Ch 14.1-2 clozxe

Name _______________________________________ Date ___________Period____________
Do NOW: Look at the painting, Creation of Adam, on the PowerPoint. Answer the following: What does this
painting tell us about society during this time period?
TOPIC: Renaissance in Italy (1300s-1500s)
SWBAT explain why the _____________________ begun in __________________ city-states.
SWBAT discuss political ideas, art, and major figures of the ____________________________.
What was the Renaissance and where did it begin?
Italian Cities
________________ Societies
Major __________________ Centers
Moved away from life in the church
Focuses more on __________________ objects and ________________ life
The Renaissance was a time of renewal
Renaissance means ___________________ and Europe was recovering from the _________________ and the
People had ________________________________________ and began to put more
____________________________ beings.
How did the Crusades contribute to the Renaissance?
• Increased demand for __________________________ products
• Stimulated ___________________ of goods to _________________ in Middle Eastern markets
• Encouraged the use of __________________ and ______________________
• Church rule against ______________________ and the banks’ practice of ____________________ helped to secularize
northern Italy.
• Letters of credit served to expand the supply of money and expedite trade.
• New_____________________ and bookkeeping practices (use of ___________________ numerals) were introduced.
Major Italian City States:
Italy failed to become _______________ during the Ages.
Many ____________________________ emerged in northern and central Italy that played an important role in Italian
politics and art.
One of the _________ cities, it controls trade through the Alps.
Sitting on the Adriatic, it attracts _________from all over the world.
Controlled by the _________________________,
who became great patrons of the arts.
Had ______________ to ___________ Routes
All of these cities:
 Had access to trade __________ connecting Europe with Middle Eastern markets
• Served as ________________________ for the distribution of goods to _______________ Europe
• Were initially __________________ city-states governed as _______________________
Political Ideas of the Renaissance
Niccolò __________________________________
The Prince
Machiavelli believed:
“One can make this generalization about men: they are ungrateful, fickle, liars, and deceivers, they shun danger and
are greedy for profit”
Machiavelli observed city-state rulers of his day and produced guidelines for the acquisition and
____________________ of power by ____________________ rule.
He felt that a ruler should be willing to do _____________________ to maintain control without _______________
about ___________________________.
________________ for a ruler to be _____________________ than to be _______________________
Ruler should be quick and _____________________ in decision making
Ruler keeps power by any means necessary
The end __________________________________
Be _____________________ when possible, and ________________ when necessary
Humanism; Influenced by classical knowledge of the ancient Greeks and Romans.
• Celebrated the ______________________
• Stimulated the ____________________________________ literature and culture
• Was supported by wealthy ___________________________
Renaissance Art
The Renaissance produced new ideas that were reflected in the arts, philosophy, and literature.
Patrons (the wealthy and increasingly the middle class) _____________________ works which glorified citystates in northern Italy.
Education increasingly ______________________________.
Medieval art and literature focused on the Church.
Renaissance art and literature _______________________________, worldly matters, with Christianity.
How are the paintings below similar? How are they different?
Renaissance Artists embraced some of the ____________________________ in their art
They wanted their subjects to be _____________________ and focused on __________________ and
New Techniques also emerged: ________________________
____________________: Painting done on wet plaster became popular because it gave depth to the paintings
Sculpture emphasized realism and the _______________________
Architecture reached new heights of design
Michelangelo created his masterpiece __________ in 1504.
Sistine Chapel ceiling
La Pieta (1499)
Leonardo Da Vinci
Mona Lisa
Last Supper
Closing: (Journal) In The Prince, Machiavelli advised rulers that it “is much safer to be feared than loved.”
Do you think a political leader today would be wise to follow that advice? Why or why not?
HOMEWORK: Research 1 piece of Renaissance art. Print it or provide the web link and answer the following: How
does this piece of art reflect Renaissance ideas?
Name ______________________________________________________Date___________Period_____________
Topic:The Northern Renaissance (Ch 14.2)
SWBAT explain what themes and art forms were explored by
Renaissance humanists.
SWBAT explain the impact of the printing revolution on Europe.
Northern Renaissance
• Growing wealth
_______________________________________in Northern
Europe supported Renaissance ideas.
• Northern Renaissance thinkers merged
_______________________ ideas with
• The movable type ______________________________ and
the production and sale of books (Gutenberg ______________
) helped disseminate ideas.
 Northern Renaissance artists and writers portrayed religious
and _____________________ subjects.
Literature flourished during the Renaissance
This can be greatly attributed to Johannes ___________________ (Germany)
In 1455 Gutenberg ______________________________________ produced by
using moveable type.
 Dutch humanist AND priest
 Called for a ________________________ form of the Bible
 The Praise of Folly
 Used humor to show the immoral and ignorant behavior of people, including the clergy. He felt
people should be open minded and be kind to others.
 Wants ______________________ within the ________________________.
Sir Thomas _____________: English Humanist
Wrote: _________________________
A book about a ______________________ society
Believed men and women should live in _________________. No ____________ property,
no one is lazy, all people are educated and the justice system is used to ________________
crime instead of executing criminals.
Shakespeare (English): writer
37 plays
____________________ about people in love
History plays about power struggles among kings (Richard III)
Tragedies (Romeo & Juliet)
Plays performed in London
Commoners attend plays
Spain: Cervantes (1600s)
Don Quixote: A novel
Mocks notions of medieval chivalry
Writers use SOCIAL COMMENTARY =__________________________________________________________
_______________________ – etched designs on a metal plate, used the plate to make prints
Artwork portrays religious scenes
Answer on a separate piece of paper:
1. What was the Renaissance?
2. How and where did it spread?
3. What is humanism?
4. List 5 facts about the Renaissance (this includes the Northern Renaissance)
In The Prince, Machiavelli advised rulers that it “is much safer to be feared than loved.”
Do you think a political leader today would be wise to follow that advice? Why or why not? MINIMUM 3 WELLDEVELOPED PARAGRAPHS.