


2014 Senior Promotion Workshop Series

Barbara Stubbs, Professional Development Program Director, DFCM

Marie Leverman, Academic Appointments Coordinator, DFCM

Deidra Shaver, Academic Appointments and HRIS Assistant, DFCM

Workshops # 1 - # 2 - # 3 Overview

Workshop # 1

February 25

Pathway to Success in Promotion

Review Promotion


5 Minutes

– 1 Slide

Exercise # 1

Exercise # 2

Take Home Message

Workshop # 2

March 25

The Criteria for a

Senior Promotion

Guest Panel

The Pre-Application


Bring Your CV

Workshop # 3

May 27

This workshop is primarily for candidates that have been “supported” to go forward in applying for a senior promotion.

The Letter of


The Reflective


Identifying your


Confidentiality at the Workshops

• con·fi·den·tial

• 1. spoken, written, acted on, etc., in strict privacy or secrecy; secret: a confidential remark

• 2. indicating confidence or intimacy; imparting private matters: a confidential tone of voice

• 3. having another's trust or confidence; entrusted with secrets or private affairs: a confidential secretary.

Goal of the Workshop

• To help you look at the work you are engaged in and evaluate the scholarly potential

• To help you feel (more) confident and motivated in your ability to apply for promotion

• Promotion to:

Assistant Professor  Associate Professor  Full Professor


At the end of this session participants will:

• Understand and identify the criteria for promotion

• Understand each of the four main components for promotion

• Understand the steps in the promotion process

Workshop # 1 Agenda

• Goals & Objectives

• Your Workshop Materials

• Pathway to Success in Senior Promotion

• 5 Minute – 1 Slide (x 3)

• Exercise #1 & #2

• Take Home Message

• Evaluations

Your Workshop Materials

• The Promotion Binder:

– 2014 Senior Promotion Application Timeline

– Criteria for a Promotion

– Manual for Academic Promotion

– Workshop Material

– Mainpro Credits

• The Pre-Application

• The Application Dossier

Senior Promotion Timeline 2014-2015

Tab 1

• Schedule a meeting with:

– (1) Your

Chief or DFCM Division Head (i.e. Palliative Care, Emergency

Medicine) to discuss readiness for promotion.

– (2) Dr. Cynthia Whitehead

•Candidates are required to submit to the Chair’s Office one week prior to the meeting date the following documents an updated CV plus the following :

A list of your areas of excellence/strengths in: Research

• Teaching and Education

Creative Personal Activity

• Administrative Services

A list of your top 5 publications or scholarly work that support your identified strengths

• Attend the Senior Promotion Workshops!

• Pre-Application Package Due Date – May 1

Pathway To Success in Promotion

Sr. Promotion Information Session

Reference: Academic Promotion Manual

Revised: June 2012


How Do I Become an

Associate or full Professor?


•According to the University of Toronto Policy and

Procedures Governing Promotions, promotion is based on accomplishments in scholarship

(research and/or creative professional activity), teaching, and administrative service to the


•The greatest weight will be given to excellence in scholarly achievement, which may be expressed in research or creative professional activity (CPA) and to excellence in teaching.

Academic performance in four areas:


•Creative Professional Activity (CPA)

•Teaching and Education

•Leadership / Administration (at UofT)

 Candidates are asked to document achievements in each applicable area

(Academic Promotions Manual 2013 1.1 page 3)

 You need to demonstrate “excellence” in one of top 3 and

“competence as a teacher” as a minimum.

What you need to start from…

• What aspects of my (academic) work am I most proud of?

• What do I do with my (academic) time that I’m most passionate about?

• What ”products” best illustrate my work?

• What motivated me to do this work? How does it fit with other things I’m doing, and the philosophy I bring to the things I do?

What the Decanal Committee will be looking for…




As evidenced by peer review, dissemination, and/or change in practice.

Your Working Tools for a Promotion

• The DFCM Workshops

• The Pre-Application Process

• The Application Dossier

• The Manual for Academic Promotions

• Supporting Faculty

• Successful Dossiers

• Marie Leverman

The Key to Success?

• Well organized dossier

• Easy to navigate

• Strong positive themes

“ a coherent, compelling story of accomplishment”

Helen Batty 2011

Next Step?

Take One Step At A Time

Identify your areas of excellence based on descriptions in the

Manual for Academic Promotion

5 Minute


5 Minutes – 1 Slide: Dr Jeff Myers

• Recognize STRENGTHS & GAPS; plan accordingly

• What comes to mind with the thought of having/getting to use multi-colored post-its?

• Seek advice, opinion and input from AT MOST TWO individuals

(not counting Lynn/Cynthia)

• Carefully select; ideally one appreciates your gaps

• Use language directly from the Manual

• Be very explicit & directive with your requests of the people writing letters of support re: what to address

• Google yourself, mercilessly

5 Minutes – 1 Slide: Dr Barbara Stubbs

Early Do’s

• DO speak with Chief or Division Director ASAP re their assessment of your readiness for Sr. Promotion

Note: for Family Physician-In-Chiefs, speak with the DFCM Chair

• DO secure firm admin support from Chief or Division Director to help you in preparation of your package

• DO follow the Faculty of Medicine Senior. Promotion Manual very carefully

• DO start working on modifying your CV to reflect WebCV format

• DO discuss your application with others especially regarding most significant pieces and impact of your work

5 Minutes – 1 Slide: Marie Leverman

Take one step at a time

Each dossier is different

Present your work in your style

Start by creating a work plan

Save emails/letters relating to your promotion/scholarly pieces of work

Attend the workshops

Follow the timeline – book the time

Follow the promotion dossier & manual – please read it!

Keep your CV updated

Meet with Marie Leverman

In preparation for Exercise # 1, let’s review the four areas:


•Creative Professional Activity (CPA)

•Teaching and Education

•Leadership / Administration (at UofT)

Scholarship in Research

• Strong and continuing record of external funding

– Grants and contracts

• Publications

– Major peer reviewed journals

– Book chapters, books

– Abstracts at conferences

– Presentations at national and international meetings

• Academic institutions, industry settings and outreach lectures to lay community

• Participation, leadership and mentorship in the research community

• Professional affiliations and activities

• Patents awarded

• Honours and awards

Achievement Area- CPA

Scholarship in Creative Professional Activity

(see section 3.2, page 15-18)


Professional Innovation / Creative Excellence (see page



Development of Professional Practices (see page 15)


Exemplary Professional Practice (see page 16)

Reference “Hollenberg Report, 1983” Section 2.2.1, page 10

CPA- Evidence of Scholarship

Section 3.2.2 (Page 17)

• Publications – papers, monographs, lay

• Invitations – scholarly, lay, media

• Guidelines and consensus documents

• Health policies, government regulations

• Program evaluation

• Media creations

• Unsolicited letters

• Awards and recognition professional and community

• Media reports

• Industry clients

• New products, licensed patents

Achievement Area- Teaching and Education

Teaching and Education –

can be one or all – see page 19

• Sustained Excellence in Teaching (sustained = 10 years)

• Significant and High Quality Contributions to Scholarship of


(curriculum design, evaluation, original educational materials etc)

• Contributions to Research in Education

• Contributions to Education Leadership

Achievement Area- Administrative Service

Leadership / Administration

•Important area of recognition- see section 3.4 page 23

•Define scholarly impact under Research, CPA or Teaching and

Education criteria

•Place documentation in one of above “area” of promotion dossier

•Cross reference from Leadership/Administration area to one of others above

Five Significant Scholarly Products

Can include a variety of “work”:

• Publications- peer reviewed journals

• Book or book chapter

• Government documents, reports

• Curriculum design document

• “Learning object” – eg. a teaching video

• Websites (provide active URL)

• National level work

EXERCISE # 1 10 minutes

What can I count towards my senior promotion?

Write down as many things as you can from your own work that apply to the categories below:


Teaching and Education

Creative Professional Activity


EXERCISE # 2 10 minutes

Take what you have transformed from Exercise # 1 and think about how you would represent your areas of excellence in an application.

Take Home Messages


Meet with your Chief to determine your readiness for promotion


Meet with Dr Cynthia Whitehead


Update your CV


Identity 5 pieces of work that your are particularly proud of


Deadline for the pre-application is May 1 2014


Please complete them using the iclickers we will be handing out shortly…

Please wait for instructions…..

Power “ON” your clicker

Wait for instructions please……..

Do you have an iclicker in your hand? (test question)

• A – Yes

• B – No

• C – What is an iclicker?


– This is fun!


– I do not understand…

Testing – one, two, three

Does your iclicker have a green light? (test question)


– Yes


– No

• C – What is an iclicker?

• D – This is fun!


– I do not understand…

A real question …..

Upon completing Workshop # 1,

I have a better understanding of the senior promotion process:

• A – Strongly Agree

• B – Agree

• C – Somewhat

• D – Disagree

• E – Strongly Disagree

A real question …..

I have a better understanding of the criteria and the pathway to success for a senior promotion:

• A – Strongly Agree

• B – Agree

• C – Somewhat

• D – Disagree

• E – Strongly Disagree

A real question …..

The Senior Promotion reference binder will serve as a valuable tool in preparing and submitting a Senior Promotion application?

• A – Strongly Agree

• B – Agree

• C – Somewhat

• D – Disagree

• E – Strongly Disagree

A real question …..

I plan on applying for a senior promotion in the near future (one – two years):

• A – Strongly Agree

• B – Agree

• C – Somewhat

• D – Disagree

• E – Strongly Disagree

A real question …..

I plan on submitting a pre-application for this academic year (by May 1 2014):

• A – Strongly Agree

• B – Agree

• C – Somewhat

• D – Disagree

• E – Strongly Disagree

A real question …..

I found the 5 Minute – 1 Slide Tips to be informative and helpful in going forward in the senior promotion process:

• A – Strongly Agree

• B – Agree

• C – Somewhat

• D – Disagree

• E – Strongly Disagree

A real question …..

Overall, I found the workshop to be:

• A – Very informative and helpful

• B – Somewhat informative and helpful

• C – Okay

• D – Just Okay

• E – Won’t come again

Comment Cards….please complete

Comment cards have been placed on the table

• Please let us know how this workshop will make a different to you in the future?

• Any suggestions for next year?

See you at Workshop # 2

Power “


” your clicker

Please leave at the table ……..

Thank You
