My Grandfather's Watch Written Copy

My Grandfather’s Watch
By: Xandi Jent
The ticking of the small wrist watch on my grandfather’s wrist mesmerized
my small mind at that time. I sat on top of his lap trying to take it off. It was too
hard for me to get it off his wrist, so he did it. Once he got the latch off, I
immediately latched it again, and tried to open it. I slipped my small hand through
the opening just like that. My wrist was too small, so the chain pinched me. My
grandfather smirked at me and the feeling of annoyance grew a little. I huffed and
puffed and gave the watch back to him.
I sat on his lap. His pink cheeks smiled at me as I cuddled up next to him.
His giant hands settled on top of me as we watched westerns. I sat up and batted
my big brown eyes at him sweetly. My grandmother came in with fog on her
glasses and a bead of sweat on her forehead. I started to ask making sure that she
was listening, so that if my grandfather ever forgot she would remember. I asked
my grandfather for his watch someday and made sure he promised to give it to
me. He smiled reassuringly and my grandmother made a vow for him that he
would. I smiled inside and out with delight. I climbed over his humungous lap like
it was a mountain, and I had to get to the other side. I snuggled in a little space
that was leftover. I remember the fresh smell of his cologne, the warmth of his
body, and the soft fabric of his clothes that I laid on.
It finally happened when I couldn’t see my grandfather any more. He
wasn’t there physically to where I could see or feel his big pot belly or his soft
smile he gave me. My emotions were mixed at that point. I didn’t know if I should
feel happy or sad. He wouldn’t suffer, but I felt I was. I shyly went over to my
grandmother and gave her a hug. Then, I carefully asked her for the watch my
grandfather had always promised me, hoping I wouldn’t make her cry. She went
over to her purse to find it. Suddenly, a look of panic and fear came across her
face. She searched frantically in her purse, and tears came to her eyes. My aunt
walked over to where my grandmother was and searched inside the purse. Then,
in the pocket of my grandmother’s black leather purse, she proudly pulled out the
small little wrist watch always on my grandfather’s wrist until now. She handed it
to my grandmother, careful not to drop it. My grandmother held it and kissed it
softly. She handed it to me as if she was carrying a pure glass chandelier, that if
you dropped it, it would shatter into a million pieces. She told me to be careful
with it, and I took the small little wrist watch in my hands.
The cold feel of the chain touched my hands. I held it up to my ear, and
could hear the small tick of the clock. I unclipped the latch, and put it on my wrist.
I finally knew how to unlatch the latch on the watch, by practicing almost every
time I saw him. It was still way too big on me, so I pinched the excess until it fit. I
took the wrist watch everywhere with me. In my mind, heart, and soul I felt that
when I had the wrist watch with me he was there. I kept it as close as to me as I
could. I didn’t let anyone touch it because I was afraid they would break it, and I
had the feeling that if anyone, including myself, would break it I wouldn’t feel that
he was with me anymore.
I stood in front of my grandmother’s house, which I call home. I ran inside
and took down a small wooden box from a shelf. I put the watch in the box
carefully and looked down sadly at the wrist watch. Then I remembered one
happy memory of my grandfather and I. He was sleeping in the recliner, and my
grandmother’s cooking filled the room with delightful smells. Mashed potatoes,
cabbage, green beans, and fried chicken filled the house of mouthwatering
fragrances. It was Christmas day, and she was getting ready for everyone to come.
My grandfather’s hands lay on his big belly. The wrists watch shining from the
Sun’s rays. I climbed up in his lap and snuggled on his big potbelly. His massive
hands rubbed on me. He handed me the remote, as he knew I wanted it. His long
arms stretched over me, as I smiled never forgetting the feel of how he loved me.
My grandfather gave me strength, confidence, patience, and love. He
protected me from any harm, comforted me when I was scared, and dusted me
off when I had a bad day. His watch definitely reminded me of all the nicknames
he used to call me. Little britches was my favorite, as I always smiled when I heard
it. The watch he gave me reminded me a lot of all of those things. More
importantly it reminded me of him.