2010 @ Bapatla Engineering college, Vijayawada

1) Two tanks A and B. A fills 1 ltr/1 hour B fills 10, 20, 30 per hour. If this is (passage
unnecessary). If 1/4th tank of B takes 15 hours to fill how much it time will to take to fill
complete tank?
2) Out of 7 children the youngest is boy then find the probability that all the remaining
children are boys
Ans: 1/2^6 = 1/64
3) The three sides of a triangle are given. 16, 14, 21 cms and this triangle is conveted into
a square. So what will be the area of the square generated?
Ans 14+16+21)/4. Then you will get the 1 side of a square and now find the area of
a square.ie, side^2
4) An equation of the form 4x+6y-2z=32 . Find the difference between x intercept and z
intercept?Ans: x/a+y/b+z/c=
5) A Toy train can make 10 sounds sound changes after every 4 mins, now train is defective
and can make only 2 sounds. Find probability that same sound is repeated 5 times
consecutively (1 out of)?
Ans: 1/32
6) 20men and 20 women are there, they dance with each other, is there possibilty that 2
men are dancing with same women and vice versa.
Ans: Never
7) 10 people are there, they are shaking hands together, how many hand shakes possible, if
they are in no pair of cyclic sequence.
Cool In school there are some bicycles and 4wheeler wagons. One Tuesday there are 234
wheels inthe campus. How many bicycles are there?
Ans: Go with options. Multiply each option with 2 and subtact the obtained no from 234. If it
is exactly divisible by 4, that is the answer.
9) A father has 7 penny’s with him and 1 water melon is for 1p, 2 chickoos for 1p, 3 grapes
foe 1p. He has three sons. How can he share the friuts equally?
Ans: 1 watermelon, 2chickoos, 1grape
10) A piza shop made pizzas with to flavours. In home there are ‘9’ different flavors, in that
‘2’ flavors are taken to made piza in how many ways they can arrange?
(Logic: NcM, N= 9, M=2 )
11) One organization, material, labor and maintenance are in the ratio of 4
material cost is: 272, what is the total cost?
Ans: 4x=272 => x=68; now total cost = 272 + 6(6Cool+7(6Cool.
7, if the
12) 4 years before Paul’s age is 3times the Alice age and the present age of Paul is 6times
the Alice. What is the presents Paul’s age?
Ans: x-4 = 3(y-4); x=6y: Solve you will get it.
13) In a question, last part has, the ages of two people has the ratio of 6:5 and by adding
the numbers we get 55, after how many years the ratio would be 8:7?
Ans: Easy you can do it, simple equtions
14) In a room (unwanted stuff) Sports readers, 10 tables, 4 chairs per table, each table has
differentnumber of people then how many tables will left without at least one person?
Ans : 6
15) Passage joe is taller than jerry and 3 pillers. kistern is shorter than joe and 2 pillers is
jerry shorter/taller than kistern ?
16) a volume of A are having in a container of sphere. how many semi hemispheres of B
volume each will be required to transfer all the A in to semi hemispheres?
Ans: A= x B
17) Question based on V=I*R but in dis question most of data given are ridiculas like
volume, density, length, height similar long story are given
1Cool Peter and Paul are two friends. The sum of their ages is 42 years. Peter is twice as old
as Paulwas when Peter was as old as Paul is now. What is the present age of Peter?
19) A horse chases a pony 2 hours after the pony runs. Horse takes 4 hours to reach the
pony. If the average speed of the horse is 81 kmph, what s the average speed of the pony?
(This question was really long with loads of irrelevant statement)
20) Difference between two numbers is 4 and their product is 17. Then find the sum of their
21) A, B, C, D, E are there among A, B, C are boys and D, E are girls D is to the left of A
and no girl sits at the middle and at the extemes. Then what is the order of their sittings.
22) Some ages problem, then asked the answer in binary
23) (Some chetta chikkati solutions) unwanted data folowed by a formula diameter d =
10*(t-14), t>14 then what id diameter after t=40?
24) Some denominations question like you have 31 paise, and ticket cost is between 1 to
31, you have to give the exact denominations for the ticket. Find all the no. of
possible denominations you may prdict and you must be left wid atleast few paise?
25) Direction problems. A man goes 50 km North, then turned left walked 40 km, then
turned right? In which direction is he in?
Ans: North
Tips to crack the written:
1. Read the question from last 2 lines if not able to get go to last 3 lines bottom up
approach is more importatnt because saying about (Eg: lilavathi ka hei8 he will ask product
of 2 number what are those sum of squares of the same numbers at last) this why read it
from last
2. Topics to be concentrated in R.S Aggarwal uncle's book
a) Pipes and cisterns (Only concentrate on methods like simulaneus filling taps and
sequentital filling time taken and size of tub )2 problems
b) Time and Distance (Average distance problems formula-2xy/(x+y) x-first speed y-second
speed -1 prob and d=s*t simple problem only 1 so total 2 problems
c)Numerical calculations simple problem based on (A+B)^2=A^2+B^2+2AB AND (A+B)^3
But not directly he will ask it using lilavathi story telling the concept at last saying that
product of two numbers is something and sum of two numbers is something find sum of
squres of that numberA+B is given AB is given solve it using A+B whole square formal and
get sum of squares 2 problems
d) Ages problems 2 problems
e) Surface area and formulas on geomentry 1 problem
f) Permutation -2 problems
g) Probability -2 problems
h) Blood relations -2 problems same problems from R.S uncle(Aggarwal)
Just know the concept to solve and use the 1st tip its enough you will be able to solve 16
questions 3 puzzles are there which i will be sharing all the types.
a) Uncle puzzle is there which means 7 rupees must be divided between 3 things banan,
choco, biscuit for buying this for this type of puzzle answer is always 1. 1st item 2-2nd
item1-3rd item squence is 1,2,1
b) My papers as different puzzle that is 20 cake pieces must be divided among 3 people
mother father and sons that is mother eats 2 pieces father eats 3 and son eats half so what
will be the quantity to so choose the option which suits the question cum from options that
is add the qunatity by father and mother and son to get total 20 which will suit it that is the
c) A question on arrangement on letters answers may me one is bird or animal if its
repeteka its bird if its rigte its animal (tiger).
d) A question on hand shake which is from shakus puzzle buk formula is 2^n=n(n-1)/2
number of hand shakes problem 8 people attending party number of hanshakes with cycle
means 8*7/2=28 or if u find the word no cycle than answer is 7 one less
e) A question on socks to be picked in dark room to get the socks of same color
its number of choices total number of types of socks +1
f) A problem on cake preparing toppings its always (ans:ncm=2Cool same as handshakes
g) A problem on buliding number number of 2's or 3's or 4's etc upto 9 answer is always 20
(count 2 in 22 two times every body in this forms will written8 19 its worng its answer is 20
for 2-9 numberand 21 for number of 1's because 100 is included.
h) A problem on ohm law V=IR formula simple bit this problems if you prepare its enough to
get 30 out of 35 may be 35 also but remaining 3 i don't know how to solve
Location: Bangalore Date: 7 September 2010
1. 6 persons standing in queue with different age group, after two years their average age
will be 43 and seventh person joined with them. hence the current average age has become
Find the age of seventh person?
2. Horse started to chase dog as it relieved stable two hrs ago. And horse started to ran
with average speed 22km/hr, horse crossed 10 mts road and two small pounds with depth
3m, and it crossed two small street with 200 mts length. After traveling 6 hrs, 2hrs after
sunset it got dog. compute the speed of dog?
3. A toy train can make 10 sounds sound changes aftr every 4 min(and some nonsence)now
train is defective and can make only 2 sounds..find probability that same sound is repeated
6 times consecutively(1 OUT OF __)?
4.The cost 1 plum is 1 cent ,2 apples is 1 cent,3 banana is 1 cent.if rahul buys same
amount of fruits for his 3 sons spending 7 cent den what amount of fruit each child will
5. pizza parlor provides pizzas...there wer 2 toppings available initially peperoni and
salami... but now they,ve introduces 8 new toppings (some names) to select from...... a
person wishes to buy two DIFFERENT pizzas of NEW topping....in how many ways he can do
6. ' susha brought terilon cloth and rope to (some nonsence nw jst go to last 2 lines).if rope
is 153 mtr long and it is to be cut into pieces of 1 mtr long then how many times will she
have to cut it??
7. The ques on a man,a woman and a boy finish work together in 6 days.man takes 10
days,woman takes 24 days then how much boy will take?
8. Peter is twice as old as Paul was when Peter was as old as Paul is now. sum of their ages
is 42yrs. What is the present age of Peter?
9. The ages of two friends is in the ratio 6:5. After how many years will the ages be in the
ratio 8:7?
10. A triangle is made from a rope. The sides of the triangle are A cm, B cm and C cm. (I do
not remember the numerical value). What will be the area of the square made from the
same rope?
11. What is the distance of the z-intercept from the x-intercept in the equation
ax+by+cz+d=0. (I do not remember the values of a,b,c,d)
12. Simple question bt big one on average age.sth like a,b,c weigheted separately 1st a,b,c
,then a& b,then b&c ,then c&a at last abc,the last weight was 151,then what will be the avg
weight of the 7 weight?
13. There r ten spots in library and each spot has 6 tables and each has ten chairs. 10
student come into liberary and want 2 study. in 1st table only person, and in 2nd table 2
persons and so on.... finally how many tables would be blank?
14. a problem on V=IR formula
15. a problem on (a-b)^2 here we need to find a^2+b^2
16. There are 1000 pillars for a temple. 3 friends Linda, Chelsey, Juli visited that temple.
(Som unrelated stuff) Linda is taller than Chelsey and taller than 2 of 1000 pillars. Juli is
shorter than Linda. Find the correct sentence?
17. you hav coins of all dimensions. You need to provide exact change at the counter. You
have 155p coin. In how many parts will u divide this so that u will provide the exact change
required and carry as less coins as possible?
18. a block has 14cm width. if we combine 2 blocks the width will b 25cm. then if we put
150 blocks in similar manner. then wat is the resultant width.
19. a man started at his house and travel 50km towards north and take his left and travel
50km and then take right and travel 50km then in which direction he is from his house
20. a man has age in years equal to his daughters age in months and daughter age is
equals to his grand daughter age in weeks and her age in weeks total age of 3 members is
given we need to find out the mans age
21. problem on data interpretation
22. The cost of making a robot consists of material cost,repairing cost,coloring cost and is in
the ratio 3
5.if the material cost is 1200 then find out the cost of the robot.
23. There are two pipes A and B. If A filled 10 liters in hour B can fills 20 liters in same
time. Likewise B can fill 10,
20, 40, 80,160….if B filled in (1/16) th of a tank in 3 hours, how much time will it take to fill
24. In a school for a student out of a 100 he got 74 of average for 7 subjects and he got 79
marks in 8th subject. what is the average of all the subjects?
25. Two years before Paul’s age is 2times the Alice age and the present age of Paul is
6times the Alice. what is the presents Paul’s age???
26. 10men and 10 women are there, they dance with each other, is there possibilty that 2
men are dancing with same women and vice versa.
27. Ferrari is leading car manufacturer.*Ferrari S.p.A.* is an Italian sports car .........it has
enjoyed great success..............If Mohan's Ferrari is 3 times faster than his old MERCEDES
wich gave him 35kmph...if Mohan travelled 490 km in his ferrari.........the hw much time he
28. a problem on series..?
1. Tell me about you are self and you are college(for 5mins)?
2. Write a program for string reverse?
3. Define encapsulation? wid example?
4. What is multiple inheritance?
5. What is friend function?
6. What is virtual function?
7. What are access specifiers?
8. Expalin software development lifeycle?
9. What are diff types of testings?
10. What is diff between unit testing and regression testing?
11. What is cohesion?
12. What is diff between whitebox and blackboxtesting?
13. A simple logical problem?
14. What is diff between CSE and IT(i m IT student)
15. What is function overloading and overriding?
Some of HR questions
1. why TCS?
2. Who is the founder?
3. Who is the present CEO?
4. What is the mission and vision of TCS?
5. What is the name of the award TCS recently received?
6. Why should i hire u? The HR told me that TCS will communicate through mail with few
dayz about the result.
Date: 5 September 2010 @ Gitam College of Engineering, Kakinada
Aptitude test:
1. Which is the smallest no divides 2880 and gives a perfect square?
a.1 b.2 c.5 d.6
Ans: c
2. In school there are some bicycles and 4wheeler wagons.one Tuesday there are 190
wheels in the campus. How many bicycles are there?
Ans: 15
3. Man, Bear, North, South, walks. Colour of bear(Hint: North pole )
Ans: White
4. A father has 7 penny�s with him and 1 water melon is for 1p, 2chickoos for 1p, 3 grapes
foe 1p.he has three sons. How can he share the fruits equally?
Ans: 1 watermelon, 2chickoos, 1grape
5. (1/2) of a number is 3 times more than the (1/6) of the same number?
Ans: 9
6. There are two pipes A and B. If A filled 10 liters in hour B can fills 20 liters in same time.
Likewise B can fill 10, 20, 40, 80,160�.if B filled in (1/16) th of a tank in 3 hours, how
much time will it take to fill completely?
Ans: 7 hours
7. In a market 4 man are standing .the average age of the four before 4years is 45,aftyer
some days one man is added and his age is 49.what is the average weight of all?
Ans: 49
8. There are 10 reading spots in a room. Each reading spot has a round table. Each round
table has 4 chair. If different no of persons are sitting at each reading spot. And if there are
10 persons inside the room then how many reading spots donot have atleast a single
(1) 5 (2) 6 (3) 7 (4) None
Ans 6. because different no of persons are sitting on round table. So possible differnt
combinations for 10 people will be 1 2 3 4. because max 4 people can sit on round table. so
round tables left are 6.
9. A person do rock climbing at an altitude of 800 m.He go up by 7 mph. and come down by
9 mph. what was his av speed.
Ans (7+9)/2=8.
10. A boy want to make a cuboid of dimension 5m, 6m, 7m. from small cubes of .03 m3.
later he realized he can make same cuboid by making it hollow. Then it take some cubes
less. What is the no. of these cube.
Ans. Vol of solid cuboid= 5*6*7=210 m3. Vol of its inner cuboid by removal of which the
cuboid will be hollow= (5-2)*(6-2)*(7-2)=60 m3, then ans will be 60/.03
11. Two years ago A was 6 times older than B. Now he is 2 times older than B. What is the
age of A.
Ans. Age of A=5, Age of B= Two and half.
12. What is thew value of (78*78*78-45*45*45)/(78*78+78*45+45*45)
Ans. 78-45=33. a3-b3=(a-b)(a2+ab+b2)
Date: 5 September 2010 @ Sree Vidyanikethan, Tirupathi
Written test:
1) Two pipes A and B fill at A certain rate B is filled at 10,20,40,80,. If 1/16 of B if filled in
17 hours what time it will take to get completely filled
Ans 21
2) In a shopping mall with a staff of 5 members the average age is 45 years. After 5 years a
person joined them and the average age is again 45 years. What’s the age of 6th person?
3) Find (4x+2y)/ (4x-2y) if x/2y=2
4) Find average speed if a man travels at speed of 24kmph up and 36kmph down at an
altitude of 200m.formula is 2xy/(x+y)
5) Same model as 4th question. But it is on flat surface. Formula is same 2xy/(x+y).
6) Six friends go to pizza corner there r 2 types of pizzas. And six different flavors r there
they have to select 2 flavors from 6 flavors. In how many ways we can select?
Ans: 6C2
7) 3, 15, x, 51, 53,159,161. Find X
Ans: 17
Cool 3 friends A, B, C went for week end party to McDonald’s restaurant and there they
measure there weights in some order IN 7 rounds. A;B;C;AB;BC;AC;ABC. Final round
measure is 155 kg then find the average weight of all the 7 rounds?
Ans: 4(155)/7=31
9) There is a toy train that can make 10 musical sounds. It makes 2 musical sounds after
being defective. What is the probability that same musical sound would be produced 5 times
consecutively? (1 of )?
Answer: 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2 = 1/32
10) (There was a long story, I'll cut short it). There are 5 materials to make a perfume:
Lilac, Balsamic, Lemon, and Woody and MI mosaic. To make a perfume that is in demand
the following conditions are to be followed: Lilac and Balsamic go together. Woody and MI
mosaic go together; Woody and Balsamic never go together. Lemon can be added with any
material. (Actually they had also mentioned how much amount of one can be added with
how much quantity of the other; but that's not needed for the question.) All of the following
combinations are possible to make a perfume except:
1) Balsamic and Lilac
2) Woody and Lemon
3) MI mosaic and Woody
4) MI mosaic and Lilac
11) A triangle is made from a rope. The sides of the triangle are A cm, B cm and C cm (I do
not remember the numerical value). What will be the area of the square made from the
same rope?
Ans: ((A+B+C)/4)2
12) What is the distance of the z-intercept from the x-intercept in the equation ax+by+cz=d
(I do not remember the values of a, b, c, d).
Ans: sqrt ((d/a) 2+ (d/c) 2)
13) A scientist in Antarctic region conducts research on bears came to know that bears
changes according to the location .once he moves 1 mile towards north, then he moves 2
miles towards east, then 1 mile towards south. Now the color of bear he found will be in:
Ans: white
14) (1/3) of a number is 3 times more than the (1/6) of the same number?
Ans is 18
15) There are 11 boys in a family. Youngest child is a boy. What is the probability of all are
a) 2 b) 2! C) 2048 d) 1024
16) A boy bought a roll A of 56 inches wide and 141 yards long. He also bought B of 77
inches wide of length 333yards. We don’t want any details of B. Some irrelevant matter.
Final question is Time taken for cutting A into 1 yard piece is 2 seconds. Time taken to cut
into 141 pieces of 1 yard each is?
Ans is 2(141) =242
17) A Person buys a horse for 15 ponds, after one year he sells it for 20 pounds. After one
year, again he buys the same horse at 30 pounds and sells it for 40 pounds. What is the
profit for that person?
Ans is 15 pounds
1Cool John buys a cycle for 31 dollars and given a cheque of amount 35 dollars. Shop
Keeper exchanged the cheque with his neighbor and gave change to John. After 2 days, it is
known that cheque is bounced. Shop keeper paid the amount to his neighbor. The cost price
of cycle is 19 dollars. What is the profit/loss for shop keeper?
Ans is 23(cost price + change given).
19) In a family there are some boys and girls. All boys told that they are having equal no of
brothers and sisters and girls told that they are having twice the no. of brothers than
sisters. How many boys and girls present in a family?
Ans is 4 boys and 3 girls
20) There are certain number of hats and gloves in a box. They are of 41 red, 23 green, 11
orange. Power gone. But a woman can differentiate between hats and gloves.How many
draws are required to obtain a pair of each color.
21) There is a die with 10 faces. It is not known that fair or not. 2 captains want to toss die
for batting selection. What is the possible solution among the following?
a) If no. is odd it is head, if no. is even it is tail
b) If no. is odd it is tail, if no. is even it is head
c) Toss a die until all the 10 digits appear on top face. And if first no. in the sequence is odd
then consider it as tail. If it is even consider it as head.
I didn’t remembered last option and I don’t know answer.
22) 2 years ago of A is x times that of B. 3 Years hence the age of A is 4/3 times of B. What
is the present age of B in binary form?
I didn’t remember the exact values of x and y. You can solve easily.
23) metal strip of width ‘x’ cm. 2 metal strips are placed one over the other, then the
combine length of 2 strips is ‘y’. If ‘z’ strips are placed in that manner. What is the final
width of that arrangement?
Ans is (z-1) (y-x) +x.
24) There are 100 men and 100 women on the dance floor. They want to dance with each
other. Then which of the following statements is always true:
a) There are 2 men who danced with equal no. of women’s
b) There are 2 women who danced with equal no. of men
25) A game is played between 2 players and one player is declared as winner. All the
winners from first round are played in second round. All the winners from second round are
played in third round and so on. If 8 rounds are played to declare only one player as winner,
how many players are played in first round
Ans is 28.
26) There are 3 boys A, B, C and 2 Girls D, E. D always sit right to A. Girls never sit in
extreme positions and in the middle position. C always sits in the extreme positions. Who is
sitting immediate right to E?
Ans is B or C
27) 49 members attended the party. In that 22 are males, 17 are females. The shake hands
between males, females, male and female. Total 12 people given shake hands. How many
such kinds of such shake hands are possible?
Ans is 12C2
2Cool There are 1000 pillars for a temple. 3 friends Linda, Chelsey, Juli visited that temple.
(Some unrelated stuff) Linda is taller than Chelsea and taller than 2 of 1000 pillars. Julia is
shorter than Linda. Find the correct sentence?
a) Linda is shorter among them
b) Chelsea is taller than Julia
c) Chelsea is shorter than Julia
d) Cannot determine who is taller among Chelsea and Julia
Ans: d
29) Entry ticket to an exhibition ranges from 1p to 31p. You need to provide exact change
at the counter. You have 31p coin. In how many parts will u divide 31p so that u will
provide the exact change required and carry as less coins as possible?
a) 22 b) 31 c) 6 d) 32
Ans is 6
30) There are 2 friends Peter and Paul. Peter age is twice as old as Paul when peter was as
old as Paul is now. Sum of the present ages of Peter and Paul is 35.What is the present age
of Peter?
Ans is 20
Question 1: There is a toy train that can make 10 musical sounds. It makes 2 musical
sounds after being defective. What is the probability that same musical sound would be
produced 5 times consecutively? ( 1 of _____) ?
Answer: 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2 = 1/32
32 will be the answer.
(My friends got similar question with "3 times consecutively"; for that the answer would be
Question 2: Peter and Paul are two friends. The sum of their ages is 35 years. Peter is twice
as old as Paul was when Peter was as old as Paul is now. What is the present age of Peter?
Luckily, I had this question twice. Initially I left it because of the confusing statement but
when I got the same question second time with different names of the friends (Pooja and
Prasad) then I gave a little extra time and solved it.
Answer: 20 years. I simply substituted the answers in the statement to find the best fit,
because the statement in the question was pretty confusing.
Question 3: The ages of two friends is in the ratio 5:6. After how many years will the ages
be in theratio 7:8?
Answer: 10 years.
Question 4: (There was a long story, I'll cut short it). There are 5 materials to make a
perfume: Lilac, Balsalmic, Lemon, Woody and Mimosaic. To make a perfume that is in
demand the following conditions are to be followed: Lilac and Balsalmic go
together. Woody and Mimosaic go together,Woody and Balsalmic never go together. Lemon
can be added with any material. (Actually they had also mentioned how much amount of
one can be added with how much quantity of the other; but that's not needed for
the question.) All of the following combinations are possible to make a perfume EXCEPT:
1) Balsalmic and Lilac
2) Woody and Lemon
3) Mimosaic and Woody
4) Mimosaic and Lilac
Answer: Mimosaic and Lilac. I have made the question here really easy to understand. But
the actualquestion was in a twisted language and it was difficult to find the answer. It took
me some time to get to the answer.
Question 5: A girl has to make pizza with different toppings. There are 8 different toppings.
In how many ways can she make pizzas with 2 different toppings.
Answer: 8 * 7 = 56
Question 6: A triangle is made from a rope. The sides of the triangle are A cm, B cm and C
cm. (I do not remember the numerical value). What will be the area of the
square made from the same rope?
Question 7: What is the distance of the z-intercept from the x-intercept in the equation
ax+by+cz+d=0. (I do not remember the values of a,b,c,d)
Question 8: An athlete decides to run the same distance in 1/4th less time that she usually
took. By how much percent will she have to increase her average speed?
Answer: 33.33%
Question 9: A horse chases a pony 3 hours after the pony runs. Horse takes 4 hours to
reach the pony. If the average speed of the horse is 35 kmph, what s the average speed of
the pony? (Thisquestion was really long with loads of irrelevant statement)
These are a few questions that I could recall. I made through the aptitude round by
attempting 16questions. Next was Technical Interview Round.
Technical Interview:
Here I will discuss the technical questions that were asked to me and also
the questions asked to my friends.
Question 1: Write the pointer representation of a[i][j][k].
Question 2: i = 5
i++, ++i, --i, i--, 5
What will be the output if it is printed?
Question 3: How will you insert a new node between any two nodes in a linked list? Write
the code.
Question 4: How will you find a particular data in the linked list?
Question 5: What is MD5?
Question 6: What is RSA? Explain its principle.
Question 7: There is a triangle and 3 ants on each vertex of the triangle. The 3 ants start to
move randomly along the edges of the triangle. What is the probability that two ants will
Question 8: What is the difference between C and C++?
Question 9: What do you mean by polymorphism?
Question 10: Give an example of polymorphism with code.
Question 11: What do you mean by OOP?
Question 12: What is inheritance?
Question 13: What is a friend function?
Question 14: What is an abstract class?
Question 15: Suppose there is a number 235 such that sum of first two digits is equal to the
third digit. How many such 3 digits number are possible?
Question 16: Why is the VIRTUAL keyword used in C++?
Question 17: Which keyword is written to use a variable declared in one class in the other
Question 18: Suppose a code is written in C and you want to use that code in C++. How
can you do that?
Question 19 What do you mean by DML?
Question 20: Is there any language other than SQL where DML is used? If yes, then which?
Question 21: How many normal forms do we have?
Question 22: Here is a tic-tac-toe game which is being played by 2 people:
_ represent the blank spaces. Who played the last chance (x or o)?
Technical Questions asked to my friends:
Question 1: What is a transaction? Properties of Transaction?
Question 2: What "condition" will be written in the if statement such that both Hello World
are printed when the following code is executed.
Question 3: What will be the output of the following code?
int i=5;
printf("%d, %d, %d", i++, i, ++i);
Which C compiler do you use? (My friend said TURBO)
What will be the output of above code in TURBO compiler? (He said SAME)
No! It will not be the same.
After the technical round, there was an MR i.e. Managerial Round.
It was just a 2-3 minutes round. The interviewer asked me to introduce myself. Then asked
about my father. Then core values and strengths. Your hobbies? Which latest novel have
you read?
Next was the HR round. This was a little time taking round as the technical one.
Question 1: Introduce yourself?
Question 2: Your family background; father, mother, siblings.
Question 3: How does TCS earns its revenues? How it does its business?
Question 4: What was the need of bringing Information Technology in India?
Question 5: There is a round cake. You have 3 chances to cut the cake. Divide the cake into
8 pieces in these 3 chances.
Question 6: Suppose if I reject you today, what will you do next?
Question 7: You have a good communication skill. Why is it so? Is it because of your
schooling or family atmosphere? Whom do you give the credit for this?
Question 8: What are your strengths? Give 2 examples of your life incidents that portray
this strength in you.
Question 9: What are your weaknesses?
TCS Paper on 29 August 2010 At SALT LAKE, KOLKATA
1) Now pet's age is to times when paul was once. But at that time paul's age=pet's current
age ,how old is pet?
2) Block has 10,9,5 size, how many unit cube is needed to make a block of that size?
3) 23 people are there, they are shaking hands together, how many hand shakes possible, if
they are in pair of cyclic sequence.
4) 10men and 10 women are there, they dance with each other, is there possibilty that 2
men are dancing with same women and vice versa.
5) A lady took out jacket and gloves, which are avialable in blue 26, yellow 30 and red 56.
Power goes off, she can distinguish between gloves and jacket but not in colors. What's the
possibilty their she will pick up pair of gloves of each color
6) B is taller than j and 3 pillers. P is shorter than B and 2 pillers is j shorter/taller than P?
Ans-irrelevant question
7) Sangakara and ponting selects batting by using a dice, but dice is biased so to resolve
ponty takes out a coin, what is the probability that dice shows correct option.
Cool In school there are some bicycles and 4wheeler wagons. One Tuesday there are 58
wheels in the campus. How many bicycles are there?
Ans: 7
9. Two bowls are taken, one contains water and another contains tea.one spoon of water is
added to second bowl and mixed well, and a spoon of mixture is taken from second bowl
and added to the second bowl. Which statement will hold good for the above?
(Ans: second liquid in first bowl is smaller than the first mixture in second bowl)
10. Which is the smallest no divides 2880 and gives a perfect square?
a.1 b.2 c.5 d.6
Ans: c
11. Form 8 digit numbers from by using 1, 2,3,4,5 with repetition is allowed and must be
divisible by4?
a.31250 b.97656 c.78125 d.97657
Ans: c
12. One problem on (a3-b3)/(a2+ab+b2)
Ans: ‘a-b’
13. Rearrange and categorize the word ‘RAPETEKA’?
Ans: bird(parakeet)
14. Key words in question (Fibonacci series, infinite series, in the middle of the question one
number series is there….I got the series 3 12 7 26 15 b ?
(Logic: 3*2+1=7 12*2+2=26
7*2+1=15 26*2+2=54)
15. A father has 7 penny’s with him and 1 water melon is for 1p, 2chickoos for 1p, 3 grapes
foe 1p.he has three sons. How can he share the fruits equally?
Ans: 1 watermelon,2chickoos,1grape
16. A lies on mon, tues, wed and speak truths on other days, B lies on thur, fri, sat and
speaks truths on other days.. one day a said I lied today and B said I too lied today. What is
the day?
17. Man, Bear, North, South, walks.
Ans: White
18. (1/2) of a number is 3 times more than the (1/6) of the same number?
Ans: 9(for any no it can be true)
19. There are two pipes A and B. If A filled 10 liters in hour B can fills 20 liters in same
time. Likewise B can fill 10, 20, 40, 80,160….if B filled in (1/16) th of a tank in 3 hours, how
much time will it take to fill completely?
Ans:7 hours
20. KEYWORDS:T.Nagar,Chennai,1-100,prime numbers b/n 140-180,How many 2’s are
Ans: 20 (Not only 2’s ,1’s,3’s,4’s,5’s,6’s,7’s,8’s,9’s,0’s also 20)
21. One question has last part like difference between two terms is 9 and product of two
numbers is 14, what is the squares of sum of numbers?
22. A man is standing before a painting of a man and he says I have no bro and sis and his
father is my father’s son?
Ans: His son
23. What is the value of [(3x+8Y)/(x-2Y)]; if x/2y=2?
Ans:10 {the numerical may change)
24. A pizza shop made pizzas
with to flavours.in home there are ‘N’ different flavors, in that ‘M’ flavors are taken to made
pizza.in how many ways they can arrange?
(Logic: NcM )
25. One grandfather has three grandchildren, two of their age difference is 3, eldest child
age is 3 times youngest child’s age and eldest child’s age is two times of sum of other two
children. What is the age of eldest child?
26. In a market 4 man are standing .the average age of the four before 4years is 45,aftyer
some days one man is added and his age is 49.what is the average weight of all?
Ans: 49
27. KEYWORDS: one organization ,material ,labor and maintenance are in the ratio of 4
7,the material cost is:100,what is the total cost?
Ans: 425
28. KEYWORDS: density, reluctance, sensitivity, voltage ,current, what is the resistance
Formula is “R=V/I”
29. KEYWORDS: Sports readers,10 tables,4chairs per table, each table has different number
of people then how many tables will left without at least one person?
Ans : 6
30. KEYWORDS: Die, card, coin, b/n 2 to 12
Ans: All are equal
31. In a school for a student out of a 100 he got 74 of average for 7 subjects and he got 79
marks in 8th subject. what is the average of all the subjects?
the xtra 5 marks will be distributed in 8 semester, 5/8=.625
32. In a question ,last part has ,the ages of two people has the ratio of 6:5 and by adding
the numbers we get 44,after how many years the ratio would be 8:7?
Ans: 8
33. Two years before Paul’s age is 2times the Alice age and the present age of Paul is
6times the Alice. what is the presents Paul’s age???( 3years) “u try to solve this question
34.One train travels 200m from A to B with 70 km/ph. and returns to A with 80kmph, what
is the average of their speed?
The computer based test had questions :Area and Perimeter, Probability, Problems on Ages, Pipes and Cisterns, Ratio and Proportion
some logical questions, blood relations, percentages, profit-loss, area, direction sense etc.
1) Written
2) Technical
3) HR
4) Managial round
1. A man whose age is 45 yrs has 3 sons named John,jill,jack. He went to a park weekly
twice.he loves his sons very much. On a certain day he find # shopkippers sailing different
things. An apple cost 1penny, 2chocalate costs 1penny.& 3 bananas cost 1 penny. He has
bought equal no. of apple, chocolate & banana for each son. If the total amount he invest is
7 penny then how many he has bought from each piece for his son?
a)1app,1cho,1 banana
b)1 app,2cho,3 banana
D)2 app,2cho,2 banana
2. A scientist was researching on animal behavior in his lab. He was very interested in
analyzing the behavior of bear. For some reason he travelled 1mile in north direction &
reached at north pole.there he saw a bear .he then followed the bear around 1 hr with a
speed of 2km/hr in east direction.After that he travelled in south direction & reached at his
lab in2 hrs. Then what is the colour of the bear? I think ans is white
a)white b)black c)gray d)brown
3. How many 9 digit numbers are possible by using the digits 1,2,3,4,5 which are divisible
by 4 if repetition of digits is allowed?
4. Calcutation based on A^3-B^3 formula
5. A long story based ALICE AND WONDER LAND after that simple age question .
6. Question based on V=I*R but in dis question most of data given are ridiculas like volume
,density,length,height similar long story are given
7. A direct question on blood relation.
8. A big Question describing a story ARYABHATT AND HIS DAUGHTER LILAVATI
After that a number is given eg 2088.by what if we divide the number it ll become a perfect
9. 1st a story. Then a simple ratio problem. The question was if the ratio of age of two
persons is 5:6,sum of present age is 33,then in how many years the ratio of their age
becomes 7:8?
a)3 b)4 c)5 d)6
10. A very big story.on Tuesday college parking place have only 4wheelers & bicycles,total
no of wheels was 182,yhen what is the possible no of bicycles?
a)20 b 19 c 18 d 17
11. Simple question bt big one on average age.sth like a,b,c weigheted separately 1st a,b,c
,then a& b,then b&c ,then c&a at last abc,the last weight was 167,then what will be the avg
weight of the 7 weight?
12. Arrange the jumbled letters to make a perfect word RGTEI(sth like this). Find to which
category it belong? (plz do not these type q becoz its time consuming)
A)town b)vegetable c)animal d) bird
13) Simple puzzle based on IQ
3 persons a,b,c were there A always says truth,B lies on Monday,tusday,& Wednesday.but C
lies on thrusday,Friday & saturday .one day A said”that B & C said to A that” B said
“yesterday way one of the days when I lies”,C said that”yesterday way one of the days
when I lies too”.then which day was that?
Ans: a Sunday b thrusday c saterday d….
14) A girl has to make pizza with different toppings. There are 8 different toppings. In how
many ways can she make pizzas with 2 different toppings.
Answer: 8 * 7 = 56
15) Peter and Paul are two friends. The sum of their ages is 35 years. Peter is twice as old
as Paul was when Peter was as old as Paul is now. What is the present age of Peter?
16) Question based on pipe & ciston (geometrical series)
A and B tanks r there.1/8th of the tank B is filled in 22Hrs.what is time to fill the tank full?
17) 5 friends went for week end party to Mc donalds restrurent and there they measure
there weights .some irrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrilevent data.finel measure is 155 kg then find the
average weight of 5 people?
1Cool 2 pots are there.1st pot is filled with ink and 2nd pot is filled with water.take 1 spoon
of ink from 1st pot and pore it in 2nd pot.and take 1 spoon of mixture from 2nd pot and
pore it in 2nd pot then which one of following is true?
ans: Water in 1st pot is less than the ink in 2nd pot.
19) There r ten spots in library and each spot has 4 tables and ten readers ar there . 10
student come into liberary and want 2 study in how many ways that they sit in d liberary so
that no chair would be blank?
ans :1
Technical Interview:
1) Basic C
2) Programm of palindrom
3) Same prom via pointer
4) Difference b/w structure & union
5) Question based on networking
6) Question based on tcp/ip & osi layer and their function
7) My final year project
Cool Industrial traing
9) Some questin based on switching theory
10) Kirchaff voltage law
11) Purpose of k-map
12) Addition of a+b in microprocessor
HR & Managial round:
1) Weakness
2) Question based on weakness
3) Microprocessor question
4) Difference b/w p4 & core2 dua microprocessor
1. Pattern 1:
1. (1/2) of a number is 3 more than the (1/6) of the
same number?
a) 6 b)7 c)8 d)9
Let the number be x,
Then solve x
2. (1/3) of a number is 3 more than the (1/6) of the
same number?
a) 6 b)16 c)18 d)21
3. (1/3) of a number is 6 more than the (1/6) of the
same number?
a) 6 b)18 c)36 d)24
4. (2/3) of a number is 4 more than the (1/6) of the
same number?
a) 6 b)8 c)36 d)24
5. (1/3) of a number is 5 more than the (1/6) of the
same number?
a) 6 b)36 c)30 d)72
Pattern 2:
1. There are two water tanks A and B, A is much smaller than
B. While water fills at the rate of 1 liter every hour in A, it gets
filled up like, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160 in tank B. (At the end of first
hour, B has 10 liters, second hour it has 20 liters and so on).
If tank B is 1/32 filled of the 21 hours, what is total duration
of hours required to fill it completely?
a) 26 B)25 c)5 d)27
Solution: for every hour water in tank in B is doubled,
Let the duration to fill the tank B is x hours.
x/32 part of water in tank of B is filled in 21 hours,
Next hour it is doubled so,
2*(x/32) part i.e (x/16) part is filled in 22 hours,
Similarly (x/8)th part in 23 hours,(x/4)th part is filled in 24
(x/2)th part is filled in 25 hours, (x)th part is filled in 26 hours
So answer is 26 hours.
2. There are two pipes A and B. If A filled 10 liters in an hour,
B can fill 20 liters in same time. Likewise B can fill 10, 20, 40,
80, 160. If B filled in 1/16 of a tank in 3 hours, how much
time will it take to fill the tank completely?
a) 9 B) 8 c) 7 d) 6
3. There are two water tanks A and B, A is much smaller than
B. While water fills at the rate of 1 liter every hour in A, it gets
filled up like, 10, 20, 40,80, 160…..in tank B. 1/8 th of the
tank B is filled in 22 hours. What is the time to fill the tank
a) 26 B) 25 c) 5 d) 27
4. A tank is filled with water. In first hour 10 liters, second
hours 20 liters, and third hour 40 liters and so on. If time
taken to fill ¼ of the tank if 5 hours. What is the time taken to
fill up the tank?
a) 5 B) 8 c) 7 d) 12.5
5. If a tank A can be filled within 10 hours and tank B can be
filled ¼ in 19 hours then, what is the time taken to fill up the
tank completely?
a) 21 B) 38 c) 57 d) 76
Pattern 3:
1. 6 persons standing in queue with different age group, after
two years their average age will be 43 and seventh person
joined with them. Hence the current average age has become
45. Find the age of seventh person?
a) 43 b) 69 c) 52 d) 31
Total age of 6 persons is x hours,after two years total age of
6 persons is x+12
Average age of 6 persons is after two years is 43
So (x+12)/6=43,then solve x,
After 7th person is added then (x+7th person age)/7=45
So we will get 7th person age easily
2. In a market 4 men are standing. The average age of the
four before 4years is 45, after some days one man is added
and his age is 49. What is the average age of all?
a) 43 b) 45 c) 47 d) 49
3. In a shopping mall with a staff of 5 members the average
age is 45 years. After 5 years a person joined them and the
average age is again 45 years. What’s the age of 6th person?
a) 25 b)20 c)45 d)30
4. In a market 4 men are standing .The average age of the
four before 2 years is 55, after some days one man is added
and his age is 45. What is the average age of all?
a) 55 b) 54.5 c) 54.6 d) 54.7
Pattern 4:
1. In the reading room of a library, there are 23 reading spots.
Each reading spot consists of a round table with 9 chairs
placed around it. There are some readers such that in each
occupied reading spot there are different numbers of readers.
If in all there are 36 readers, how many reading spots do not
have even a single reader?
a) 8 b) none c) 16 d) 15
Solution: 23 reading spots, Each reading spot consists of 9
chairs placed around it so There are some readers such that in
each occupied reading spot there are different numbers of
For each table different no of persons are sat,so for first table
1 person is sit,2nd table 2 persons are sit 36
readers means(1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 so 8 tables are filled so
23-8=15 reading spots does not have single reader.
2. In the reading room of a library, there are 10 tables, 4
chairs per table. In each table there are different numbers of
people seated. How many tables will be left out without at
least 1 person?
a) 8 b) 6 c) 2 d) 7
3. In the reading room of a library, there are 10 tables, 4
chairs per table. In each table there are different numbers of
people seated. How many ways they will sit in the library so
that no chair would be blank?
a) 8 b) 6 c) 2 d) 7
Pattern 5:
1. A man jogs at 6 mph over a certain journey and walks over
the same route at 4 mph. What is his average speed for the
a) 2.4 mph b) 4.8 mph c) 4 mph d) 5 mph
Solution: Average speed=(2*x*y)/(x+y)
2. A man travels from A to B at 4 mph over a certain journey
and returns over the same route to A, at 5 mph. What is his
average speed for the journey?
a) 4.44 mph b) 4.8 mph c) 4.887 mph d)5 mph
3. A person is rock climbing at an altitude of 800 m. He go up
by 7 mph. and come down by 9 mph. what was his average
a) 7.875 mph b) 7.125 mph c) 7mph d) 7.5 mph
4. Find average speed if a man travels at speed of 24kmph up
and 36kmph down at an altitude of 200m?
a) 28.8 mph b) 27.8 mph c) 27.5mph d) 30 mph
5. Person travels to a hill, if he goes from A to B with speed of
4kmph and returns back to B with speed of 5kmph. What is
his average speed of journey?
a) 4.5kmph b) 4.44kmph c) 9kmph d) 4.245kmph
6. A man travels from A to B at 70 mph over a certain journey
and returns over the same route to A, at 80 mph. What is his
average speed for the journey?
a) 74.66 b)75 c)74.33 d)74.99
7. Find average speed if a man travels at speed of 24kmph up
and 36kmph down at an altitude of 200m.
a) 28.8 b)28 c)27 d)28.6
Pattern 6:
1. Susan made a block with small cubes of 8 cubic cm volume
to make a block ,3 small cubes long, 9 small cubes wide and 5
small cubes deep. She realizes that she has used more small
cubes than she really needed. She realized that she could
have glued a fewer number of cubes together to lock like a
block with same dimensions, if it were made hollow. What is
the minimum number of cubes that she needs to make the
a) 114 b) 135 c) 21 d) 71
Solution: I do not know perfectly but I got some solutions
from internet I do not know correctly whether it is tru e or
not,((3*9*5))-((3-2)*(9-2)*(5-2)) so answer is 114.
2. A boy wants to make cuboids of dimension 5m, 6m and 7m
from small cubes of .03 m3. Later herealized he can make
same cuboids by making it hollow. Then it takes some cubes
less. What is the number of the cubes to be removed?
a) 2000 b) 5000 c) 3000 d) 7000
3. Smita was making a cube with dimensions 5*5*5 using
1*1*1 cubes. What is the number of cubes needed to make a
hollow cube looking of the same shape?
a) 98 b) 104 c) 100 d) 61
4. Leena cut small cubes of 10 cm dimension each. She joined
it to make a cuboid of length 100 cm, width 50 cm and depth
50 cm. How many more cubes does she need to make a
perfect cube?
a) 500 b) 250 c) 750 d) 650
5. Leena cut small cubes of 3 cubic cm each. She joined it to
make a cuboid of length 10 cm, width 3 cm and depth 3 cm.
How many more cubes does she need to make a perfect cube?
a) 910 b) 250 c) 750 d) 650
6. A lady builds 9cm length, 10cm width,3cm height box using
1 cubic cm cubes. What is the minimum number of cubes
required to build the box?
a) 730 b) 270 c) 720 d) 310
Pattern 8:
1. (40*40*40 – 31*31*31)/(40*40+40*31+31*31)=?
a)8 b)9 c)71 d)51
Solution:a3 -b3 =(a-b)*(a2+a*b+b2) so from this formula we
will find (a-b) value
2. (98*98*98 – 73*73*73)/( 98*98*98 – 73*73*73)=?
a).171 b).4 c).420 d).415
3. (209*144)^2 + (209*209)+(209*144)+(144*144) = ?
a)905863729 b)905368729 c)905729368 d)65
Pattern 9:
1. ((4x+3y)+(5x+9y))/(5x+5y) = ? as (x/2y) = 2
a)8 b)none c)16 d)15
Solution: substitute x=4y in above we can find solution
2. x/2y = 2a,then 2x/x-2ay=?
a)4 b)8 c)16 d)2
3. 3X/5Y = 5Y/3X…..Find the value of X/Y
a)3/5 b)5/3 c)2/5 d)5/2
4. What is the value of (3X+8Y)/(X-2Y), if X/2Y=2
a)8 b)none c)10 d)13
5. (4x+3y)+(5x+9y))/(5x+5y) = ? as (x/2y) = 2
a)48/5 b)46/5 c)47/5 d)49/5
6. ((4x+2y)/(4x-2y)= ? as (x/2y) = 2
a)8/7 b)9/7 c)11/7 d)6/7
Pattern 10:
1. A girl has to make pizza with different toppings. There are 8
different toppings. In how many ways can she make pizzas
with 2 different toppings?
a) 16 b) 56 c) 112 d) 28
Solution: 8c2
2. A pizza shop made pizzas with many flavors. There are 10
different flavors, in that 7 flavors are taken to make pizza. In
how many ways they can arrange?
a) 240 b) 120 c) 65 d) 210
3. A pizza shop made pizzas with many flavors. There are 9
different flavors, in that 2 flavors are taken to make pizza. In
how many ways they can arrange?
a) 16 b) 26 c) 36 d) 46
Pattern 11:
1. 3, 22, 7, 45, 15,? , 31
a) 91 b)151 c) 90 d) 5
2. 8 6 17 14 35 31 75 _ 143?
3. Inspired by Fibonacci series Sangeet decided to create his
own series which is 1, 2, 3, 7, 7, 22, 15, 67, 31, _, 63?
a) 202 b) 31 c) 76 d) 49
4. 3, 12, 7, 26, 15, ?
a) 54 b) 27 c) 108 d) 31
5. 1! + 2! + ……. + 50!=?
a)3.1035*10^64 b)2.1021*10^65 c)3.1035*10^63
6. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 14, _, 32?
7. 5, 9, 12, 18, 26, 36, 47, 72, _?
a) 75 b) 135 c) 100 d) 55
8. 3, 15, x, 51, 53,159,161
a) 17 b) 34 c) 54 d) 112
Pattern 12:
1. Simple question but big one on average age.sth like a, b, c
weighted separately 1st a, b, c ,then a& b, then b & c ,then c
& a at last abc, the last weight was 167,then what will be the
average weight of the 7 reading?
a) 95 b) 95.428 c) 95.45 d) 94
Solution: Last weight abc is 167i.e three persons weight is 167
.in first 6 combinations a,b,c,ab,bc,ac i.e a checked weight for
3 times totally like that band c also so total weight in all 7
combinations is (4*167)
Average is (668/7)=95.42
Pattern 13:
1. A toy train produces 10 different sounds when it moves
around a circular toy track of radius 5 m at 10 m per min.
However, the toy train is defective and it now produces only 2
different tunes at random. What are the odds that the train
produces for consecutive music tones of the same type?
a) 1 in 16 B) 1 in 4 c) 1 in 8 d) 1 in 32
Solution: Initially it produces 10 sounds and the defect came
and now it produces only 2 different sounds and consecutively
so there are totally 2 sounds and we have to select on sound
and the probability is ½ and it produces the same sound
concecutively for 2 times so the probability becomes ½*1/2 ie
2. A car manufacturer produces only red and blue models
which come out of the final testing area at random. What are
the odds that five consecutive cars of same color will come
through the test area at any one time?
a) 1 in 16 b) 1 in 125 c) 1 in 32 d) 1 in 25
Pattern 15:
1. A triangle is made from a rope. The sides of the triangle are
25 cm, 11 cm and 31 cm. What will be the area of the square
made from the same rope?
a) 280.5625 b) 240.5625 c) 280.125 d) 240
Solution:add all sides 25+11+31 to get rope length rope
length =67,rope is made in to as square
So side of square is 67/4=16.75 and so area is
2. A triangle is made from a rope. The sides of the triangle are
21 cm, 24 cm and 28 cm. What will be the area of the square
made from the same rope?
a) 280.5625 b) 333.0625 c) 333.0125 d) 400
Pattern 16:
1. What is the distance between the z-intercept from the xintercept in the equation ax+by+cz+d=0
Solution:intercept form equation
2. What is the distance of the z-intercept from the x-intercept
in the equation ax+by+cz=d (I do not remember the values of
a, b, c, d).
Pattern 17:
1. A scientist was researching on animal behavior in his lab.
He was very interested in analyzing the behavior of bear. For
some reason he travelled 1mile in north direction & reached at
North Pole. There he saw a bear. He then followed the bear
around 1 hr with a speed of 2km/hr in east direction. After
that he travelled in south direction & reached at his lab in2
hrs. Then what is the color of the bear?
a) White b) Black c) Gray d) Brown
Solution is: White. above all the matter is nonsense
Pattern 18:
1. Out of 7 children the youngest is boy then find the
probability that all the remaining children are boys
a)1/64 b)1/32 c)1/128 d)1/256
Pattern 19:
1. Usha bought a linen cloth and rope to build a tent. If the
rope is 153 m long and it is to be cut into pieces of 1m length,
then how many cuts are to be made to cut the ropes into 153
a)153 b)152 c)154 d)155
Solution:to make it 153 pieces we have to cut 152 times so
obviously after last cut we got 153rd piece
2. A person has to make 146 pieces of a long bar. He takes 4
seconds to cut a piece. What is the total time taken by him in
seconds to make 146 pieces?
a) 584 b) 580 c) 730 d) 725
Solution: 146 pieces means 145 cuts so for each cut it takes 4
seconds means total time 145*4=580
3. A person has to make 141 pieces of a long bar. He takes 2
seconds to cut a piece. What is the total time taken by him in
seconds to make 141 pieces?
a) 560 b) 280 c) 112 d) 324
Pattern 20:
1. Spores of a fungus, called late blight, grow and spread
infection rapidly. These pathogens were responsible for the
Irish potato famine of the mid-19th century. These seem to
have attacked the tomato crops in England this year. The
tomato crops have reduced and the price of the crop has risen
up. The price has already gone up to $45 a box from $27 a
box a month ago. How much more would a vegetable vendor
need to pay to buy 27 boxes this month over what he would
have paid last month?
a) $27 b) $18 c) $45 d) $486
Solution: See last 3 lines only answer is 45-27=18
Pattern 21:
1. A Person buys a horse for 15 ponds, after one year he sells
it for 20 pounds. After one year, again he buys the same
horse at 30 pounds and sells it for 40 pounds. What is the
profit for that person?
Solution: here we cannot consider depreciation or decay of
item accto answer so go acc to answer
Totally 5+10=15$profit
Pattern 22:
1. John buys a cycle for 31 dollars and given a cheque of
amount 35 dollars. Shop Keeper exchanged the cheque with
his neighbor and gave change to John. After 2 days, it is
known that cheque is bounced. Shop keeper paid the amount
to his neighbor. The cost price of cycle is 19 dollars. What is
the profit/loss for shop keeper?
a)loss 23 b)gain 23 c)gain 54 d)Loss 54
Solution: Loss= Change of money given to john(4$)+actual
cycle cost 19$=23$ loss
Pattern 23:
1. A lady has fine gloves and hats in her closet- 18 blue, 32
red, and 25 yellow. The lights are out and it is totally dark. In
spite of the darkness, she can make out the difference
between a hat and a glove. She takes out an item out of the
closet only if she is sure that if it is a glove. How many gloves
must she take out to make sure she has a pair of each color?
a) 50 b) 8 c) 60 d) 42
2. A lady has fine gloves and hats in her closet- 14 blue, 20
red, and 18 yellow. The lights are out and it is totally dark. In
spite of the darkness, she can make out the difference
between a hat and a glove. She takes out an item out of the
closet only if she is sure that if it is a glove. How many gloves
must she take out to make sure she has a pair of each color?
3. A lady has fine gloves and hats in her closet- 13 blue, 27
red, and 40 yellow. The lights are out and it is totally dark. In
spite of the darkness, she can make out the difference
between a hat and a glove. She takes out an item out of the
closet only if she is sure that if it is a glove. How many gloves
must she take out to make sure she has a pair of each color?
4. A lady has fine gloves and hats in her closet- 25 blue, 7
red, and 9 yellow. The lights are out and it is totally dark. In
spite of the darkness, she can make out the difference
between a hat and a glove. She takes out an item out of the
closet only if she is sure that if it is a glove. How many gloves
must she take out to make sure she has a pair of each color?
5. A lady has fine gloves and hats in her closet- 26 blue, 30
red, and 56 yellow. The lights are out and it is totally dark. In
spite of the darkness, she can make out the difference
between a hat and a glove. She takes out an item out of the
closet only if she is sure that if it is a glove. How many gloves
must she take out to make sure she has a pair of each color?
Pattern 24:
1. Sangakara and Ponting selects batting by using a dice, but
dice is biased. So to resolve, Ponting takes out a coin. What is
the probability that coin shows correct option?
a)1/2 b)1/6 c)1/12 d)6/10
Solution is ½.
2. There is a die with 10 faces. It is not known that fair or not.
2 captains want to toss die for batting selection. What is the
possible solution among the following?
a) If no. is odd it is head, if no. is even it is tail
b) If no. is odd it is tail, if no. is even it is head
c) Toss a die until all the 10 digits appear on top face. And if
first no. in the sequence is odd then consider it as tail. If it is
even consider it as head.
Pattern 25:
1. In a family there are some boys and girls. All boys told that
they are having equal no of brothers and sisters and girls told
that they are having twice the no. of brothers than sisters.
How many boys and girls present in a family?
a) 4 boys and 3 girls b) 3 boys and 4 girls c) 2 boys and 5
girls d) 5 boys and 2 girls
Pattern 26:
1. 10 men and 10 women are there, they dance with each
other, is there possibility that 2 men are dancing with same
women and vice versa?
a) 22 b) 20 c) 10 d) none
2. There are 100 men and 100 women on the dance floor.
They want to dance with each other. Then which of the
following statements is always true:
a) There are 2 men who danced with equal no. of women’s
b) There are 2 women who danced with equal no. of men
a) both a and b b)only a c)only b d)none
Pattern 27:
1. Middle- earth is a fictional land inhabited by hobbits, elves,
dwarves and men. The hobbits and elves are peaceful
creatures that prefer slow, silent lives and appreciate nature
and art. The dwarves and the men engage in physical games.
The game is as follows. A tournament is one where out of the
two teams that play a match, the one that loses get
eliminated. The matches are played in different rounds, where
in every round; half of the teams get eliminated from the
tournament. If there are 8 rounds played in knock out
tournament, how many matches were played?
a) 257 b) 256 c) 72 d) 255
Solution: Do not know perfect logic 28
2. A game is played between 2 players and one player is
declared as winner. All the winners from first round are played
in second round. All the winners from second round are played
in third round and so on. If 8 rounds are played to declare
only one player as winner, how many players are played in
first round?
a) 256 b) 512 c) 64 d) 128
Pattern 28:
1. Metal strip of width ‘x’ cm. 2 metal strips are placed one
over the other, then the combine length of 2 strips is ‘y’. If ‘z’
strips are placed in that manner. What is the final width of
that arrangement?
2. A, B, C, D, E are there among A, B, C are boys and D, E are
girls D is to the left of A and no girl sits at the middle and at
the extemes. Then what is the order of their sittings.
Pattern 29:
1. There is 7 friends (A1, A2, A3....A7).If A1 have to have
shake with all without repeat. How many handshakes
a) 6 b) 21 c) 28 d) 7
Solution: For handshakes type question i am confirming you
that if the there are n members are there
Handshakes are given in linear manner =n-1(last person
cannot give hand shake to first person)
Handshakes are given in cyclic manner =n(last person can
give hand shake to first person)
But i do not know perfectly for repetition it is nc2
2. 49 members attended the party. In that 22 are males, 17
are females. The shake hands between males, females, male
and female. Total 12 people given shake hands. How many
such kinds of such shake hands are possible?
a) 122 b) 66 c) 48 d)1 28
Pattern 30:
1. B is taller than j and 3 pillars. P is shorter than B and 2
pillars is j shorter/taller than P?
a) yes b) no c) may be d) can’t find
2. There are 1000 pillars for a temple. 3 friends Linda,
Chelsey, Juli visited that temple. (Some unrelated stuff) Linda
is taller than Chelsea and taller than 2 of 1000 pillars. Julia is
shorter than Linda. Find the correct sentence?
a) Linda is shorter among them
b) Chelsea is taller than Julia
c) Chelsea is shorter than Julia
d) Cannot determine who is taller among Chelsea and Julia
Pattern 31:
1. Entry ticket to an exhibition ranges from 1p to 31p. You
need to provide exact change at the counter. You have 31p
coin. In how many parts will u divide 31p so that u will provide
the exact change required and carry as less coins as possible?
a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7
Solution: in btech we studied 8 4 2 1 code for binary system
in digital logic proceed in that way for answer it is 16 8 4 2 1 if
u add all we will get 31 so 5 coins required
Pattern 32:
1. Peter and Paul are two friends. The sum of their ages is 35
years. Peter is twice as old as Paul was when Peter was as old
as Paul is now. What is the present age of Peter?
a) 8 b) 20 c) 16 d) 15
Pattern 33:
1. 20 men handshake with each other without repetition. What
is the total number of handshakes made?
a) 190 b) 210 c) 150 d) 250
2. 10 people are there, they are shaking hands together, how
many hand shakes possible, if they are in no pair of cyclic
a) 45 b) 9 c) 12 d) 10
Pattern 34:
1. If there are 2 wheelers and 4 wheelers parked in a school
located at the heart of the city, find the number of 4 wheelers
parked there if there were 20 two wheelers parked there
a) 48 b) 50 c) 52 d) 64
Solution: Proceed with answer is best in question they will
give total no of wheels
2. If there are 2 wheelers and 4 wheelers parked in a school
located at the heart of the city, find the number of 4 wheelers
parked there if there were 58 wheels are parked there
a)10 b) 33 c) 22 d) none
Pattern 35:
1. A man whose age is 45 yrs has 3 sons named John, Jill,
jack. He went to a park weekly twice. He loves his sons very
much. On a certain day he found the shop keepers selling
different things. An apple cost 1penny, 2chocalate costs
1penny & 3 bananas cost 1 penny. He has bought equal
number of apple, chocolate & banana for each son. If the total
amount he invest is 7 penny then how many he has bought
from each piece for his son?
a) 1app, 1cho, 1 banana b)1 app, 2cho,3 banana c)1app,
2cho, 1banana
2. One person had three children. He had 7 pennies. Find the
distribution of the fruits among the three children. A melon
costs 1 penny, 2 oranges cost 1 penny and 3 grapes cost 1
a)2 melons, 1 orange, 1 grape b) 2 melons, 2 orange, 1 grape
c) 1 melons, 2 orange, 1 grape.
Pattern 36:
1) The age of the two friends were in the ration of 6:5. If the sum of their ages is 55. Then
after how many years their ratio will become 8:7?
a) 11 b) 7 c) 10 d) 12
Solution: 6x+5x=55, so x=5, put first ratio after substitution is (6*5)/(5*5) and second
ratio is 40/35 So difference in numerators 40-30=10 years
2)The age of the two friends were in the ration of 6:5. If the sum of their ages is 66. Then
after how many years their ratio will become 7:6?
a) 11 b) 6 c) 10 d) 12
3) The age of the two friends were in the ration of 2:3. If the sum of their ages is 55. Then
after how many years their ratio will become 4:5?
a) 11 b) 33 c) 22 d) 44
Pattern 37:
1) A volume of 10936 l water is in a container of sphere. How many semisphere of volume
4l each will be required to tranfer all the water into the small semispheres?
a) 2812 b) 8231 c) 2734 d) 4222
Pattern 38:
1) A person ismanufacturing a house. He bought 20 ropes of wire which has a density of
300 Kg/m3. The height of the building to be constructed is 40 m. If the capacity of the
current passed in the wire is 20 A and the voltage capacity is 80 Volts. Then what will be the
opposing force to the current if the wire is used?
a) 2 b) 4 c) 8 d) 1600
Solution: ohms law V=IR, Opposing force of current is resistance, R=v/i
Pattern 39:
1) A horse chases a pony 2 hours after the pony runs.Horse takes 3 hours to reach the
pony.If the average speed of the horse is 81Kmph.Then what is the average speed of the
a) 46.4 b) 51 c) 53.4 d) 48.6
Solution: Horse takes 3 hours to cover the distance
Pony takes 3+2 =5 hours to cover the same distance, Velocity=distance/time, distance
travelled by them is equal it is 81*3=243km, speed of pony=243/5=48.6
3) A horse chases a pony 3 hours after the pony runs. Horse takes 4 hours to reach the
pony. If the average speed of the horse is 35 kmph, what is the average speed of the pony
Pattern 40:
1)The difference between two no is 9 and the product of the two is 14.What is the square of
their sum?
a) 120 b) 130 c) 137 d) 145
Solution: a-b=9, ab=14, (a-b)2=a2+b2-2*a*b
2) The sum of two no is 5 and the product of the two is 14.What is the sum of their
3) The sum of the squares of two no is 12 and their sum is 15.Find the product of the two
Pattern 41:
1) On planet korba, a solar blast has melted the ice caps on its equator. 9 years after the
ice melts, tiny planetoids called echina start growing on the rocks. Echina grows in the form
of circle, and the relationship between the diameter of this circle and the age of echina is
given by the formula d = 4*√ (t-9) for t ≥ 9 where d represents the diameter in mm and t
the number of years since the solar blast.Jagan recorded the radius of some echina at a
particular spot as 7mm. How many years back did the solar blast occur?
a) 17 b) 21.25 c) 12.25 d) 14.05
Solution: radius =7mm, then diameter 2*radius, substitude diameter the in above equation
you will get answer
Pattern 42:
1) A man goes 50Km north , then turned left walked 40Km, then turned right ? In which
direction he is?
a) North b) South c) East d) West
Pattern 43:
1) In T.Nagar the building were numbered from 1 to 100.Then how many 4’s will be present
in the numbers?
a) 18 b) 19 c) 20 d) 21.
Solution: You have to count and answer but be prepare with answer
2) In T.Nagar the building were numbered from 1 to 100. Then how many 6’s will be
present in the numbers?
a) 18 b) 19 c) 20 d) 21
3) In T.Nagar the building were numbered from 1 to 100. Then how many 1’s will be
present in the numbers?
a) 18 b) 19 c) 20 d) 21
4) In T.Nagar the building were numbered from 1 to 100.Then how many 0’s will be present
in the numbers?
a) 18 b) 19 c) 20 d) 11
Pattern 44:
1) A number when divided by D leaves a remainder of 8 and when divided by 3D leaves a
remainder of 21. What is the remainder left, when twice the number is divided by 3D?
a) 13 b) cannot be determined c) 3 d) 42
Pattern 45:
1) Ferrari S.P.A is an Italian sports car manufacturer based in Maranello, Italy. Founded by
Enzo Ferrari in 1928 as Scuderia Ferrari, the company sponsored drivers and manufactured
race cars before moving into production of street-legal vehicles in 1947 as Ferrari S.P.A.
Throughout its history, the company has been noted for its continued participation in racing,
especially in Formula One where it has employed great success .Rohit once bought a Ferrari.
It could go 4 times as fast as Mohan's old Mercedes. If the speed of Mohan's Mercedes is 35
km/hr and the distance traveled by the Ferrari is 490 km, find the total time taken for Rohit
to drive that distance.
a) 20.72 b) 3.5 c) 238.25 d) 6.18
Solution: Speed of Ferrari =4*35=140,time=distance/velocity,
2) Ferrari S.P.A is an Italian sports car manufacturer based in Marane llo, Italy. Founded by
Enzo Ferrari in 1928 as Scuderia Ferrari, the company sponsored drivers and manufactured
race cars before moving into production of street-legal vehicles in 1947 as Ferrari S.P.A.
Throughout its history, the company has been noted for its continued participation in racing,
especially in Formula One where it has employed great success .Rohit once bought a Ferrari.
It could go 4 times as fast as Mohan's old Mercedes. If the speed of Mohan's Mercedes is 46
km/hr and the distance traveled by the Ferrari is 953 km, find the total time taken for Rohit
to drive that distance.
a) 20.72 b) 5.18 c) 238.25 d) 6.18
Pattern 46:
1) A sheet of paper has statements numbered from 1 to 70. For all values of n from 1 to 70.
Statement n says ' At least n of the statements on this sheet are false. ‘Which statements
are true and which are false?
a) The even numbered statements are true and the odd numbered are false.
b) The odd numbered statements are true and the even numbered are false.
c) The first 35 statements are true and the last 35 are false.
d) The first 35 statements are false and the last 35 are false.
Pattern 47:
1) A man goes north 37km.turns left goes 2km.turns right goes 17km.turns right goes 2km.
find distance b/w starting ending point.
a) 54 b) 27 c) 81 d) 67
Pattern 48:
1) If there are 30 cans out of them one is poisoned if a person tastes very little he will die
within 14 hours so if there are mice to test and 24 hours to test, how many mices are
required to find the poisoned can?
a) 3 b) 2 c) 6 d) 1
Pattern 49:
1) If a and b are mixed in 3:5 ration and b and c are mixed in 8:5 ration if the final mixture
is 35 liters, find the amount of b?
A) 13.34 b) 15.73 c) 16.73 d) 9.45
Solution: Solve for a:b:c,then b ratio is b/(a+b+c)*35
Pattern 50:
1) If we subtract a number with y, we get 4 increase of number, once it got divided by y
itself... Find that number??
A) 13 b) 12 c) 14 d) 11
Pattern 51:
1) It is the class with the seating arrangement in 4 rows and 8 columns. When the teacher
says 'start' the girl who is sitting in first row and first column will say 1, then the next girl
sitting behind her will say 4, the next girl sitting behind that girl will say 7, in a particular
order each girl is telling a number, the following girls told 10, 13 next turn is yours what u
will say?
a) 15 b) 17 c) 14 d) 16
Solution: It is a series 1, 4, 7, 10, 13.
Pattern 52:
1) It is dark in my bedroom and I want to get two socks of the same color from my drawer,
which contains 24 red and 24 blue socks. How many socks do I have to take from the
drawer to get at least two socks of the same color?
a) 2 b) 3 c) 48 d) 25
2) Lady has 2 select gloves & hat from a basket. In the dark, she can distinguish hat &
gloves. 14 red, 20 blue, 18 green are there. Find probability that any selected glove pair has
same color.
3) A lady had fine gloves and hats. 25 blue, 7 red and 9 gey. She had to select a pair
among them. But there was no light so she had to select in darkness the correct pair with a
glove and a hat. Therefore how many combinations of same color she can select?
Pattern 53:
1) If the Valentine’s Day in 2005 falls on Monday, then on which day will the Valentine’s Day
fall on 2010?
A) Saturday b) Thursday c) Wednesday d) Sunday
Pattern 54:
1. A person run from A to B.He took ¼ of the time less to reach B when compare to run at
normal Speed.Then how many percentage he has increased his speed?
a) 40 b) 44.4 c) 33.3 d) 22.2
Solution: i do not know perfectly but i have simple logic,1-(1/4)=(3/4),then reverse it so it
is 4/3=1.333,1.33-1=33.33 like this
2. An athlete decides to run the same distance in 1/4th less time that she usually took. By
how much percent will she have to increase her average speed?
a) 40 b) 44.4 c) 33.3 d) 22.2
Pattern 55:
1. In a building there are 5 rooms.Each having a equal area .The length of the room is 4m
and breadht is 5 m.The height of the rooms are 2m. If 17 bricks are needed to make a
square meter then how many bricks are needed to make the floor of a particular room?
a) 320 b) 380 c) 340 d) 300
Solution: area of the room is length*breadth=4*5=20m2, For one square meter it takes 17
bricks, For 20m2 total no of bricks are 17*20=340,
Pattern 56:
1. One man want to build a wall .The length and breadth of the wall are 20 and 30
respectively. He need 35 bricks for one square centimeter then how many bricks he need?
a) 21,500 b) 30,000 c) 21,000 d) 20,000
Pattern 57:
1. In a hotel we can order two types of varities, but we can make 6 more variteis in home.
One can choose the four varities with two from hotel as must. Find how many ways one can
a) 14 b) 15 c) 56 d) 28
Pattern 58:
1. If a pipe can fill the tank within 6hrs.But due to leak it takes 30 min more. Now the tank
is full then how much time will it take to empty the tank throught the leak?
a) 78 b) 56 c) 66 d) 59
Pattern 59:
1. The bacteria has the probability of split into 3 and probability to die is 1/3rd of the total
bacteria.Let the probability is P.Some of them survived with probability 1/5.Then which
among the following relation is true?
a)P=1/3+1/5*3 b)P=1/5*(1/8-3)
2. There is a bacteria which has the probability of die 1/3 of its total number or it may
tripled. Find out the probability
A. P=1/3+(2/3*p^3) B. P=2/3+(2/3*p^3) C. P=2/3+(1/3*p^3) D P=2/3+(2/3*p^3)
Pattern 60:
1. There was a grand mother in a village who had a grand child.Upon asking her grand
childs age she told that she is as older as many days old as her daughters age in weeks and
as many days as her own age in years.The sum of the three is 130.then how old is the
Pattern 61:
1) In T.Nagar the building were numbered from 1 to 100.Then how many 4’s will be present
in the numbers?
a)18 b)19 c)20 d)21
2) In Tnagar many buildings were under residential category.for buildings they number as 1
to 100. For shops, corporation numbered between 150 and 200 only prime numbers. how
many time 6 will appear in building numbering?
Pattern 62:
1) Amrith told to Anand in front of a Photo that “He is the son of my father’s son”.Find who
is in the picture if amrith have no brothers and sisters.
a) Amrith himself b) Amrith’s Uncle c) Amrith’s Father d) Amrith’s son
2) One person has no siblings and says,” the guy in the photo is the only son of my father ‘s
son”. What is the relation of the guy to the person?
Pattern 63:
1) One grand father has 3 grand children two of the age difference is 3.Eldest child age is 3
times the youngest childs age and the eldest child age is two year more than the sum of
other two children. Find what is the age of the elders child?
a) 18 b) 22 c) 30 d) 10.
Solution: there are 3 childs,let the age of younger be x,elder be 3x,so the middle one be
m,3x=2+x+m,then we have a-b=3 or b-c=3,or a-c=3, then for answer we have to go via
options, substitute that in above equations
2) One grandfather has three grandchildren, two of their age difference is 3, eldest child age
is 3 times youngest child’s age and eldest child’s age is two times of sum of other two
children. What is the age of eldest child?
3) One grandfather has three grandchildren, two of their age difference is 3, eldest child age
is 3 times youngest child’s age and eldest child’s age is two times of sum of other two
children. What is the age of eldest child?
Pattern 64:
1) In a school, for a student out of 100 he got 74 of average for 7 subjects and he got 79
marks in the 8th subject. what is the average of all the subject?
a) 76.251 b) 80.25 c) 74.265 d) 74.625
Solution: Total marks=74*7=518, then average=(518+79)/8=74.625
Pattern 65:
1) 3 persons a,b,c were there A always says truth,B lies on Monday,tusday,&
Wednesday.but C lies on thrusday,Friday & saturday .one day A said”that B & C said to A
that” B said “yesterday way one of the days when I lies”,C said that”yesterday way one of
the days when I lies too”.then which day was that?
a) Sunday b) Thursday c) Saturday d) Tuesday
Pattern 66:
1) Which is the smallest no which divides 2880 and gives a perfect square?
a) 4 b) 9 c) 3 d) 5
Solution: For answer solve via options
Pattern 67:
1) How many 9 digit numbers are possible by using the digits 1,2,3,4,5 which are divisible
by 4 if the repetition is allowed?
a)57 b)56 c)59 d)58
2) how many 13 digit numbers are possible by using the digits 1,2,3,4,5 which are divisible
by 4 if repetition of digits is allowed?
3) By using 1,2,3,4,5,how many 5 digit no. can be formed which is divisible by 4,repetation
of no. is allowed??
4) Form 8 digit numbers from by using 1, 2,3,4,5 with repetition is allowed and must be
divisible by4?
5) How many of 14 digit numbers we can make with 1,2,3,4,5 that are divisible by 4.
Repetitions allowed.
Pattern 68:
1) Consider two tumblers, the first containing Water and next contains coffee. Suppose you
take one spoon of water out of the first tumbler and pour it into the second tumbler. After
moving you take one spoon of the mixture from the second tumbler and pour it back into
the first tumbler . Which one of the following statement holds now?
a) There is less coffee in the first tumbler than water in the second tumblers
b) There is more coffee in the firs tumbler than water in the second tumbler
c) There is as much coffee in the first tumbler as there is water in the second tumbler
d)None of the statements holds true
Solution: Think wisely and answer these are asked in my paper 2 or 3 questions
2) Two bowls are taken, one contains water and another contains tea.one spoon of water is
added to second bowl and mixed well, and a spoon of mixture is taken from second bowl
and added to the second bowl. Which statement will hold good for the above?
Pattern 69:
1) Six friends decide to share a big cake. Since all of them like the cake, they begin
quarreling who gets to first cut and have a piece of the cake. One friend suggests that they
have a blindfold friend choose from well shuffled set of cards numbered one to six. You
check and find that this method works as it should simulating a fair throw of a die. You
check by performing multiple simultaneous trials of picking the cards blindfold and throwing
a die. You note that the number shown by the method of picking up a card and throwing a
real world die, sums to a number between 2 and 12. Which total would be likely to appear
more often – 8,9 or 10?
a) 8 b) All are equally likely c) 9 d) 10
Solution: Calculate how many times 8,9,10 will come when we throw 2 dice, and answer
Pattern 70:
Q1. Given a collection of points P in the plane, a 1-set is a point in P that can be separated
from the rest by a line, .i.e the point lies on one side of the line while the others lie on the
other side.
The number of 1-sets of P is denoted by n1(P). The minimum value of n1(P) over all
configurations P of 5 points in the plane in general position (.i.e no three points in P lie on a
line) is
a)3 b)5 c) 2 d)1
Ans: 5
For below questions, answers i am not sure whether they are correct or not you have to
solve urself
Q2. The citizens of planet nigiet are 8 fingered and have thus developed their decimal
system in base 8. A certain street in nigiet contains 1000 (in base Cool buildings numbered
1 to 1000. How many 3s are used in numbering these buildings?
a) 54 b) 64 c) 265 d) 192
Ans: 192
Some times base value is chang like: 9finger, 1 to 100(base 9)
Q3. Given 3 lines in the plane such that the points of intersection form a triangle with sides
of length 20, 20 and 30, the number of points equidistant from all the 3 lines is
a)1 b)3 c)4 d)0
Q4. Hare in the other. The hare starts after the tortoise has covered 1/5 of its distance and
that too leisurely3. A hare and a tortoise have a race along a circle of 100 yards diameter.
The tortoise goes in one direction and the. The hare and tortoise meet when the hare has
covered only 1/8 of the distance. By what factor should the hare increase its speed so as to
tie the race?
a) 37.80 b)8 c) 40 d) 5
Ans: 37.80
Q5. Here 10 programers, type 10 lines with in 10 minutes then 60lines can type within 60
minutes. How many programmers are needed?
a) 16 b) 6 c) 10 d) 60
Solution men*time)/work)
Ans: 10
This type of Q's repeated 4times for me but values are different.
Q6. Alok and Bhanu play the following min-max game. Given the expression
Where X, Y and Z are variables representing single digits (0 to 9), Alok would like to
maximize N while Bhanu
would like to minimize it. Towards this end, Alok chooses a single digit number and Bhanu
substitutes this for a variable of her choice (X, Y or Z). Alok then chooses the next value
and Bhanu, the variable to substitute the value. Finally Alok proposes the value for the
remaining variable. Assuming both play to their optimal strategies, the value of N at the end
of the game would be
a) 0 b) 27 c) 18 d) 20
The Q's concept is same but the equation of N's is changing.
Q7. Alice and Bob play the following coins-on-a-stack game. 20 coins are stacked one above
the other. One of them is a special (gold) coin and the rest are ordinary coins. The goal is to
bring the gold coin to the top by repeatedly moving the topmost coin to another position in
the stack.
Alice starts and the players take turns. A turn consists of moving the coin on the top to a
position i below the top coin (0 = i = 20). We will call this an i-move (thus a 0-move implies
doing nothing). The proviso is that an i-move cannot be repeated; for example once a
player makes a 2-move, on subsequent turns neither player can make a 2-move. If the gold
coin happens to be on top when it's a player's turn then the player wins the game. Initially,
the gold coinis the third coin from the top. Then
a) In order to win, Alice's first move should be a 1-move.
b) In order to win, Alice's first move should be a 0-move.
c) In order to win, Alice's first move can be a 0-move or a 1-move.
d) Alice has no winning strategy.
Ans: d
Q8. For the FIFA world cup, Paul the octopus has been predicting the winner of each match
with amazing success. It is rumored that in a match between 2 teams A and B, Paul picks A
with the same probability as A's chances of winning. Let's assume such rumors to be true
and that in a match between Ghana and Bolivia, Ghana the stronger team has a probability
of 2/3 of winning the game. What is the probability that Paul will correctly pick the winner of
the Ghana-Bolivia game?
a)1/9 b)4/9 c)5/9 d)2/3
Ans: 5/9
Q9. 36 people {a1, a2, ..., a36} meet and shake hands in a circular fashion. In other words,
there are totally 36 handshakes involving the pairs, {a1, a2}, {a2, a3}, ..., {a35, a36},
{a36, a1}. Then size of the smallest set of people such that the rest have shaken hands
with at least one person in the set is
a)12 b)11 c)13 d)18
Ans: 18
Q10. After the typist writes 12 letters and addresses 12 envelopes, she inserts the letters
randomly into the envelopes (1 letter per envelope). What is the probability that exactly 1
letter is inserted in an improper envelope?
a)1/12 b)0 c)12/212 d)11/12
Ans: b
Q11. A sheet of paper has statements numbered from 1 to 40. For each value of n from 1 to
statement n says "At least and of the statements on this sheet are true." Which statements
are true and which are false?
a)The even numbered statements are true and the odd numbered are false.
b)The first 26 statements are false and the rest are true.
c)The first 13 statements are true and the rest are false.
d)The odd numbered statements are true and the even numbered are false.
Q12. There are two boxes, one containing 10 red balls and the other containing 10 green
balls. You are allowed to move the balls between the boxes so that when you choose a box
at random and a ball at random from the chosen box, the probability of getting a red ball is
maximized. This maximum probability is
a)1/2 b)14/19 c)37/38 d)3/4
Ans: 14/19
Q13. A circular dartboard of radius 1 foot is at a distance of 20 feet from you. You throw a
dart at it and it
hits the dartboard at some point Q in the circle. What is the probability that Q is closer to
the center of the circle than the periphery?
a) 0.75 b) 1 c) 0.5 d) 0.25
Ans: d
Q14. 9. A and B play a game of dice between them. The dice consist of colors on their faces
(instead of numbers). When the dice are thrown, A wins if both show the same color;
otherwise B wins. One die has 4 red face and 2 blue faces. How many red and blue faces
should the other die have if the both players have the same chances of winning?
a) 3 red and 3 blue faces b) 2 red and remaining blue
c) 6 red and 0 blue d) 4 red and remaining blue
Ans: a
Q15. On planet zorba, a solar blast has melted the ice caps on its equator. 8 years after the
ice melts, tiny plantoids called echina start growing on the rocks. echina grows in the form
of a circle and the relationship between the diameter of this circle and the age of echina is
given by the formula
d = 4 * sqrt (t – 8)for t = 8
Where the represents the diameter in mm and t the number of years since the solar blast.
Jagan recorded the time of some echina at a particular spot is 24 years then what is
a) 8 b) 16 c) 25 d) 21
Ans: 16
Q16. A sheet of paper has statements numbered from 1 to 40. For all values of n from 1 to
40, statement n says: 'Exactly n of the statements on this sheet are false.' Which
statements are true and which are false?
a) The even numbered statements are true and the odd numbered statements are false.
b) The odd numbered statements are true and the even numbered statements are false.
c) All the statements are false.
d) The 39th statement is true and the rest are false.
Ans: d
Q17. Alok and Bhanu play the following coins in a circle game. 99 coins are arranged in a
circle with each coin touching two other coin. Two of the coins are special and the rest are
ordinary. Alok starts and the players take turns removing an ordinary coin of their choice
from the circle and bringing the other coins closer until they again form a (smaller) circle.
The goal is to bring the special coins adjacent to each other and the first player to do so
wins the game. Initially the special coins are separated by two ordinary coins O1 and O2.
Which of the following is true?
a) In order to win, Alok should remove O1 on his first turn.
b) In order to win, Alok should remove one of the coins different from O1 and O2 on his first
c) In order to win, Alok should remove O2 on his first turn.
d) Alok has no winning strategy.
Ans: d
Q18. Two pipes A and B fill at A certain rate B is filled at 10, 20, 40, 80. If 1/4 of B if filled
in 21 hours what time it will take to get completely filled
Ans: 23
Q19. Find average speed if a man travels at speed of 24kmph up and 36kmph down at an
altitude of 200m.
Formula is 2xy/(x+y).
Q20. One grandfather has three grandchildren, two of their age difference is 3, eldest child
age is 3 times youngest child’s age and eldest child’s age is two times of sum of other two
children. What is the age of eldest child?
Ans: 18
Q21. Ferrari is leading car manufacturer.*Ferrari S.p.A.* is an Italian sports car. It has
enjoyed great success. If Mohan's Ferrari is 3 times faster than his old Mercedes wich gave
him 35kmph if Mohan travelled 490 km in his ferrari the how much time(hours) he took?
Easy one try it.
Q22. By using 1,2,3,4,5, how many 12 digit no. can be formed which is divisible by 4,
repetation of no. is allowed?
Ans: (5)^11
Q23. The cost 1 plum is 1 cent, 2 apples is 1 cent, 3 cashew is 1 cent. If father buys same
amount of fruits for his 3 sons spending 7 cent then what amount of fruit each child will
Ans: 1plum, 2apples, 1cashew
Q24. There are some 2 wheelers and 4 wheelers parked total number of wheels present is
240 then how many 4 wheelers were there
Ans: For this question answer is deduced from the options.
Q25. One day Alice meets pal and byte in fairyland. She knows that pal lies on Mondays,
Tuesdays and Wednesdays and tells the truth on the other days of the week byte, on the
other hand, lies on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, but tells the truth on the other days
of the week. Now they make the following statements to Alice – pal. Yesterday was one of
those days when I lie byte. Yesterday was one of those days when I lie too. What day is it?
a) Thursday b) Tuesday c) Monday d) Sunday
Ans: a
2010 @ Bapatla Engineering college, Vijayawada
It consis of 4 rounds.
Written test
Technical round
MR round
HR round
In written test the questions is as follows it have total 35 questions
1. Alok is attending a workshop "How to do more with less" and today's theme is Working
with fewer digits. The speakers discuss how a lot of miraculous mathematics can be
achieved if mankind (as well as woman kind) had only worked with fewer digits. The
problem posed at the end of the workshop is how many 5 digit numbers can be formed
using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (but with repetition) that are divisible by 4? Can you help Alok
find the answer?
a) 375 b) 3125 c) 500 d) 625
Ans: d
2) A circular dartboard of radius 1 foot is at a distance of 20 feet from you. You throw a dart
at it and it hits the dartboard at some point Q in the circle. What is the probability that Q is
closer to thecenter of the circle than the periphery?
a) 0.75 b) 1 c) 0.25 d) 0.5
Ans: 0.25
3) 36 people {a1, a2, ..., a36} meet and shake hands in a circular fashion. In other words,
there are totally 36 handshakes involving the pairs, {a1, a2}, {a2, a3}, ..., {a35, a36},
{a36, a1}. Then size of the smallest set of people such that the rest have shaken hands
with at least one person in the set is
a) 13 b) 18 c) 11 d) 12
Ans: 12
4) The IT giant Tirnop has recently crossed a head count of 150000 and earnings of $7
billion. As one of the forerunners in the technology front, Tirnop continues to lead the way
in products and services in India. At Tirnop, all programmers are equal in every respect.
They receive identical salaries ans also write code at the same rate. Suppose 12 such
programmers take 12 minutes towrite 12 lines of code in total. How long will it take 72
programmers to write 72 lines of code in total?
a) 18 b) 72 c) 6 d) 12
Ans: 12
5) After the typist writes 12 letters and addresses 12 envelopes, she inserts the letters
randomly into the envelopes (1 letter per envelope). What is the probability that exactly 1
letter is inserted in an improper envelope?
a) 0 b) 1/12 c) 11/12 d) 12/212
Ans: 0
6) A sheet of paper has statements numbered from 1 to 40. For all values of n from 1 to 40,
statement n says: 'Exactly and of the statements on this sheet are false.' Which statements
are true and which are false?
a) The 39th statement is true and the rest are false. All the statements are false.
b) The odd numbered statements are true and the even numbered statements are false.
c) The even numbered statements are true and the odd numbered statements are false
Ans: A
7) A sheet of paper has statements numbered from 1 to 40. For each value of n from 1 to
40, statement and says "At least n of the statements on this sheet are true." Which
statements are true and which are false?
a) The odd numbered statements are true and the even numbered are false.
b) The first 26 statements are false and the rest are true.
c) The even numbered statements are true and the odd numbered are false.
d) The first 13 statements are true and the rest are false.
Ans: D
Cool 10 suspects are rounded by the police and questioned about a bank robbery. Only one
of them is guilty.
The suspects are made to stand in a line and each person declares that the person next to
him on his right is guilty. The right most person is not questioned. Which of the following
possibilities are true?
A. All suspects are lying or the leftmost suspect is innocent.
B. All suspects are lying and the leftmost suspect is innocent .
Neither A nor B
Both A and B
B only
A only
9) Given 3 lines in the plane such that the points of intersection form a triangle with sides of
length 20, 20 and 30, the number of points equidistant from all the 3 lines is
a) 4 b) 3 c) 1 d) 0
Ans: 4
10) The citizens of planet nigiet are 8 fingered and have thus developed their decimal
system in base 8. A certain street in nigiet contains 1000 (in base Cool
buildings numbered 1 to 1000. How many 3s are used in numbering these buildings?
a) 256 b) 64 c) 192 d) 54
Ans: 192
11) 10 people meet and shake hands. The maximum number of handshakes possible if
there is to be no "cycle" of handshakes is (A cycle of handshakes is a sequence of k people
a1, a2, ......, ak (k > 2) such that the pairs {a1, a2}, {a2, a3}, ......, {ak-1, ak}, {ak, a1}
shake hands).
a) 9 b) 8 c) 7 d) 6
Ans: 9
12) For the FIFA world cup, Paul the octopus has been predicting the winner of each match
with amazing success. It is rumored that in a match between 2 teams A and B, Paul picks A
with the same probability as A's chances of winning.
Let's assume such rumors to be true and that in a match between Ghana and Bolivia, Ghana
the stronger team has a probability of 2/3 of winning the game. What is the probability that
Paul will correctly pick the winner of the Ghana-Bolivia game?
a) 5/9 b) 1/9 c) 2/3 d) 4/9
Ans: 5/9
13) On planet zorba, a solar blast has melted the ice caps on its equator. 8 years after the
ice melts, tiny plantoids called echina start growing on the rocks. echina grows in the form
of a circle and the relationship between the diameter of this circle and the age of echina is
given by the formula
d = 4 * √ (t - Cool for t ≥ 8
Where the represents the diameter in mm and t the number of years since the solar blast.
Jagan recorded the radius of some echina at a particular spot as 8mm. How many years
back did the solar blast occur?
a) 12
b) 16
c) 8
d) 24
Just substitute values then you get ans
14) Alok and Bhanu play the following min-max game. Given the expression
Where X, Y and Z are variables representing single digits (0 to 9), Alok would like to
maximize N while Bhanu would like to minimize it. Towards this end, Alok chooses a single
digit number and Bhanu substitutes this for a variable of her choice (X, Y or Z). Alok then
chooses the next value and Bhanu, the variable to substitute the value. Finally Alok
proposes the value for the remaining variable.
Assuming both play to their optimal strategies, the value of N at the end of the game would
a) 27 b) 0.0 c) 20 d) 18
Ans: 20
15) Lion and tiger are there. Lion lies on Monday, Tues, Wends and Tiger lies on Thurs, Frid,
Sat. Lion said that today is one of those days when I lies. Tiger said that today is one of
those days when I lie too. Then find today?
1/3 rd of a number is more 3 than the 1/6th of a number then find the number?
16) Two tanks A and B. A fills 1 ltr/1 hour B fills 10, 20, 30 per hour. If this is (passage
unnecessary). If 1/4th tank of B takes 15 hours to fill how much it time will to take to fill
complete tank?
17) Out of 7 children the youngest is boy then find the probability that all the remaining
children are boys
Ans: 1/2^6 = 1/64
1Cool A Toy train can make 10 sounds sound changes after every 4 mins, now train is
defective and can make only 2 sounds. Find probability that same sound is repeated 5 times
consecutively (1 out of)?
Ans: 1/32
19) 20men and 20 women are there, they dance with each other, is there possibilty that 2
men are dancing with same women and vice versa.
Ans: Never
20) In school there are some bicycles and 4wheeler wagons. One Tuesday there are 234
wheels inthe campus. How many bicycles are there?
Ans: Go with options. Multiply each option with 2 and subtact the obtained no from 234. If it
is exactly divisible by 4, that is the answer.
21) A father has 7 penny’s with him and 1 water melon is for 1p, 2 chickoos for 1p, 3
grapes foe 1p. He has three sons. How can he share the friuts equally?
Ans: 1 watermelon, 2chickoos, 1grape
22) A piza shop made pizzas with to flavours. In home there are ‘9’ different flavors, in that
‘2’ flavors are taken to made piza in how many ways they can arrange?
(Logic: NcM, N= 9, M=2 )
23) One organization, material, labor and maintenance are in the ratio of 4:6:7, if the
material cost is: 272, what is the total cost?
Ans: 4x=272 => x=68; now total cost = 272 + 6(6Cool+7(6Cool.
24) 4 years before Paul’s age is 3times the Alice age and the present age of Paul is 6times
the Alice. What is the presents Paul’s age?
Ans: x-4 = 3(y-4); x=6y: Solve you will get it.
25) In a question, last part has, the ages of two people has the ratio of 6:5 and by adding
the numbers we get 55, after how many years the ratio would be 8:7?
Ans: Easy you can do it, simple equtions
26) In a room (unwanted stuff) Sports readers, 10 tables, 4 chairs per table, each table has
different number of people then how many tables will left without at least one person?
Ans : 6
The computer based test had questions :Area and Perimeter, Probability, Problems on Ages, Pipes and Cisterns, Ratio and Proportion
some logical questions, blood relations, percentages, profit-loss, area, direction sense etc.
1) Written
2) Technical
3) HR
4) Managial round
1. A man whose age is 45 yrs has 3 sons named John,jill,jack. He went to a park weekly
twice.he loves his sons very much. On a certain day he find # shopkippers sailing different
things. An apple cost 1penny, 2chocalate costs 1penny.& 3 bananas cost 1 penny. He has
bought equal no. of apple, chocolate & banana for each son. If the total amount he invest is
7 penny then how many he has bought from each piece for his son?
a)1app,1cho,1 banana
b)1 app,2cho,3 banana
D)2 app,2cho,2 banana
2. A scientist was researching on animal behavior in his lab. He was very interested in
analyzing the behavior of bear. For some reason he travelled 1mile in north direction
& reached at north pole.there he saw a bear .he then followed the bear around 1 hr with a
speed of 2km/hr in east direction.After that he travelled in south direction & reached at his
lab in2 hrs. Then what is the colour of the bear? I think ans is white
a)white b)black c)gray d)brown
3. How many 9 digit numbers are possible by using the digits 1,2,3,4,5 which are divisible
by 4 if repetition of digits is allowed?
4. Calcutation based on A^3-B^3 formula
5. A long story based ALICE AND WONDER LAND after that simple age question .
6. Question based on V=I*R but in dis question most of data given are ridiculas like volume
,density,length,height similar long story are given
7. A direct question on blood relation.
8. A big Question describing a story ARYABHATT AND HIS DAUGHTER LILAVATI
After that a number is given eg 2088.by what if we divide the number it ll become a perfect
9. 1st a story. Then a simple ratio problem. The question was if the ratio of age of
two persons is 5:6,sum of present age is 33,then in how many years the ratio of their age
becomes 7:8?
a)3 b)4 c)5 d)6
10. A very big story.on Tuesday college parking place have only 4wheelers & bicycles,total
no of wheels was 182,yhen what is the possible no of bicycles?
a)20 b 19 c 18 d 17
11. Simple question bt big one on average age.sth like a,b,c weigheted separately 1st a,b,c
,then a& b,then b&c ,then c&a at last abc,the last weight was 167,then what will be the avg
weight of the 7 weight?
12. Arrange the jumbled letters to make a perfect word RGTEI(sth like this). Find to which
category it belong? (plz do not these type q becoz its time consuming)
A)town b)vegetable c)animal d) bird
13) Simple puzzle based on IQ
3 persons a,b,c were there A always says truth,B lies on Monday,tusday,& Wednesday.but C
lies on thrusday,Friday & saturday .one day A said”that B & C said to A that” B said
“yesterday way one of the days when I lies”,C said that”yesterday way one of the days
when I lies too”.then which day was that?
Ans: a Sunday b thrusday c saterday d….
14) A girl has to make pizza with different toppings. There are 8 different toppings. In how
many ways can she make pizzas with 2 different toppings.
Answer: 8 * 7 = 56
15) Peter and Paul are two friends. The sum of their ages is 35 years. Peter is twice as old
as Paul was when Peter was as old as Paul is now. What is the present age of Peter?
16) Question based on pipe & ciston (geometrical series)
A and B tanks r there.1/8th of the tank B is filled in 22Hrs.what is time to fill the tank full?
17) 5 friends went for week end party to Mc donalds restrurent and there they measure
there weights .some irrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrilevent data.finel measure is 155 kg then find the
average weight of 5 people?
1Cool 2 pots are there.1st pot is filled with ink and 2nd pot is filled with water.take 1 spoon
of ink from 1st pot and pore it in 2nd pot.and take 1 spoon of mixture from 2nd pot and
pore it in 2nd pot then which one of following is true?
ans: Water in 1st pot is less than the ink in 2nd pot.
19) There r ten spots in library and each spot has 4 tables and ten readers ar there . 10
student come into liberary and want 2 study in how many ways that they sit in d liberary so
that no chair would be blank?
ans :1
Technical Interview:
1) Basic C
2) Programm of palindrom
3) Same prom via pointer
4) Difference b/w structure & union
5) Question based on networking
6) Question based on tcp/ip & osi layer and their function
7) My final year project
Cool Industrial traing
9) Some questin based on switching theory
10) Kirchaff voltage law
11) Purpose of k-map
12) Addition of a+b in microprocessor
HR & Managial round:
1) Weakness
2) Question based on weakness
3) Microprocessor question
4) Difference b/w p4 & core2 dua microprocessor
TCS Paper on 29 August 2010 At SALT LAKE, KOLKATA
1) Now pet's age is to times when paul was once. But at that time paul's age=pet's current
age ,how old is pet?
2) Block has 10,9,5 size, how many unit cube is needed to make a block of that size?
3) 23 people are there, they are shaking hands together, how many hand shakes possible, if
they are in pair of cyclic sequence.
4) 10men and 10 women are there, they dance with each other, is there possibilty that 2
men are dancing with same women and vice versa.
5) A lady took out jacket and gloves, which are avialable in blue 26, yellow 30 and red 56.
Power goes off, she can distinguish between gloves and jacket but not in colors. What's the
possibilty their she will pick up pair of gloves of each color
6) B is taller than j and 3 pillers. P is shorter than B and 2 pillers is j shorter/taller than P?
Ans-irrelevant question
7) Sangakara and ponting selects batting by using a dice, but dice is biased so to resolve
ponty takes out a coin, what is the probability that dice shows correct option.
Cool In school there are some bicycles and 4wheeler wagons. One Tuesday there are 58
wheels in the campus. How many bicycles are there?
Ans: 7
9. Two bowls are taken, one contains water and another contains tea.one spoon of water is
added to second bowl and mixed well, and a spoon of mixture is taken from second bowl
and added to the second bowl. Which statement will hold good for the above?
(Ans: second liquid in first bowl is smaller than the first mixture in second bowl)
10. Which is the smallest no divides 2880 and gives a perfect square?
a.1 b.2 c.5 d.6
Ans: c
11. Form 8 digit numbers from by using 1, 2,3,4,5 with repetition is allowed and must be
divisible by4?
a.31250 b.97656 c.78125 d.97657
Ans: c
12. One problem on (a3-b3)/(a2+ab+b2)
Ans: ‘a-b’
13. Rearrange and categorize the word ‘RAPETEKA’?
Ans: bird(parakeet)
14. Key words in question (Fibonacci series, infinite series, in the middle of the question one
number series is there….I got the series 3 12 7 26 15 b ?
(Logic: 3*2+1=7 12*2+2=26
7*2+1=15 26*2+2=54)
15. A father has 7 penny’s with him and 1 water melon is for 1p, 2chickoos for 1p, 3 grapes
foe 1p.he has three sons. How can he share the fruits equally?
Ans: 1 watermelon,2chickoos,1grape
16. A lies on mon, tues, wed and speak truths on other days, B lies on thur, fri, sat and
speaks truths on other days.. one day a said I lied today and B said I too lied today. What is
the day?
17. Man, Bear, North, South, walks.
Ans: White
18. (1/2) of a number is 3 times more than the (1/6) of the same number?
Ans: 9(for any no it can be true)
19. There are two pipes A and B. If A filled 10 liters in hour B can fills 20 liters in same
time. Likewise B can fill 10, 20, 40, 80,160….if B filled in (1/16) th of a tank in 3 hours, how
much time will it take to fill completely?
Ans:7 hours
20. KEYWORDS:T.Nagar,Chennai,1-100,prime numbers b/n 140-180,How many 2’s are
Ans: 20 (Not only 2’s ,1’s,3’s,4’s,5’s,6’s,7’s,8’s,9’s,0’s also 20)
21. One question has last part like difference between two terms is 9 and product of two
numbers is 14, what is the squares of sum of numbers?
22. A man is standing before a painting of a man and he says I have no bro and sis and his
father is my father’s son?
Ans: His son
23. What is the value of [(3x+8Y)/(x-2Y)]; if x/2y=2?
Ans:10 {the numerical may change)
24. A pizza shop made pizzas
with to flavours.in home there are ‘N’ different flavors, in that ‘M’ flavors are taken to made
pizza.in how many ways they can arrange?
(Logic: NcM )
25. One grandfather has three grandchildren, two of their age difference is 3, eldest child
age is 3 times youngest child’s age and eldest child’s age is two times of sum of other two
children. What is the age of eldest child?
26. In a market 4 man are standing .the average age of the four before 4years is 45,aftyer
some days one man is added and his age is 49.what is the average weight of all?
Ans: 49
27. KEYWORDS: one organization ,material ,labor and maintenance are in the ratio of 4
7,the material cost is:100,what is the total cost?
Ans: 425
28. KEYWORDS: density, reluctance, sensitivity, voltage ,current, what is the resistance
Formula is “R=V/I”
29. KEYWORDS: Sports readers,10 tables,4chairs per table, each table has different number
of people then how many tables will left without at least one person?
Ans : 6
30. KEYWORDS: Die, card, coin, b/n 2 to 12
Ans: All are equal
31. In a school for a student out of a 100 he got 74 of average for 7 subjects and he got 79
marks in 8th subject. what is the average of all the subjects?
the xtra 5 marks will be distributed in 8 semester, 5/8=.625
32. In a question ,last part has ,the ages of two people has the ratio of 6:5 and by adding
the numbers we get 44,after how many years the ratio would be 8:7?
Ans: 8
33. Two years before Paul’s age is 2times the Alice age and the present age of Paul is
6times the Alice. what is the presents Paul’s age???( 3years) “u try to solve this question
34.One train travels 200m from A to B with 70 km/ph. and returns to A with 80kmph, what
is the average of their speed?
TCS Paper on 29th August 2010 @ SRMCEM, Lucknow
Question 1: There is a toy train that can make 10 musical sounds. It makes 2 musical
sounds after being defective. What is the probability that same musical sound would be
produced 5 times consecutively? ( 1 of _____) ?
Answer: 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2 = 1/32
32 will be the answer.
(My friends got similar question with "3 times consecutively"; for that the answer would be
Question 2: Peter and Paul are two friends. The sum of their ages is 35 years. Peter is twice
as old as Paul was when Peter was as old as Paul is now. What is the present age of Peter?
Luckily, I had this question twice. Initially I left it because of the confusing statement but
when I got the same question second time with different names of the friends (Pooja and
Prasad) then I gave a little extra time and solved it.
Answer: 20 years. I simply substituted the answers in the statement to find the best fit,
because the statement in the question was pretty confusing.
Question 3: The ages of two friends is in the ratio 5:6. After how many years will the ages
be in the ratio 7:8?
Answer: 10 years.
Question 4: (There was a long story, I'll cut short it). There are 5 materials to make a
perfume: Lilac, Balsalmic, Lemon, Woody and Mimosaic. To make a perfume that is in
demand the following conditions are to be followed: Lilac and Balsalmic go together. Woody
and Mimosaic go together, Woody and Balsalmic never go together. Lemon can be added
with any material. (Actually they had also mentioned how much amount of one can be
added with how much quantity of the other; but that's not needed for the question.) All of
the following combinations are possible to make a perfume EXCEPT:
1) Balsalmic and Lilac
2) Woody and Lemon
3) Mimosaic and Woody
4) Mimosaic and Lilac
Answer: Mimosaic and Lilac. I have made the question here really easy to understand. But
the actual question was in a twisted language and it was difficult to find the answer. It took
me some time to get to the answer.
Question 5: A girl has to make pizza with different toppings. There are 8 different toppings.
In how many ways can she make pizzas with 2 different toppings.
Answer: 8 * 7 = 56
Question 6: A triangle is made from a rope. The sides of the triangle are A cm, B cm and C
cm. (I do not remember the numerical value). What will be the area of the square made
from the same rope?
Question 7: What is the distance of the z-intercept from the x-intercept in the equation
ax+by+cz+d=0. (I do not remember the values of a,b,c,d)
Question 8: An athlete decides to run the same distance in 1/4th less time that she usually
took. By how much percent will she have to increase her average speed?
Answer: 33.33%
Question 9: A horse chases a pony 3 hours after the pony runs. Horse takes 4 hours to
reach the pony. If the average speed of the horse is 35 kmph, what s the average speed of
the pony? (This question was really long with loads of irrelevant statement)
These are a few questions that I could recall. I made through the aptitude round by
attempting 16 questions. Next was Technical Interview Round.
Technical Interview:
Here I will discuss the technical questions that were asked to me and also the questions
asked to my friends.
Question 1: Write the pointer representation of a[i][j][k].
Question 2: i = 5
i++, ++i, --i, i--, 5
What will be the output if it is printed?
Question 3: How will you insert a new node between any two nodes in a linked list? Write
the code.
Question 4: How will you find a particular data in the linked list?
Question 5: What is MD5?
Question 6: What is RSA? Explain its principle.
Question 7: There is a triangle and 3 ants on each vertex of the triangle. The 3 ants start to
move randomly along the edges of the triangle. What is the probability that two ants will
Question 8: What is the difference between C and C++?
Question 9: What do you mean by polymorphism?
Question 10: Give an example of polymorphism with code.
Question 11: What do you mean by OOP?
Question 12: What is inheritance?
Question 13: What is a friend function?
Question 14: What is an abstract class?
Question 15: Suppose there is a number 235 such that sum of first two digits is equal to the
third digit. How many such 3 digits number are possible?
Question 16: Why is the VIRTUAL keyword used in C++?
Question 17: Which keyword is written to use a variable declared in one class in the other
Question 18: Suppose a code is written in C and you want to use that code in C++. How
can you do that?
Question 19 What do you mean by DML?
Question 20: Is there any language other than SQL where DML is used? If yes, then which?
Question 21: How many normal forms do we have?
Question 22: Here is a tic-tac-toe game which is being played by 2 people:
_ represent the blank spaces. Who played the last chance (x or o)?
Technical Questions asked to my friends:
Question 1: What is a transaction? Properties of Transaction?
Question 2: What "condition" will be written in the if statement such that both Hello World
are printed when the following code is executed.
Question 3: What will be the output of the following code?
int i=5;
printf("%d, %d, %d", i++, i, ++i);
Which C compiler do you use? (My friend said TURBO)
What will be the output of above code in TURBO compiler? (He said SAME)
No! It will not be the same.
After the technical round, there was an MR i.e. Managerial Round.
It was just a 2-3 minutes round. The interviewer asked me to introduce myself. Then asked
about my father. Then core values and strengths. Your hobbies? Which latest novel have
you read?
Next was the HR round. This was a little time taking round as the technical one.
Question 1: Introduce yourself?
Question 2: Your family background; father, mother, siblings.
Question 3: How does TCS earns its revenues? How it does its business?
Question 4: What was the need of bringing Information Technology in India?
Question 5: There is a round cake. You have 3 chances to cut the cake. Divide the cake into
8 pieces in these 3 chances.
Question 6: Suppose if I reject you today, what will you do next?
Question 7: You have a good communication skill. Why is it so? Is it because of your
schooling or family atmosphere? Whom do you give the credit for this?
Question 8: What are your strengths? Give 2 examples of your life incidents that portray
this strength in you.
Question 9: What are your weaknesses?
TCS Papers On Date 22nd August 2010 @ Vardhaman College
The online test consists of some questions given are below:
1. A scientist in Antarcitic region conducts research on bears, came to know that bears
changes according to the location .once he moves 1 mile towards north ,then he moves 2
miles towards east, then 1 mile towards south. now the color of bear he found will be in :
a. Black.
b. White.
c. Brown.
d. Grey.
Clue: you must not try to answer above ques. In direction sense because no relevant data
reg . directions in the answers were given, but logically answer is white because in the
antarcitic region i.e polar region bears are in white color.
2. The difference of 2 no’s is 9 , product is 29 then what is the sum of the squares of the
two numbers is:
Clue: (a-b)^2 = a^2 +b^2 - 2ab
3. One question like …((509 * 509*509) – (229*229*229)/((509229)*((509*509)+(509*229) + (229*229) is: ( not sure of no’s but model is same)
Clue: solve using (a^3-b^3) formula also for some ques( a^3 +b^3).
4.find the least no which when divides 2880 gives a perfect square:
Options are: 3,4,5,6
Ans:5 ( 2880/5 = 576 )
5.if a word PARTEEK.. SOME THING LIKE THAT if reversed gives a word.the word is
belonging to:
Clue: ans is BIRD because the word when reversed is PARKEET which belongs to the family
of birds.
6. One question on ages like iam having 3 grand children the difference between two of
them is 3 years . the eldest grand son is thrice that of the youngest grandson. Some of the
ages of the two younger ones is some X times that of elder one. What is the present age of
the elder one:
Ans is 15 for the question given to me.
7. one question on relations : a person says that I have no brother or sister .pointing to a
photograph he says that that man’s father’s son is his father or some thing like that but
question is so easy don’t be hurry u can easily answer it.
8. one question like there are 2 tanks A and B .for filling 1 litre in the tank A it fills tank B in
10,20,30,40,50….. in this ratio. Find the time taken to fill the 1/8th of tank B.
9. there are 2 cans filled with spirit and water .if a spoon of water is taken and added to can
B now can B is well shaked . now if a spoon of spirit is taken from can B and added to can
a. Quantity of spirit in can A is more than quantity of water in can B.
b. Quantity of spirit in can A is less than quantity of water in can B.
c. Ratio of quantity of mixture of spirit in can A is more.
d. Ratio of quantity of mixture of water in can B is more.
Not sure of options but answers are like that
10. a question like a wire is wound whose resistance is some 132.44647 ohms …..if a
voltage of 30 mv ,296 mA current is applied to it what is the resistance ……
Clue: use formula R= V/I. beware of voltage & current particularly kilo or milli etc.. units.
11. one question on finding perimeter of rectangle.
12. one question on series like A B C D E F G H………….. ( CONSIDER VALUES IN PLACE OF
ABCD’S) . FIND the next term.
Clue: take alter native terms in the series find their difference,now consider next alternative
items their difference is also the same now add the difference to the corresponding series
last term.
13. there are two persons paul and Jay .Paul lies on Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday and the
remaining days he speaks truth.Jay lies on Thursday,Friday,Saturday and the remaining
Days he speaks truth.once they meet each other,in their conversation Paul says that
yesterday is the day one among those I lie. Jay also says that yesterday I also lie. what is
that day?
a) Sunday.
b) Tuesday.
c) Thursday.
d) Wednesday
TCS Paper on 14th August 2010 at Thakur College of Engg, MUMBAI
The written test consists of 35 questions.
All questions are APTITUDE questions .No verbal,No passages etc. Only Aptitude. Based on
blood relations, percentages, profilt-loss etc.
Time :1 hour
There is Negative marking: -0.33 for each wrong answer
form meaningful word from given letter : ARPAEEKT and tell meaning of that
ans: THE BIRD---parakeet
There is a lab asistant.who went 1 mile to north.1mile to
east.............................................. .......killed a
bear.Returned to
lab............................................... ................................
........................................What is the colour of the bear??
ans : WHITE
(REMEMBER THE ANS OF 1st two questions)
A pony ran away from stable she went to new york then went to US then to
mumbai ran through grass
.................................................. ..
.................................................. ...Horse cought her after
4 hours.....................then pony went to sky...............
...........................If speed of horse is 35kmph and he left stable 3
hrs after pony left stable then what is speed of pony?
PONY ran for total 7 hrs
same dist covered by horse in 4 hrs with 35 kmph
thus dist of horsr 35X4
speed of pony----35X4/7
Mumbai building dept decide to give numbers to building...........1-30
numbers were given to industrial buildings...1-100 were given to
.........................Find how many number of 2's were used while
numbering res.buildings(2 number kiti vela aala??)
ans : 19
find (31*31*31/44*44*44)*(87*87*87/56*56*56)
USE CALCI(calculator is allowed atleast in our batch it was allowed)
A toy train can make 10 sounds sound changes aftr every 4
now train is defective and can make only 2 sounds.................
.................................................. ...............................
find probability that same sound is repeated 3 times consecutively(1 OUT OF
thus 1 out of 8
resistance is X ohm voltage Y then wat is current
if a prson points at a photo nd say d person in dis picture iz son of my
fathers son wat iz reln
I have 3 grandsons......................................... ..
age diff btw 2 of grandsons X yrs
1st grandson is twice elder than younger one
adiition off ages of all the three is y
thn what is age of eldest grandson??(there is some value in X and Y)
Ferrari is leading car manufacturer.*Ferrari S.p.A.* is an Italian sports
car ........................................
it has enjoyed great success.
If Mohan's Ferrari is 3 times faster than his old MERCEDES wich gave him 35
if Mohan travelled 490 km in his ferrari
the hw much time(hours) he took??
(options may b diff)
lion rat stayin in jungle happily...........................................
.................................................. ..................................
Lion lies on : MON TUE WED
if lion says : I didnt lie yesterday
RAT says : e1 i didnt lie yesterday
so what day is today??
the ratio of current age of X and Y is 5:7,after hw many years der age ratio will b 7:9?
Inspired by fibonacci series sanket decided to create is own series which is
lik dis,then what no come immediately before 63?
ans= 202
xpalnaton ;check altenate no.1,3,7,15=====>n*2+1
similarly 2,7,22,67=======>n*3+1
so series is 1,2,3,7,7,22,15,67,31,202,63........
exactly similar to above qn
valentine day 14 feb 2005,was celebrated by n and u on monday,he was very happy,he n
.........den day on 14 feb 2010???(similar to dis some date qn was der)
by using 1,2,3,4,5,how many 5 digit no. can be formed which is divisible by 4,repetation of
no. is allowed??
17.the cost 1 plum is 1 cent ,2 apples is 1 cent,3 banana is 1 cent........
if rahul buys same amount of fruits for his 3 sons spending 7 cent den what amount of fruit
each child will get??
ans: 1 plum ,2 apple,1 banana
xplanation:7/3=2.333 cents for each child
according to ans given for d sum each child will get 1 plum ,2 apple,1 banana
2880 is divided by which smallest no. so we get no. which is perfect square???
ans= 5
xplanation 2880/5=576
19.der r to prime no........(with some nonsence stuff)..............
den addition of two prime no is 13,n multiplication is 21,den wat r some of der squares?
xplanation : XY=21 and X+Y=13...solve using calci..ans of X & Y will b in points..den
smita was makin 1 design .....(again some nonsence)....size of larger cube to be made is
using smaller cubes of 1*1*1....she created solid larger cube ..den she decided to make
hollow cube...
den hw many 1*1*1 cubes rqd to make hollow larger cube
ans= 104
xplanation (25+25)+(15+15)+(12+12)=104
2X/5Y=5X/3Y...den wat is x/y (some easy some)
A pizza parlor provides pizzas...there wer 2 toppings available initially peperoni and
but now they,ve introduces 8 new toppings (some names) to select from......
a person wishes to buy two DIFFERENT pizzas of NEW topping....in how many ways he can
do that??
ans : 8 X 7=56
person travels to....(some nonsence stuff).....if he goes from A to B with speed of 4kmph
returns back to B with speed of 5 kmph....what is his avg. speed of journey??(values may b
ans: 4.44(its NOT 4.5)
explaination : 2PQ/(P+Q)===2*4*5/(4+5)=4.44kmph
there is a dice having value frm 1 ..6 on each face......and a pack of cards having face card
aces .....
(hugh chunk of nonsense)......when 2 dies are thrown and their scores are added then
which sum will come max number of times??
Ans: 8
explanation : 8----2,6 3,5 4,4
9----4,5 3,6
10----5,5 4,6
11---- 5,6
thus 8's probability is more
susha brought terilon cloth and rope to (some nonsence nw jst go to last 2 lines)....''....
if rope is 153 mtr long and it is to be cut into pieces of 1 mtr long then how many times will
she have to cut it??
ans : 152 times
(dnt remembr the xact q but procedure was somethn lyk this)
.........................8th year--1/1024,, 9th year--1/512,, 10th year--1/256 then aftr hw many
years 1/32???
ans: 13
(some q on this formula)(a3-b3) n (a+b)2=a2+b2+2ab
there are 2 cans A and B one of MILK and other of Water resp. , both of same qty......
first one teaspoon of milk from A can was added to B can...
then one teaspoon from B can was added to A can then wich of the folloe\wing is true..
1.Can A contain more milk than water in can B
2.Can A contain less milk than water in can B
3.both contain same qty of milk and water
Ans : option--2
probability sum on gloves,jackets and somethn lyk that(moderate sum)
there are some 2 wheelers and 4 wheelers parked ........(some nonsense)...........total
number of wheels present is X(some value)
then how many 4 wheelers wer there (i dont remembr whole sum exactly)
(but it was easy ,q cud b solved by considering each and every options given as ans)
If a pipe can fill the tank within 6 hrs but due to leak it took 30 min more
now if the tank was full hw much tym will it take to get emptyed through the leak??(i dont
remembr whole sum exactly)(lil bit tricky sum)
Avg wt of class is X kg(some number) after adding wt of the teacger avg wt of class
becomes Y kg then wat is the wt of the teacher??
Dated: 14th August 2010 At ITER, BHUBANESWAR
1. 6 persons standing in queue with different age group, after two years their average age
will be 43 and seventh person joined with them. hence the current average age has become
45. find the age of seventh person?
Solution: it is given as after 2 yr average age wiil be 43 so now the average is 2 yr.
After addition of 7th person avg is 45 so 7th person wiil be 45+(6*(45-4))
Ans: 69
2. Horse started to chase dog as it relieved stable two hrs ago. And horse started to ran
with average speed 22km/hr, horse crossed 10 mts road and two small pounds with depth
3m, and it crossed two small street with 200 mts length. After traveling 6 hrs, 2hrs after
sunset it got dog. compute the speed of dog?
Ans: As we have speed and travel time of horse, we can get distance travelled by it...
Hence d = 22*6 = 132km,
Exactly this 132km was travelled by dog in 8 hours (as it started two hours earlier).
Hence speed of dog = 132/8 = 16.5km/hr
3. 3, 22 , 7, 45, 15, ? , 31
Solution: Here it appear simple, because it arranged in arranged in sequence manner, but
the actual question was some what twist mentioning fibonacci series and more over
question was in statements (no numbers).. hence first try to understand the question well.
here let group alternate terms 3,7,15,31 (3+4 =7, 7+8 =15, 15+16=31)
Similarly for second group (22,45,? (22+23 = 45, 45+46 = 91) hence ans is 91.
4. In Tnagar many buildings were under residential category.for buildings they number as 1
to 100. For shops, corporation numbered between 150 and 200 only prime numbers. how
many time 6 will appear in building numbering?
this type of question if it is asked how many 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 then you bindly write the
answer as 20.but for 1 answer wiil be 21 as 100 is included
5. ((4x+3y)+(5x+9y))/(5x+5y) = ? as (x/2y) = 2
Ans: as x=2y put the value and get the answer.
6: If we subract a number with y, we get 4 increase of number, once it got divided by y
itself.. Find that number??
Ans: 12 (we can easily predict from options, as we take y as 6)
7. I dont remember exactly the question, one logical problem stating the colour of beer?
Ans: white.what ever the question about the color of beer means you wrote the answer as
white because polar beer.this question is very lengthy don’t burther about that.
8. Jumbled letters, parakeet(answer)
Ans: bird(category)
9. one question like. (209*144)^2 + (209*209)+(209*144)+(144*144) = ?
Ans: here you can use calc, many(4 to 5) questions were depend upon calc alone.(no need
problem solving technique).
10. Im only son for my parents. (some irrelevant statements in the middle to distract
u).The man in picture is my father's son.(some irrelevant statements).who is he?
A toy train can make 10 sounds sound changes aftr every 4
now train is defective and can make only 2 sounds.................
.................................................. ...............................
find probability that same sound is repeated 3 times consecutively(1 OUT OF
thus 1 out of 8
.................................................. ....
.................................................. ..............................
.................................................. ................................
resistance is X ohm voltage Y then wat is current
12. I have 3 grandsons......................................... ..
age diff btw 2 of grandsons X yrs
1st grandson is twice elder than younger one
adiition off ages of all the three is y
thn what is age of eldest grandson??(there is some value in X and Y)
13. Ferrari is leading car manufacturer.*Ferrari S.p.A.* is an Italian sports
car ........................................
It has enjoyed great success.
If Mohan's Ferrari is 3 times faster than his old MERCEDES wich gave him 35
if Mohan travelled 490 km in his ferrari
the hw much time(hours) he took??
(options may be different)
lion rat stayin in jungle happily...........................................
.................................................. ..................................
Lion lies on : MON TUE WED
if lion says : I didnt lie yesterday
RAT says : e1 i didnt lie yesterday
so what day is today??
14. The ratio of current age of X and Y is 5:7,after hw many years der age ratio will b 7:9?
15. Inspired by fibonacci series sanket decided to create is own series which is
lik dis,then what no come immediately before 63?
ans= 202
xpalnaton ;check altenate no.1,3,7,15=====>n*2+1
similarly 2,7,22,67=======>n*3+1
so series is 1,2,3,7,7,22,15,67,31,202,63........
16. By using 1,2,3,4,5,how many 5 digit no. can be formed which is divisible by 4,repetation
of no. is allowed??
Ans-last 2 place should be divisible by 4
So possible values at last place are 12,24,32,44,52 this can be arranged in 5 ways
The rest 3 places can be filled in 5*5*5 way so total is 5^4
17. The cost 1 plum is 1 cent ,2 apples
<!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->
is 1 cent,3 banana is 1 cent........
if rahul buys same amount of fruits for his 3 sons spending 7 cent den what amount of fruit
each child will get??
ans: 1 plum ,2 apple,1 banana
xplanation:7/3=2.333 cents for each child
according to ans given for d sum each child will get 1 plum ,2 apple,1 banana
18. 2880 is divided by which smallest no. so we get no. which is perfect square???
ans= 5
xplanation 2880/5=576 sure sort question.
19. There are to prime no........(with some nonsence stuff)..............
den addition of two prime no is 13,n multiplication is 21,den wat r some of der squares?
Explanation : XY=21 and X+Y=13...solve using calci..ans of X & Y will b in points..den
20. Smita was makin 1 design .....(again some nonsence)....size of larger cube to be made
is 5*5*5........
using smaller cubes of 1*1*1....she created solid larger cube ..den she decided to make
hollow cube...
den hw many 1*1*1 cubes rqd to make hollow larger cube
Ans= 104
Explanation (25+25)+(15+15)+(12+12)=104
21. 2X/5Y=5X/3Y...den wat is x/y
22. A pizza parlor provides pizzas...there wer 2 toppings available initially peperoni and
but now they,ve introduces 8 new toppings (some names) to select from......
a person wishes to buy two DIFFERENT pizzas of NEW topping....in how many ways he can
do that??
ans : 8 X 7=56
23. Person travels to....(some nonsence stuff).....if he goes from A to B with speed of
4kmph and
returns back to B with speed of 5 kmph....what is his avg. speed of journey??(values may b
Ans: 4.44(its NOT 4.5)
Explaination : 2PQ/(P+Q)===2*4*5/(4+5)=4.44kmph
24. There is a dice having value frm 1 ..6 on each face......and a pack of cards having face
card aces .....
(hugh chunk of nonsense)......when 2 dies are thrown and their scores are added then
which sum will come max number of times??
Ans: 8
Explanation : 8----2,6 3,5 4,4
9----4,5 3,6
10----5,5 4,6
11---- 5,6
thus 8's probability is more
25. ''susha brought terilon cloth and rope to (some nonsence nw jst go to last 2
if rope is 153 mtr long and it is to be cut into pieces of 1 mtr long then how many times will
she have to cut it??
Ans : 152 times
26. There are some 2 wheelers and 4 wheelers parked ........(some nonsense)...........total
number of wheels present is 240
then how many 4 wheelers wer there
AnsThis can be done by looking at the option first check the no of bicycles and then multiply it
by 2.
And then substract the multiplication value from 240 if the value is divided by 4 then that is
the answer
27. 1/3 of a number is 6 more than 1/6 of that number then what is the number
28. The cost of making a robot consists of material cost,repairing cost,coloring cost and is in
the ratio 3
5.if the material cost is 1200 then find out the cost of the robot.
Ans- simple 3 part is 1200 so 3+4+5=12 part=?
29. There are pepsi 1 litre & oil 1 litre .it is given as 1 spoon of pepsi is aken and is mixed
with Oil. Then 1 spoon oil&pepsi is taken and is mixed with pepsi then which of the condition
holds true.
Ans-the amount of pepsi in oil is mre than amount of oil in pepsi.
30. An tank is filled with water .in first hour 10 lit ,in second hour 20 lit and in 3 rd hour
time 40 lit.if time taken to fill ¼ of the tank is 5 hr.what is the time required to fill up the
Ans-as the water is filled as twice speed.and in 5 the hour ¼.so in 6 hour ½.so answer 7 th
HHHHHHR questions
1. HR Interview Questions Along with Answers
Everyone is nervous on interviews. If you simply allow yourself to feel nervous, you'll do
much better. Remember also that it's difficult for the interviewer as well.
In general, be upbeat and positive. Never be negative.
Rehearse your answers and time them. Never talk for more than 2 minutes straight.
Don't try to memorize answers word for word. Use the answers shown here as a guide only,
and don't be afraid to include your own thoughts and words. To help you remember key
concepts, jot down and review a few key words for each answer. Rehearse your answers
frequently, and they will come to you naturally in interviews.
As you will read in the accompanying report, the single most important strategy in
interviewing, as in all phases of your job search, is what we call: "The Greatest Executive
Job Finding Secret." And that is...
Find out what people want, than show them how you can help them get it.
Find out what an employer wants most in his or her ideal candidate, then show
how you meet those qualifications.
In other words, you must match your abilities, with the needs of the employer. You must
sell what the buyer is buying. To do that, before you know what to emphasize in your
answers, you must find out what the buyer is buying... what he is looking for. And the best
way to do that is to ask a few questions yourself.
You will see how to bring this off skillfully as you read the first two questions of this report.
But regardless of how you accomplish it, you must remember this strategy above all: before
blurting out your qualifications, you must get some idea of what the employer wants most.
Once you know what he wants, you can then present your qualifications as the perfect “key”
that fits the “lock” of that position.
· Other important interview strategies:
· Turn weaknesses into strengths (You'll see how to do this in a few moments.)
· Think before you answer. A pause to collect your thoughts is a hallmark of a thoughtful
As a daily exercise, practice being more optimistic. For example, try putting a positive spin
on events and situations you would normally regard as negative. This is not meant to turn
you into a Pollyanna, but to sharpen your selling skills. The best salespeople, as well as the
best liked interview candidates, come off as being naturally optimistic, "can do" people. You
will dramatically raise your level of attractiveness by daily practicing to be more optimistic.
Be honest...never lie.
Keep an interview diary. Right after each interview note what you did right, what could have
gone a little better, and what steps you should take next with this contact. Then take those
steps. Don't be like the 95% of humanity who say they will follow up on something, but
never do.
You might feel that the answers to the following questions are “canned”, and that they will
seldom match up with the exact way you are asked the questions in actual interviews. The
questions and answers are designed to be as specific and realistic as possible. But no
preparation can anticipate thousands of possible variations on these questions. What's
important is that you thoroughly familiarize yourself with the main strategies behind each
answer. And it will be invaluable to you if you commit to memory a few key words that let
you instantly call to mind your best answer to the various questions. If you do this, and
follow the principles of successful interviewing presented here, you're going to do very well.
Good luck...
The following questions are very important in HR round.....so,every one has to
Know the answers of this questions..
1. Tell me about yourself
2. What are your greatest strengths?
3. What are your greatest weaknesses?
4. Tell me about something you did – or failed to do – that you now feel a little ashamed of.
5. Why are you leaving (or did you leave) this position?
6. The “Silent Treatment”
7. Why should I hire you?
8. Aren’t you overqualified for this position?
9. Where do you see yourself five years from now?
10. Describe your ideal company, location and job.
11. Why do you want to work at our company?
12. What are your career options right now?
13. Why have you been out of work so long?
14. Tell me honestly about the strong points and weak points of your boss (company,
management team, etc.)
15. What good books have you read lately?
16. Tell me about a situation when your work was criticized
17. What are your outside interest?
18. The “Fatal Flaw” question
19. How do you feel about reporting to a younger person (minority, woman, etc)?
20. On confidential matters
21. Would you lie for the company?
22. Looking back, what would you do differently in your life?
23. Could you have done better in your last job?
24. Can you work under pressure?
25. What makes you angry?
26. Why aren’t you earning more money at this stage of your career?
27. Who has inspired you in your life and why?
28. What was the toughest decision you ever had to make?
29. Tell me about the most boring job you’ve ever had
30. Have you been absent from work more than a few days in any previous position?
31. What changes would you make if you came on board?
32. I’m concerned that you don’t have as much experience as we’d like in
33. How do you feel about working nights and weekends?
34. Are you willing to relocate or travel?
35. Do you have the stomach to fire people? Have you had experience firing many people?
36. Why have you had so many jobs?
37. What do you see as the proper role/mission of… …a good (job title you’re seeking); …a
good manager; …an executive in serving the community; …a leading company in our
industry; etc.
38. What would you say to your boss if he’s crazy about an idea, but you think it stinks?
39. How could you have improved your career progress?
40. What would you do if a fellow executive on your own corporate level wasn’t pulling
his/her weight…and this was hurting your department?
41. You’ve been with your firm a long time. Won’t it be hard switching to a new company?
42. May I contact your present employer for a reference?
43. Give me an example of your creativity (analytical skill…managing ability, etc.)
44. Where could you use some improvement?
45. What do you worry about?
46. How many hours a week do you normally work?
47. What’s the most difficult part of being a (job title)?
48. The “Hypothetical Problem”
49. What was the toughest challenge you’ve ever faced?
50. Have you consider starting your own business?
51. What are your goals?
52. What do you for when you hire people?
53. “The Salary Question” – How much money do you want?
54. The Illegal Question
55. The “Secret” Illegal Question
56. What was the toughest part of your last job?
57. How do you define success…and how do you measure up to your own definition?
58. What do you think about …Abortion…The President…The Death Penalty…(or any other
controversial subject)?
59. If you won $10 million lottery, would you still work?
60. Looking back on your last position, have you done your best work?
61. Why should I hire you from the outside when I could promote someone from within?
62. Tell me something negative you’ve heard about our company…
63. On a scale of one to ten, rate me as an interviewer?
Tell me about yourself
TRAPS: Beware, about 80% of all interviews begin with this “innocent” question. Many
candidates, unprepared for the question, skewer themselves by rambling, recapping their
life story, delving into ancient work history or personal matters.
BEST ANSWER: Start with the present and tell why you are well qualified for the position.
Remember that the key to all successful interviewing is to match your qualifications to what
the interviewer is looking for. In other words you must sell what the buyer is buying. This is
the single most important strategy in job hunting.
So, before you answer this or any question it's imperative that you try to uncover your
interviewer's greatest need, want, problem or goal.
To do so, make you take these two steps:
1. Do all the homework you can before the interview to uncover this person's wants and
needs (not the generalized needs of the industry or company)
2. As early as you can in the interview, ask for a more complete description of what the
position entails. You might say: “I have a number of accomplishments I'd like to tell you
about, but I want to make the best use of our time together and talk directly to your needs.
To help me do, that, could you tell me more about the most important priorities of this
position? All I know is what I (heard from the recruiter, read in the classified ad, etc.)”
Then, ALWAYS follow-up with a second and possibly, third question, to draw out his needs
even more. Surprisingly, it's usually this second or third question that unearths what the
interviewer is most looking for.
You might ask simply, "And in addition to that?..." or, "Is there anything else you see as
essential to success in this position?:
This process will not feel easy or natural at first, because it is easier simply to answer
questions, but only if you uncover the employer's wants and needs will your answers make
the most sense. Practice asking these key questions before giving your answers, the
process will feel more natural and you will be light years ahead of the other job candidates
you're competing with.
After uncovering what the employer is looking for, describe why the needs of this job bear
striking parallels to tasks you've succeeded at before. Be sure to illustrate with specific
examples of your responsibilities and especially your achievements, all of which are geared
to present yourself as a perfect match for the needs he has just described
What are your greatest strengths?
TRAPS: This question seems like a softball lob, but be prepared. You don't want to come
across as egotistical or arrogant. Neither is this a time to be humble.
BEST ANSWER: You know that your key strategy is to first uncover your interviewer's
greatest wants and needs before you answer questions. And from Question 1, you know
how to do this.
Prior to any interview, you should have a list mentally prepared of your greatest strengths.
You should also have, a specific example or two, which illustrates each strength, an
example chosen from your most recent and most impressive achievements.
You should, have this list of your greatest strengths and corresponding examples from your
achievements so well committed to memory that you can recite them cold after being
shaken awake at 2:30AM.
Then, once you uncover your interviewer's greatest wants and needs, you can choose those
achievements from your list that best match up.
As a general guideline, the 10 most desirable traits that all employers love to see in their
employees are:
1. A proven track record as an achiever...especially if your achievements match up with the
employer's greatest wants and needs.
2. Intelligence...management "savvy".
3. Honesty...integrity...a decent human being.
4. Good fit with corporate culture...someone to feel comfortable with...a team player who
meshes well with interviewer's team.
5. Likeability...positive attitude...sense of humor.
6. Good communication skills.
7. Dedication...willingness to walk the extra mile to achieve excellence.
8. Definiteness of purpose...clear goals.
9. Enthusiasm...high level of motivation.
10. Confident...healthy...a leader.
What are your greatest weaknesses?
TRAPS: Beware - this is an eliminator question, designed to shorten the candidate list. Any
admission of a weakness or fault will earn you an “A” for honesty, but an “F” for the
PASSABLE ANSWER: Disguise a strength as a weakness.
Example: “I sometimes push my people too hard. I like to work with a sense of urgency and
everyone is not always on the same wavelength.”
Drawback: This strategy is better than admitting a flaw, but it's so widely used, it is
transparent to any experienced interviewer.
BEST ANSWER: (and another reason it's so important to get a thorough description of your
interviewer's needs before you answer questions): Assure the interviewer that you can think
of nothing that would stand in the way of your performing in this position with excellence.
Then, quickly review you strongest qualifications.
Example: “Nobody's perfect, but based on what you've told me about this position, I believe
I' d make an outstanding match. I know that when I hire people, I look for two things most
of all. Do they have the qualifications to do the job well, and the motivation to do it well?
Everything in my background shows I have both the qualifications and a strong desire to
achieve excellence in whatever I take on. So I can say in all honesty that I see nothing that
would cause you even a small concern about my ability or my strong desire to perform this
job with excellence.”
Alternate strategy (if you don't yet know enough about the position to talk about such a
perfect fit):
Instead of confessing a weakness, describe what you like most and like least, making sure
that what you like most matches up with the most important qualification for success in the
position, and what you like least is not essential.
Example: Let's say you're applying for a teaching position. “If given a choice, I like to spend
as much time as possible in front of my prospects selling, as opposed to shuffling paperwork
back at the office. Of course, I long ago learned the importance of filing paperwork properly,
and I do it conscientiously. But what I really love to do is sell (if your interviewer were a
sales manager, this should be music to his ears.)
Tell me about something you did – or failed to do – that you now feel a little
ashamed of.
TRAPS: There are some questions your interviewer has no business asking, and this is one.
But while you may feel like answering, “none of your business,” naturally you can’t. Some
interviewers ask this question on the chance you admit to something, but if not, at least
they’ll see how you think on your feet.
Some unprepared candidates, flustered by this question, unburden themselves of guilt from
their personal life or career, perhaps expressing regrets regarding a parent, spouse, child,
etc. All such answers can be disastrous.
BEST ANSWER: As with faults and weaknesses, never confess a regret. But don’t seem as
if you’re stonewalling either.
Best strategy: Say you harbor no regrets, then add a principle or habit you practice
regularly for healthy human relations.
Example: Pause for reflection, as if the question never occurred to you. Then say, “You
know, I really can’t think of anything.” (Pause again, then add): “I would add that as a
general management principle, I’ve found that the best way to avoid regrets is to avoid
causing them in the first place. I practice one habit that helps me a great deal in this
regard. At the end of each day, I mentally review the day’s events and conversations to
take a second look at the people and developments I’m involved with and do a doublecheck
of what they’re likely to be feeling. Sometimes I’ll see things that do need more follow-up,
whether a pat on the back, or maybe a five minute chat in someone’s office to make sure
we’re clear on things…whatever.”
“I also like to make each person feel like a member of an elite team, like the Boston Celtics
or LA Lakers in their prime. I’ve found that if you let each team member know you expect
excellence in their performance…if you work hard to set an example yourself…and if you let
people know you appreciate and respect their feelings, you wind up with a highly motivated
group, a team that’s having fun at work because they’re striving for excellence rather than
brooding over slights or regrets.”
Why are you leaving this position?
TRAPS: Never badmouth your previous industry, company, board, boss, staff, employees or
customers. This rule is inviolable: never be negative. Any mud you hurl will only soil your
Especially avoid words like “personality clash”, “didn’t get along”, or others which cast a
shadow on your competence, integrity, or temperament.
(If you have a job presently)
If you’re not yet 100% committed to leaving your present post, don’t be afraid to say so.
Since you have a job, you are in a stronger position than someone who does not. But don’t
be coy either. State honestly what you’d be hoping to find in a new spot. Of course, as
stated often before, you answer will all the stronger if you have already uncovered what this
position is all about and you match your desires to it.
(If you do not presently have a job.)
Never lie about having been fired. It’s unethical – and too easily checked. But do try to
deflect the reason from you personally. If your firing was the result of a takeover, merger,
division wide layoff, etc., so much the better.
But you should also do something totally unnatural that will demonstrate consummate
professionalism. Even if it hurts , describe your own firing – candidly, succinctly and without
a trace of bitterness – from the company’s point-of-view, indicating that you could
understand why it happened and you might have made the same decision yourself.
Your stature will rise immensely and, most important of all, you will show you are healed
from the wounds inflicted by the firing. You will enhance your image as first-class
management material and stand head and shoulders above the legions of firing victims who,
at the slightest provocation, zip open their shirts to expose their battle scars and decry the
unfairness of it all.
For all prior positions:
Make sure you’ve prepared a brief reason for leaving. Best reasons: more money,
opportunity, responsibility or growth.
The “Silent Treatment”
TRAPS: Beware – if you are unprepared for this question, you will probably not handle it
right and possibly blow the interview. Thank goodness most interviewers don’t employ it.
It’s normally used by those determined to see how you respond under stress. Here’s how it
You answer an interviewer’s question and then, instead of asking another, he just stares at
you in a deafening silence.
You wait, growing a bit uneasy, and there he sits, silent as Mt. Rushmore, as if he doesn’t
believe what you’ve just said, or perhaps making you feel that you’ve unwittingly violated
some cardinal rule of interview etiquette.
When you get this silent treatment after answering a particularly difficult question , such as
“tell me about your weaknesses”, its intimidating effect can be most disquieting, even to
polished job hunters.
Most unprepared candidates rush in to fill the void of silence, viewing prolonged,
uncomfortable silences as an invitation to clear up the previous answer which has obviously
caused some problem. And that’s what they do – ramble on, sputtering more and more
information, sometimes irrelevant and often damaging, because they are suddenly playing
the role of someone who’s goofed and is now trying to recoup. But since the candidate
doesn’t know where or how he goofed, he just keeps talking, showing how flustered and
confused he is by the interviewer’s unmovable silence.
BEST ANSWER: Like a primitive tribal mask, the Silent Treatment loses all it power to
frighten you once you refuse to be intimidated. If your interviewer pulls it, keep quiet
yourself for a while and then ask, with sincere politeness and not a trace of sarcasm, “Is
there anything else I can fill in on that point?” That’s all there is to it.
Whatever you do, don’t let the Silent Treatment intimidate you into talking a blue streak,
because you could easily talk yourself out of the position.
Why should I hire you?
TRAPS: Believe it or not, this is a killer question because so many candidates are
unprepared for it. If you stammer or adlib you’ve blown it.
BEST ANSWER: By now you can see how critical it is to apply the overall strategy of
uncovering the employer’s needs before you answer questions. If you know the employer’s
greatest needs and desires, this question will give you a big leg up over other candidates
because you will give him better reasons for hiring you than anyone else is likely
to…reasons tied directly to his needs.
Whether your interviewer asks you this question explicitly or not, this is the most important
question of your interview because he must answer this question favorably in is own mind
before you will be hired. So help him out! Walk through each of the position’s requirements
as you understand them, and follow each with a reason why you meet that requirement so
Example: “As I understand your needs, you are first and foremost looking for someone who
can manage the sales and marketing of your book publishing division. As you’ve said you
need someone with a strong background in trade book sales. This is where I’ve spent
almost all of my career, so I’ve chalked up 18 years of experience exactly in this area. I
believe that I know the right contacts, methods, principles, and successful management
techniques as well as any person can in our industry.”
“You also need someone who can expand your book distribution channels. In my prior post,
my innovative promotional ideas doubled, then tripled, the number of outlets selling our
books. I’m confident I can do the same for you.”
“You need someone to give a new shot in the arm to your mail order sales, someone who
knows how to sell in space and direct mail media. Here, too, I believe I have exactly the
experience you need. In the last five years, I’ve increased our mail order book sales from
$600,000 to $2,800,000, and now we’re the country’s second leading marketer of scientific
and medical books by mail.” Etc., etc., etc.,
Every one of these selling “couplets” (his need matched by your qualifications) is a
touchdown that runs up your score. IT is your best opportunity to outsell your competition.
Aren’t you overqualified for this position?
BEST ANSWER: As with any objection, don’t view this as a sign of imminent defeat. It’s an
invitation to teach the interviewer a new way to think about this situation, seeing
advantages instead of drawbacks.
Example: “I recognize the job market for what it is – a marketplace. Like any marketplace,
it’s subject to the laws of supply and demand. So ‘overqualified’ can be a relative term,
depending on how tight the job market is. And right now, it’s very tight. I understand and
accept that.”
“I also believe that there could be very positive benefits for both of us in this match.”
“Because of my unusually strong experience in ________________ , I could start to
contribute right away, perhaps much faster than someone who’d have to be brought along
more slowly.”
“There’s also the value of all the training and years of experience that other companies have
invested tens of thousands of dollars to give me. You’d be getting all the value of that
without having to pay an extra dime for it. With someone who has yet to acquire that
experience, he’d have to gain it on your nickel.”
“I could also help you in many things they don’t teach at the Harvard Business School. For
example…(how to hire, train, motivate, etc.) When it comes to knowing how to work well
with people and getting the most out of them, there’s just no substitute for what you learn
over many years of front-line experience. You company would gain all this, too.”
“From my side, there are strong benefits, as well. Right now, I am unemployed. I want to
work, very much, and the position you have here is exactly what I love to do and am best
at. I’ll be happy doing this work and that’s what matters most to me, a lot more that money
or title.”
“Most important, I’m looking to make a long term commitment in my career now. I’ve had
enough of job-hunting and want a permanent spot at this point in my career. I also know
that if I perform this job with excellence, other opportunities cannot help but open up for
me right here. In time, I’ll find many other ways to help this company and in so doing, help
myself. I really am looking to make a long-term commitment.”
NOTE: The main concern behind the “overqualified” question is that you will leave your new
employer as soon as something better comes your way. Anything you can say to
demonstrate the sincerity of your commitment to the employer and reassure him that
you’re looking to stay for the long-term will help you overcome this objection.
Where do you see yourself five years from now?
TRAPS: One reason interviewers ask this question is to see if you’re settling for this
position, using it merely as a stopover until something better comes along. Or they could be
trying to gauge your level of ambition.
If you’re too specific, i.e., naming the promotions you someday hope to win, you’ll sound
presumptuous. If you’re too vague, you’ll seem rudderless.
BEST ANSWER: Reassure your interviewer that you’re looking to make a long-term
commitment…that this position entails exactly what you’re looking to do and what you do
extremely well. As for your future, you believe that if you perform each job at hand with
excellence, future opportunities will take care of themselves.
Example: “I am definitely interested in making a long-term commitment to my next
position. Judging by what you’ve told me about this position, it’s exactly what I’m looking
for and what I am very well qualified to do. In terms of my future career path, I’m confident
that if I do my work with excellence, opportunities will inevitable open up for me. It’s always
been that way in my career, and I’m confident I’ll have similar opportunities here.”
Company profile:
Tata Consultancy Servcies
TCS CEO Mr S. Ramadorai has been presented with the "Distinguished Achievement Award"
for the year 2001, by the prestigious Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India.
The award, according to its citation, recognises Mr Ramadorai's "significant and substantial
contributions to business and society in general and the software sector in particular and
innovative leadership of exceptional nature."
Ratan N. Tata, IISc's President of the Court, presented the Award at a
simple and dignified private ceremony at the IISc campus Guest House on Friday, 21 March
2003. Mr Ramadorai is the first recipient of this award (instituted in 2001).
Mr Ramadorai's other recent awards include the Lifetime Achievement Award from the
Indore Management Association, India in February. During 2002, he was honoured with
CNBC Asia's prestigious 'Asia Business Leader of the Year' Award, as well as the
'Management Man of the Year' award by the Bombay Management Association. The same
year Consulting Magazine (USA) named him as being among the Top 25 Most Influential
Consultants in the world, the only Indian CEO on the list. He has also been honoured with
the position of 'Honarary IT Advisor to Qingdao City', People's Republic of China.