PART I of the Summer Reading Assignment

2011 Summer Reading Packet
AP English Language and Composition
Grade 11
Miss Geary
Welcome to the Advanced Placement English program at Thomas Jefferson High School! I look
forward to a productive, challenging, and intellectually stimulating year together. During the
summer and first nine weeks, we will read a minimum of four novels: The Things They Carried
by Tim O’Brien, The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, a nonfiction novel of your choice,
and a research novel of your choice. We will intertwine social issues into our study and
discussion of these novels in order to begin preparation for the national test in AP English
Language and Composition. The assignments included in this packet are designed to serve as
the basis for our discussions and activities at the beginning of the school year. A complete copy
of this assignment will be placed on the TJ website for access as well as on my classroom
website at: Once on the homepage, click on “AP English
Language and Composition” to find your class site. The summer reading assignment is divided
into three parts:
Part I: Reading of The Things They Carried, by Tim O’Brien
(assessments will occur during the first week of school)
Part II: Nonfiction Novel Book Review and Presentation
Part III: Exposure to the AP Test Format and Expectations
(the assignments for this section are in a separate AP Test Prep Booklet)
*All work is expected to be completed on a computer. If one is not available to you, please know
that our local libraries have computers and printers for public use.
Please note: All written work is to be original. Do not work on this assignment together. Please
be forewarned that phrases, sentences, and/or ideas copied from analytical sources (either
paper or online) will result in no credit for the assignment. Academic dishonesty will not be
tolerated in this course. Contact me via e-mail ( should you have any
questions regarding the summer reading assignment. Please be patient if I do not respond right
away. I will not be able to check my e-mail everyday over the summer months.
PART I of the Summer Reading Assignment
Summer Reading Novel: The Things They Carried
We all carry things with us. These things may be tangible, emotional, or imaginary. This novel,
set in the Vietnam War era, examines the baggage of several soldiers of Alpha Company. This is
a great summer reading assignment because the book is a series of short stories.
After reading The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien, please complete the following
assignments in preparation for our class discussions and assessments:
1. Visit the website This site provides pictures of real
soldiers, the conditions they endured, and most of all, the things they carried. This site
will serve as a visual preparation for the book you will read.
2. Read the book. A list of jargon, slang, and acronyms is included in this packet.
3. As a humanitarian gesture, “carry” items from home that can be used by our soldiers
who are serving in Iraq. We will collect these items, and they will be forwarded to a local
reserve unit. A list of suggested items is included in this packet. “CARRY” THESE
Jargon, Slang, and Acronyms for The Things They Carried
C rations
CO status
LSA (oil)
LZ Gator
PRC 25
Psy Ops
Sin Loi
area(s) of operation
fast food franchise
absent without leave
army of Viet Nam
box lunch for in the field
criminal investigation division
a mine packed with steel pellets
conscientious objector status
tear gas
medical evacuation or medivac, also any helicopter pickup
non-commissioned officer, 6th level, sergeant (army)
enlisted man
Government Issue; another name for a soldier
high explosive rounds
killed in action
Lyndon Baines Johnson, US President from 1963-1969
listening post
oil used on rifles and light machinery
landing zone named Gator
comic slang for medical supplies
missing in action
military police
military payment certificates, payment instead of dollars
small can opener which can be put on a key chain
popular force, So. Vietnamese militiamen
private 1st class, a rank
portable radio-telephone
psychological warfare operations
rest and recreation
regional force, So. Vietnamese regional force
rocket propelled grenade
radiotelephone operator
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
Vietnamese for “sorry about that”
standard operating procedure
Uniformed Services Organization, entertained the troops
Viet Cong, a south Vietnamese who collaborated with the north Vietnamese
Tips, Ideas, and Suggestions for Items to “Carry” to School
Soldiers appreciate receiving letters from students. It doesn’t matter if the soldiers know the
person writing the letter. Simply knowing that there is someone back home in the states
thinking about them and their service to our country provides great encouragement for the
Food Items:
 Instant coffee
 Powdered Gatorade
 Powdered hot chocolate
 Kool-Aid (pre-sweetened)
 Tea bags
 Slim Jims
 Crackers and Easy Cheese (Triscuits and Ritz Crackers)
 Candy (anything that won’t melt)
 Single servings of bagged chips/pretzels
 Little Debbie snack cakes
 Bubble gum
 Rice Krispie treats
 Kraft Easy Mac
 Microwave popcorn
 Beef Jerky
 Granola bars
 Power/Energy bars
 Chex Mix
 Canned soup
 Tuna
 Oatmeal
 Dried fruit
 Instant soup
Practical Items:
 Clorox wipes
 Baby wipes
 Razors
 Shampoo
 After shave lotion
 Soap or body wash
 Mouth wash
 Deodorant
 Toilet paper
 Lotion
Dental floss
Baby powder
Foot powder
Cotton balls
Liquid Hand Sanitizer
Breath mints
More items for females:
Hair bands
Hair clips
Nail files
Nail polish/remover(conservative color)
Nail clippers
Small mirrors
Body sprays
Hair spray/Hair gel
Just for Fun:
A stress ball
Stamps, paper, pen, and envelopes
Disposable camera
Journal or Magazine
Dart boards
Hackie sacks
Mini fans
Jokes and comics
Foam footballs/basketballs
Tips, Ideas, and Suggestions for Items to “Carry” to School
Extra Notes:
Calling Cards: Extremely useful, but you have to be careful here because the minute time on some cards
decreases considerably when calls are made from overseas. For example, a 120 unit worldwide AT&T
calling card only provides 6 minutes of talk time. AAFES cards can be purchased from
Beanie Babies and other little toys: Sounds silly, but the soldiers are the best ambassadors for our country
and they end up giving the toys to children. Same goes for the big bags of variety candy that you see
around Halloween. Some soldiers tell stories about throwing candy to children that would crowd around
their vehicles as their convoy passed by.
Sunscreen/Insect Spray: The combination sunscreen/insect spray is apparently a favorite as it takes up
less space in soldiers’ packs. This can be purchased from
Do not send:
 Pressurized items
 Chocolate that will melt
 Anything homemade (items must be factory sealed. Soldiers are instructed to throw away
anything that is not sealed.) Homemade items can only be sent to family members. This rule
protects the soldiers’ safety.
PART II of the Summer Reading Assignment
Nonfiction Book Review and Presentation
The AP English Language and Composition course suggests a strong emphasis on nonfictional
texts. Because most of the selections that you are required to read during the school year are
fictional novels, we are asking you to read, review, and present a nonfiction work. Nonfiction
includes the following genres: autobiography, biography, memoir, and all other accounts that
are true.
Assignment: Choose a full-length, nonfiction work by an American author. Read it, and then
complete a book review and Photo Story presentation (instructions to follow). When you
return from summer break, you will present your novel to the class in the form of a Photo
Although you may browse in a bookstore to choose a book, you may also conduct a Google
search of the best-selling nonfiction novels to gain ideas and read reviews. Please remember,
this is a college-level course. Therefore, your book selection should be appropriate for a collegelevel course. If you are unsure of the appropriateness of your book selection, please e-mail me at to gain approval.
Below is a list of suggested nonfiction novels read by past AP English students:
(Please note: Some of these novels include mature language and adult content)
The Overachievers by Alexandra Robbins
Escape by Carolyn Jessup
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls
Running with Scissors by Augusten Burroughs
Beautiful Boy by David Sheff
Kabul Beauty School by Deborah Rodriguez
Prozac Nation by Elizabeth Wurtzel
Seabiscuit by Laura Hillenbrand
A Child Called “It” by Dave Pelzer
A Million Little Pieces by James Frey*
Electroboy by Andy Behrman
Black Hawk Down by Mark Bowden
Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt
She Said Yes by Misty Bernall
Teacher Man by Frank McCourt
Catch Me If You Can by Frank Abagnale
Tweak by Nic Sheff
The Zookeeper’s Wife by Diane Ackerman
The Innocent Man by John Grisham
Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim by David Sedaris
Freakonomics by Malcolm Gladwell
How Starbucks Saved My Life by Michael Gates Gill
Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson*
The Perfect Storm by Sebastian Junger
A Little Bit Wicked by Kristin Chenoweth
Miss O’Dell by Chris O’Dell
In a Heartbeat by Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy
Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom
The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating by Elisabeth Tova Bailey
Your Father’s Voice by Lyz Glick
Fighting Back by Deena Burnett
Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen
A Devil in the White City by Erik Larson
The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch
Lucky by Alice Sebold
My Friend Leonard by James Frey
*The authors of these novels have released disclaimers that some of the information provided in the novel
is not truthful and/or embellished.
Microsoft Photo Story Presentation
Featuring your selected nonfiction novel
Step 1. Please visit the following website to download your free Photo Story 3 for Windows:
Follow the online instructions for downloading the program.
Step 2. You may wish to familiarize yourself with the program prior to completing the project. A stepby-step tutorial has been included in this packet. If you lose this packet, the tutorial can also be
accessed online at:
Why not practice using the program to showcase your own pictures from a family vacation, prom, or
other memorable event?
Step 3. To meet minimum requirements, 20 pictures must be used to feature your nonfiction novel.
Create a folder and save various pictures from the Internet or digital camera. Follow the directions in the
tutorial to create your presentation. Your presentation should be approximately 5 minutes in length (no
Step 4. Text and/ or voice must be added to narrate your presentation. Be sure the text you include is
clearly visible. If you have the capabilities to add voice narration, you will eliminate the need to speak
directly to the class as part of your presentation. If you do not include voice narration, prepare note cards
so you may effectively speak to the class while your Photo Story is being presented. Also, add music to
your presentation by either selecting a song that has relevance to the novel or by creating your own
musical accompaniment (see tutorial).
Step 5. Save your presentation to a flash drive or CD for submission on the first day of class. You may email the presentation to your instructor if you do not have access to either of these storage devices. If
you choose to e-mail the presentation as an attachment, I will confirm receipt of your presentation. Print
my response as verification that the file was successfully received.
Your Photo Story Presentation MUST:
Identify title and author
Establish setting (time and place)
Introduce major characters and provide brief description of each
Briefly narrate story (don’t give away the ending)
Provide author’s background information
Identify author’s purpose (reason for writing) and tone (author’s attitude)
Comment on author’s writing style (word choice, sentence structure, organization, use of
figurative language, imagery, symbolism, etc.)
This assignment is worth 40 points. You must complete all of the requirements in order to earn full
credit. Additionally, the overall quality and organization of the presentation will be assessed.
Remember to bring the presentation with you on the first day of school.
AP English Language Nonfiction Book Review
Answer the following questions pertaining to the nonfiction novel that you choose to read.
Respond to each question in a short paragraph comprised of 3-5 sentences. The book review is
worth 20 points (2 points per question). You will be assessed on the quality and thoughtfulness
of your responses, in addition to the conventional rules of writing. Please type the questions
above each response.
1. What is the significance of the title, and what can we conclude from the title before
opening the text?
2. What is your visceral reaction to the text and why did you react this way?
3. What is the most important event or passage in the text and why?
4. What parts distract from the work’s overall effectiveness and why?
5. What dominant themes permeate the text?
6. What patterns have you discovered in the text?
7. What confuses you or makes you wonder about the text?
8. What questions do you have after reading the text?
9. Would you read another book by this author? Why or why not?
10. What effect does the book have on your beliefs, thoughts, and/or theories? Explain.
A deduction will be taken for writing that does not follow the standard conventions of written
PART III of the Summer Reading Assignment
Exposure to the AP Test Format and Expectations
AP Multiple Choice Test: Near the end of the 2009-2010 school year, you will be encouraged to
take the national AP test in the hopes of earning 3 college credits. In order to prepare you for
this exam, you will take an AP-style multiple-choice test on The Things They Carried. I will use
this as a diagnostic test to measure your prior knowledge and readiness for the advanced
placement program. Please do not collaborate on the test. This is a measure of your academic
integrity. I will award you completion points for attempting the questions. Your actual score on
the multiple choice test will not affect your grade in the class. Therefore, you should not feel the
urge to collaborate with others. Please be aware that the types of questions you will encounter
on the AP exam are much more difficult than what you have experienced in previous English
classes. Do not be alarmed if you feel overwhelmed by the difficulty of the questions – this is a
normal reaction. Simply try your best. Record your answers on the scantron sheet provided
with the test in the AP Test Prep Booklet.
AP Synthesis Essay: In addition to taking a diagnostic multiple choice test, you will also write a
synthesis essay in response to an AP-released prompt from the 2007 AP exam. A synthesis essay
is similar to a research paper; it demonstrates your ability to present a reasoned, wellsupported, and engaging argument. You will be asked to read a variety of sources, both textual
and graphic. You will then form an opinion after reading the sources, develop a thesis, and
write an essay in which you support your thesis using and citing at least 3 of the sources you
read. This essay should be at least five paragraphs in length with a clear introduction and
conclusion. When you cite the sources, you may refer to them as “Source A, Source B,” etc., or
you may use the author’s last name or article title. You must use direct quotes when supporting
your thesis, and you must provide documentation. If you do not cite your sources, this is
considered plagiarism and results in a 2 or below on the AP grading scale. Also, avoid merely
paraphrasing the sources.
*Please read this section carefully: The synthesis essay will be scored on an AP scale of 1-9 and
then converted into a score out of 40 (see pages 13-14 for more details). I will be assessing your
writing style, organization, focus, content, and ability to synthesize and integrate sources into
your writing to support your argument. You should converse with your sources, not merely
quote a source and move on. Please be aware that this essay will be critically evaluated and that
in order to earn a high score, you must not only meet the requirements, but also demonstrate
your skill as a writer and critical thinker. On the national AP exam, most students score in the
middle-range (5-6 on a 9 point scale). It is quite difficult to earn an 8 or 9. You must demonstrate
a sophisticated writing style, provide insightful analysis, and convey a mature, academic tone.
Refer to the attached conversion chart and grading rubric for more details. The essay prompt
and accompanying 6 sources are included in the AP Test Prep Booklet.
Review of Steps for Completing a Synthesis Essay
1. Read the 6 sources. Annotate the sources as you read.
2. Analyze each source. Ask yourself the following questions: What claim is the source
making about the issue? What data or evidence does the source offer in support of that
claim? What are the assumptions or beliefs (explicit or unspoken) that warrant using
this evidence or data to support the claim?
3. Establish a position on the topic and formulate a thesis.
4. ARGUE your position. Present clear reasoning and support for your position on the
topic. This includes the incorporation of direct quotes within the essay as support. You
must use at least 3 of the sources and engage in a conversation with those sources.
*NOTE: If you should lose your AP Test Prep Booklet or if you join the class during the
summer months, you can access the essay prompt and sources at the following website:
The multiple choice questions cannot be accessed online. If you need an extra copy of the
multiple choice questions from the AP Test Prep Booklet, you may pick up a booklet in the high
school guidance office.
Please type your essay, double-spaced in Times New Roman 12 point font, and carefully
proofread it before submission on the first day of school.
AP English Language and Composition
Scoring Guidelines for the Synthesis Essay
Essays earning a score of 9 meet the criteria for essays that are scored an 8, and, in addition, are especially
sophisticated in their argument and synthesis of cited sources, or impressive in their control of language.
Essays earning a score of 8 effectively take a position on the topic, and they effectively support their position by
synthesizing and citing at least three of the sources. The writer’s argument is convincing, and the cited sources
effectively support the writer’s position. The prose demonstrates an ability to control a wide range of elements of
effective writing but is not flawless.
Essays earning a score of 7 fit the description of the essays that are scored a 6 but are distinguished by more
complete or more purposeful argumentation and synthesis of cited sources, or a more mature prose.
Essays earning a score of 6 adequately take a position on the topic, and they adequately synthesize and cite at least
three of the sources. The writer’s argument is generally convincing and the cited sources generally support the
writer’s position, but the argument is less developed or less cogent than the arguments of essays earning higher
scores. Though the language may contain lapses in diction or syntax, generally the prose is clear.
Essays earning a score of 5 take a position, and they support their position by synthesizing and citing at
least three sources, but their arguments and their use of cited sources are somewhat limited, inconsistent, or uneven.
The writer’s argument is generally clear, and the sources generally support the writer’s position, but the links
between the sources and the argument may be strained. The writing may contain lapses in diction or syntax, but it
usually conveys the writer’s ideas adequately.
Essays earning a score of 4 inadequately take a position. They attempt to present an argument and support their
position by synthesizing and citing at least two sources but may misunderstand, misrepresent, or oversimplify either
their own argument or the cited sources they include. The link between the argument and the cited sources is weak.
The prose of 4 essays may suggest immature control of writing.
Essays earning a score of 3 meet the criteria for the score of 4 but demonstrate less understanding of the
cited sources, less success in developing their own position, or less control of writing
Little Success
Essays earning a score of 2 demonstrate little success in taking a position. They may merely allude to knowledge
gained from reading the sources rather than citing the sources themselves. These essays may misread the sources,
fail to present an argument, or substitute a simpler task by merely responding to the question tangentially or by
summarizing the sources. The prose of essays scored a 2 often demonstrates consistent weaknesses in writing, such
as a lack of development or organization, grammatical problems, or a lack of control.
Essays earning a score of 1 meet the criteria for the score of 2 but are especially simplistic or weak in their
control of writing or do not cite even one source.
Essays earning a score of zero are on-topic responses that receive no credit, such as those that merely repeat
the prompt.
Essays earning a dash ( - ) are blank responses or responses that are completely off topic.
AP English Language and Composition
Rubric-to-Gradebook Conversion Chart
(40 point scale)
8 (effective)
6 (adequate)
4 (inadequate)
2 (little success)
41 / 40
38 / 40
35 / 40
32 / 40
29 / 40
26 / 40
23 / 40
20 / 40
17 / 40
0 / 40
102.5 %
95 %
87.5 %
80 %
72.5 %
65 %
57.5 %
50 %
42.5 %
Below is a list of all summer reading assessments and possible points. Please check off each
assignment as you complete it.
_____ Donation for Soldiers – counts toward participation grade
_____ Nonfiction Book Review – 20 points
_____ Nonfiction Book Presentation (using Photo Story) – 40 points
_____ AP Multiple Choice Diagnostic Test – counts toward participation grade
_____ AP Synthesis Essay – 40 points
Total Possible Points: 100
Please note: There will be a reading test and in-class essay on The Things They Carried during the
first week of school. Be prepared.