The US and WWII - Kenston Local Schools

Chapter 18
FDR’s statement of WHY the US needed to be involved
in the war. Stressed the idea that we were protecting
these for ourselves- rather than bringing them to other
nations (opposed to Wilson’s idealism in WWI
 Freedom of Speech
 Freedom of Worship
 Freedom from Want
 Freedom from Fear
Famously illustrated by
Norman Rockwell
A lot of economic and social trends were born
in the war : military industrial complex (the
idea that arms manufacturing in a big part of
econ) civil rights, women’s liberation,
movement to Sunbelt
And of course- it makes America a
As Europe begins to get tense- FDR
decides it’s important to bring
western hemisphere together, and
recognized lingering resentments
from American imperialism
 So… declare policy of non
intervention and cooperation “A
good neighbor respects himself and
the rights of others”. Pull troops out
of Nicaragua and Haiti, repeal the
Platt Amendment (keep
Aggression began during depression
(remember- Japan and Germany will end theirs
through militarization)
Japanese invasion of Manchuria 1931. Invasion
of China 1937 (Rape of Nanking – 300K civilians
German annexation of Rhineland 1936, Austria
and Sudetenland 1938 (Appeasement)
Italian invasion of Ethiopia 1937
Spanish Civil War 1936-38
US emerged from WWI as a world
leader- but refused to step and shape
world events AFTER the debacle of the
Versailles treaty. US fatally weakened
the League of Nations by not joining
 1935 Neutrality act- forbid Americans from traveling
on any vessel owned by a “belligerent nations”
(anyone at war- don’t want Lusitania)
 Most Americans were far more concerned about
Communism that Fascism- Henry Ford built a plant in
Germany that used slave labor.
 FDR did worry about Hitler- and recognized USSR in
For Europe- the “Great War” had
been a cataclysmic event, and,
people were worried about the spread of
communism from Russia (after all, remember
what happened after those French Revs) Plus
there was the Depression to worry about
In a time of chaos and fear- radical solutions
seemed like good options. If we are afraid of the
left…. Let’s turn WAY right instead
Both the Communism of Stalin and the Fascism
of Mussolini/Hitler are forms of totalitarianismjust with different angles….
Mussolini actually invented
the word – from the Fasces,
an ancient Roman symbol of
strength. Took power in Italy
Il Duce used mass culture
and propaganda to spread
his message- a promise of
security (in exchange for
freedom) and a return to
But if you’re talking fascists- Hitler’s
the man. Germany was a HOT mess,
and the Nazi’s offered a solution and
someone to blame
 Plan was to create a new world order
based on the “Master” Aryan racesocial darwinism on crack
 Came to power legally (they fudged
some election results and set a
building on fire, but other than that)
Their success is the best example of
how psychologically damaging wwi
really was for Germany
Won the power struggle after
Lenin died in 1924. Actually the
most successful of the
totalitarians- he dominates the
USSR from 1927-1953.
Big move in the 30s was
modernizing USSR.
Collectivization and
Industrialization- which resulted
in the death of 10-20 million
Russians BEFORE the war started
Was a newly powerful countryhaving rapidly transformed
themselves into a modern nation
by government supported
industrialization (Meiji
Their lack of industrial resources,
and desire to be taken “seriously”
by European powers will push
them towards aggression
It wasn’t hard to see another war coming…but
boy did we try…
Some were pacifists, some isolationists, some
resented the extra $$ which would take focus
from domestic issues
Preparing for neutrality- FDR signed a series of
acts to protect commerce. Most important was
idea of “Cash and Carry” that US would only sell
for cash to nations at war, and those nations had
to transport their own goods. (and he starts
quietly preparing for war… building up navy, and
instituting a peacetime draft )
Nazi Soviet Pact allowed Hitler to attack w/o worrying
about a two front war (for the time being) invaded
Poland on Sept 1, 1939.
 Blitzkrieg very effective- allowed the Nazis to overrun
Poland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands,
and France
 Tripartite Pact united Japan with Germany/Italy
(Rome Berlin Axis) Never really coordinated war
efforts/aims, but did ensure that it would be the allies
fighting in multiple directions this time.
 Britain stood alone for almost a year- resisting the
Blitz in the Battle of Britain.
US response to Invasion of Poland. Like wwi, it’s
not like people don’t know whose side we are
on…but this allowed us to sell arms to any
nation. FDR also outlines “danger areas” where
Americans cannot travel.
FDR gives “Arsenal of Democracy” speech
saying we would help all those who were
fighting for freedom (meaning the British) BUT
Congress will only allow arms sales on a “Cash
and Carry” basis- and the British have to
transport them themselves
In an uncertain world, with US
under threat from the “three
bandit nations”, Germany,
Italy, Japan FDR decided to
break tradition and run for a 3rd
term in 1940 (by then war in
Europe has already begun) Ran
against Wendell Wilkie- a Wall
Street Businessman (show
Reps know they have little
Nazis had spent 5 years building up militaryAllies didn’t start until after Munich Conference
in spring of ‘39, they are behind
Fall of France changes the game- England is
alone in 1940 so FDR created the Lend Lease
Plan- where Britain would “borrow” war
products and return (or pay for) when war was
over. Really big deal for congress- they are
involving US in war- and giving president a
“blank check”. But FDR is adamant “When your
neighbor’s house is on fire, you don’t talk about
the cost of your garden hose”.
August 1941 Winston Churchill and
FDR met off coast of Newfoundland and drew up
Atlantic Charter- goals for war (eliminate the
Nazis) and after war was over: Collective
Security, Disarmament, Freedom of the Seas
We became more engaged- using convoy
system to deliver lend –lease goods, with a
“shoot on sight” directive which made it clear
our entry into the war was only a matter of time.
We refused to recognize Japanese territorial
expansions- and in 1940 put an embargo on
trade with Japan. No fuel (and they NEED our
oil), chemicals, iron and steel. We also made
arrangements with the free French to take
over military bases in Vietnam
Clear to Japan that US will be on opposite
side- started “peace negotiations” to buy
time before fighting.
Japan begins planning to fight,
and decide a 1st strike attack is
the way to play. Japanese War plan is to take Indonesia,
Malaysia, and Philippines for oil and agriculture- so we
assume 1st attack on US will come at the Philippines.
 Instead they hit Hawaii. Dec 7th 1941 (“A Day that Will Live
in Infamy”) at 7:00 am. 2402 killed, 187 airplanes, 18 ships
(8 battleships destroyed) in just over 2 hours. By chance,
non of our aircraft carriers were at pearl (they were the
ultimate target) but still, a devastating blow.
 December 8th- we declare war on Japan. Dec 9th –
Germany declares war on US (which was a mistake on
their part)
Total War- full commitment of resources – and the
winner decided by who has the most (rather like Civil
War, seems obvious on paper now that we will win, we
have more stuff, but it didn’t seem so at the time).
Even more destructive than WWI, we take all those
technologies (minus the gas attacks) and add aircraft
carriers, bombers, rocketry, radar and atomic
Lines between military and civilians blurred, both
sides bombed cities full of noncombatants, and
genocide was an important aspect of Nazi strategy
(interestingly- that diversion of resources might have
cost the Nazis the war)
Japan very successful in
beginning of war. Invasion of
Manchuria/China gave them
the resources they needed and that allies needed- they
controlled 95% of the world’s rubber supply (we develop
synthetics), and 70% of tin, started taking European
colonies: Hong Kong, Singapore, The Philippines Malaya
and Indonesia. Dominated a population of 450 million
(way more than Nazis)
 War in the Pacific fought primarily at sea- aircraft carriers
 Bataan- 78,000 American troops forced to surrender“Bataan Death March”. Battle of the Coral Sea our 1st
significant victory, Midway the turning point. Island
Hopping the strategy.
Nazi strategy was Blitzkrieg- and
worked really well in Poland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium
and France. 1942 High water mark of Nazi rule
 First place they ran into a snag was the Battle of Britainand that “defeat” prompted Hitler to order the invasion of
Russia way ahead of schedule- and he gets stuck there
 Once US is in war- allies decide to attack through “Soft
Underbelly” of North Africa - Which had been conquered
by Italy while Nazis had been busy up north.
 Operation Torch successful by 1943 (El Alamein most
important battle). But what is most significant Allies (US,
Eng, Fr Resistance Canadians) get used to working
together. With Africa cleared we head north into Italy,
which flips sides, and hangs Mussolini
More transformation in the power of the governmentas the war effect the entire population (far more than
wwi) federal employees goes from 1 m to 4 mil.
Unemployment goes from 14% in 1940 to 2% in 1943.
Draft authorized for men 18-65, but majority of US
forces are volunteer. By end of war 16 million men and
women will serve (out of pop of 132 million)
New Agencies: War Production Board, War Manpower
Commission, Office of Price Administration.
Even within our fear- this restores our confidence and
optimism. Here is something we can DO- something
concrete to fight.
Once again- propaganda plays and important role
Began with Lend Lease- but by 1942 ½ of manufacturing
capacity converted to military manufacturing, creating
60,000 planes, 45,000 tanks and 8,000,000 tons of military
supplies in 1942 alone. By 1943 US produced 2x as many
war goods as enemy nations combined Cost of war
supplies 10x wwi and 100x Civil War
Still used bond drives (raised 185 million), but also
increased taxes (and the number of people who had to pay
income tax) and increased the national debt from $49
billion in 1940 to $259 Billion by 1945
Gov’t spent $100 million on research for new tech (radar,
sonar and atomic most important)
Rationing of consumer items like gas, sugar, coffee and
West coast develops into manufacturing center (Seattle)
The Four Freedoms were at the heart of
American support of War- not only a desire for
peace, but for security in a world that seemed to
have changed “too” much.
 Sharp contrast with the coercive patriotism of
WWI. Freedom of Speech- that was something
we had been limiting in past- now it’s out front
and center.
 War brought prosperity- and a “5th” Freedom
began to be talked about for after the war –
“freedom of choice” in a restored consumer
economy (50s are all about that)
Really kept the economy moving during
conflict – rep 1/3 of labor force
 Unmarried women from 20-35 could be called to work in
key industries or as agricultural workers. US had 350,000
women in military
 In US and Britain rules about “women’s work” fell by
wayside as new professional opportunities opened, and
more married women worked. Led to the development of
daycares etc. (and to criticisms of mothers leaving their
children to work) “Rosie the Riveter” became a symbol of
women’s contributions.
 Marriage Rates- which had fallen during depressionboomed during war. This will create a HUGE population
burst (the Baby Boom) after the war.
War brings a new conception of America’s role in the
world: tied to continued international involvement,
the promise of economic abundance and the idea that
the American experience should be a model for other
 “Economic Bill of Rights” – in 1944 FDR spoke of the
need for gov’t to ensure full employment, adequate
income, medical care, education, and a decent home
for all Americans. Not enacted- BUT
 GI Bill – (Serviceman’s readjustment act) offered
veterans benefits like scholarships for college (over 1
million will use – half of total college students in 1946)
and low interest mortgages (4 million – suburban
housing boom of 50s) goal was to prevent a flood of
unemployment for returning GIs.
If one can say anything good came out of the
Holocaust (and that is tough to say) it would be that it
discredited the idea of racial/ethnic “inferiority” .
 Pluralism became a part of the American ideal. (we
literally re-wrote textbooks to make it look like the
“melting pot” had always been our thing)
 Racism and Nativism (at least outside the south)
became officially “unacceptable, and unAmerican”though it would take time for actual intolerance to
dissipate –and we hadn’t done a great job with
tolerance/pluralism during to war itself)
1942 US encouraged Mexican
agricultural workers to emigrate as
part of Bracero program- which
allowed short term residency. (about
150,000 came) Cultural differences
created tensions and conflict- Zoot
Suit riots 1943 Mexicans attacked by
Marines/Navy who associated their
fashions with frivolity a lack of
patriotism (cloth was rationed) Still –
nearly 500,000 people of Hispanic
heritage served in the Armed forces.
Exercising their newly returned sovereignty,
the Iroquois nation declared war on Germany
and Japan separately from rest of US
25,000 native Americans served in US armed
forces, most famous were the “wind-talkers”
Navajo who transmitted messages in their
own language- which the Japanese could not
After Pearl Harbor, anti-Japanese feelings were intense.
Like German in WWI, we wanted to “Americanize” various
aspects of culture. 120,000 Americans with Japanese
heritage (2/3 born in US) were sent to “relocation centers”
for the duration of the war by executive order 9066.
 Most were from west coast- moved to interior, forced to
sell homes/businesses at a loss and conditions would best
be compared to a communal prison.
 Korematsu v US in 1944 upheld the idea, but in 1984
congress voted to award reparations ($1.25 Billion- about
$20k per person) as apology for racial blindness. No act of
sabotage was ever proven against a Japanese American
Nazis used Jim Crow laws as samples to
draft their own racial laws (Nuremberg laws)
 When War began air force and marines both excluded
Blacks. Over 1 million African Americans served in the
during, primarily in segregated units -although that
was not possible in the Navy - and success there
helped create an integrated military by 1947
 Tuskegee Airmen served with exceptional distinction
 Labor needs also continued the migration of African
American labor to the north – 700K move from north
by 1945. And FDR (ex order 8802) required defense
contractors to hire without discrimination
Really born in the war- America is turning against the
idea of racism, “scientific” theories have been
debunked- so why aren’t all Americans truly equal?
 For Blacks “freedom from Fear” meant ending
lynching and discriminatory hiring practices.
 NAACP grew from 50k to 500k during the war.
Congress on Racial Equality (CORE- they will be big in
civil rights movement- based on ideas of Gandhi)
 For the 1st time since reconstruction, status of African
Americans assumed a place at the forefront on
discussions of reform- and federal official were
supporting idea (Truman de-segregating army etc)
FDR ran for a 4th term in 1944….and while he
won, it was his smallest margin of victory
(primarily b/c Thomas Dewey, who ran
against him was a bland choice)
FDR had a different VP every term- this time
he had chosen a virtually unknown senator
from Missouri with little experience in
international affairs.
By 1943- the tide had turned against the Nazis
Stalingrad turns the Germans back in the USSR
(militarily, this is the most important battle in Europe)
 Operation Avalanche (allied invasion of Italy) cost Hitler
his major Ally
 Allied forces captured and broke the code for the
enigma machine- and that helped us win the battle of
the Atlantic- now it is safe to transport massive
numbers of troops and prepare for an end to the warand to open up a 2nd front against the Nazis
June 6th 1944 Operation Overlord
commences- the largest
amphibious landing in history167,000 troops landed in 1 day. (2,245 kia)
 Fought our way up the beach- and pushed
towards Paris. Germans gave a last ditch effort
at the Battle of the Bulge- but we broke through.
 Russians are pushing from the east, Eng/US/Fr
pushing from west- and Germany implodes.
Hitler commits suicide sometime around May
1st, and on May 7th the Nazis surrender.
Hard to fight and supply- different climate, terrain etc, and
US doesn’t have a ton of experience there. Australian
helped US build the Burma Road to supply over the
 Battle of Midway (June 1942) turning point in Pacific
 We island hopped our way until we were close enough to
start bombing Japan- but our experiences taught us that
the Japanese would not give up without a huge fight. On
Okinawa there were 50,000 American casualties, and
40,000 Japanese committed suicide rather than
surrender. Experts predicted that a frontal invasion of
japan would cost a million lives on each side….
We had been working on the technology since 1939
(when Einstein told us the Nazis were working on it)by July 1945 we have it. President Truman authorized
it’s use- after issuing an final ultimatum to the
Japanese warning them of “prompt and utter
 Aug 6th Hiroshima “little boy” (80,000 instantly,
120,000 radiation) Aug 9th Nagasaki “Fat man” (30,000
instantly, 60,000 radiation- smaller city) and warn the
3rd bomb is for Tokyo (we don’t have a 3rd bomb, but
they don’t know that….)
 Japan surrenders Aug 14th – treaty signed on Sept 2nd
(V-J day) and the war is over
Atomic bomb most controversial part of war in ensuing
decades -didn’t really bother people at the time. After allcivilians have been targets in the war all along on both
sides (Rape of Nanking, Battle of Britain, Firebombing of
Dresden) of the 50 million who died- 20 million were NOT
in military
 The big argument is that it SAVES lives (unless you live in
Hiroshima or Nagasaki). Many also felt it was “payback”
for sneak attack at Pearl. Critics say we could have used a
blockade and conventional bombs. Also criticized b/c
neither city was a military target
 Recently historians have been writing that Japan may not
have been the TRUE target…the REAL goal was to SHOW
the USSR what we had.
Churchill, Stalin, and FDR
(Truman at last one) met 3 times during war: Tehran
1943, Yalta in Feb 1945, and Potsdam July 1945 to plan
and coordinate war.
 Tense- all 3 countries had different “visions” for
process of war and the world after. Soviets want
buffers, Britain wants to keep colonies, we tell Eng,
but not USSR about bomb (though Stalin finds out
anyway and is mad)
 Britain and US genuinely close allies during the warthe USSR had been at best, a necessary evil. As war
came to a close, their divisions became obvious, and
tensions began mounting
Europe had been “leading”
the world since exploration
in 1500s- but they are done (some more than
others) Japan in ruins- China goes into a death
struggle between Communists and Nationalistsworld is a hot mess when war is over- and a
radical redistribution of power is happening.
US was clearly the dominant power left standing
– but the USSR (Stalin) is DONE being 2nd place….
But there is new hope for internationalism- UN
established in 1944, and unlike League of
Nations, people WANT to join this one.
50 million dead worldwide (20 million in USSR)
30 million refugees in Europe and Japan.
4 million buildings destroyed in Britain, 7 million
in Germany. 1,700 entire towns/cities wiped out
Holocaust- 6 million Jews and 5-6 million
“others” (gypsies, homosexuals, handicapped,
political opponents, Jehovah’s Witnesses). Along
with Japanese atrocities led to idea of “Crimes
against Humanity”.