.org/17382.aspx
Navy League Scholarships/Alaska Sea Service Scholarship
Each year the Navy League shows their appreciation to the men and women of the American Sea Services by offering a variety of
college scholarships. Applicants must be a dependent or direct descendant of an active, reserve, retired or honorably discharged
member of the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, U.S.-flag Merchant Marine, or U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps. One of their
scholarships is specifically for Alaskans!
Deadline March 1st
for info and application visit: http://www.navyleague.org/aboutus/scholarship.html
Association of Alaska School Boards- June Nelson Memorial Scholarship
June Nelson Memorial Scholarship is named in honor of the late June Nelson, longtime school board member from Kotzebue. June
contributed much to the cause of education, and will be remembered for her outstanding service on behalf of Alaska’s children. For
the 2013-2014 school year, AASB will award ten graduating seniors each with a $1,200 scholarship to apply toward their postsecondary education. The scholarship may be applied toward the student’s choice of a business, trade, or college institution. This
year’s essay topic is “How can you, as a young adult, help create positive change in your community?”
Deadline March 21st
for info and application visit: http://aasb.org/content/jnms2014
General Sources for Scholarships and Testing
Every Senior should check out and/or sign up for these resources NOW!
Alaska Career Information System
A favorite among the SHS counselors, this website helps students discover their interests, research careers, find appropriate college
programs, locate schools and training programs across the country, find scholarships and much, much more! Sign on initially with
the SHS username and password, then build your own profile to save your searches and any information you like. Username:
sitkahs Password: 4akcis
For details and information visit:
One of the largest scholarship search sites available, this FREE service easily matches students with scholarships that meet their
needs. With roughly 1.5 million scholarships worth over $3.4 billion, there are scholarships for every student’s educational goals,
activities and interests.
For details and information visit:
College tuition is expensive and this website helps you understand the various sources of financial aid you may be able to access to
help defray these costs. From explanations of financial aid types to scholarship searches there’s a lot here!
For details and information visit:
If you want to sign up for your SAT exam, research colleges or search for application advice, this website is an excellent resource.
Remember, if you are planning on attending a 4-year university next fall, we recommend that you take your college entrance exams
no later than December!
For details and information visit:
ACT Student
Most colleges accept scores from either the SAT or ACT, so make sure you know the differences between these exams and take the
one (or both) that best suits your needs. The ACT Student Website allows you to sign up for ACT exams, check your scores, plan for
colleges and careers and much more. Again, remember to take your college entrance exam early this year!
For Details and information visit:
Testing and Education Reference Center
Prepare for your college entrance exams, take a practice ASVAB test, research colleges and careers that are right for you, this and
much, much more is available to SHS students for free through TERC. To access this service, go to the SHS Library’s website and
click on the Testing and Education Reference Center’s link. Build yourself a profile to have access to these free resources and to
save your results.
For the easiest route to this resource visit the SHS Library Website at
Counseling Office Resources
The counseling office library contains a wealth of information on careers, colleges and universities, scholarships, financial aid
resources, surviving college life, preparing for college entrance exams and more. Talk to your counselor, peruse our bookshelves,
or surf the web on our computers for more information. Please note that all books must be checked out and returned in a timely
manner so all students have access to them. Thanks!
Notes from the Counseling office
Scholarships are available throughout the entire school year, so start applying early in the year and continue to apply to
every scholarship you think you qualify for throughout your entire senior year. Remember, you won’t get scholarships if
you don’t take the time to apply!
Deadlines always come up quicker than you think, so apply early and pay close attention to all of the application
requirements (many require official transcripts, letters of recommendation, or other documents that may take several
days, or even weeks to get). Applications that are not complete will not be considered.
It is our recommendation that you research carefully before paying for any scholarship or financial aid resource. A wealth
of information is available for free, yet some sites/companies will ask you to pay for the same services or “guarantee” a
scholarship if you pay for their services. Look online at www.ftc.gov/scholarshipscams for more information from the
Federal Trade Commission on scholarship scams or contact the counseling office with questions.
Looking Forward
We cannot guarantee that all scholarships offered in the past will be available this year or that deadlines will remain the same, but
we can give you some ideas of what you might see throughout the year. Here is a list of approximate deadline months for several
scholarships we have seen over the years. Detailed information about individual scholarships will be provided in the SHS
Scholarship Newsletter approximately 1-2 months before their due dates. Make sure you pick up a newsletter each month or check
it out on our website to stay current on available scholarships. Apply apply apply!!! You won’t get money if you don’t apply for it!
 ACLU Joan Hamilton Memorial Scholarship
 ACLU Youth Activist Scholarship
 AK Assn. of Emblem Clubs- Virginia Kaspar Scholarship
 Alzheimers Foundation of America Scholarship
 American Legion Western District
 BP Principals & Commissioners Scholarship
 Buick Achievers Scholarship
 Red Boucher Scholarship
 Alaska Federation of Filipino Americans Scholarship
 Alaska Government Finance Officers Assn.
 Alaska Travel Industry Assn. (ATIA)
 American Chemical Society Scholarship
 CHARR- Sitka
 Coast Guard Wives & Spouses Association
 Indian Health Services/AK Native Tribal Health Cons.
 Janice M. Scott Memorial Scholarship
 Northwest Fisheries Association Scholarships
 Ocean Wave Quilters Guild Scholarships
 Sealaska
 Shee Atika Benefits Trust Scholarship
 Sitka Emblem Club #142 Scholarship
 Through the Looking Glass Scholarship
 Alaska Broadcasters Association
 Alaska State Fair Scholarship
 American College Foundation Visionary Scholarship
 American Seafoods Company
 Credit Union 1- Bill Countryman Scholarship
 Export Council of Alaska
 Grace & Phil Edelman Scholarship (Bartlett Reg. Hosp.)
 Holland & Knight Young Native Writers Essay Contest
 Neal O. Thorpe Memorial Scholarship
 New Archangel Dancers Scholarship
 NSRAA Scholarship
 Schelly Szepanski Memorial Flight Scholarship
 Signet Classics Student Essay Contest
 Sitka Scholarship (formerly Sitka Pulp Foundation)
 Sitka Education Association Scholarship
 Sitka Education Support Professionals Assn.
 Sitka Golf Association
 Sitka Medical Center
 Sitka Moose Lodge
 Sitka Sportsman’s Association
 Spenard Builders Supply “Skills for Alaska”
 Veterans for Peace Essay Contest/Scholarship
 Alaska State Firefighters Association
 Associated General Contractors of Alaska
 Charles W. “Chuck” Parsley Memorial Scholarship
 CHARR Statewide- Charles H. Selman Award
 Grace & Phil Edelman Scholarship
 Ken Osbakken Memorial Scholarship
 Nordstrom Scholarship
 Ron Rhodes Memorial Scholarship
 Sitka Pioneers of Alaska
 Sitka Tribe of Alaska Scholarships
 Southeast Master Gardener Association