WelcomeDay1 - Parrott

Welcome to Honors
Earth & Environmental
What is Earth & Environmental
1. Geology - The study of Earth’s form and
composition and what causes changes, past
and present
2. Oceanography - The study of the Ocean’s
biology, chemistry, and geology
3. Meteorology - The study of the atmosphere,
weather, and climate
4. Astronomy - The study of the universe
Class Expectations
1. Be in assigned seat when bell rings.
2. Be prepared for class (paper, pencil, etc.)
3. No phones, MP3 players, or other unauthorized technology
without my permission.
4. Be respectful of people and property.
5. If you are seated at a lab bench, do not touch the
faucets/drawers/cabinets without permission.
6. Only drinks with fully closable lids are allowed.
7. No food, this is a science laboratory classroom!
8. To leave my classroom, I must sign a hall pass in your
agenda…no agenda = no leaving the classroom
9. Stay seated until dismissal bell.
Welcome to Earth & Environmental Science! The purpose of this letter is to inform students and parents about the course so you will know what to expect as well as the
requirements for this school year. Welcome and let’s have a great semester….Go Vikings!
Working Towards Mastery:
Students in Earth Science will be quizzed on each week’s content. Students will have the option to re-quiz if they would like to improve their grade. Prerequisites for taking a requiz include having all assignments completed, paying attention in class, and demonstrating a good work ethic.
•Make-Up work will be handed out in class or during remediation.
•All re-quizzes must be completed within 1 week of the initial quiz.
•Re-quizzes may be completed in remediation OR after school; please pre-arrange a time and date to ensure the teacher is available.
Class Necessities:
blue or black pens, pencils, loose-leaf notebook paper, 3-ring binder or notebook to store class notes
Grades are not weighted and below are the approximate point values per item.
5-10 points
30-100 points
10-20 points
5-15 points
Daily work:
5-10 points
Per CMS guidelines, the Midterm Exam will be worth 20% of your final grade and the Final Exam will be worth 25% of your final grade. I highly encourage parents and
students to stay up-to-date on all grades using Parent Assistant!
Late Work:
All assignments are due on the date specified. If a student is absent he/she should obtain the work missed from the absent folder “While You Were Out” at the front of the
classroom. I allow students the time allotted by CMS regarding make-up work missed as a result of an excused absence. As projects are assigned in advance, they are due on
the date specified and computer or printer problems are never acceptable excuses for late work.
I will work hard to make this class enjoyable, interesting, hands-on, cooperative, and give you the best opportunity to earn your desired grade.
Homework tonight:
get the Parent
Letter signed and
parent email!
Sincerely your Earth Science Teacher,
Kylie Parrott
Email: kyliene.parrott@cms.k12.nc.us
Webpage: http://parrott.cmswiki.wikispaces.net/
Please sign acknowledging you understand the purpose and requirements for this class.
Student (Print Name) _________________________
Parent/Guardian ________________________________
Student (Sign Name) ____________________________
Student Email _____________________________________
Parent Phone Number _______________________________ Parent Email ___________________________________
‘A Little about You’ Group Assignment
Objective: Using the iPad, create a slideshow on the
Keynote app that introduces all three of your group
Requirements: For each group member there must be
• One picture of them
• One additional picture
• Where they were born
• Their favorite after school/weekend activity
• Their favorite restaurant
• Their zodiac sign
• Any other interesting/pertinent information
Mrs. Parrott
I was born in
Decatur, Illinois
After school and on the weekend I love to spend time
with my daughter Anna Kale
But soon she’ll have to
share mommy with a
little sister!
I also love to eat out on the weekends… I have a huge
sweet tooth so I recently enjoyed having dinner and
dessert at The Cheesecake Factory!
I was born in early December, so my Zodiac sign is the
Astrology is a pseudoscience (not based on facts) but it is fun
anyway! As a Sagittarius , characteristics that I might have
include being direct with a good sense of humor and an active
‘A Little about You’ Group Assignment
Objective: Using the iPad, create a slideshow on the
Keynote app that introduces all three of your group
Requirements: For each group member there must be
• One picture of them
• One additional picture
• Where they were born
• Their favorite after school/weekend activity
• Their favorite restaurant
• Their zodiac sign
• Any other interesting/pertinent information