Giant Map – Giant Storms Tornados in Indiana RULES: No shoes allowed on the map. Please have students remove shoes before walking on the map. Socks required. No writing utensils on the map. Grade Level: Grades 4-12 Purpose: To understand the impact of tornadic activity in Indiana. Indiana Social Studies Standards Addressed: 4.1.17 Using primary and secondary sources and online source materials, sonstruct a brief narrative about an event in Indiana history. 4.3.7 Explain the Earth/sun relationship on the climate of Indiana. 4.3.12 Read and interpret thematic maps – such as transportation, population and products – to acquire information about Indiana in the present and the past. 6.3.14 Explain and give examples of how nature has impacted the physical environment and human populations in specific areas of Europe and the Americas. USH.9.2 Locate and analyze primary sources and secondary sources related to an event or issue of the past. WG.5.3 Map the occurrence and describe the effects of natural hazards throughout the world and explain ways to cope with them. WG.5.4 Analyze the possible effect of a natural disaster on the local community and devise plans to cope with a disaster so as to minimize its effects. Materials Required: a list of the counties in Indiana Indiana Counties black line map Colored pencils Web sites: Tornado Quiz and quiz answers United State map (optional) Account of Palm Sunday Tornados from the National Weather Service: ( Book: The Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman (extension) Objectives: 1. Students will understand the use of GIS as a research tool. 2. Students will understand and describe natural phenomena in Indiana 3. Students will analyze collected data and information 4. Students will read and interpret primary sources to create geographic information. 5. Students will give basic information about tornados. Preparation: 1. Divide the number of counties by the number of students in the class. 2. Assign that number to each student. © 3. Copy Indiana county maps--6 per student (one for each of the possible required points of information plus an extra). 4. Number and label each of the maps: a. Total Number of Tornadoes b. Total Number of Tornadoes from 2000-2010 c. Number of People Killed d. Number of Injuries e. Majority # of "F scale" Tornadoes "F4 and FS" Tornadoes 5. Make a transparency of the Indiana counties list. 6. Copy the map instruction sheet for each student. 7. Remind them they need colored pencils. Procedures: 1. Place Tornado Quiz on overhead (copies or verbal). Give students a few minutes to complete. 2. Once they have completed the quiz, reveal the answers and discuss each one. 3. Next, explain they will be creating maps of various tornado data. 4. Assign the counties to each student. 5. Give the students at least four of the Indiana county maps and have them number 1 through 4. 6. Number and label their maps, and put their name on each. 7. Go to computer lab and log in. 8. Go to website: 9. They are to color code their maps with the scale provided on the assignment sheet. As they complete each map, go on to the next one. *For map 5a and 5b you can get 2 or more levels (F-scale) of equal numbers. If this happens divide the county into the 2 or 3 colors required and place the number with the appropriate color. 10. Indiana can easily be compared with any number of states of your choosing or the students choosing. All you need is an outline county map of any state with counties included. This map can be obtained at: the side bar, click onto State and County Quick Facts and find the state you wish and print the map. 11. Find the population numbers for each of the counties affected and compare this with the total population of the state. Figuring percentages will help with ISTEP. 12. Figure the total population of the counties in Indiana or other state(s) that are not affected. 13. On the Giant Map of Indiana have the students record with the legos or with signs the number of tornados for each Indiana County. 14. Have the students make statements tornados in Indiana based on what they see on the Giant Map of Indiana. 15. Have the students view the videos Death Out of Darkness about the1964 Palm Sunday tornado outbreak.(See Additional Resources) 16. Have the students read the account of the 1964 Palm Sunday tornado outbreak in Indiana. 17. Have the students trace the paths of these tornados on the Giant Map of Indiana and then on a blank map of Indiana. 18. Have the student write a short paper about what they have learned about Indiana tornados. Adaptations/Extensions: 1. Read the Book Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman © 2. Research other tornado outbreaks in the state and identify the locations of these on the Giant Map of Indiana. 3. Research other natural disasters in Indiana and make class reports (New Madrid Earthquake, Blizzard of 1977, Floods, etc.) 4. Conduct oral histories of tornados in Indiana. 5. Invite a meteorologist to speak to the class about tornados. 6. Have the students make emergency preparedness handbooks. 7. Research the history of meteorology and the changes in tornado forecasting. 8. Make a class timeline of significant tornado activity in Indiana and the nation. Assessment: Students comparison of maps compare and contrast their maps Neatness and accuracy of student maps. Class participation. Students completed maps and written paper about Indiana tornados. Additional Resources: National Weather Service: Natural Hazards Statistics Page The Tornado Project Online: Tornadoes Going Around in Circles: FEMA for Kids:: National Geographic Expeditions Lesson Plan K-2: Night of the Twisters Lesson (located on the GENI Website under lesson plans) Death out of Darkness,(no questionable content on these pages) a 1966 documentary on the Palm Sunday tornados produced by the Indiana State Police and WISH TV: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 © MAP INSTRUCTIONS FOR "INDIANA TORNADO PROJECT” MAP #1 On this map put the total number of tornadoes to hit that county. Write the number of total tornadoes in the county then color code it, using the scale below for all your maps. Color code the numbers: 0-black 11-15 green 26-30 orange 1-5 blue 16-20 red 30+ brown 6-10 yellow 21-25 purple MAP #2 Put the total number of tornadoes in your counties for only the 1990's. Color-code the same as map #1. Map #3 Put in the total number of people killed by tornadoes in your counties. Color-code the same as map #1. Map #4 Put total number of injuries to the people in your county. Color-code the same as map #1. Map #5a Put the majority number of "F scale" tornadoes to hit your counties. SCALE: O-black 3-green 1-blue 4-red 2-yellow 5-purple Map #5b If your county or counties has an "F4 or F5" put the number of such tornadoes and color code it. ©