Innovative technology cluster “Zelenograd” Zaytsev Vladimir, CEO Zelenograd TechnoUnity: an ecosystem for innovation SEZ Territory 146 ha Income – €128 million Jobs - 827 Zelenograd background: Total area – 3720 ha, Population – 226 600, industrial personnel – 23 000 60% of the population have higher education , More than 1 000 graduates annually Business Incubator Building area - 6670 m2 Income - €2,5 million. Jobs - 200 Educational and innovative infrastructure NR UET Manpower, R&D Industrial park (plan) Territory 61,9 ha, Building area 640 000 m2 Jobs - 17000 Technopolis Territory 12 ha Area 108 000 m2(plan) Area 25 112 m2(fact) Income - €40 million. Jobs - 3000 Cluster specialization Specializes in: • micro- and nanoelectronics • electronic instruments and apparatus • integrated technical IT-systems on the basis of electronic instruments and apparatus More than 150 members includes: - business – 108 enterprises; - scientific, project & design enterprises – 28; - education - 2 institutes; - institutions for development, structure of innovation activity support, government institutions (Moscow Government and Zelenograd’s Prefecture), mass media – 14. The largest companies of the cluster: JSC “Angstrem”, JSC “Mikron”, Zelenograd’s Innovation and Technology Center, Zelenograd’s Nanotechnological Center, Group of companies “Elvis”, “Komponent” Plant, Scientific and Technical Center “Elins”, JSC “NT-MDT”. The total volume of revenue research-and-production companies - about $1 billion per year. Annual GRP growth of Zelenograd - more than 15% Cluster companies main competence Nano - and microelectronics Apparatus and equipment Design R&D Equipment Technology IS Vacuum Photomasks MEMS Laser processing Industrial gas Smart cards Energy system RFID Nondestructive testing Materials Sensors Epitaxy Microassembly Microelectronic devices Solar cells Control and measuring Apparatus Testing Energy HCS Industrial gas Radiation control Cluster specialization New materials & Epitaxy АIIВVI semiconductors Silicon wafers Garnet semiconductors Silicon Epitaxy Quartz plate for photomasks Silicon on Sapphire (SOS) Epitaxy Cluster specialization Complete system description RTL code, testbench, IP-blocks Aero-space chips Netlist Logs, checklists Final product, fabrication reports GDSII format data Structures on silicon wafers Memory chips, microcontrollers and processors Microchips Final testing Package Wafer probing Fabrication Mask DRC, ERC, LVS Verification APR Gate level Synthesis Simulation RTL Develop Spec. definition Model develop System specification EKB & microelectronics Sensors Cluster specialization Devices & apparatus Solar modules Electric energy meter Energy-efficient appliances Radiation control Medical equipment Security systems Telecom apparatus POS terminals Transport Validator Cluster specialization Equipment Microelectronics control Nanotube production Microscopes (ATM) Thermal processing Epitaxial equipment Laser equipment for microand nano-processing Innovation & industrial infrastructure Technopolis Zelenograd The main purpose is to create the environment for development of innovative entrepreneurship Proceeding Ready Total area 12 hectare The total construction area of 108 thousand m2 All communications included Total construction investment of up to 145 million Euros Radio electronics, instrumentation, energy Navigation, aerospace technology Automation, control systems and resource accounting IT, telecommunications Medical equipment, training equipment Electronic components and equipment Innovation & industrial infrastructure Technopolis construction plan State funding, loans, investors Construction stages Five-storied administrative building to accommodate: - Managing Company's staff and engineering functions. - Public premises. - Offices of SME's businesses. 1 stage Period – 2006-2009 Three 3-storey industrial bldgs – 3x5860 m2 Four 2-storey research and production laboratories – 2x1262 m2 Multi-storey car park - 6700 m2 Cap. investments – €36,1 million The area – 29400 m2 25 100 m2 space Stage 1 Stage 2 2 stage Period – 2013-2015 3 stage Period — 2014-2016 4 stage Period — 2015-2017 Loans, investors Loans, investors Five 3-storey research and production laboratories – 17710 m2 Industrial building 3-6 floors - 27420 m2 Underground parking for 150 cars Open parking for 148 cars Community Center - 3470 m2 Storage building - 5210 m2 CHP - 1020 m2 Cap. investments – €74 million The area – 45130 m2 Cap. investments – €34,1 million The area – 9700 m2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Innovation & industrial infrastructure Industrial park Zelenograd Industrial park - "growth point" of production with advanced logistics. Industrial park general plan 1 2 BASIC TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC INDICATORS (approximately) 3 4 10 7 6 10 10 9 10 5 8.1 9 11 5 10 11 9 11 9 8.2 10 11 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 9 5 9 9 8.3 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. BUILDINGS URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE Business center Office building Cultural and Sports Center Shopping and entertainment center Socio-cultural service 212 t. m2 42 t. m2 29 t. m2 27 t. m2 90 t. m2 24 t. m2 ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY AREA Branch technical college A business incubator Hotel Industry Laboratory and pilot production Above ground, underground parking 428 t. m2 38 t. m2 18 t. m2 50 t. m2 252 t. m2 70 t. m2 TOTAL 640 t. m2 5 9 9 Jobs – 13000…17000 Services & preferences Services Consultations in the field of legal support, marketing and advertising Consultations in sphere of customs regulation Consultations on IP protection, licensing and certification Research and analytical activities Preferential rents, rooms adapted for small businesses Tax incentives, 5% quota in the state procurement of innovative products, government support Developed logistics, 5% quota in the state procurement of innovative products, government support Tax and customs preferences, government support How to get here Sheremetyevo International Airport 15 km Leningradskoe highway 6 km Moscow – St. Petersburg highway 10 km Freight railway station 4 km Terminal rail Express (since 2014) ZELENOGRAD Sheremetyevo International Airport 0.3 km Central ring road (since 2016) 13 km Centre of Moscow 40 km MOSCOW Pyatnitskoye highway Oktyabrskaya railway Leningradskoe highway Moscow – St. Petersburg highway (under construction) Central ring road (under construction) WELLCOME TO MOSCOW! 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