Contents The Partnership A. Partnership Summary B. The Social Care & Workforce Development Partnership C. Resources D. Collaborative Working Arrangements E. Emerging Effective Practice F. Evaluation and Performance Management G. Social Care & Workforce Development Partnership Governance H. Contact Details The Plan I. Contents of Strategic Local needs and Priorities J. Strategic Direction K. Current Priorities L. Commitment to the Bilingual Provision of Services M. Social Work Qualifying Training Plan and Social Work Post Qualifying Training 1 A. Partnership Summary The delivery of excellent services through a well-qualified, skilled, engaged and motivated staff group is fundamental to the success of all public sector organisations. In Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan Councils we have always been fortunate with regard to the quality and commitment of our staff and the part they play in the delivery of highly regarded and value for money services. As we move forward we remain committed to ensuring the recruitment and retention of excellent professionals and a working environment which allows staff to develop and give of their best. The next few years will require innovative approaches to training and development as we respond to the demands of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act and the scale of transformation of services that it will bring. It will be increasingly important to be able to update and replenish our existing skill base. Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan Social Services Directorates have a proven record in working together to manage, develop and deliver quality services that meet the needs of the local populations. During 2015/2016 we will work on this positive foundation to establish a joint training and development service that can support staff across the social care sector in the region to ensure all staff are trained and supported to undertake their roles. We will also work towards the early establishment of a Regional Social Care and Workforce Development Partnership (SCWDP) that will provide strong leadership and direction for the sector, ensuring appropriate representation and engagement from all parts of the sector, and from users and carers. We intend to have this in place by September 2015. With the support of the new regional partnership we will ensure that the training plan and the implementation plan for the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act are aligned to ensure that the whole social care sector is ready to deliver the new duties for social care in April 2016. Tony Young Regional Director Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan 2 In response to Section 10 of the Welsh Government circular we have a clear reporting framework IH & SC Governance Board Third Sector/Council Leaders/Chair Health Board/Cabinet Members Phil Evans Tony Young Director of Social Services Vale of Glamorgan Lead Director for Social Servies Well Being Act Director of Social Services Cardiff Nichola Poole Interim Regional Lead B. The SCWDP Partnership It is vital that everyone understands what high-quality care and support looks like, what people should expect when using care and support, and the roles and responsibilities of different organisations to deliver this. Clear roles and responsibilities for those involved in the commissioning and provision of care and support need to be set out at all levels. People, who are at different stages of their lives, including those at the end of their lives, use different types of care services. Good quality does not have the same meaning for everyone, because good quality depends on the point of view of the person using services. However, there are still some basics that services/providers have to get right if they are going to deliver high-quality care. A high-quality care and support service must consist of the following core components: The three components of safety, effectiveness and a positive experience of care are linked. A service cannot be judged to be good quality just because it is safe, if its effectiveness or people’s experiences are ignored. As a SCDWP partnership in Cardiff we are aware that there are many challenges in sustaining good quality services and in securing good outcomes for families and citizens. Not least of these are changes to the way that services are procured and managed in the context of significant budget savings. In order to ensure clear alignment between our workforce strategy and the implementation of the Social Services and Well Being Act 2014, the 2015 Welsh Government SCDWP Circular, requires all councils to establish regional partnerships and agree strategic regional priorities across the whole social care 3 sector in the region. Although we are at the beginning of this new journey in terms of workforce, we already have well established regional governance arrangements and plans in place to support implementation of the Act and we have initiated a programme of work, supported by an independent associate, to ensure that workforce planning is effectively aligned. We intend to report on the development of this approach in the September 2015 submission to Welsh Government C. Resources The City of Cardiff Council will make full use of the resources available under the Social Care Workforce Development programme with a need to ensure that we are focusing on the right activities, and that we’re not working harder but smarter to achieve the outcomes of our Annual Training Plan at both a local, regional and national level. Current Team Structure The focus of that plan will be: The Social Services & Well Being (Wales) Act 2014, The Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Bill And embedding this in all existing training, as well as in the design and delivery of key training and systems going forward. Following on from 14/15 we have undertaken some key changes including the colocation of the Qualification Team and the Workforce Development Team. This will enable us to continue to ensure high quality learning delivery for social care staff employed with our many partners in the City of Cardiff and will provide a stronger platform for the regionalisation of training and workforce development delivery. 4 D. Collaborative Working Arrangements We have a well-established and effective working relationship with the Vale of Glamorgan. We are increasingly undertaking more courses jointly which enhances consistency on a more cost effective basis. We have shared needs and increasingly, agencies and services are provided across the council boundaries. These include a regional Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB), Local Safeguarding Adults Board (LSAB), Integrated Family Support Team (IFST), Mental Health Teams, as well as services provided by the Police and Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. There are numerous courses we plan to run jointly in 2015-16 including the following:Toxic Trio and Safeguarding Conference We are hosting this event for 100 staff from the City of Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan. This will be a progression from some of the safeguarding courses that have run previously, as they include parental issues of substance misuse, mental ill health and domestic abuse and the impact of all three on children, young people and families. Working Together to Safeguarding Children and Child Practice Review Learning Events. We will deliver a number of learning events in collaboration with the Vale of Glamorgan Council and LSCB, which have been agreed at the joint LSCB training subgroup. In 2015-16 it is planned to hold eight events. They are coordinated by both Training Centres, the venues are provided by Health and Education, and practitioners from the LSCB agencies facilitate the training on the agreed subjects. Joint Fostering Induction Programme This has been devised with the Vale of Glamorgan, which was a new initiative for 2014-15. This programme consists of four sessions incorporating Welcome to the Authority, Child Development and Attachment, Looked After Processes and Safeguarding. The sessions are delivered jointly by a practitioner from each authority to newly approved foster carers. They will continue in 2015-16. Court Skills and Public Law Outline (PLO)/Family Justice Review There is a regional collaboration with other South East Wales Authorities in relation to Court Skills and PLO/Family Justice Review training. Jointly we have commissioned Research in Practice (RiP) to train BAAF who we will then commission individually to undertake training within the South East Wales Authorities. Attachment, Resilience and Brain Development In March 2015, we held a large scale joint event with Cardiff, Vale of Glamorgan, Newport and Caerphilly/Blaenau Gwent. This was in relation to Attachment, Resilience and Brain Development. We plan to do a similar event in 2015-16 on a different topic. 5 Brighter Futures There is a working group called “Brighter Futures” which has been focusing on promoting educational outcomes for looked after young people. In 2014-15 and into 2015-16 we held a series of large conferences for 300 Looked After Children’s Social Workers, Foster Carers and Designated LAC Teachers. It incorporated Personal Educational Plans, Pupil Deprivation Grant and other aspects relating specifically to Looked After Children in Education. They have been successful in promoting a shared aim and goal for our Looked After Children in Cardiff. Reablement training for people with Dementia Following on from the work with SSIA in respect of reablement services for people with Dementia, we have jointly commissioned 2.5 days of training from the trainer who worked closely with Cardiff on completing the learning material, placed on the SSIA website in the Autumn. City of Cardiff and the Vale jointly fund this commission; it will provide training to all Social workers, Occupational Therapists and front line care staff both in residential and domiciliary care services. The emphasis being placed on outcome approach delivery, recognising that a person with dementia can still complete tasks for themselves. As has been the case in recent years, we offer and take places on courses across South Wales that have not been taken up locally. E. Emerging Effective Practice We are working together in partnership with Community Housing and the Lift Programme to combine and promote good practice in line with key requirements of current legislative requirements. A need to address the retention of social care staff and managers was identified following on from the Annual Data Collection exercise that highlighted retention difficulties. We are encouraging providers of Care Services to offer work experience opportunities guided and supported by Lift Mentors. The employee will have undertaken an accredited employability skills course and Care Options Course before embarking on specific Mandatory Health and Social Care Training supported by SCWDP to begin the induction process. The potential employee is offered a work placement with continued support from the Lift project to ensure all checks and references are completed to avoid delays in start dates and salaries especially when benefits may be affected. Employers are able to assess the workers commitment and suitability over a period of time without commitment to provide a permanent contract. During the past year we have striven to make the best possible use of the available funding and to use it to maximise effect. The free training available from the Health Board has been used in a carefully planned way and has been well received by the sector. This has led to the Local Health Board working with individual Care Providers to deliver more 6 individually tailored training in order to improve the quality of care provision where there is a strong health element specifically Dental Health and Stoma Care. Sector wide quarterly Manager forum meetings have been hugely successful and are now bi-monthly. We have managed to engage with approximately 70% of the managers across Cardiff from both Domiciliary and Residential Care Services although there is a high turnover of managers this level of engagement continues to fluctuate. At each meeting there is a dedicated slot on the agenda for CSSIW where Managers feel able to share experiences and informally check understanding around regulation and inspection requirements with Cardiff local inspectors. Other agenda items include presentations, question and answer sessions on topics current and relevant to changes in legislation and practice. With particular attention on the new Act and Bill One of our most recent agenda items has been the on-line training electronic booking system (Totara), which has been introduced to help organisations book training places, plan and monitor their staff personal development requirements more effectively and enable us capture and report end of year training statistics. The Training Calendar has been hugely successful this year with an overall increase in attendance levels, partly due to changes in advertising time allocation and the continued effort at Manager Forums to remind Managers about the importance in developing robust in-house systems to manage and allocate their training bookings within their teams. This alongside non-attendance letters is helping to raise awareness with managers that training may be restricted if they become a repeat offender. Residential Care Home quarterly Activity Coordinators forum meetings have been held in order to provide information and advice .In order to help activity coordinators to have a better understand of their roles, to work in a person centred way with an individual not just put on morning and afternoon activities. We have worked closely with Age Connects Advocacy service to look at the issues in Residential Care Homes around valuable and realistic roles of the Activity Coordinators and the expectations of managers to see a rota of activities planned for the day that do not meet the needs or wishes of individuals. We facilitated 5 meetings and have since produced a booklet of resources/telephone numbers to support all of the activity coordinators in Cardiff. The meetings are well attended on average by 35 people and the overall feedback from both managers of the services and the attendees has been positive to ensure a modern and innovative way of delivering training and staff development. We have commissioned NAPA (National Association for Providers of Activities for Older People) to deliver 16 QCF Level 2 in Supporting 7 Activity Provision in Social Care. We have also planned and commissioned a series of training workshops to help activity coordinators develop a basic understanding of how and when to attempt the delivery of safe and appropriate seated physical activities, and to explore fun, meaningful, and stimulating activity sessions for older people. The attendance numbers are increasing at each meeting demonstrating the need for on-going support and recognition of the work of Activity Coordinators. Continued work with the independent advocate from Age Connects is proving to support continued and on-going attendance at the forum meetings as well as on the job information and advice. There are several examples of new practice, which began in 2014-15, and are being consolidated in 2015-16: There is a Child Sexual Exploitation multi-agency forum within Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan which the Training Department are involved in. A crucial role is in disseminating information through training to ensure staff are aware of local and national issues, and have up to date knowledge. The First Year in Practice (FYIP) Programme, which has been delivered for some years, has been revised, modified and will be updated to include mandatory training for consolidation within the CPEL framework. This includes safeguarding children, safeguarding adults, domestic abuse awareness and substance misuse awareness, and consists of 12 days learning in total. The FYIP mentoring programme has been re-launched including the development of a FYIP mentoring handbook. Training was offered on Mentoring Skills all who hold this responsibility. We co-ordinate a Principle Social Worker Support Group which aims to support and develop their role, discuss issues, and share best practice. This group will develop in line with the CPEL consolidation framework. As a result of a review into our Looked After Children (LAC) services and procedures, revised processes and paperwork were developed. The Training Department worked with the service area to develop a series of eight “LAC Best Practice” sessions that were delivered in September to all staff working in LAC services. An internal volunteer and mentoring programme has been developed with the co-ordinators of the services. This will be delivered in short evening and weekend courses as it is recognised that most volunteers work in the daytime. The topics to be covered will include safeguarding, first aid, bullying, substance misuse, mental health, internet safety, domestic abuse, self-harm, young people and relationships, lone working. In addition, we have provided some training for volunteer organisations upon request, either during an evening or at a weekend. 8 We have developed a series of best practice briefings on Re: BS and its impact on care planning, and Core Groups. Practitioners within the Council have provided these. It was a successful model and we plan to develop these further on different subjects in 2015-16. We undertook a series of awareness raising sessions for staff working within Social Care on the changes and impact of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014, delivered by a lecturer at Cardiff Law School who has a particular interest in this area. In addition, we ensured that training materials were updated to include the changes, and any trainers commissioned to provide training on our behalf have also included the changes to their material. F. Evaluation and Performance Management A range of methods to assess and evaluate the contribution of training offered and its effectiveness will be used in 2015-16. We recognise that this is an integral part of all training events. Historically we have used evaluation tools at the end of a learning event to gather the views of participants on the effectiveness of the facilitator, materials used, venue, whether the aims and objectives were met, and what they would have liked included. These have always been reviewed by the Training Department and were suggestions or complaints were made, these were followed up as appropriate. Participants took a duplicate of the evaluation to discuss in supervision. There were limitations to this approach. During the past year this process has been strengthened through requesting that external service providers include additional information about the impact of training attended when completing the annual data collection exercise. We are striving towards implementing a three tier approach to our evaluation system to evaluate and appraise the outcomes and effectiveness of training offered. The first element is a brief pre-registration proforma on why the participant is undertaking the training. The second is a proforma at the end of the learning event. The third element is conducted three months after the event. A questionnaire is sent to the manager to ascertain how effective it was in terms of staff development and whether it has been incorporated into the individuals practice. A new computer booking system (Totara/Learning Pool) will trigger an activity for the manager, both within the council and the independent sector. This is a new method of evaluating for Cardiff and it is anticipated that it will enable us to gather performance information on effectiveness of training, which has not been gathered routinely previously. In addition, the training experience should become more embedded for the learner, and the exercise helps them and their manager to identify what they have learned, as well as possible gaps in their knowledge. As yet we do not liaise directly with service users in relation to effectiveness of training but will endeavour to develop a method for this in the future. 9 The LSCB training subgroup plans to review what takes place in the joint areas in relation to evaluation and impact of training, and the group will make recommendation for the Board to consider in 2015-16. G. SCWDP Partnership Governance The Social Care workforce development partnership was set up in 2004 with the key aim of promoting the Welsh Government ethos of ‘one sector-one workforce’. The partnership in Cardiff has lost its momentum over recent years and despite work being undertaken during 2014/15, this now requires redevelopment. We plan to achieve this by inviting an independent associate to work with Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan to develop a regional partnership, in line with Welsh Government Circular requirements. It is hoped that during this process the members from the identified areas will come together to embrace the Welsh Government ethos once again and recognise that a qualified, skilled and knowledgeable workforce is a key requirement to any successful business. Social Care in Partnership (SE) has provided an information conduit for the City of Cardiff and we continue to have strong links with the coordinator not least as the training manager in Cardiff represents the training managers across SE Wales on the strategic partnership. The application for the grant, annual learning and development plan, and associated information will be hosted on the SCDWP pages of the City of Cardiff website. The continued promotion of the electronic booking system (TOTARA) will aid both managers and staff in online booking of courses. H. Contact Details 10 Director of Tony Young Children’s 0292087380 3 Services Operational Allan Evans Manager Service 0292087227 3 Accountancy Training and Joanne Finch Development 0292078844 4 Manager I. Context of strategic local needs and priorities The Council is committed to prioritising services that support those who are most vulnerable, particularly children and older people. Difficult times mean that more people need access to support and the Council has taken a number of actions to help those in need. Supporting vulnerable people is also hugely important if Cardiff is to effectively manage the growing demand pressures on services, promote social justice within the city and help address inequality. Developing a better understanding of the needs of individual service users and communities, and reshaping services in response will be crucial, as will be placing an increased focus on preventative action. Doing this will require joined up working between different organisations in the public, private and third sector. key partners, namely the South Wales Police, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, the Probation Service as well as a number of third sector organisations, to commit resources to helping vulnerable people. Often their work will complement Council activity, and at other times the Council will collaborate directly with partners to support people and help ensure that “Cardiff is fair, just and inclusive” and that “People are Safe and Feel Safe”. Source: The City of Cardiff Council Corporate Plan 2015-2017 Cardiff has a population of 351,710 (as at 2013) with 72,441 children and young people aged 0-17 and 279,269 adults aged 18 and over. Of these, 2,950 are in receipt of services from Children’s Services and 4,693 are in receipt of services from Social Care at any one time. Thousands are helped to achieve better outcomes through the provision of short term support or who, as a result of a period of care, then go on to live independent lives. 11 Children’s Services received 25,865 contacts in 2014/15, of which 4,531 became referrals. 611 children were being looked after at 31st March 2015, and 314 were included on the Child Protection Register. The number of referrals requiring initial assessment rose by 35% during the year. Health & Social Care received 7,387 enquiries and 480 Protection of Vulnerable Adult referrals during 2014/15. 8,019 adults were assessed or reviewed during the year and 4,693 were in receipt of services as at 31st March 2015 (1,052 receiving residential and nursing care and 3,641 receiving community based services). Overall the City of Cardiff Council provides a good range of effective social services that promote good outcomes for adults and children. However, these services are provided in a context of significant and continuing rises in demand and this presents real challenges in terms of ensuring consistency in the quality and standard of service in some key areas. Services for vulnerable adults and children are a clear priority for the Council. We know those areas that require additional attention to improve and our strong strategic focus on service improvement has enabled us to create the conditions for success in those areas. Whole Sector Recruitment Objective: •To support the Recruitment and Retention of appropriately skilled and qualified Health and Social Care Staff. Desired Outcomes •Staff Retention figures remain stable. •All Health and Social Care staff are inducted in line with the Care Council Induction Standards. •Appropriately skilled and qualified staff are recruited. •Attendance levels increase on the SCIF Course Performance Indicators: Actions: •Partnership working with Community Housing and the Lift Programme. •Take up of Managers offering work placements. •Attendance at Manager forum Meetings to monitor retention. •All Staff are able to evidence CPD. •To continue to raise awareness of the Care Council induction framework. •To agenda Recruitment and retention at each Managers Forum Meeting. •To increase work placement opportunities for Health & Social Care Staff. The Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 aims to address these issues and in doing so will give people greater freedom to decide which services they need while offering consistent, high-quality services across the City of Cardiff 12 What the Act will do The Act will transform the way social services are delivered, promoting people’s independence to give them stronger voice and control. Integration and simplification of the law will also provide greater consistency and clarity to: People who use social services Their carers Local authority staff and their partner organisations The courts and the judiciary. The Act will promote equality, improve the quality of services and enhance access to the provision of information people receive. It will also encourage a renewed focus on prevention and early intervention. In line with the Action plan for Implementation devised by the Integrated Health & Social Care Partnership for Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan, there is a clearly identified pathway of how this is going to be implemented by when and by whom. The introduction of Care Council for Wales electronic Hub will also aid the role out of awareness training and keeping people aware of updates and next steps. 13 J. Strategic Direction National •The National Outcomes Framework for people who need care and support 2014-15 •Social Services and Well Being (Wales ) Act 2014 •Sustainable Social Service for Wales: A Framework for Action •WG Measures including the Children and Families (Wales) Measure 2010 •Carers Strategy (Wales) Measure2010 •Mental Health ( Wales) Measure (2010) •Dementia Action Plan for Wales •The Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Bill •Continuing Professional Education and Learning Framework (CPEL) •Regulatory frameworks and National Minimum Standards 2014-15 •The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 •Welsh Language Impact Assessment Housing (Wales ) Act 2014 Regional Local • Dementia Plan Cardiff and Vale Dementia 3 year plan • Strengthening the Connections Cardiff and The Vale Local Authorities and Cardiff and the Vale UHB • Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 • LSCB Annual Report and Business Plan • Health & Social Care • Cardiff Corporate Plan 2014-2017 • Children’s Services Business Plan 2015-16 • Health & Social Care Business Plan 2015-16 • Annual Council reporting Framework • SCDWP strategic two year plan • Commissioning Frameworks S C W D P 14 Qualifications Objective: Desired Outcomes Performance Indicators: Actions: • Achievement of qualifications to ensure skilled and appropriately qualified workforce. • Staff hold qualifications appropriate to roles defined in Care Council for Wales’ Qualification Framework. • Percentage of staff holding relevant qualifications in line with nationally set training targets. • Continue to increase access to qualifying awards utilising alternative methodologies to secure individual award funding. Percentage Qualified 2014/15 80 74 70 61 60 49 50 41 40 30 20 • Continue to promote essential skills and sign post as necessary. 10 0 Managers Deputies Seniors Carers Percentage Qualified 2014/15 15 Skills Objective: Desired Outcomes Performance Indicators: Actions: •To facilitate the development of practice knowledge and skills across the sector. •Effective Safeguarding of Children, young people and vulnerable adults. •Services that promote independence, wellbeing and choice. •Percentage of take up on training opportunities across sector. •Feedback from service users obtained through QA frameworks. •Feedback via internal monitoring systems. •Increase access to learning and development activities. •Roll out e-learning training packages for Safeguarding training. •Develop a framework to promote service user and carer involvement in training. Training Attendance 2014/15 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 3499 2916 583 Training Attendance 2014/15 16 Continuing Professional Development Objective: Desired Outcomes Performance Indicators: Actions: •To promote induction, supervision, appraisal and Continuous Professional Development •An understanding and implementation of systems to continually professionally developing the workforce. •100% of new starters in Care to complete Care Council for Wales induction Framework. •A percentage of new starters to attend the SCIF 6 day programme provided in partnership with a local college. •Availability of a generic CPD portfolio template. •Increase opportunities for Supervision and Appraisal training •Continue to promote CPD using various managers meetings and forums. •Continue to develop elearning Management and induction training. •To work with local college to monitor attendance levels and maintain currency of programme Attendance at SCIF Programme 120 117 Available Places Actual Attendance 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Attendance at SCIF Programme 17 Workforce Development Collaboration Partnership Objective: Desired Outcomes Performance Indicators: Actions: •Effective communication systems in place accessible and relevant to promote workforce development and training. •Local partners are informed and fully aware of developments in the sector and have opportunities to contribute and participate in partnership activity. •The partnership and subgroups act as a conduit for communication and dialogue •Updated SCWDP Website. •Partnership Meetings held as outlined in Terms of Reference. •Regular attendance at Management forum meetings. •Take up of training opportunities across the sector. •Continue to monitor take up of training across the sector. •Ensure the currency of information published on the SCWDP Partnership website Manager's Forum 300 245 250 200 190 200 150 100 50 0 Maximum Available Places Bookings Manager's Forum 18 Actual Attendance Performance Management Objective: Desired Outcomes Performance Indicators: Actions: • To achieve a robust data collection process to inform Social Care Workforce Planning • Achievement of 100% returns of completed annual data questionnaires from commissioned providers. • To receive a 100% response to the annual training needs analysis. • Actual percentage returned of data collection. • Training needs analysis returned from each provider of Health and Social Care. • Continue to promote and include a requirement to return SCWDP data collection questionnaires at Manager meetings, forums and other electronic communication media. Data Collection Returns 140 121 120 95 100 80 60 40 26 20 0 Forms Issued Forms Returned Missing Forms Data Collection Returns 19 K. Current Priorities A priority for 2015-16 will be ensuring that the workforce is aware of the impact and changes needed in accordance with the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014. Working in conjunction with a Plan for Implementation. Staff training will take place throughout 2015/16 to support those staff working with people with dementia, their carers and families in an enabling way using SSIA materials that were developed in Cardiff. We continue to support managers through the management development programme that is offered as continual professional development, upskilling to ensure a progressive pathway and part of a maintainence programme for existing managers. Following on from an organisational restructure within the Children’s Services case management teams in July 2014, we will be organising dedicated training for service area specialism. The Team Managers and Principle Social Workers in a team are matched in terms of their specialist subjects. Each time they attend a specialist training, they will deliver a briefing on it to teams it affects. This system will also be rolled out across adult social care teams. We plan to develop the Risk Assessment Framework so that robust Risk Assessments are undertaken with families which receive intervention. This will involve developing a Framework that meets our needs, and providing appropriate training to complement it. The joint LSCB training subgroup is not organising a calendar of training this year as it is changing focus from a provider of training to a role of reviewing what is taking place in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan in terms of ensuring the development of the workforce in relation to safeguarding, and identifying gaps. We were heavily involved in organising this multi-agency safeguarding training previously. Our focus for Cardiff social care staff will now be to deliver training creatively on safeguarding topics, for example Safeguarding and Cultural issues which will incorporate FGM, forced marriage etc and Toxic Trio and Safeguarding which will incorporate different parental issues and the impact on children and young people. As stated in section D, there is a regional collaboration with other South East Wales Authorities in relation to Court Skills and Public Law Outline (PLO)/Family Justice Review training. Jointly we have commissioned Research in Practice (RiP) to training BAAF who we will then commission individually to undertake training within the South East Wales Authorities. Outcome focused training will continue to be rolled out and further training identified such as Person Centred Creativity that will ensure that all staff are aware of the importance of working in an outcome focused way with all people who receive services. 20 L. Commitment to the Bilingual Provision of Services Partnerships should ensure that consideration is given to the workforce’s ability to deliver services bilingually, in line with the Social Services’ Strategic Framework for Welsh Language Services which confirmed the Government’s commitment to strengthen Welsh language services to service users and their families. ["More than just Words", Strategic Framework for Welsh Language Services in Health, Social Services and Social Care]. The Children’s Services and Health & Social Care Directorates in Cardiff Council are currently working collaboratively to implement the requirements of Mwy na Geiriau / More Than Just Words, the National Strategic Framework for Welsh Language Services in Health, Social Services and Social Care. There are designated roles with each directorate to enable the Health & Social Care Welsh Language Co-ordinator to focus on the implementation of the Strategy across the City of Cardiff Council and to support the Independent Sector to implement the Framework. This will allow us to: Roll out Welsh Language awareness training across all services Undertake and support Welsh Language Awareness training with the Independent Sector Complete the skills assessments of staff and the resulting designation of posts as ‘Welsh Essential’. Develop bespoke training for social care staff within the Council and the Independent Sector, in the provision of care services which are sensitive to the needs of Welsh speakers. Ensure that welsh Language needs become an integral part of service commissioning, and that care providers are aware of their responsibilities. M. Social Work Qualifying Training Plan and Social Work Post Qualifying Training The City of Cardiff Council continues to provide a secondment scheme to support and develop existing staff which impacts positively on recruitment and retention.. Those members of staff qualifying have all secured permanent Social Work posts within their original teams. The process for selection follows the Cardiff Metropolitan University procedure, and includes service users (according to good practice standards) and an Operational Manager from within the service area as well as members of the Training Team. Widened access to the scheme for employees has resulted in strong applicants from within the 21 Council being put forward to the Degree Programme. Contracts are in places which clarify the conditions of these secondment opportunities. The hosting of direct entry social work students during their training is also part of the local Partnership arrangements. The Authority has Hosting Agreements with Cardiff University and Cardiff Metropolitan University for the next 2 years, undertaking to provide 98 placements per year. Provision of Practice Learning Opportunities is an increasing challenge resulting from ongoing changes and increased pressures within teams as well as a decrease in Voluntary sector projects. The commitment of staff however, to take students continues with the aid Off Site Practice Assessors who are employed to ease the work load of the assessment process of students. Support and training is provided to all practitioners undertaking work with students, this ensures ongoing quality assurance and good practice. Teams, On Site Supervisors and Practice Assessors are now becoming familiar with the new Rules and Requirements & National Occupational Standards for the Qualifying Degree in Social Work. We are encouraged that the changes reflect the current climate in Social Work and these in combination with Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 will strengthen training to produce Social Workers who are well equipped for future practice. Seconded Students 5 12 2015-2016 10 2016-2017 2017-2018 The commitment remains to continue, maintain and develop a secondment program in order to raise further the standards of the qualified workforce. However, this can only be commensurate with financial viability. With the SCDWP Five Year Strategic plan coming to an end next year longer term plans cannot be guaranteed. The above table is a projection based on current commitment to secondees remaining the same, i.e. five potential places per year. Approx. Cost of Social Work Qualifying Training from SCWDP Funding 22 The table below identifies those costs of Social Work training which are met from SCWDP funding which includes the £36,000 which has been specifically ring-fenced this year. 2015-2016 £ Degree Fees 40,000 Replacement costs 26,000 Part time Training Officer post 22,600 Part time Admin. Assistant post 12,800 TOTAL 101,400 Social Work Post Qualifying Training Continuing Professional Education and Learning (CPEL); A Framework for Social Workers in Wales, Care Council for Wales has actively been in place for one academic year. It has required a new infrastructure around PQ which social workers are now becoming familiar with. The clear career pathway it has created will hopefully encourage experienced practitioners to remain in practice. This fits well with existing career grade arrangements which are already in place in this authority. Part of the grant will be used to support this. Staff have been kept informed of the changes and briefing sessions arranged to enable informed choices regarding their personal and professional development. The linking of CPEL with social work registration has not yet been effected, however, following good practice standards newly qualified social workers within Cardiff Council will be required to follow a set First Year in Practice programme, followed by the CPEL Consolidation programme as a matter of course. The full programme for the First Year in Practice is now well established and includes relevant training for this level as well as the required preparatory training for the Consolidation program. Mentoring is provided for the duration of the Programme although provision of this has been problematic within teams. The Consolidation Programme has now been running for two years. The collaborative approach between 10 authorities and 3 Higher Education Institutions has worked effectively in ensuring practitioners adhere to good practice. Feedback from those undertaking the course has given valuable insight on which to adjust various aspects of the programme. Training Managers in the region continue to work together to provide resources necessary to sustain the programme in terms of assessment and in house training. 23 The Experienced Practitioner Programme, Senior Practitioner Programme and the Consultant Practitioner Programme will continue in September 2015. The Care Council for Wales are funding 7 places for this Authority; part of the grant will be used to support additional places. Post Qualifying training outside of the CPEL framework continues with various courses, again part of the grant will be used to fund and provide assessment and support. The Practice Teaching modules at our Partner Universities continue to be well supported. This course remains a valuable resource to enhance the provision and support required for social work student placements within the Local Authority, as well as the Independent and Voluntary sector. The required number of quality Practice Learning Opportunities could not be met if it were not for enthusiastic social workers undertaking these courses. Feedback from participants has been very positive, enhancing skills and knowledge in their practice. There are two further programmes available at Level 7 and these are with other Universities. Firstly there is the Approved Mental Health Professional Post Graduate Certificate [AMHP], which is provided by a partnership between Swansea University and local authorities in South Wales. This training is a priority for adult social care services and we will continue to support social workers on the programme. Secondly, there is the Team Manager Development Programme, which is also at Post Graduate Certificate level. The transition to the CPEL framework will remain a challenge for Social Work staff for some time. However, they will receive encouragement and support to embrace these new initiatives and make informed decisions regarding their professional development. 24