Nonfiction Booklist - Glasgow Independent Schools

Sorted by Call Number / Author.
001.9 FLO
Floyd, E. Randall. America's great unsolved mysteries. New York: Barnes
& Noble, 1995.
Tales of mystery and wonder including Bigfoot, the Bermuda Triangle,
Amelia Earhart's disappearance, Lizzie Borden and more.
128 LAN
Langone, John. Death is a noun; : a view of the end of life. [1st ed.].
Boston, : Little, Brown, [1972].
Discusses the biological meaning of death, attitudes of the dying,
survivors, and society toward it, and such related topics as euthanasia,
abortion, murder, suicide, and immortality.
133.1 AND
Anderson, Jean. The haunting of America; : ghost stories from our past.
Boston, : Houghton Mifflin, 1973.
A collection of twenty-four stories about ghosts, hauntings, and
poltergeists from throughout the United States and from various periods
of history.
133.1 STR
Strange tales of the dark and bloody ground : authentic accounts of
restless spirits, haunted honky-tonks, and eerie events in Tennessee.
Nashville, Tenn. : Rutledge Hill Press, c1998.
133.8 SHE
Sheldrake, Rupert. Dogs that know when their owners are coming home
: and other unexplained powers of animals. 1st ed. New York : Crown
Publishers, c1999.
A scientific investigation of the unexplained powers of animals,
attempting to understand why some animals know when their people
are coming home; how animals are able to comfort and heal; and animal
empathy, sense of direction, and premonitions.
133.9 WIL
Wills-Brandon, Carla, 1956-. One last hug before I go : the mystery and
meaning of deathbed visions. Deerfield Beach, Fla. : Health
Communications, c2000.
133.901 BUR
Burpo, Todd. Heaven is for real : a little boy's astounding story of his trip
to heaven and back. Nashville, Tenn. : Thomas Nelson, c2010.
Todd Burpo shares his son Colton's experiences having visions of heaven
after a near-fatal illness, describing what Colton saw in heaven and the
lessons he has learned about faith and love after listening to Colton's
stories of his time with Jesus.
150.19 SAG
Sagan, Carl. The demon-haunted world : Science as a candle in the dark.
New York : Ballantine Books, c1996.
Casting a wide net through history and culture, Sagan examines and
authoritatively debunks such celebrated fallacies as witchcraft, faith
healings, demons, and UFOs.
155.44 WRI
Wright, Lawrence, 1947-. Twins : and what they tell us about who we
are. New York : J. Wiley, 1997.
Examines studies of identical twins who have lived entirely separate
lives, and discusses what that research reveals about the relative
contributions of heredity and environment to the makeup of individual
human natures, i.e. nature versus nurture controversy.
155.5 PIP
Pipher, Mary, Ph.D. Reviving Ophelia : saving the selves of adolescent
girls. New York : Ballantine, 1994.
Contains information on adolescent girls and their relationships with
their mothers , fathers, divorce, drugs, alcohol, sex, violence, depression
and other developmental issues. An eye-opening look at the everyday
dangers of being young and female, and how adults can help.
155.9 FRY
Fry, Virginia. Part of me died, too : stories of creative survival among
bereaved children and teenagers. 1st ed. New York : Dutton Children's
Books, 1995.
Offers creative strategies to help teenagers and children cope with the
death of loved ones.
155.9 VIN
Vincent, Erin. Grief girl : my true story. 1st pbk. ed. New York : Delacorte
Press, c2007.
Author Erin Vincent describes her life after her parents were both killed
in a car accident, leaving her parentless at the age of fourteen with a
seventeen-year-old sister and a three-year-old brother; and gives a
description of the stages of grief she experienced.
158 BOD
Bode, Janet. Trust & betrayal : real life stories of friends and enemies.
New York : Delacorte Press, c1995.
Teens talk about their best friends, worst enemies, and the importance
of peer acceptance. Through these "real life stories" young adults can
learn how to deal with the ups and downs of fitting in, getting out, and
making the right choices about friendships.
170 THI
This I believe : the personal philosophies of remarkable men and
women. 1st ed. New York : Holt, 2006.
A collection of essays by Americans, including Colin Powell, Bill Gates,
and John Updike, in which the authors explore their personal beliefs.
170.84 HAR
Harper, Hill, 1966-. Letters to a young sister : deFINE your destiny. New
York : Gotham Books, [2009], c2008.
Hill Harper presents a series of letters offering young African-American
women guidance to help them navigate the challenges of high school,
covering topics such as peer pressure, sex, friendships, drugs, gangs, and
relationships, and encouraging them to build self-respect and selfconfidence.
170.84 HAR
Harper, Hill, 1973-. Letters to a young brother : manifest your destiny.
New York : Gotham Books, c2006.
A collection of letters written to young people that address a number of
issues from predominately Hispanic and African-American men that
include single parenthood, sexually transmitted diseases, the allure of
materialism, and the power of words and faith.
179 GAD
Gaddis, Vincent H. Courage in crisis; : dramatic tales of heroism in the
face of danger,. New York, : Hawthorn Books, [1973].
232.4 THI
Thigpen, Thomas Paul, 1954-. The passion. Washington, D.C. : Allegiance
Press, c2004.
The agony in the garden -- Our Lord on trial -- The way of the cross -- "I
make all things new".
301.45 GRI
Griffin, John Howard. Black like me. Boston, : Houghton Mifflin, 1961.
Reports the experiences of a white man who darkened his skin and
traveled through the South as a Negro.
302.3 DEA
Dear bully : 70 authors tell their stories. 1st ed. New York : HarperTeen,
A collection of stories in which seventy authors share their experiences
with and feelings about bullying, including selections from Lauren Kate,
R. L. Stine, Melissa Walker, Laura Kasischke, Amy Reed, Kurtis Scaletta,
Carolyn Mackler, and others.
302.5 SIM
Simmons, Rachel, 1966-. Odd girl out : the hidden culture of aggression
in girls. 1st Harvest ed. Orlando : Harcourt, 2003, c2002.
Explores the issues surrounding aggression in girls, discussing why the
signs of aggression are harder to recognize in girls than boys, how
parents can help their daughter's deal with aggression, and the negative
impact aggression can have on teenage girls' lives.
303.6 JON
Jones, Gerard. Killing monsters : why children need fantasy, super
heroes, and make-believe violence. New York : Basic Books, c2002.
Examines the role of aggressive fantasies in the personal development
of young people, looking at the ways in which children and teens benefit
from comics, action movies, cartoons, video games, rap music, and
other aspects of pop culture that are usually denounced by parents and
305.23 BOD
Bode, Janet. Beating the odds : stories of unexpected achievers. New
York : F. Watts, 1991.
Profiles a series of young people who overcame seemingly impossible
odds--drugs, poverty, sexual abuse--and not only survived but became
successes in their own right.
305.23 ODD
Odd girl speaks out : girls write about bullies, cliques, popularity, and
jealousy. 1st ed. Orlando : Harcourt, c2004.
A collection of writings in which girls discuss their own experiences of
being bullied or bullying other girls.
305.5 ENR
Ehrenreich, Barbara. Nickel and Dimed. New York : Metropolitan Books,
Reveals low-wage America in all its tenacity, anxiety, and surprising
generosity - a land of Big Boxes, fast food, and a thousand desperate
stratagems for survival.
305.6 GAR
Garrett, Ruth. Born Amish. Paducah, KY : Turner Publishing Company,
The early life of Ruth Irene Garrett growing in the Amish farming
community of Kalona, Iowa. Learn about the expectations for girls and
boys in Amish families, of social roles and understandings about
courtship and marriage, about adult baptism and life of faith in the
Amish Church. Include index and suggested reading lists. Photos of local
Amish orders from Glasgow, Cave City, Horse Cave, and Munfordville.
306.874 LER
Lerman, Evelyn, 1925-. Teen moms : the pain and the promise. Buena
Park, Calif. : Morning Glory Press, c1997.
Draws from interviews with over fifty single mothers between the ages
of thirteen and twenty-three in an attempt to identify the common
factors that led them into early sex and pregnancy, and discusses the
issues they face as young parents.
325.73 KEN
Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald). A nation of immigrants. Rev. and enl.
ed. New York, : Harper and Row, [1964].
326 LES
To be a slave. New York : Dial, c1968.
A compilation, selected from various sources and arranged
chronologically, of the reminiscences of slaves and ex-slaves about their
experiences from the leaving of Africa through the Civil War and into the
early twentieth century.
331.89 WOO
Woolley, Bryan. We be here when the morning comes. Lexington :
University Press of Kentucky, c1975.
338.7 CAT
Cathy, Truett. Eat mor chikin : Inspire more people : Doing business the
Chick-fil-A way. Decatur, GA : Chick-fil-A, c2002.
Truett Cathy shares the business strategies and values that have helped
him build his successful Chick-fil-A restaurants, and explains how they
can be incorporated into other companies.
338.7 KAT
Katz, Jon. Geeks : how two lost boys rode the Internet out of Idaho. 1st
ed. New York : Villard Books, c2000.
Tells the true story of Jesse and Eric, nineteen-year-old roommates in
the small town of Caldwell, Idaho who changed their lives and built a
new future for themselves with the power of the Internet.
338.7 KAT
Katz, Jon. Geeks : how two lost boys rode the Internet out of Idaho. 1st
Broadway Books trade pbk. ed. New York : Broadway Books, 2001.
Tells the true story of Jesse and Eric, nineteen-year-old roommates in
the small town of Caldwell, Idaho who changed their lives and built a
new future for themselves with the power of the Internet.
345.73 JAC
Jacobs, Thomas A. They broke the law-- you be the judge : true cases of
teen crime. Minneapolis, MN : Free Spirit Pub., c2003.
Letters from and interviews with twenty-one children and teenagers
who broke the law reveal what it is like to be arrested, attend legal
proceedings, and be held accountable for one's actions.
345.766 GRI
Grisham, John. The innocent man : murder and injustice in a small town.
Dell mass market domestic ed. New York : Dell, 2007, c2006.
Presents a comprehensive study of the controversial murder trial
involving baseball player Ron Williamson.
347.73 GOO
Goode, Stephen. The controversial court : Supreme Court influences on
American life. New York : Messner, 1982.
Discusses the power of the Supreme Court and its use of judicial
activism and restraint and looks at the major decisions of the Warren
and Burger Courts.
355 CLI
Clinton, Catherine, 1952-. The Black soldier : 1492 to the present.
Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 2000.
Chronicles the military accomplishments of African Americans who
fought for the independence and preservation of the United States
while struggling to be treated as equals and recognized for their valor
and achievement.
355 SKI
Skimin, Robert. Footprints of heroes : From the American Revolution to
the War of Iraq. New York : Prometheus Books, c2005.
Contains vignettes and anecdotes about some of the most memorable
heroes in American history, from Paul Revere to Pat Tillman.
355.1 MIK
Mikaelian, Allen. Medal of Honor : Profiles of America's military heroes
from the Civil War to the present. 1st. ed. New York : Hyperion, c2002.
Portrays eleven recipients of the award, from each branch of the
military, and examines what drove them to go so far above and beyond
the call of duty.
362.1 DEF
Deford, Frank. Alex, the life of a child. New York : Viking Press, 1983.
A father tells of his daughter, born with cystic fibrosis.
362.1 FOX
Fox, Ray Errol. Angela Ambrosia. 1st ed. New York : Knopf, 1979.
Recounts the struggle of a young woman to overcome leukemia and to
live a normal life.
362.2 SIM
Simon, Clea. Mad House. New York : Penguin Books, 1997.
A compelling and compassionate book that is part memoir and part
practical guide for coming to terms with the unique pain of living with a
sibling's mental illness.
362.7 BER
Berck, Judith. No place to be : voices of homeless children. Boston :
Houghton Mifflin, 1992.
Details the grave situation facing homeless children and their parents
who live in shelters and welfare hotels.
363.3 PRI
Curry, Dayna. Prisoners of Hope : novel. New York, NY : Doubleday,
364.15 CAP
Capote, Truman, 1924-. In cold blood : a true account of a multiple
murder and its consequences. 1st Vintage International ed. New York :
Vintage International, 1994, c1965.
Recreates the slaying of the Clutter family of Kansas, and the capture,
trial, and execution of their murderers.
364.152 MET
Meter, William Van. Bluegrass : a true story of murder in Kentucky. 1st
Free Press hardcover ed. New York : Free Press, 2009.
Examines the life and death of Melissa "Katie" Autry, who grew up in a
foster home in a tiny Kentucky town, became a high school cheerleader,
and was brutally murdered during her freshman year at Western
Kentucky University.
371.95 AND
Anderegg, David, 1953-. Nerds : who they are and why we need more of
them. New York : J.P. Tarcher/Penguin, c2007.
Introduction : the nerd dilemma or why Ashton Kutcher is your kid's
worst nightmare -- The field guide to nerds or why nerds are so gay -Math scores and economic ills or why you need to go to India to find an
engineer -- Old themes and new twists or why Ichabod Crane will never
get laid -- They can't help it, they're just sick or how better treatment
might help cure Bill Gates -- The Seinfeld axiom or why nerds know
advanced calculus but can't get to first base -- The geek squad or why
you're not grateful to the guy who fixes your computer -- They're not
ugly, they just need a makeover or why they think no one can see the
tape on their glasses -- I'm not boring you, am I? Or what is this thing
called the silmarillion? -- Welcome to my persecution or why the George
Bush/Al Gore contest was a Jungian's dream -- Conclusion : the nerd you
save. Examines how children learn what nerds are, explores the unique
impact being labeled a nerd has on people at every stage of life, traces
the history of anti-intellectualism in America, and urges people to put a
stop to the stereotypical labeling of people as "nerds" before it leads to
a disinterest in learning and high achievement.
378.1 ALB
Albom, Mitch. Tuesdays with Morrie : An old man, a young man and
life's greatest lessons. New York : Doubleday, 1997.
The story of a special relationship between a dying teacher and a former
student and one final lesson: how to live.
379.2 HAS
Haskins, James, 1941-. Separate, but not equal : the dream and the
struggle. New York : Scholastic, 1998.
Contains information about: affirmative action; African-Americans; "all
deliberate speed"; Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka; school
desegregation and busing; Central High School of Little Rock, Arkansas;
civil rights movement; Civil Rights Act of 1964; U.S. Constitution and
segregation; amendments to the U.S. Constitution; desegregation;
discrimination; William Lloyd Garrison; Fourteenth Amendment;
Thurgood Marshall; Montgomery (Alabama) bus boycott; National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP); Melba
Patillo; Plessy v. Ferguson; segregation; separate-but-equal doctrine;
slavery and education; Southern Christian Leadership Conference
(SCLC); Martin Luther King, Jr.; U.S. Supreme Court; Voting Rights Act of
1965; Booker T. Washington. A history of African-American education,
tracing the struggles of African-Americans for equal education rights
from colonial times through the late twentieth century.
393 MUR
Murphy, Edwin. After the Funeral : The Posthumous Adventures of
Famous Corpses. Barnes & Noble, Inc. : 1998.
Heads, Hearts, and Bodies. Graced with thiry-two illustrations, a
bibliography, and an index, "After the Funeral" picks up where
conventional biographies leave off-and probes the bizarre, ghastly,
surprising, and at times ridiculous circumstances that befell many of the
well-known after they were laid to rest.
520 SOB
Sobel, Dava. Galileo's Daughter : A historical memoir of science, faith,
and love. New York : Penguin Books, c2000.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 376-382) and index. Chronicles
the life of Galileo Galilei, focusing on his relationship with his eldest child
Virginia, and explaining how she helped influence her father's work.
551.21 THO
Thompson, Dick. Volcano cowboys : the rocky evolution of a dangerous
science. New York : St. Martin's, 2000.
Presents a history of the science of volcanology, describing how much
has been learned in the twenty years since Mount St. Helens erupted.
611 ROA
Roach, Mary. Stiff : the curious lives of human cadavers. 1st ed. New
York : W. W. Norton, c2003.
Explores how human cadavers have been used throughout history,
discussing how the use of dead bodies has benefited every aspect of
human existence.
614 EVA
Evans, Colin. The casebook of forensic detection : how science solved
100 of the world's most baffling crimes. New York : Wiley, 1996.
616.85 GIN
Ginsberg, Blaze, 1987-. Episodes : my life as I see it. 1st ed. New York :
Roaring Brook Press, 2009.
Presents an episodic memoir, based on the format of the Internet Movie
Database, of Blaze Ginsberg, a high functioning autistic teenager, in
which he covers family holidays, crushes on celebrities, and other
aspects of daily life.
796.323 FEI
Feinstein, John. A march to madness : the view from the floor in the
Atlantic Coast Conference. Boston : Little, Brown & Co., 1999.
Behind the scenes of the ACC through the 1996-1997 basketball season.
796.323 FEI
Feinstein, John. A season on the brink : a year with Bob Knight and the
Indiana Hoosiers. Fireside ed. New York : Fireside, 1989.
A chronicle of the 1985-86 season following the Indiana Hoosiers and
their coach, Bob Knight through practice sessions, strategy sessions,
private talks between Knight and his players, and mid-game huddles on
the sidelines.
796.323 JAC
Jackson, Phil. The last season : A team in search of its soul. New York :
Penguin Group, c2004.
"Updated with a new chapter"--Cover. Phil Jackson presents his own
story of his 2003-2004 season with the Los Angeles Lakers complete
with the signing of Hall-of-Famers Karl Malone and Gary Payton, the
scandal involving Kobe Bryant, and his expectations and challenges as
head coach for the California team.
796.323 SUM
Summitt, Pat. Raise the Roof. New York : Broadway, 1998.
The inspiring inside story of the Tennessee Lady Vols' undefeated 19971998 season.
796.332 BIS
Bissinger, H. G. Friday night lights : a town, a team, and a dream. 10th
anniversary ed. [Cambridge, Mass.] : Da Capo Press, 2000.
Follows the 1988 season of the Permian Panthers, a high school football
team in Odessa, Texas, exploring the lives of the players and the impact
of the championship team on the small town.
796.332 BIS
Bissinger, H. G. Friday night lights : a town, a team, and a dream. Da
Capo Press movie tie-in ed. Cambridge, MA : Da Capo Press, 2004.
Follows the 1988 season of the Permian Panthers, a high school football
team in Odessa, Texas, exploring the lives of the players and the impact
of the championship team on the small town.
796.357 LEW
Lewis, Michael (Michael M.). Moneyball : the art of winning an unfair
game. 1st ed. New York : W. W. Norton, c2003.
Examines the mathematical strategies by which manager Billy Beane
handled the financially strapped Oakland Athletics' 2002 draft and led
the baseball team to success despite its lack of high profile players.
796.522 KRA
Krakauer, Jon. Into thin air : a personal account of the Mount Everest
disaster. New York : Villard, 1997.
This is an account of the deadliest season in the history of Mount
Everest. During the spring of 1996, five people died. Krakauer examines
what it is about Everest that has compelled so many people to throw
caution to the wind, ignore the concerns of loved ones, and willingly
subject themselves to such risk, hardship, and expense.
796.815 WER
Wertheim, L. Jon. Blood in the cage : mixed martial arts, Pat Miletich,
and the furious rise of the UFC. Boston : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt,
Examines the history of mixed marital arts that focuses on the life and
career of Pat Miletich, who runs a renown training school in Mississippi,
as well as the Ultimate Fighting Championship and other rival
799.522 BOU
Boukreev, Anatoli:. The Climb : tragic ambitions on Everest. New York :
St. Martins, 1997.
On May 10, 1996, two commercial expeditions headed by expert leaders
attempted to scale the world's largest peak. But things went terribly
wrong. Crowded conditions, bad judgement, and a bitter storm stopped
many climbers in their tracks. Others were left for dead, or stranded on
the frigid mountain. Anatoli Boukreev, head climbing guide for the
Mountain Madness expedition, stepped into the heart of the storm and
brought all six of his clients down alive. Here is his amazing story.
813 SPA
Sparks, Nicholas. Three weeks with my brother. 1st trade ed. New York :
Warner Books, 2006, c2004.
Novelist Nicholas Sparks provides an account of his adventures traveling
around the world with his brother Micah on the trip of a lifetime, and
shares the personal story of their childhood and the family tragedies
they have endured, and how those experiences have made them closer.
910 CAL
Callahan, Steven. Adrift : seventy-six days lost at sea. 1st Mariner Books
ed. Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 2002.
Steven Callahan tells the story of his experiences after his small sloop
capsized in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and he was forced to
survive in an inflatable raft for seventy-six days.
920 DAV
Davis, Sampson. The pact : three young men make a promise and fulfill a
dream. 1st Riverhead trade pbk. ed. New York : Riverhead Books, 2003,
Presents the true story of three African-American kids from the inner
city of Newark, New Jersey, who made a pact to support each other as
they rose from an environment of poverty, crime, and drugs, and went
on to become successful doctors.
920 FLO
Floyd, E. Randall. The good, the bad, and the mad : Some weird people
in American history. New York : Barnes & Noble Books, c1999.
Booklist review - March 15, 1999: "The sketches on each subject are
brief yet a little redundant, but as light, episodic historical amusement,
perfect for dormitories and shared restrooms, this is an enjoyable,
intermittently wickedly informative confection.".
920 MAS
Masters, Anthony, 1940-. True survival stories. New York : Sterling Pub.,
Presents true stories of survival, including those of Anne Frank, Nelson
Mandela, and the people involved in the Iranian embassy siege.
920.72 WEL
Welden, Amelie, 1975-. Girls who rocked the world : heroines from
Sacajawea to Sheryl Swoopes. Hillsboro, Or. : Beyond Words Pub. ;,
Tells the stories of thirty-five girls who were younger than twenty years
of age when they changed the history of the world through amazing
921 APPLEMAN -JURMAN APP Appleman-Jurman, Alicia. Alicia : my story. New York : Bantam Books,
1990, c1988.
Barron, Judy. There's a boy in here. New York : Simon & Schuster, c1992.
921 BRA
Bragg, Rick. All over but the shoutin'. 1st Vintage ed. New York : Vintage
Books, 1998, c1997.
The author recalls his poverty-stricken youth in Alabama in the 1960s
and 70s, focusing on the extraordinary efforts of his mother to protect
her sons from the violence of their father, a man scarred by war, and
telling of the sacrifices she made so her children could have a better life.
921 BRE
Breslin, Rosemary. Not exactly what I had in mind : an incurable love
story. 1st ed. New York : Villard Books, c1997.
Autobiography of Rosemary Breslin discussing her ongoing battles with a
life-threatening disease and how she found romance when she least
expected it.
921 BRY
Bryson, Bill. The life and times of the thunderbolt kid : a
memoir. 1st ed. New York : Broadway Books, c2006.
The author describes his childhood growing up in Iowa
during the 1950s, recalling country fairs, playing hockey,
paper routes, church suppers, and other nostalgic
921 BUN
Haskins, James. Ralph Bunche; a most reluctant hero. New
York, : Hawthorn Books, [1974].
A biography of the first black American to receive a Ph. D.
in political science, the first to hold a high position in the
State Department, and the first to win the Nobel Peace
921 BUN
Rule, Ann. The stranger beside me. Updated 20th anniversary
ed. New York : Norton, c2000.
Chronicles the story of convicted killer Ted Bundy by a
woman who had worked with him at a Seattle crisis clinic
and analyzes the double personality of Bundy, who
admitted to killing nearly forty women.
921 BUN
Wallace, Irving and Amy. The Two : the story of the original
Siamese twins. New York : Simon and schuster, 1978.
The story of the original Siamese twins, Chang and Eng.
921 BUS
Busby, Cylin. The year we disappeared : a father-daughter
memoir. 1st U.S. ed. New York, N.Y. : Bloomsbury, 2008.
Cylin and John Busby share the challenges they faced
after their family was forced into hiding to protect
themselves from a killer who had already shot John, a
police officer, and was determined to finish the job.
Byrd, Dennis. Rise and walk : the trial and triumph of Dennis
Byrd. 1st ed. New York, NY : HarperCollins :, c1993.
921 CHA
Chambers, Veronica. Mama's girl. New York : Riverhead
Books, 1996.
Memoir of the author's life growing up as an overachiever
in an underprivileged family, chronicling the blessed
relationship she forged with her mother after her father
deserted the family.
921 CHU
Church, Charlotte, 1986-. Voice of an angel : my life (so far).
New York, NY : Warner Books, c2001.
921 CLE
Cleaver, Eldridge. Soul on ice. [1st ed.]. New York, : McGrawHill, [1967, c1968].
A ghetto-born Negro, whose crimes of violence put him in
California's Folsom prison for nine years, analyzes in a
series of essays the forces which have shaped his life and
are currently affecting America as well.
921 CLI
Clinton, Bill, 1946-. My life. New York : Knopf :, 2004.
Bill Clinton describes his life, from his childhood in
Arkansas, to governor of that state, to his presidency of
the United States from 1992 to 2000.
921 CUR
Curry, Bill, 1942-. Ten men you meet in the huddle : lessons
from a football life. 1st ed. New York : ESPN Books,
Bill Curry explores the link between football and
leadership, sharing the lessons he learned about strong
leadership from football greats such as Vince Lombardi,
Don Shula, and Bubba Smith.
921 DEE
Deen, Paula H., 1947-. Paula Deen : it ain't all about the
cookin'. New York : Simon & Schuster, c2007.
A memoir in which Food Network star Paula Deen recalls
her life, discussing her parents and extended family, her
first marriage and two sons, her struggles with
agoraphobia, her cooking career, and her second
marriage to Michael Groover. Includes recipes.
921 DIC
Dickinson, Matt. The other side of Everest : climbing the north
face through the killer storm. 1st U.S. ed. New York :
Times Books, 1999.
Matt Dickinson discusses the experiences he had as he
climbed Mount Everest and survived one of the worst
storms to ever hit the mountain.
921 DUG
Dugard, Jaycee Lee, 1980-. A stolen life : a memoir. 1st
Simon & Schuster hardcover ed. New York : Simon &
Schuster, 2011.
Jaycee Dugard chronicles the eighteen years she spent in
captivity, describing what happened after she was
kidnapped at age eleven in 1991, the abuse she endured,
the birth of her two daughters, the events leading up to
her release, and her struggle to adjust to life once she
was reunited with her family.
921 DUN
Dungy, Tony. Quiet strength : a memoir. Carol Stream, Ill. :
Tyndale House Publishers, c2007.
NFL football coach Tony Dungy reflects on his personal
and professional life; discussing his childhood, family,
religious beliefs, coaching practices, Super Bowl victory,
and more. Includes photographs.
921 FIL
Filipovi c, Zlata. Zlata's diary : a child's life in Sarajevo. 1st
American ed. New York : Viking, 1994.
The diary of a thirteen-year-old girl living in Sarajevo,
begun just before her eleventh birthday when there was
still peace in her homeland.
921 GAL
Galli, Richard. Rescuing Jeffrey. 1st ed. Chapel Hill, N.C. :
Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2000.
The author shares his feelings upon learning that a diving
accident had left his teenage son Jeffrey paralyzed from
the neck down, and discusses his resolve over the ten
days following the diagnosis to "save" Jeffrey by removing
his life support.
921 GOD
Dewey, Anne Perkins. Robert Goddard : space pioneer. Boston
: Little, Brown, 1962.
This is the biography of the man who almost forty years
ago built and fired the first liquid-fuel rocket...It was in
1914 that Rovert Goddard obtained a patent for a multistage rocket, based on hte same principles that have
propelled the flights of Atlas, Thor and Jupiter. Ironically,
the deadly German V-2 missile of World War II was
almost identical with the Goddard rocket described in
papers published in 1919.
Goodall, Jane. Through a window : my thirty years with the
chimpanzees of Gombe. Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 1990.
921 GRA
Freedman, Russell. Martha Graham, a dancer's life. New York :
Clarion Books, c1998.
A photo-biography of the American dancer, teacher, and
choreographer who was born in Pittsburgh in 1895 and
who became a leading figure in the world of modern
921 GRE
Greitens, Eric, 1974-. The warrior's heart : becoming a man of
compassion and courage. Boston : Houghton Mifflin,
Eric Greitens shares his life journey from being an
average kid to working to make a difference in the world's
trouble spots and joining the Navy SEALS to protect the
weak, and encourages readers to reflect on the power of
choice and acts of courage.
921 GRE
Spielman, Ed. The Mighty Atom : the life and times of Joseph
L. Greenstein. New York : Viking Press, 1979.
Presents an account of the life and feats of a vaudeville
strongman, who bit through iron bars and crushed steel
spikes with his hands during his performances.
921 HAL
Halilbegović, Nadja, 1979-. My childhood under fire : a
Sarajevo diary. Toronto ; : Kids Can Press, 2006.
Nadja Halilbegovich could be any twelve-year-old: she
enjoys school, singing, and being with friends in Sarajevo.
One spring morning in 1992 school is cancelled; the next
day sniper fire and explosions drive Nadja, her family and
neighbors to the basement. The siege of Sarajevo has
921 HIC
Hickam, Homer H., 1943-. Rocket boys : a memoir. New York
: Delta Trade Paperbacks, [2000], 1998.
Homer Hickam, a NASA engineer, recounts his childhood
in Coalwood, a West Virginia mining town, and discusses
his dreams of launching rockets into outer space, and how
he made those dreams come true.
921 HOR
Hornbacher, Marya, 1974-. Wasted : a memoir of anorexia
and bulimia. 1st ed. New York : HarperFlamingo, c1998.
The author reflects on her fourteen-year battle with
bulimia and anorexia, discussing how the eating disorders
have affected her life from childhood through the present
921 JAC
Sullivan, Randall. Untouchable : the strange life and tragic
death of Michael Jackson. 1st ed. New York : Grove Press,
Looks at the life and career of Michael Jackson.
921 JOB
Elliot, Jay. The Steve Jobs way : iLeadership for a new
generation. New York : Vanguard Press, c2011.
Jay Elliot, a former senior vice president of Apple
Computer, shares insight into business leadership in the
twenty-first century, describes accomplishments and
opportunities throughout his professional career,
discusses key management principles, and includes
interviews with figures from throughout Apple Computer's
921 JOB
Imbimbo, Anthony. Steve Jobs : the brilliant mind behind
Apple. Pleasantville, NY : Gareth Stevens Pub., 2009.
This book describes the early life, rise to prominence,
struggles and accomplishments, and lasting influence of
Steve Jobs, who became famous for revolutionizing the
computer industry.
921 JOH
Johnson, Earvin, 1959-. My life. 1st Ballantine Bks. ed. New
York : Fawcett Crest, 1993.
An autobiography of basketball player Earvin "Magic"
Johnson offering insights into his career and fight against
the HIV virus.
921 JOR
Halberstam, David. Playing for keeps : Michael Jordan and the
world he made. 1st Broadway Books trade pbk. ed. New
York : Broadway Books, 2000.
Examines the epic career of basketball superstar Michael
Jordan, discussing the forces in his life that have led him
to pursue excellence in all his endeavors, whether on the
court or off.
921 JOR
Jordan, Michael, 1963-. Michael Jordan speaks : lessons from
the world's greatest champion. New York : J. Wiley &
Sons, c1999.
921 KAR
Karr, Mary. The liars' club : a memoir. New York : Penguin
Books, c1995.
Mary Karr describes her East Texas childhood in the
bosom of a crazy family tormented by unspoken sorrows.
921 KIN
King, Larry, 1933-. My remarkable journey. 1st ed. New York :
Weinstein Books, c2009.
American television and radio host Larry King reflects on
his life, discussing his childhood in Brooklyn, influences,
family, marriages, challenges, staying power, and more.
921 LAN
Partridge, Elizabeth. Restless spirit : the life and work of
Dorothea Lange. New York : Viking, 1998.
A biography of Dorothea Lange, whose photographs of
migrant workers, Japanese American internees, and rural
poverty helped bring about important social reforms.
921 LEW
Jacobs, Alan, 1958-. The Narnian : the life and imagination of
C.S. Lewis. 1st ed. [San Francisco] : HarperSanFrancisco,
Presents a biography of writer and religious philosopher
C. S. Lewis, providing information on his childhood in
Ireland, his literary influences, and his achievements in
philosophy, theology, and fiction.
921 LOB
Lobel, Anita. No pretty pictures : a child of war. 1st ed. New
York : Greenwillow Books, c1998.
The author, known as an illustrator of children's books,
describes her experiences as a Polish Jew during World
War II and for years in Sweden afterwards.
921 MAN
Vacchiano, Ralph. Eli Manning : the making of a quarterback.
New York : Skyhorse Pub., c2008.
Traces the career of NFL quarterback Eli Manning,
discussing how the league helped make Manning one of
the sport's greatest quarterbacks, highlighting his career
highs and lows, and chronicling the events that made his
2007 Super Bowl win one of the greatest upsets in
football history.
921 MCC
McCall, Nathan. Makes me wanna holler : a young Black man
in America. 1st Vintage Books ed. New York : Vintage
Books, 1995, c1994.
Washington Post reporter Nathan McCall recounts the
story of his journey from troubled youth to professional
journalist, providing insight into what it's like to be a
young African-American male in this country.
921 MCC
McCourt, Frank. Teacher man : a memoir. New York :
Scribner, c2005.
Celebrated American author Frank McCourt recounts his
thirty-year teaching career, and describes some of his
unconventional teaching methods that have left an impact
on his students.
921 MCC
McCourt, Frank. 'Tis : a memoir. New York : Scribner, c1999.
Frank McCourt, author of the childhood memoir "Angela's
Ashes," shares the story of his life as an American
immigrant, discussing his experiences from the age of
nineteen when he landed in New York, to his eventual
success as a teacher and writer.
921 MER
Howell, Michael. The true history of the Elephant Man. London
: Allison and Busby ;.
921 MOL
Molnar, Haya Leah. Under a red sky : memoirs of a childhood
in Communist Romania. 1st ed. New York : Farrar Straus
Giroux, 2010.
In this funny, touching memoir, Haya Leah Molnar, née
Eva Zimmermann, recalls growing up in Bucharest,
Romania, during the 1950s. Though she heard Yiddish
and kept Kosher at home, Eva remained unaware of her
Jewish heritage. This ignorance protected Eva at her
Communist-run school, where religion was strictly
forbidden, but it only served to confuse her when her
grandfather decided she needed Hebrew lessons and her
family applied to emigrate to Israel.
921 OBA
Bodden, Valerie. Michelle Obama : first lady & role model.
Edina, Minn. : Abdo Pub. Co., c2010.
This book tells the life story of Michelle Obama, who left a
career in corporate law to enter public service and
became First Lady of the United States in 2009.
921 ONE
Nelson, Murry R. Shaquille O'Neal : a biography. Westport, CT
: Greenwood Press, 2007.
Profiles the life of NBA basketball player Shaquille O'Neal,
and chronicles his childhood and family, education, and
basketball career.
921 ONE
Smith, Pohla. Shaquille O'Neal : superhero at center. 1st ed.
New York : Rosen, 2003.
Examines the life and career of basketball star Shaquille
O'Neal, tracing his progress from high school to the major
leagues, and discussing his success as a center for the
Los Angeles Lakers. Includes photographs and statistics.
921 PAU
Paulsen, Gary. My life in dog years. New York : Delacorte
Press, c1998.
The author describes how dogs have impacted his life
from childhood through the present day, recounting the
stories of his first dog, Snowball, in the Philippines; Dirk,
who protected him from bullies; and Cookie, who saved
his life.
921 PEL
Pelzer, David J. The privilege of youth : a teenager's story.
New York : Plume, [2005], c2004.
Dave Pelzer, victim of one of the worst child abuse cases
in California history, tells the story of his adolescent years
after he was removed from his home and placed in foster
care, and discusses the influence on his life of Dan
Brazell, the man he came to regard as his father.
921 PET
Petit, Philippe, 1949-. To reach the clouds : my high wire walk
between the Twin Towers. 1st ed. New York : North Point
Press, 2002.
Philippe Petit, a French street performer, tells the story of
how he planned and executed a walk on a cable rigged
between the World Trade Center towers in 1974. Includes
photographs taken by Petit's friends and accomplices.
921 PFE
Pfetzer, Mark. Within reach : my Everest story. 1st ed. New
York : Dutton Books, c1998.
The author describes how he spent his teenage years
climbing mountains in the United States, South America,
Africa, and Asia, with an emphasis on his two expeditions
up Mount Everest.
921 POI
Poitier, Sidney. The measure of a man : a spiritual
autobiography. 1st ed. [San Francisco, Calif.] :
HarperSanFrancisco, c2000.
Recounts actor Sidney Poitier's public and private life as
he broke racial barriers to launch a pioneering acting
career playing characters who said something positive,
useful, and lasting about the human condition. Includes
921 RHO
Rhodes-Courter, Ashley, 1985-. Three little words : a memoir.
1st ed. New York : Atheneum, c2008.
Ashley spent nine years in foster care after being taken
away from her mother. She endured many caseworkers,
moving from school to school and manipulative,
humiliating and abusive treatment from one foster family.
See how she survives and eventually thrives against the
921 RIM
McCracken, Kristin. LeAnn Rimes. New York : Children's Press,
An illustrated biography of singing star LeAnn Rimes up to
the year 2000.
921 ROD
Rodman, Dennis. Walk on the Wild Side/ : Dennis Rodman
with Michael Silver. New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell
Publoshing Group, Inc., c.1197.
Rodman's fantasy of being free like a tiger in the jungle eating whatever he wants, and roaming around naked,
wild and free.....
921 ROM
Romanowski, Bill, 1966-. Romo : my life on the edge : living
dreams and slaying dragons. 1st ed. New York : William
Morrow, c2005.
Presents the author's first-hand account of his experience
playing football, from his days at Boston College through
sixteen seasons in the NFL, describing his training,
injuries, and determination to play.
921 ROS
RICK HILL. United States: Rodale, Inc., c.2004.
Pete Rose has never been forgotten by the fans who loved
him throughout his 24-year career. The men he played
with have stood by him. In this, his first book since his
very public fall from grace, Pete Rose speaks with great
candor about all the outstanding questions that have kept
him firmly in the public eye. He discloses what life was
like behind bars, discusses the turbulent years of his
exile, and gives a vivid picture of his early life and
baseball career. He also confronts his demons, tackling
the ugly truths about his gambling and his behavior. This
book is a full account of Pete Rose's life.
921 SAN
Sanchez, Reymundo, 1963-. My bloody life : the making of a
Latin King. 1st ed. Chicago : Chicago Review Press,
The author tells about his early life in Puerto Rico, shares
the story of how he became involved with the Latin Kings
in Chicago, and discusses how the gang changed over the
years from heroes representing the struggle for Latino
equality to cold-blooded murderers.
921 SAS
Sasson, Jean P. Mayada, daughter of Iraq : one woman's
survival under Saddam Hussein. New York, NY. : New
American Library, c.2004.
Chronicles Mayada Al-Askari's experiences after being
thrown into Iraq's Baladiyat Prison, the headquarters of
Saddam Hussein's secret police.
921 SCH
Albom, Mitch, 1958-. Tuesdays with Morrie : an old man, a
young man, and life's greatest lesson. New York :
Doubleday, c1997.
The author, an alumnus of Brandeis University, tells of his
meetings with a former professor suffering from Lou
Gehrig's disease and of the lessons he learned about life
and death from his college mentor.
921 SCH
Oskar Schindler and his list : the man, the book, the film, the
Holocaust and its survivors. Forest Dale, Vt. : Paul S.
Eriksson, c1995.
A collection of essays, articles, and interviews about
Oskar Schindler, who saved 1,200 Jews during World War
II, and the international effect of his story.
921 SEB
Sebold, Alice. Lucky. New York : Scribner, c1999.
The author tells the story of her violent rape at the age of
eighteen, her accidental sighting of her attacker six
months later, the resulting trial and conviction of the
man, and the trauma she suffered for years afterwards.
921 SPI
Vander Hook, Sue, 1949-. Steven Spielberg : groundbreaking
director. Edina, Minn. : Abdo Pub. Co., c2010.
This book tells the life story of Steven Spielberg, one of
the most influential film directors of all time.
921 STO
Stokke, Regine. Regine's book : a teen girl's last words. San
Francisco, CA : Zest Books, 2012.
In candid blog entries, Norwegian teen Regine Stokke
chronicled her battle against advanced leukemia--from
the day she was diagnosed in 2008 to her last days of
life. Includes a brief introduction to leukemia.
921 STR
Strawberry, Darryl. Straw : finding my way. 1st ed. New York
: Ecco, c2009.
Former professional baseball player Darryl Strawberry
reflects on his life, addressing the obstacles he overcame,
the effects of success and fame, his decision to devote
himself to the church and working with children with
developmental disabilities, and more.
921 STR
Stringer, Lee. Sleepaway school : stories from a boy's life.
Seven Stories Press 1st ed. New York : Seven Stories
Press, c2004.
The author presents the story of his troubled childhood
and the abuse, racism, and poverty he endured.
921 SYB
Nathan, Debbie. Sybil exposed : the extraordinary story
behind the famous multiple personality case. 1st Free
Documents the story of the woman behind the famous
multiple-personality-disorder case, contending that a
large portion of the story was fabricated by a willing
patient, her psychiatrist, and an ambitious journalist.
921 TEB
Tebow, Tim, 1987-. Through my eyes. 1st ed. New York :
HarperCollins, c2011.
One of the best quarterbacks in the history of college
football traces his path to success, discussing his
childhood as the son of Christian missionaries and how his
faith combined with his drive to succeed have made him
the person he is today.
921 TER
Teresa, Mother. My life for the poor. 1st ed. San Francisco :
Harper & Row, c1985.
Gathers into one volume what she has said and written
about her life, her work, her faith, and the spiritual joy
she has found.
921 TOL
Carpenter, Humphrey. Tolkien : a biography. Boston :
Houghton Mifflin, 1977.
The authorized biography of J. R. R. Tolkien, author of the
epic "The Lord of the Rings.".
921 TRA
Trapp, Maria Augusta. The story of the Trapp Family Singers.
[1st ed.]. Philadelphia, : Lippincott, [1949].
White, Ryan. Ryan White, my own story. 1st ed. New York :
Dial Books, c1991.
Ryan White describes how he got AIDS, engaged in a
legal battle to return to school, and became a celebrity
and spokesman for issues concerning the deadly disease.
921 WIL
Williams, Ted. My turn at Bat: the story of my life,. New York,
: Simon and Schuster, [1969].
The life of one of baseball's all-time greats from his
childhood days in San Diego through his career with the
Boston Red Sox to his managing of the Washington
921 WOO
Rosaforte, Tim. Tiger Woods : the makings of a champion. 1st
ed. New York : St. Martin's Press, 1997.
Biography of the young golf champion who has won an
unprecedented three U.S. Amateur titles and has been
able to withstand the pressure as a professional by
winning two titles in just seven matches.
921 X PER
Perry, Bruce. Malcolm : the life of a man who changed Black
America. Barrytown, N.Y. : Station Hill ;, c1991.
921 ZEN
Zenatti, Valérie, 1970-. When I was a soldier : a memoir. 1st
U.S. ed. New York : Bloomsbury Children's Books, 2005.
Like all young Israelis, Valérie Zenatti enlisted in the
national defense service on her 18th birthday, where for
the next two years she endured rigorous training and
harsh living conditions, ultimately participating in topsecret missions with the secret service.
921 ZIN
Zindel, Paul. The pigman & me. 1st American ed. New York :
HarperCollins, 1992.
An account of Paul Zindel's teenage years on Staten
Island, when his life was enriched by finding his own
personal pigman, or mentor.
921 BRY
Dent, Jim. The Junction boys : how ten days in hell with Bear
Bryant forged a champion team. 1st ed. New York, NY :
St. Martin's Press, 1999.
Explains how Paul "Bear" Bryant used unconventional
methods to help turn the losing Texas A&M football team
of 1954 into a winning team.
921 BUN
Haskins, James. Ralph Bunche; a most reluctant hero. New
York, : Hawthorn Books, [1974].
A biography of the first black American to receive a Ph. D.
in political science, the first to hold a high position in the
State Department, and the first to win the Nobel Peace
921 COB
Cross, Charles R. Heavier than heaven : a biography of Kurt
Cobain. 1st ed. New York : Hyperion, c2001.
Chronicles the troubled, creative life of rock singersongwriter Kurt Cobain, who rose to fame in the early
1990s as the lead singer of Nirvana and shot himself in
1994, and describes the aftermath of his death for his
wife, daughter, parents, friends, and fans.
921 DIA
Brown, Tina. The Diana chronicles. 1st ed. New York :
Doubelday, c2007.
Offers an inside look at how Princess Diana's relationships
with her mother, grandmother, stepmother, sister-in-law,
Fergie, and mother-in-law, the Queen, as well as other
powerful women, influenced every aspect of her public
and private life.
921 DIA
Morton, Andrew. Diana : Her true story. New York: Pocket
Books, 1992.
A candid view of Diana, Princess of Wales.
921 DOM
Dominick, Andie. Needles. New York : Scribner, c1998.
Andie Dominick discusses how her life changed after she
was diagnosed with diabetes.
921 DRA
Dravecky, Dave. Comeback,. Zondervan;, [c1990].
The San Francisco Giants pitcher recounts his career, the
discovery of a malignant tumor in his pitching arm, the
pain of surgery, rehabilitation, and two fractures, and the
months of separation from his family that led to the 1989
World Series in San Francisco.
921 DYL
Dylan, Bob, 1941-. Chronicles. New York : Simon & Schuster,
Singer-songwriter Bob Dylan tells his life story, reflecting
on his Minnesota roots, his time in Greenwich Village, his
family life, world events, and the ups and downs in his
921 EDV
Edvardson, Cordelia, 1929-. Burned child seeks the fire : a
memoir. Boston : Beacon Press, c1997.
The author recalls memories from her childhood and
adolescence in World War II Germany, as well as her
experiences and tactics for survival at the concentration
camp, Auschwitz.
921 FEY
Fey, Tina, 1970-. Bossypants. 1st ed. New York : Little,
Brown, 2011.
Actress Tina Fey recounts her life, sharing how she
managed to fulfill her dream of one day becoming a
comedian on television and discussing her childhood,
marriage, career, and views on beauty, politics,
motherhood, and relationships.
921 GAN
Gantos, Jack. Hole in my life. 1st ed. New York : Farrar,
Straus and Giroux, 2002.
The author relates how, as a young adult, he became a
drug user and smuggler, was arrested, did time in prison,
and eventually got out and went to college, all the while
hoping to become a writer.
921 GAT
Aronson, Marc. Bill Gates : a twentieth century life. New York :
Viking, 2009.
Profiles the life and achievements of Microsoft cofounder
Bill Gates, discussing how he became such a success and
his philanthropic activities.
921 GAT
Dickinson, Joan D. Bill Gates : billionaire computer genius.
Springfield, NJ : Enslow Publishers, c1997.
Presents a biography of the math whiz kid who grew up to
co-found Microsoft, the world's leading computer software
921 GAT
Schuman, Michael. Bill Gates : computer mogul and
philanthropist. Berkeley Heights, NJ : Enslow Publishers,
Profiles the life and achievements of Bill Gates; discussing
his childhood, family, education, work with computers,
creation of Microsoft, philanthropy, and more. Includes
chronology, suggestions for further reading, and Internet
921 GRE
Grealy, Lucy. Autobiography of a face. Boston : Houghton
Mifflin, 1994.
Lucy Grealy describes her journey to find physical beauty
after surgery left her face disfigured.
921 GRE
Greenspan, Alan, 1926-. The age of turbulence : adventures in
a new world. New York : Penguin Books, 2008.
Examines the life and career of former Federal Reserve
Board chairman Alan Greenspan; discusses economic
growth and the trend lines of globalization; and
speculates on the future of the global economy and the
credit market since 2007.
921 HAR
Hart, Elva Treviño. Barefoot heart : stories of a migrant child.
Tempe, Ariz. : Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingüe, c1999.
The author, born in south Texas to Mexican immigrants,
provides an account of her life growing up in a family of
migrant farm workers, and tells how she overcame the
disadvantages of her youth to attend college and earn a
master's degree in computer science/engineering.
921 HAR
Love, Dennis. BLIND FAITH. New York: Simon & Schuster,
A biography of Lula Hardaway, mother of
musician/songwriter Stevie Wonder, discussing the trials
and tribulations she faced in her life, and looking at how
her faith in herself, her children, and God led her to
persevere and help Stevie achieve success and fame.
921 HIL
Hill, Grant. Change the game : one athlete's thoughts on
sports, dreams, and growing up. New York, NY : Warner
Books, c1997.
Detroit Pistons basketball star Grant Hill reflects on
growing up, the positive influence of his parents and
other role models on his life, his feelings about sports,
and his dreams for the future.
921 HOL
Holloway, Monica. Driving with dead people : a memoir. 1st
ed. New York : Simon Spotlight Entertainment, 2007.
The author presents a memoir that describes her
dysfunctional family and childhood as well as her
friendship with the daughter of the town's local mortician.
921 JAM
Jones, Ryan, 1973-. King James : believe the hype-- the
LeBron James story. 1st St. Martin's Griffin ed. New York
: St. Martin's Griffin, 2005.
Presents a biography of LeBron James, focusing on his
stellar high school basketball career at St. Vincent-St.
Mary High School in Ohio, and discussing the contest
between Adidas and Nike to win his endorsement, and his
signing with the Cleveland Cavaliers.
Kaysen, Susanna, 1948-. Girl, interrupted. 1st ed. New York :
Turtle Bay Books, 1993.
921 KRA
Kramer, Clara, 1927-. Clara's war : one girl's story of survival.
New York : Ecco, 2009.
Presents the diary of Clara Kramer, a Polish-Jewish
teenager whose family was taken in during World War II
by the Becks, an ethnically German family from their
town, who sheltered the Kramers, as well as two other
Jewish families, in a bunker dug out of the basement for
twenty months.
921 MAC
Mace, Nancy. In the company of men : a woman at the
Citadel. New York : Simon Pulse, c2001.
Nancy Mace chronicles the experiences she had as one of
the first woman allowed to attend The Citadel and
discusses how the male students reacted to her presence.
921 MAH
Mah, Adeline Yen, 1937-. Chinese Cinderella : the true story of
an unwanted daughter. New York : Dell Laurel-Leaf,
[2001], c1999.
The author tells the story of her painful childhood in China
where she lived until the age of fourteen with her father,
stepmother, and siblings, all of whom considered her bad
luck because her mother died shortly after giving birth to
921 MIL
Miller, R.H. Deaf hearing boy : A memoir. Washington, D.C. :
Gallauder University Press, c2004.
A memoir of a hearing son born in 1938 to deaf parents.
921 OHE
Oher, Michael. I beat the odds : from homelessness, to "The
blind side," and beyond. New York : Gotham Books,
Michael Oher, the subject of the 2009 film "The Blind
Side," recounts how he defied the odds, escaped from the
inner-city Memphis ghetto, found a family to take him in,
and used his football skills to build a better life for
921 OPD
Opdyke, Irene Gut, 1921-. In my hands : memories of a
Holocaust rescuer. 1st ed. New York : A. Knopf :, c1999.
Recounts the experiences of the author who, as a young
Polish girl, hid and saved Jews during the Holocaust.
921 PRE
Guralnick, Peter. Last train to Memphis : the rise of Elvis
Presley. 1st ed. Boston : Little, Brown, and Company,
Traces the first twenty-four years of Elvis' life, including
his childhood and the beginning of his recording career,
exploring his musical influences and his relationships with
family, girlfriends, mentors, band members, professional
associates, and friends.
921 REI
Reiss, Johanna. The journey back. New York : HarperCollins,
After spending three years hiding from the Nazis, a Jewish
family is reunited and begins the job of rebuilding their
country and family.
921 RIP
Rosenfeld, Harvey. Iron man : the Cal Ripken, Jr. story. 1st
ed. New York : St. Martin's Press, 1995.
A biography of Cal Ripken, Jr., the Baltimore Orioles
shortstop who broke Lou Gehrig's record for number of
consecutive games played.
921 ROB
Robinson, Sharon. Jackie's nine : Jackie Robinson's values to
live by : courage, determination, teamwork, persistence,
integrity, pepersistence, commitment, excellence. New
York : Scholastic, c2001.
Baseball hero Jackie Robinson's daughter discusses nine
values that her father held dear, shares memories from
her life and her father's that illustrate those values, and
profiles individuals whom she considers heroes, including
Christopher Reeve and Oprah Winfrey.
921 RUN
Runyon, Brent. The burn journals. 1st ed. New York : Alfred A.
Knopf, c2004.
Brent Runyon was fourteen years old when he set himself
on fire. In this book he describes that suicide attempt and
his recovery over the following year.
921 SAN
Sanchez, Reymundo, 1963-. My bloody life : the making of a
Latin King. 1st ed. Chicago : Chicago Review Press,
The author tells about his early life in Puerto Rico, shares
the story of how he became involved with the Latin Kings
in Chicago, and discusses how the gang changed over the
years from heroes representing the struggle for Latino
equality to cold-blooded murderers.
921 SAS
Sasson, Jean P. Mayada, daughter of Iraq : one woman's
survival under Saddam Hussein. New York, NY. : New
American Library, c.2004.
Chronicles Mayada Al-Askari's experiences after being
thrown into Iraq's Baladiyat Prison, the headquarters of
Saddam Hussein's secret police.
921 SCH
Oskar Schindler and his list : the man, the book, the film, the
Holocaust and its survivors. Forest Dale, Vt. : Paul S.
Eriksson, c1995.
A collection of essays, articles, and interviews about
Oskar Schindler, who saved 1,200 Jews during World War
II, and the international effect of his story.
921 SEB
Sebold, Alice. Lucky. New York : Scribner, c1999.
The author tells the story of her violent rape at the age of
eighteen, her accidental sighting of her attacker six
months later, the resulting trial and conviction of the
man, and the trauma she suffered for years afterwards.
Atkinson, Linda. In kindling flame : the story of Hannah
Senesh, 1921-1944. 1st Beech Tree ed. New York : Beech
Tree Books, 1992, c1985.
A biography of a Jewish heroine whose resistance work
during World War II made her a martyr and an inspiration
to those with whom she worked.
921 SMI
Smith, Emmitt. The Emmitt zone. New York : Crown
Publishers, c1994.
The Dallas Cowboys running back talks about his life and
football career, including his famous contract dispute with
Jerry Jones.
921 STO
Stokke, Regine. Regine's book : a teen girl's last words. San
Francisco, CA : Zest Books, 2012.
In candid blog entries, Norwegian teen Regine Stokke
chronicled her battle against advanced leukemia--from
the day she was diagnosed in 2008 to her last days of
life. Includes a brief introduction to leukemia.
921 STU
Stuart, Jesse. The kingdom within : a spiritual autobiography.
New York : McGraw-Hill, c1979.
The author relates his experience in a hospital intensive
care unit where, in a semi-conscious state after a heart
attack, he reviews his life as a writer and as a man.
921 TAM
Tammet, Daniel, 1979-. Born on a blue day : inside the
extraordinary mind of an autistic savant. 1st Free Press
ed. New York : Free Press, 2007, c2006.
Daniel Tammet, an autistic savant, offers an inside look at
his life, describing how his rare condition, which gives him
incredible mental powers and a compulsive need for order
and routine, has influenced every aspect of his life and
what challenges he has faced while trying to be
921 TER
Teresa, Mother. My life for the poor. 1st ed. San Francisco :
Harper & Row, c1985.
Gathers into one volume what she has said and written
about her life, her work, her faith, and the spiritual joy
she has found.
921 TOL
Collins, David R. J.R.R. Tolkien : master of fantasy.
Minneapolis, MN : Lerner, 1992.
Describes the life of J.R.R. Tolkien, creator of Middle Earth
and author of "The Hobbit" and "Lord of the Rings.".
921 TWO
Kazimiroff, Theodore L. The last Algonquin. New York :
Walker, 1982.
An account of the life of an Algonquin Indian, the last of
his tribe, who was still living in a New York City Park in
921 WAL
Walls, Jeannette. The glass castle : a memoir. 1st Scribner
trade pbk. ed. New York : Scribner, 2006, c2005.
The author recalls her life growing up in a dysfunctional
family with an alcoholic father and distant mother and
describes how she and her siblings had to fend for
themselves until they finally found the resources and will
to leave home.
921 WIL
Williams, Ted. My turn at Bat: the story of my life,. New York,
: Simon and Schuster, [1969].
The life of one of baseball's all-time greats from his
childhood days in San Diego through his career with the
Boston Red Sox to his managing of the Washington
921 WOL
Wolff, Mishna. I'm down : a memoir. 1st ed. New York : St.
Martin's Press, 2009.
The author reflects on her childhood growing up white in
a predominantly African-American neighborhood and her
struggle to fit in with her classmates after moving to a
mostly Caucasian school district.
921 YOU
Yousafzai, Malala, 1997- author. I am Malala : the girl who
stood up for education and was shot by the Taliban. First
When the Taliban took control of the Swat Valley, one girl
spoke out. Malala Yousafzai refused to be silenced and
fought for her right to an education. On October 9, 2012,
she almost paid the ultimate price. She was shot in the
head at point-blank range while riding the bus home from
921 ZIN
Zindel, Paul. The pigman & me. 1st American ed. New York :
HarperCollins, 1992.
An account of Paul Zindel's teenage years on Staten
Island, when his life was enriched by finding his own
personal pigman, or mentor.