Education and Training International (ETI) ETI is responsible for coordinating the international activities for WA Department of Education and Training across schools, senior colleges and TAFEWA. ETI Capability ETI has privileged access 20,000 education provides a single pointtoofover access for international professionals more than 5000 technical and clients seekingand Western Australia’s world-class education, vocational trainers and assessor. training and assessment services. ETI Services – Student Recruitment •Product development and CRICOS registration •Worldwide marketing •Course/Career Counselling •Enrolments and Administration ETI Services – Offshore Projects •International coordination for TAFEWA •Offshore skillsauspice assessments •Education andtraining trainingtoconsultancy •Offshore gap Australian standards •Professional development study tours •Training program design and delivery •International teacher and TAFEWA staff recruitment Offshore projects TAFEWA and ETI are currently managing over 50 education and training projects across: •The Gulf region •Asia •The Indian Ocean rim •Africa •Pacific Ocean countries Scotland England Qatar Mauritania Nepal India UAE Sri Lanka Singapore Indonesia Ghana Botswana Mauritius South Africa China Bangladesh Hong Kong Philippines Fiji Commercial Projects – Offshore Skills Assessments In response to and the critical skillsagainst and •Assess skills knowledge labour shortages in Western Australia, Australian standards agenciesgap sourcing skilled international •Deliver training where necessary labour have engaged ETI to conduct •Issue Australian qualifications where practical offshore skills assessment to: applicable Offshore Skills Assessment Quality Assurance ETI ensures the quality and integrity of Australian Throughqualifications ETI’s offshoreby: skills assessment employers can •Using qualified,service experienced Australian be confident the skills and abilities assessors of these applicants •Using AQTFoverseas compliant tools andmeet Australian workplace standards. procedures •Ensuring assessment venues and equipment are AQTF compliant Offshore Skills Assessment Example With Moves International, Future assessments forETI ourusing the capacity of TAFEWA, hasinconducted international clients India, Sri a number of Bangladesh, offshore skills assessments for Lanka, Nepal and 457Russia long stay business visa candidates: include: Mechanics •20•Automotive welders in Bangladesh workersand Nepal •70•Construction chefs in Bangladesh •Nurses These workers are currently in the process •Additional welder and chefs of migrating to Australia Offshore Skills Assessment Consortium (VETASSESS) The consortium members are: In May 2007offive Australian colleges and The Council Australian Governments •Education and to Training International institutes including ETI representing (COAG) agreed assist States and representing Swan, South TAFEWA formed a consortium with Territories to address skills West shortages. Greatwas Southern TAFEs VETASSESS as developed the lead member. Aand process to make it •Kangan Institute easier forBatman migrants applying in the •Victoria University general skilled migration scheme to •Box Institute workHill as soon as they reach Australia. •Gipps TAFE Offshore Skills Assessment Consortium Structure Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) Offshore Skills Assessment Consortium VETASSESS Lead Party GippsTAFE Box Hill TAFE GippsTAFE Assessors Box Hill TAFE Assessors Great Southern TAFE Great Southern TAFE Assessors Education & Training International (DET) Southwest Regional College of TAFE Southwest Regional College of TAFE Assessors Kangan Batman TAFE Victoria University Kangan Batman TAFE Assessors Victoria University Assessors Swan TAFE Swan TAFE Assessors Offshore Skills Assessment Consortium (VETASSESS) The consortium’s offshore skills assessment service is the only skills recognition pathway available to potential permanent skilled migrants in 5 source countries in 15 trade occupations. Countries Trades •United Kingdom Philippines India Sri Lanka South Africa •General electrician •Supervisor, carpentry and joinery •Cable jointer tradespersons •Electrical power line tradesperson •Supervisor, electicians •Refrigeration and Air-conditioning •Supervisor electrical distribution mechanic tradespersons •Carpenter and Joiner •Supervisor, tradespersons refrigeration •Bricklayer and airconditioning mechanics •General plumber •Supervisor, motor mechanics •Supervisor, bricklayers •Supervisor, plumbers Offshore Skills Assessment Consortium - Process Step 4 practical skills assessment for 1 – Offshore Online self-assessment recommended Step 2 – Submitapplicants application with supporting Step 5a –of Qualification/Offshore Technical evidence existing skills, experience and Skills Record(OTSR) qualifications issued to successful candidates with for migration purposes. Step a3letter – Desktop assessment by VETASSESS to Step 5b – Feedback Statement of in the determine applicantsand likely to succeed Attainment to unsuccessful practical skills assessment candidates with invitation to be reassessed Offshore Technical Skills Record In licensed trades an Australian qualification can not be issued without additional training, Holders of an OTSR are entitled to a therefore an Offshore Technical Skills Record provisional license in their industry, subject to (OTSR) will be given to: also meeting the non-skill license • General Plumbers requirements. • General Electricians gain a full license, OTSR holders must •ToRefrigeration and Air-conditioning Mechanics gap training in Australia within a •undertake Cable jointers and Electrical Powerline defined period. tradespeople Offshore Skills Assessment Consortium (VETASSESS) To date: •More than 1250 applications for assessments Practical assessments commenced in December have been receivedvenues by VETASSESS 2007. Assessment in each country are •340 have undertaken practical skills set upcandidates with the relevant equipmentaand materials assessment for each trade occupation. •284 candidates were successful and have received The DEEWR Offshore Skills Assessment Project their qualification/OTSR has just concluded the first year of come a 5 year •The majority of applications have from the contract. United Kingdom with number increasing in South Africa Questions welcome Phil de Garis Managing Director, Education and Training International TEL: (08) 9218 2117 | FAX: (08) 9218 2170 EMAIL: Level 2, 123 Adelaide Terrace, Perth WA 6005 For further information regarding ETI Services, go to For further information about the DEEWR Offshore Skills Assessment Project, please go to