New Generation Silicon Solar Cells By Sarah Lindner Engineering Physics TUM New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 Table of contents 1. Introduction - Photovoltaics on the world market 2. Semiconductor 2.1 Electronic band structure 2.2 Metal – Isolator – Semiconductor 2.3 Definition 2.4 Doping 2.5 Intrinsic/Extrinsic 2.6 Conductivity 2.7 Direct/indirect band gap 2.8 Absorptioncoefficient 3. Solar cell – functionality 3.1 pn-junction 3.2 pn-junction under radiation 3.3 Solar cell characteristics 3.4 Equivalent circuit 3.5 Generation and recombination New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 Table of contents 3.6 Diffusion length 4. Solar cell – efficiency 4.1 Dilemma 4.2 Solar basics 4.3 Losses 4.4 Efficiency values 5. How to optimize silicon solar cells 5.1 Why still silicon? 5.2 Surface passivation 5.3 Reflection 5.4 Laser operations 5.5 Solar cell contacts 5.6 OECO-cell 5.7 Further prospects 6. Bibliography New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 1. Introduction - Photovoltaics on the world market • „In 2007 the photovoltaic market grew over 40% with ~ 2.3 GW of newly installed capacity“ (EPIA) • Germany has the first position on the world market with 50% global market share • power Installed by region: 80% Europe 16% North America 4% Asia • Most dynamic market is Spain • Seven Countries hosting the majority of large photovoltaic power plants: RoW, Italy, Japan, Korea, USA, Spain, Germany • the cumulative power quadrupled • Installed PV world wide 7300MWP • Annual growth predicted ~ 25% • Turnover by modules (2030) ~100billion €/a • By 2030 a worldwide contribution of 1% is reached Annual installed power grew significantly from 2004 2.1 Electronic band structure One single atom discrete energy levels Bring atoms close together , e.g. crystall lattice Interaction of the electrons Energy levels split up band structure Band structure of Mg with potential well New Generation Silicon Solar Cells Discrete energy levels Band structure of silicon E(k) 23.03.2016 2.2 Metal – Isolator – Semiconductor Metal: • either the conduction band is partly filled • or no seperate conduction and valence band exist • electrons can move freely • T ↑ resistivity ↑ • electrons give their energy to the phonons very fast ~ 10-12s Isolator: Band structure • at T = 0 the conduction band is empty very high resistivity • band gap EG > 3eV • no conductivity despite doping possible New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 2.2 Metal – Isolator – Semiconductor Semiconductor: • isolator for deep temperatures (T = 0) • conduction band at low temperatures as good as empty, valence band almost full • band gap 0,1eV < EG < 3eV • (intrinsic semiconductor) • T ↑ resistivity ↓ • Electrons can stay in the conduction band for about 10-3s New Generation Silicon Solar Cells Band structure 23.03.2016 2.3 Definition A semiconductor is a material that has electrical conductivity between that of a conductor and that of an insulator Its resistivity decreases with increasing temperature and therefore its conductivity increases. New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 2.4 Doping Doping: Change in carrier concentration change in electrical properties Donor - doping Acceptor - doping • add an extra electron • number of e- > number valence e• n – type dopant • ED right under conduction band EC • add an extra hole • number of e- < number valence e• p – type dopant • EA right above valence band EV n-type doping New Generation Silicon Solar Cells p-type doping 23.03.2016 2.4 Doping New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 2.5 Intrinsic/Extrinsic Intrinsic Extrinsic pure semiconductor doped semiconductor n=p At thermal equilibrium Self conduction + conduction because of doping self conduction Conductivity depends on T n≠p T>0 Conductivity depends on T and on additional charge carriers (dopant) Change in EF New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 2.5 Intrinsic/Extrinsic Intrinsic case Fermi-level for a) T = 0K and b) T > =K Extrinsic case Fermi- level for n-doped semiconductor and T > 0K 2.5 Intrinsic/Extrinsic Switch of the Fermi level with increasing temperature a) n-doped b) p-doped New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 2.6 Conductivity EG i ni e( e h ) C e( e h ) T exp 2kT 3 2 σi depends strongly on the temperature and the charge carrier densities extrinsic conductivity depends additionaly on excitation of dopants into the conduction band. New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 2.7 Direct/indirect band gap Material c-Si a-Si:H GaAs Band gap 1,12 eV (indirekt) 1,8 eV („direct“) 1, 43 eV (direct) Absorption coefficient (hν = 2,2) [cm-1] 6*103 2*104 5*104 Indirect and direct band gap Indirect: • need a photon, a phonon, and a charge carrier happens more seldom longer absorption length • recombination at grain boundarys and point defects New Generation Silicon Solar Cells Direct: • need just the right photon for band transition • higher transition probability 23.03.2016 2.8 Absorptioncoefficient New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 3.1 pn-junction • Equilibrium condition, no bias voltage • diffusion current opposite to the E-field • diffusion voltage V0 with ∆E = eV0 at diffusion force = E-field force V0 is the electrial voltage at the equlibrium state = diffusion voltage New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 3.1 pn-junction a) Band structur for n-doped and p-doped semiconductor before contact b) Band structure after contact c) Depletion area New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 3.2 pn-junction under radiation Absorption of light: If Eph < Eg no electron-hole-creation If Eph > Eg electron-hole-creation drift and diffusion current and voltage Band structure New Generation Silicon Solar Cells Solar cell under radiation 23.03.2016 3.3 Solar cell characteristics I I 0 (e eU nkT Isc = -Iph 1) I ph for V = 0 I I ph nk V T ln 1 e I0 I-V characteristic of a solar cell Voc nkT I sc ln e I0 New Generation Silicon Solar Cells for I = 0 I0 n k Isc Voc is the saturation current is the ideality factor is the Boltzmann`s constant is the short circuit current is the open circuit voltage 23.03.2016 3.3 Solar cell characteristics Maximum power point (MMP) depends on: • Temperature • Irradiance • Solar cell characteristics Wilson s. 209 Fill factor Efficency coefficent Performance of solar cell New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 3.4 Equivalent circuit Equivalent circuit e(V IRS ) e(V IRS ) (V IRS ) I I 01 (exp 1) I 02 (exp 1) I ph RP n1kT n2 kT New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 3.5 Generation and recombination n0 n0 + ∆n = n Recombination and generation processes. Generation processes depend on absorption and on flow of photons dn dn n 0 GRG dt dt Life time of minority carriers: New Generation Silicon Solar Cells n G = R i Ri ∆n Ri n0 n G is the surplus concentration is the rate of recombination is the concentration at equilibrium is the charge concentration is the rate of generation 23.03.2016 3.5 Generation and recombination Recombination by radiation Auger-recombination New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 3.5 Generation and recombination Recombination by impurity τSRH depends on: Number of impurities Energy level of impurities Cross section of impurities Recombination on the surface Untreated silicon surfaces S > 106 cm/s Depends strongly on charge carrier injection and doping New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 3.5 Generation and recombination radiation 105 Auger τ [µs] 104 SRH 103 Experimental • Low p0 SRH is dominant and τ independet of p0 • High p0 τ ~ p0-2 (Auger recombination) • radiation recombination plays no role for silicon 102 Normal sunlight radiation the basis of the solar cell is in the are of the SRH recombination 101 100 1014 1015 1016 1017 p0 [cm-3] Low innjection, depenence between hole equilibrium concentration and τ 23.03.2016 3.6 Diffusion length Is the mean free length of path a charge carrier can travel in a volume of a crystall lattice before recombination takes place. D is the diffusion constant depends on: The semiconductor material The doping The perfection of the crystall lattice New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 3.6 Diffusion length Silicon: (10 μm - 100 μm) λ < 800nm light absorbed within 10μm λ > 800nm electron-hole generation all over the volume Multichristall silicon for an effectiv solar cell the diffusion τeff = 50μs Leff,n (cm) Leff,p (cm) length has to be 2-3 times thicker p-type 0,037 0,023 than the actual solar cell n-type 0,040 0,024 New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 4.1 Dilemma P=U*I A small band gap causes a big short circuit current, because many photons will create electron-hole-couples. A big band gap causes a larger potential barrier and therefore a larger open circuit voltage. ideal band gap size, depending on the solar spectrum The usuall ideal band gap is supposed to be at EG = 1,5eV New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 4.2 Solar basics AM0 solar spectrum 1353W/m2 Black body curve 5762K AM1 solar spectrum New Generation Silicon Solar Cells Spectral distribution of solar radiation. 23.03.2016 4.2 Solar basics AM = air mass = degree to which the atmosphere affects the sunlight received at the earth`s surface The factor behind tells you the length of the way when the light passes through the atmosphere. Different air mass numbers Standard Test Conditions (STC): Temperature of 25°; irradiance of 1000W/m2; AM1.5 (air mass spectrum) New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 4.3 Losses 1. Reflection: the metall circuit path on the front of a solar cell reflects the light the solar cell itsself reflects the light 2. Shadow The metall circuit path obscures the front of the solar cell 3. Recombination On the surface dangling bonds Inside the volume 4. Interaction with phonons New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 4.3 losses 5. Resistance factors short circuit between the front and the back of the solar cell transport of the charge carriers through the cables and contacts 6. Absorption and Transmission Other layers of the solar cell (e.g. ARC) can also absorb Light can totaly be transmitted trough the solar cell 7. Other factors Dirt on the solar cell No ideal conditions (STC) New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 4.4 Efficiency values Material η (laboratory) η (produktion) Monocrystalline 24,7 14,0 – 18,0 Polycrystalline 19,8 13,0 – 15,5 Amorphous 13,0 8,0 Material Crystalline order Thickness Wafer Monocrystalline One ideal lattice 50μm - 300μm One single crystall Polycristalline Many small crystalls 50μm - 300μm grain (0,1mm – Xcm) Amorphous No crystalline order; Groups of some regularly bound atoms < 1μm No wafer New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 5.1 Why still silicon? > 90% silicon and multisilicon Silicon has the potential for high efficiency Silicon is available unlimited second most element of the earth‘s crust The involved materials and processes are non-toxic and do not harm the environment The silicon technology already exists and is reliable Already exists a broad knowledge Global PV-market of the materials and the devices New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 5.2 Surface passivation 1. Thermal oxidation: Reduction of the density of states on the interface or surface Oxygen streams over the hot wafer surface and reacts with silicon to SiO2 This results in an amorphous layer Temperature of the process ~ 1000°C Thickness of the layer > 35nm efficiency decreases Time goes on and the velocity of the growth of the oxidic layer decreases New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 5.2 Surface passivation 2. Passivation with SiNx Reduction of the density of states on the interface Gases silane SiH4 and methane NH3 form a layer of Si3N4 Temperature of the process ~ 350°C Passivation quality rises with silane amount S ~ 20 cm/s – 240 cm/s depending on the refraction index advantages: lower production temperature Nitride seems also to work better as an anti reflection layer for solar cells better passivation New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 5.2 Surface passivation 3. Passivation with only silane The quality of the passivation is enormous Passivation layer on the emitter should be very thin (10nm) high absorption prefer SiNx-Process on the emitter The process temperature is ~225°C The passivation seems independet of contaminations of the silicon surface brought in during the manufacturing process An example is the HIT-Solar Cell from Sanyo Layer of monocristalline silicon between amorphous silicon layers Efficiency of ~ 18,5% New Generation Silicon Solar Cells Passivierqualität als Funktion der a-Si:H-Schichtdicke HIT solar cell 23.03.2016 5.2 Surface passivation 4. Back Surface Field (BSF) A thin layer of p-doped material to prevent the minorities from moving to the back contact where they recombinate e.g. use aluminium for a back contact, which melts (T ~ 500°C) into the silicon and creates a positive doped BSF. Besides it serves as a reflection layer. New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 5.2 Surface passivation Intrinsic gettering: Contaminations will be collected at one area in the crystall and afterwards will be removed Extrinsic gettering: Contaminations will be transported to the crystall surface and afterwards be removed e.g. aluminium Foreign atom will be freed out of their bonds diffuse into the Al-Si alloy 30 minutes at T = 800°C to eliminate most of the contaminations, depends on the diffusion length of the atom New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 5.3 Reflection 1. Anti reflection layer One or more layers reduction from 30-35% to 5%-10% Mainly 600nm transmission Silicon nitride or transparent layers, e.g. SiO2; TiO2; Ta2O5 ITO can be used as anti reflection layer and at the same time as a transparent contact Double anti reflection layers ZnS or MgF2 2. Texturing (light trapping) Use NaOH, KOH in etching baths The etching works anisotropic 2μm - 10μm big pyramids on (100) oriented crystall planes New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 5.3 Reflection Examples of light trapping advantages: At least second reflection The effective absorption length of the silicon layer will be reduced the light way through the layer increases The area of the surface becomes bigger Total reflection on the inside of the front layer possible Reflection can be reduced about 9/10 of the former reflection New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 5.3 Reflection disadvantage: More difficult to form it on multi-/polycrystalline silicon layers no sufficient reflection reduction The surface area is increased higher surface carrier recombination rates New: A focused laser scans the wafer surface to form a dotted matrix The damage on the surface of the crystall will be etched away afterwards Advantage: it is better for the environment and can be used on different materials Reflection can be reduced from ~35% to 20% Laser texturized poly chrystall silicon New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 5.3 Reflection 3. Back side reflection Two different layers at the backside: Patterns of microscopic spheres of glass within a precisely designed photonic crystall Capture and recycle the photons Large-scale manufacturing techniques are being developed advantage: Reflects more light than the aluminium layer Light reenters the silicon at low angle light a) b) represents the aluminium layer represents the new version bounces around inside Efficiency can be increased up to 37% New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 5.4 Laser operations Why using laser? All for Si-PV-technology used materials absorb light A small optical/thermical penetration depth is given for λL < 1µm Laser can focuse very good (size of structure 10µm – 100µm) Minimal mechanical demands on the fragile Si-wafer Screen printing process can be prevented Laser`s high quality output beams and unique pulse characteristics coupled with low cost –of-ownership New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 5.4 Laser operations • p-doped layer is coated with an outer layer of n-doped silicon to form a large pnjunction • n-doped layer coats the entire wafer recombination pathways between front and rear surfaces Edge isolation: groove is continuously scribed completely through the n-type layer right next to the edge of the cell Requirements: • Rp should be kept high; FF > 76% • Little waste of solar cell area • 1000 wafer/h • Flexibility (thin wafers) Groove to isolate the front and rear side of the cells New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 5.4 Laser operations Front surface contacts: Burried contacts to minimize the area obscured by the front contacts electrodes with a high volume and collection surface Depth and width 20μm – 30μm every 2mm-3mm Laser generated groves on the cell surface Laser Fired Contacts Electrically and thermo-mechanically advantageous to include passivation layer, which is non-conducting laser creates localized Al/Si- alloys Efficiency of ~ 21% New Generation Silicon Solar Cells Over 1000 rear side local metal point-contacts created per solar cell 23.03.2016 5.5 Solar cell contacts Saturn-solar-cell Laser Grooved Buried Contact (LGBC) Laser will burn a trench in the front side of the solar cell Trench is 35µm deep and 20µm wide and has form of a „U“ or a „V“ Trench will chemically be filled up with the front contact material, usually silver a large metal hight-to-width aspect ratio allows closely spaced metal findgers low parasitic resistance losses advantages: Shading losses will only be 2% to 3% Reduction of metall grid and contact resistance Reduction of emitter resistance because of very close fingers Possible efficiency >17% LGBC-cell 5.5 Solar cell contacts Prevent obscuration of the solar cell or high reflection and absorption of the silver grids. small and high grids, which will become smaller towards the edge of the cell COSIMA (Contacts to a-Si:H passivated wafers by means of annealing): Amorphous silicon (silane process) on monocrystalline silicon Aluminium on theses layers results in contacting the monocrystalline silicon Process temperature ~ 200°C No photolithography Solar cell with a-Si:H-rear passivation and COSIMA contacts New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 5.5 Solar cell contacts Advantages: Simplifies thin film manufacturing process Efficiency values about 20% Combination with doted contacts: Screen printed interface layer (little holes) good passivation Aluminium on the interface layer COSIMA Advantages: Can be used on thinner wafers no bending The passivation abbility of the amorphous layer will be kept after the annealing process The contact resistivity is 15mΩcm2 Increase of the quantum yield in the infrared wavelength range Reduces Seff to 100 cm/s (4% metallization) New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 EWT/MWT Emitter Wrap through (EWT) • Emitter on the front surface is wraped with the rear surface by little holes • Edges of the holes are also emitter areas, which transport emitter current • Power-conveying busbars and the grid are moved to the rear surface • Use double sided carrier collection (n+pn+) increases the efficiency • 100µm holes are made by laser EWT- cell with n+pn+ - structure New Generation Silicon Solar Cells Front (left) and rear (right) of a EWT-solar cell. The front contacts are brought to the rear of the solar cell by many dots. 23.03.2016 5.5 Solar cell contacts Advantages: • Eliminate grid obscuration no high doping high Isc high efficiency • n+pn+- structure use lower quality solar grade silicon • Uniform optical appereance improves asthetics • Silicon solar cell < 200μm • Efficiency around 18% • gain in active cell area •Diffusion length can be reduced to the half Disadvantage: Manufacturing process is very complex Metal wrap throug (MWT) • Absence of the bus bars (on the rear side) connection by holes • Less serial resistance losses because of interconnection of the modules on the back • FF ~77%; efficiency ~ 16% New Generation Silicon Solar Cells MWT-cell 23.03.2016 5.5 Solar cell contacts MWT EWT Voc [mV] 617 596 Jsc [mA/cm2] 36,1 37,7 FF [%] 75,1 72,8 η [%] 16,7 16,3 Area [cm2] 189,5 61,5 New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 5.5 Solar cell contacts Cross section of a partially plated laser groove. New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 5.5 Solar cell contacts A 300 solar cell: Negative conducting silcon wafer Emitter and all contacts on the back side No obscuration on the front side Efficiency value > 21% New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 5.6 OECO-cell (Obliquely Evaporated COntacts) Standard OECO cell: • front contacts are evaporated on the flanks of the ditch by self obscurance • flat homogeneous emitter because of one step phosphor diffusion • very thin contacts of metall are possible • development of a ultra thin tunnel oxid between metal and semiconductor, which forms high sufficient MIS contacts • passivation layer on the front and rear side (SiNX or SiO2) • efficiency ~ 20% New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 5.6 OECO-cell Advantages: reduces the oscuration easy manufacturing processes and environmentally friendly efficiency value > 20% Mass production New Generation Silicon Solar Cells Standard OECO solar cell 23.03.2016 5.6 OECO-cell Both contacts are on the rear side The back of this cell accords to the standard OECO cell The front has a texturized surface Deep phosphorous emitter on almost the whole back side Advantages: Reduction of impurity shunt resistance and serial resistance Reduction of obscurance at the front Double sided light-sensitivity bifaciale solar cell efficiency for both sides ~ 22% possible Back – OECO - cell 23.03.2016 5.7 Further prospects There is also high potential in improvents for the manufacturing process development of a „solar silicon“ 1. 2. 3. 4. Sawing process has to be improved Automation processes have to be developed New contact processes Fast processes with low cycle time New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 5.7 Further prospects Annual consumption of electricity per person: 1000kWh/a Annual solar cell power 1000W/m2a 800 – 1200 hours of sun in Germany with 80% ca. 800kWh/m2a out of a photovoltaic system Efficiency of 15% 120kWh/m2a To cover the annual consumption of electricity per person you need ~ 8,3m2 Multicrystalline solar cell (15x15x0,03cm3) has a peak power of 3,5W and is made out of 24g silicon (+ loss during production) 6,8kg silicon New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 2030 silicon needed per year = 160,000t ! 23.03.2016 5.7 Further prospects Nominal power (crystalline silicon) Incline of the modules Russia – Saint Petersburg Germany - Munich 1kW 1kW 42° 37° 6,4% 6,5% 2,9% 2,9% Losses in general 15,0% 15% Complete losses 24,3% 24,4% 865kWh 1009kWh Losses because of temp. Losses because of reflection Power production out of a PV constructed for 1kW per year By New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 6. Bibliography Rudden M.N., Wilson J., „Elementare Festkörperphysik und Halbleiterelektronik“, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, ©1995, 3. Auflage Würfel P., „Physik der Solarzellen, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, ©2000, 2.Auflage Kaltschmitt M., Streicher W., Wiese W. (Hrsg.), „Erneuerbare Energien Systemtechnik, Wirtschaftlichkeit, Umweltaspekte“, Springer Verlag, ©1993, 3. Auflage New Generation Silicon Solar Cells 23.03.2016 Thank you for listening!