Forthcoming Changes in SAS
Paul Kent
VP SAS Platform Research & Development
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Where do I come from?
New Hill, North Carolina
Johannesburg, South
Fareham, England
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
R & D :: Loyal Employees
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
R & D groups, and where I come from
 Platform
 Clients
 Solutions
• With Analytics
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
R & D groups, and where I come from
 Platform
 Clients
 Solutions
• With Analytics
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
What do we programmers do?
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Gather Data
Organise Data
Arrange Data for consumption
Facilitate said consumption
Create understanding of Data
Promote understanding of said Data
Who do we programmers do it for?
Audience Continuum
Information Consumers
Domain Experts
Web Report Viewing
Web Reporting
Power Reporting
Information Delivery Framework
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Forthcoming Improvements in the SAS
ODS (and the new ODS statistical graphics)
SAS Database Storage capabilities
The Data Step and Proc SQL
Grid Computing Capabilities
Bits and Pieces
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
ODS Statistical Graphics
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Survival Plot Using PROC LIFETEST in SAS 8
 J. Zhou, NESUG 2002
 Three-page SAS
program with macros
 Use GPLOT and
GREPLAY for graphics
Statistical Metadata
Overlaid Curves
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Statistical Graphics
 Essential for modern data analysis
 Difficult to create in SAS prior to SAS 9
• Context lost when statistical procedure terminates
• Programmer must recreate context, metadata
 Statistical procedures should automatically
create graphics
 Follow the 80-20 rule – 20% of these might need
further tweaking, but for the most part…
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Life Is Easier in SAS 9 …
ods graphics on;
ods html file="lifetest.htm";
proc lifetest data=surv;
time surv*censor(1);
survival plots=(survival hwb);
strata trt;
id patient;
ods html close;
ods graphics off;
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
LIFETEST Procedure – Survival Plot
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
LIFETEST Procedure – HWB plot
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Usage of ODS Statistical Graphics in SAS 9
 Experimental in 30 SAS/STAT and SAS/ETS
procedures - SAS 9.1
 Automates creation of commonly used graphical
displays for a particular analysis
 Production in SAS 9.2
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Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
GAM Procedure
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
HPF Procedure
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
KDE Procedure
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
KDE Procedure
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
LOGISTIC Procedure
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
MIXED Procedure
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
MIXED Procedure
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
PHREG Procedure
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
PLS Procedure
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
PRINCOMP Procedure
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
REG Procedure
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
UCM Procedure
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Integration with ODS Styles
 Over 30 different styles
 New style elements for statistical graphics
• Fitted line
• Confidence lines and bands
• Prediction Lines
• Outliers
• Classification groups
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Style Demonstration
ods html file=“robustreg.htm” style=journal;
ods graphics on;
title “Journal Style”;
proc robustreg data=mydata plot=all;
model y = x1 x2 x3;
ods html close;
(only Summary Statistics and Residual Histogram output shown)
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
 Goal is to automate creation of graphics by
statistical procedures
• Minimum work for user
• Maximum built-in functionality
 Experimental in SAS 9.1
 Production in SAS 9.2
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
SAS Transactional Storage
(aka SAS Database Capabilities)
 Demo Time
 1. Color_table
• Remember to start your TableServer
 2. Customers
• Remember to start your AppServer (tomcat5)
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
SAS Transactional Storage
(aka SAS Database Capabilities)
 A more traditional Database Capability
 From SAS. (not oracle, ibm, or microsoft)
 Based on OpenSource “Firebird”
Real Datatypes – INT, MONEY, VARCHAR
Real Connectors – JDBC, ODBC, SAS Libname
Real Transactions – Rollback and Commit
MultiUser Server
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
What’s New in SAS Grid
Cheryl Doninger
R&D Director, Grid Development
Roger Thompson
Relationship Manager
Merry Rabb
Product Manager, Grid
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Grid Computing Market Size & Growth
Rapid Adoption of Grid Computing Based on Benefits
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Grid Adoption is Increasing
2/3 of firms surveyed
are using or
considering grid
A high percentage of
firms using analytical
applications are
considering grid
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Benefits of Grid Computing
 Faster results
 More executions – more data
 Time to recover from errors
 Better use of resources
 Virtualize resources
 Incremental IT spend
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Types of Applications Suitable for Grid
 Long running
 Many replicate runs of same fundamental
simulation (what if analysis)
optimization (testing lots of scenarios)
BY GROUP processing
data segmentation
 Independent tasks running against large
data sources
• scoring – risk analysis
• multiple procedures and data steps
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
SAS Grid Strategy
 Infrastructure benefits SAS applications
• large data / complex algorithms
 Focus areas
• Development
• Run-time
• System management
 Incremental Releases
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
SAS Grid Roadmap
Phase I
 SAS 8.2 functionality
• %Distribute
• SAS log
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
SAS Grid Success Stories
Texas Tech University
Statistics Canada
Large Pharmaceutical Company
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
SAS Grid Roadmap
Phase II
 SAS 9.1.3 Q3/2005 functionality
• smarter engines for SAS IDEs
• SAS/Platform integration
• SASMC monitoring
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Business Analytics - Enterprise Miner on SMP
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Business Analytics - Enterprise Miner on Grid
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Data Integration – ETL Studio on SMP/Grid
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Data Integration – ETL Studio on SMP/Grid
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Business Intelligence – Enabled on SMP/Grid
SAS Stored Process
SAS Program
ETL Studio
Enterprise Miner
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Grid Manager Plugin – job view
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Grid Manager Plugin – host view
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
SAS 9 Grid Computing Components
SAS 9 Grid Computing
NEW September 2005
Grid Manager
Grid Monitoring
Grid Management
Job Termination
Platform Suite
for SAS
Dynamic Load
Job, Queue & Host
SAS Connect
Session Spawning
SAS Applications
 Enterprise Miner
 Stored Processes
 Data Integration
Grid Enabled
Code Generation
Multiple Components Working Together to Provide Grid Computing
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
General Layout of a SAS Grid
Grid Node
SAS Foundation
Grid Node
Client Machine
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
SAS Grid
Grid Node
Metadata Server
Grid Mgr plugin
Grid Control
Suite for SAS
Grid Work Flow
Metadata Server
session resource
wl options
SASMain sas –noobjectserver
Workspace Server
Connect Client
LSF Cluster File
grdsvc_enable(p1, “resource=SASMain”);
Node1 ! ! 1 () (SASMain)
Node2 ! ! 1 () ()
Node3 ! ! 1 () (SASMain)
signon p1;
SAS Metadata
SASMain – Server Context
Platform Server Component
sas -noobjectserver
ETL Studio
Enterprise Miner
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Partitioning the Grid
session resource
wl options
SASMain sas –noobjectserver ETL
Metadata Server
Workspace Server
Connect Client
EM grid
LSF Cluster File
Node1 ! ! 1 () (SASMain,EM)
Node2 ! ! 1 () (SASMain,EM,ETL)
Node3 ! ! 1 () (SASMain, ETL)
grdsvc_enable(p1, “resource=SASMain,
signon p1;
SAS Metadata
SASMain – Server Context
Platform Server Component
sas –noobjectserver
ETL Studio
Enterprise Miner
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
ETL grid
Grid Provides: Speed and Efficiency
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Analytics are working, so people…
 Build more models
• For successively refined segments of customers
 Use more data in those models
 Integrate the results into operational systems
• <near real time>
 A SAS9.2 datastep movie
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
 More Multi thread enablement within SAS
 Yes, even the DATA STEP
 Saved Programs
 Multi Threaded Server Capabilities
• Same model, parallel data for thruput
• Many models, same data – one off scores in
operational systems
 Models Management can deploy models to
“score servers” without restarting them
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Bits and Pieces
Reverse Engineer SAS jobs
Checkpoint and Restart SAS jobs
Encode (and protect) your SAS jobs
ZIP functions
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Protect your IP
<expire=> <site=> …
 Send to your customers
 %include ‘’;
• Implies nosource; your macros can reset NOMPRINT…
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Checkpoint/Restart and
Parallelization Features
in the Core Supervisor
Rick Langston, Core Systems Department
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
 Craig R.’s request as per user community
 Job fails – want to restart where it left off
 ETL Studio also wanted a restart facility
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
A simple solution
Record a checkpoint number, save it in WORK
If restarting, skip PROC / DATA steps to there
Tokenize everything
Execute all global statements
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
To set up for checkpointing
 Have WORK refer to a permanent directory
 Use the CHECKPOINT option
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Subsequent restarting
Again use WORK to the permanent directory
Use the RESTART option
Job will restart as of the last successful step
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Is this what users want?
 We can’t do this without user being proactive
 data temp / set temp issues
 skipped steps may need to be executed
 Output files (flat files – DISP=MOD,
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
 Use it for a step that must be executed
 For example, SYMPUT and CALL EXECUTE
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
 Using options debug=‘checkpoint-implicit’;
 Option names still to be decided
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
data temp1; x=1; run;
data temp2; x=2; run;
data temp3; x=3; run;
data _null_;
if "&sysparm."="1"
then abort abend 999;
data temp4; x=4; run;
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
 Invoke once with checkpoint-implicit
 Then reinvoke with restart-implicit
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Additional info
 Planned for 9.2
 Option names still being decided
 Wanting additional input
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Parallelization Efforts
Reading in arbitrary SAS code
Producing metadata in comments
This could be post-processed by ETL Studio
This could be post-processed by Grid Computing
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Parallelization Efforts
Researching so far
Hooks in dependency opens
Catalogs, flat files, SAS data sets, etc.
Emitting info in comments
Example of use
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Exposure to User
 New option, such as DEPMETA=fileref
 SAS program with comments written to this file
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Ideas for the Future!
 How can the software learn?
 So the user doesn’t have to learn about the
software; they can learn the business!
 Some future ETL studio JOB
• Remembers data volumes from last weeks run
• Uses that memory to choose a better strategy
Copyright © 2004, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Your Turn!!
 You tell me next time SAS forgets something it
should have remembered
 And why remembering that would help SAS
improve next time
< >
Thanks for listening!
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