5th Grade Lesson Plan Schedule Monday 13th 8:00-8:45 Religion Tuesday 14th Wednesday 15th Thursday 16th 8:00-8:45 Religion 8:00-8:45 Religion 8:00-8:45 Religion Objective: Students will be able to explain and describe all the Mysteries of the Rosary. They will also be able to determine different events in their lives that can illustrate them living the SLE’s In-class work- Introduce Rosary Scrapbook Assignment (DUE 1/23/14). Introduce SLE end of the year project. Homework- Study and memorize The Mysteries of the Rosary in order and spelt correctly. Find pictures to begin SLE project. CCSS- SLE- 1a Objective: Students will be able to explain and describe all the Mysteries of the Rosary. They will also be able to determine different events in their lives that can illustrate them living the SLE’s In-class work- Introduce Rosary Scrapbook Assignment (DUE 1/23/14). Introduce SLE end of the year project. Homework- Study and memorize The Mysteries of the Rosary in order and spelt correctly. Find pictures to begin SLE project. SLE- 1a Objective: Students will be able to explain and describe all the Mysteries of the Rosary. They will also be able to determine different events in their lives that can illustrate them living the SLE’s In-class work- Introduce Rosary Scrapbook Assignment (DUE 1/23/14). Introduce SLE end of the year project. Homework- Study and memorize The Mysteries of the Rosary in order and spelt correctly. Find pictures to begin SLE project. CCSS- SLE- 1a Objective: Students will be able to explain and describe all the Mysteries of the Rosary. They will also be able to determine different events in their lives that can illustrate them living the SLE’s In-class work- Introduce Rosary Scrapbook Assignment (DUE 1/23/14). Introduce SLE end of the year project. Homework- Study and memorize The Mysteries of the Rosary in order and spelt correctly. Find pictures to begin SLE project. CCSS- SLE- 1a 8:45-9:45 Math 8:45-9:45 Math 8:45-9:45 Math 8:45-9:45 Math Objective: demonstrate understanding of sales tax and discounts Inclass- sales tax activity and notes on lessons Objective: Assess knowledge and review multiplying decimals Inclass- Hearts test 10B Stars- Pretest 8A Objective: Understand the content of graphing points (X,Y) Coordinates Inclass- notes on corrdinates Homework- Objective: demonstrate understanding of coordinate planes (X,Y) Coordinates Inclass- Hearts- notes on 56 Stars- notes on 46 Homework- Friday 17th 8:00-8:45 Math Objective: Notes on lesson 57 & 47 and practice set due at the end of class CCSSSLE- 3a 8:45-10:00 Mass SLE- 1c 5th Grade Lesson Plan Schedule Homework- Stars PS 45 Hearts pretest 10A CCSS- 5.NBT.5 SLE-3b HomeworkCCSS- 5.NBT.5 SLE-2a CCSS- 5.NBT.5 SLE-3a CCSS- 5.NBT.5 SLE-3a 10:00-10:20 Language Arts, DOL, Grammar, Writing RECESS 9:45-10:00 YARD DUTY 10:00-11:00 Language Arts, DOL, Grammar, Writing Objective- Determine proper correction in selected paragraph, understand and use adjectives correctly, brainstorm characteristics of friends In-class work- DOL paragraph editing, adjective notes and exercise, “Friend” poem work Homework- Rough Draft of RECESS 9:45-10:00 10:00-11:00 Language Arts, DOL, Grammar, Writing Objective- Determine proper correction in selected paragraph, understand and use adjectives correctly, brainstorm “friends” poem In-class work- DOL paragraph editing, adjective notes and exercises, poem work RECESS 9:45-10:00 10:00-11:00 Language Arts, DOL, Grammar, Writing Objective- Determine proper correction in selected paragraph, understand and use adjectives correctly, create a “friends” poem focused on novel Bridge to Terabithia In-class work- DOL paragraph editing, adjective notes and exercise, “Friends” poem RECESS 9:45-10:00 10:00-11:00 Language Arts, DOL, Grammar, Writing Objective- Determine proper correction in selected paragraph, understand and use adjectives correctly, create a “friends” poem focused on novel Bridge to Terabithia In-class work- DOL paragraph editing, adjective notes and exercise, Peer edit “Friends” poem In-class work Correct and go over adjectives exercises Homework- none CCSS- L.5.4, L.5.4 SLE- 3b RECESS 10:20-10:40 10:55-11:25 Science Objective: In-class workCCSS- intro SLE- 3b 5th Grade Lesson Plan Schedule poem Due Thursday. CCSS- W.5.9a SLE-3b Homework- Rough Draft of “Friends” poem Due Thursday. CCSS- W.5.9a SLE-3b Homework- Rough Draft of poem Due Thursday. CCSS- W.5.9a SLE-3b Homework- Retype “Friends” poem Due Friday. CCSS- W.5.9a SLE-3b 11:00-12:10 Reading 11:00-12:10 Reading 11:00-12:10 Reading 11:00-12:10 Reading Objective- Read and comprehend fiction novel, Bridge to Terabithia, with focus on vocabulary understanding In-class work- Read novel Bridge to Terabithia Chapters 8&9 Homework- Vocab and questions worksheets CCSS- RF.5.4, RL.5.2, RL.5.4 Objective- Read and comprehend fiction novel, Bridge to Terabithia, with focus on vocabulary understanding In-class work- Read novel Bridge to Terabithia Chapters 10 Homework- Vocab and questions worksheets CCSS- RF.5.4, RL.5.2, RL.5.4 Objective- Read and comprehend fiction novel, Bridge to Terabithia, with focus on vocabulary understanding In-class work- Read novel Bridge to Terabithia Chapters 11&12 Homework- Vocab and questions worksheets CCSS- RF.5.4, RL.5.2, RL.5.4 SLE- 5a Objective- Read and comprehend fiction novel, Bridge to Terabithia, with focus on vocabulary understanding In-class work- Read novel Bridge to Terabithia Chapters 13 Homework- Vocab and questions worksheets bring in stuff for 3-D bridge CCSS- RF.5.4, RL.5.2, RL.5.4 SLE- 5b Espanol-T-TH 11:40-12:10 12:10-12:50 Lunch 12:10-12:50 Lunch Espanol-T-TH 11:40-12:10 12:10-12:50 Lunch 12:10-12:50 Lunch 12:10-12:50 Lunch 5th Grade Lesson Plan Schedule 12:50-1:40 Science 12:50-1:40 Science 12:50-1:40 Science 12:50-1:40 Science Objective In-class work Homework Objective – CCSS- Intro SLE- 4b Objective- Discuss the concepts of vascular and nonvascular plants ObjectiveCCSS- Intro SLE- 2c P.E. M-W 12:50-1:40 CCSS- Intro SLE- 4b 1:40-2:30 History Objective- Chapter 7, & novel Chickadee. In Class- Chapter 7 Lesson 3, read novel Chickadee Chapters 13-15, Lesson 3 question review and vocab Homework- Novel Reading Log #2, work on State brochure CCSS- SLE-3b P.E. M-W 12:50-1:40 SLE-3a Novel ch 21/22 1:40-2:30 History 1:40-2:30 History 1:40-2: History Objective- Introduce state brochure, Chapter 7, & novel Chickadee. In Class- Chapter 7 Lesson 3, read novel Chickadee Chapters 16-17, Lesson 3 question review and vocab Homework- Novel Reading Log #2, work on State brochure CCSS- SLE-3b Objective- Introduce state brochure, Chapter 7, & novel Chickadee. In Class- Chapter 7 Lesson 4, read novel Chickadee Chapters 18-20, Lesson 2 question review and vocab Homework- Novel Reading Log #2, work on State brochure CCSS- SLE-3b ObjectiveIn-class workHomework- Explorer Report 2:00-2:30 Choir Computers Thur 1:45-2:30 12:50-1:40 Reading ObjectiveBridge to Terabithia Movie Compare and Contrast CCSS- RF.5.4, RL.5.2, RL.5.4 SLE- 2b 1:30-2:15 History Objective- Introduce state brochure, Chapter 7, & novel Chickadee. In Class- Chapter 7 Lesson 4, read novel Chickadee Chapters 23-25, Lesson 4 notes, question review and vocab Homework- Novel Reading Log #2, work on State brochure CCSS- SLE-3b 5th Grade Lesson Plan Schedule 2:30-3:00American Revolution Plays 2:30-3:00 American Revolution Plays 2:30-3:00 Preschool Book Club CCSSSLE- XXXXXXXXX Agenda/pack up 3:00-3:15 XXXXXXXXX 2:15-3:00 Finish Bridge Movie 3-D Bridge project Agenda/pack up 3:00-3:15 Agenda/pack up 3:00-3:15 Agenda/pack up 3:00-3:15