
The following topics and grammar were studied in the first semester. Use your old notes, quizzes, activities,
vocabulary lists, and projects to review for the exam.
The chapters in the book that were covered are as follows:
1(Camping/Outdoors), 2(Art), 9(Environment) 4(Relationships)
Unidad I:
Camping y el Medio Ambiente
Talk about national parks, camping, and outdoor vacations.
 Talk about weather events
 Talk about environmental issues and endangered species
Talk about the animals and the plant life of the Galápagos Islands
Grammar: present, preterit, imperfect, present subjunctive
Unidad II: El Arte y El Baile
 Talk about fine art and important artists and their works
Talk about the style, features, tools, and media used in the creation of works of visual art
 Describe a piece of artwork in Spanish
 Talk about the contributions of Spanish-speaking artists to the Hispanic community
Grammar: Estar with the past participle, Preterit v. Imperfect, Ser and Estar, Present Subjunctive
Unidade III: Las relaciones personales
Format of exam:
**The speaking and writing portions of the exam will take place before the actual exam date—week of Jan. 9.
Students will respond to questions of a simulated conversation and will
be expected to demonstrate mastery of related grammar and vocabulary.
**This will be graded with the PALS Speaking Rubric.**
Students will respond to one prompt related to information they have studied this
semester. The students will be asked to write a coherent essay of 200 words or more.
**This will be grading with the PALS Writing Rubric**
Students will read various passages about topics covered during Semester 1. They will
have to respond to multiple choice questions about the passages. In addition there will be
a multiple choice grammar section.
Students will listen to a series of passages and will respond to multiple choice questions
about each passage.
Helpful Websites
Textbook Companion Website for Realidades.
Once again: The chapters in the book that were covered are as follows:
1(Camping/Outdoors), 2(Art), 9(Environment) 4(relationships)
Sample questions:
Lee la descripción de un viaje en balsa. (rafting trip) Lee las preguntas y escoge la
respuesta correcta A o B para completar la frase.
Los chicos trajeron las balsas y las pusieron encima del coche. Unos minutos
después, vino un guía y les dijo que iban a ir al Río Maipo. El viaje a Maipo duró una
hora. Cuando llegaron, los chicos tuvieron que llevar las balsas al río. Antes de
comenzar el viaje, los chicos se pusieron los trajes de baño. Al final de la aventura,
todos estuvieron de acuerdo en que lo pasaron muy bien.
1. Los chicos pusieron _______ encima del coche.
a. las balsas
b. las mochilas
2. El guía vino ___________.
a. unos minutos después b. un hora después
3. El guía les dijo que iban a ir _______.
a. al centro de Santiago b. al río Maipo
4. Los chicos tuvieron que llevar las balsas ______.
a. al río
b. al coche
5. Antes de comenzar el viaje, los chicos se pusieron _____.
a. las gorras
b. los trajes de baño
6. Después del viaje, todos estuvieron de acuerdo en que ______.
a. lo pasaron bien
b. lo pasaron mal
Go to and click on the course content box where it says “click here”. Click on
World Languages on the box on the left. Click on Textbook Companion sites under Student
Resources. Click on the Realidades textbook and then choose the level III book. Click on the audio
files for listening practice in chapters 1, 2, 4 and 9.
For each chapter you may also want to listen to the repaso del capítulo (pgs. 58, 104, 196 and 426)
These audiofiles say the vocabulary and verb forms from that chapter – you could cover up the
English side of the list and uncover it as you hear it to test your knowledge of definitions. Or,
write down the definitions as you go to have a visible list of what you need to work on. The great
thing about these audiofiles is you can play them as many times as you need to! Finally, play the
audiofiles in ¡Adelante! for the preparación para el examen for each chapter (pgs.61, 107, 199 and
429). These are the practice listening exercises for each of the chapter review self-tests.
You will be given one topic on which you will have to write one 200 word essay using the specified
vocabulary and grammar. You will be graded using the PALS rubric we’ve been using in class. (Skip
lines, mark every 25th word please).
Some examples include:
Imáginate que estás haciendo planes para ir a un parque nacional. ¿Qué parque quieres visitar? ¿Por
qué? ¿Qué parque quieres visitar? ¿Por qué? ¿Qué cosas necesitas llevar contigo? ¿Qué tipo de
paisaje vas a encontrar allí? Una vez allí, ¿qué actividades al aire libre te gustaría hacer?
¡Inventa un(a) artista! Escribe un artículo sobre un(a) artista y sus obras. Inventa su nombre, su
estilo de arte, títulos de unas obras y ejemplos del estilo en una obra. También puedes dibujar un
ejemplo de su arte para ayudar su descripción. ¿Cuándo vivía? ¿Qué fue su inspiración de ideas?
¿Cuáles sucesos históricos le influyeron?
Eres miembro de un grupo que se encarga de la protección del ambiente y tienes que esribir una
carta a los jóvenes de tu zona para que tomen conciencia de lo que pueden hacer para proteger la
comunidad. Describe por lo menos dos problemas y explica las consecuencias si no se toman las
medidas necesarias. Al final, diles qué pueden hacer ellos para ayudar.
The speaking section is similar to the writing topic. You will have one topic. You will have 90 seconds
to prepare and then have to speak for two minutes. You will be graded using the PALS rubric we’ve
been using in class. Use vocabulary specific to the topic from our chapter studies and pay attention
to the grammar indications.
Talk about a vacation you and your family took when you were little.
Talk about your interests as a child – sports, drama, art.
Talk about a music concert you went to recently.
Talk about a favorite artist and their work.
Talk about an environmental problem and solutions to solve it.
Grammar section: There will be a grammar section that will be multiple choice. Review
the preterite, imperfect, ser vs. estar, subjunctive, and estar + past participle. Review your
VCQ sheets. Go to and to review specific grammar
points under the grammar sections.
Special note: Take the time to get organized now with your study schedule that you
planned during Titan Time for all of your exams. Be sure that you are getting enough sleep
each night and eating healthy foods. Do not try to pull an “all-nighter” during exam week to
cram the information. It is better to do a little bit each day and take advantage of extra
help offered before exams so you are not in a panic the night before! You have worked hard
all semester, so with some smart review you should be fine. ¡Buena suerte!