Rev. Ronald E. Daniels, Sr. Rev. Ronald E. Daniels, Sr. is a pastor

Rev. Ronald E. Daniels, Sr.
Rev. Ronald E. Daniels, Sr. is a pastor, teacher, evangelist, singer, and musician shaped for
ministry. He was the eighth child born in the piney woods of East Texas in the city of
Longview, to John L. and Edith Daniels. There was always something special about him and
his twin brother, Donald, who is also a preacher. His parents were in their mid-forties when
Edith gave birth to the twins. He and his brother as small children would pretend to preach
standing on the front porch, using a brick pillar as the pulpit.
Many miraculous things has happen in his life to help him understand the calling in his life. He
was born left-handed and his father encouraged him to learn to write right-handed when he was
seven. His father died the next year, but Ronald continued to write right-handed. Throughout school he would
use both hands to write papers. When one hand would tire out, he would use the other hand. At the age of
twenty-two he was in an automobile accident that left him paralyzed from the neck down. Within six months he
was able to walk again, and because his daddy had encouraged him to write with his right hand, he was able to
return to work, even with limited ability to use his left hand.
His experience in Swiss Avenue Rehabilitation Hospital in Dallas, Texas allowed him to see many miracles take
place while he was learning to walk again. The experience in a wheelchair along with meeting so many patients
there with testimonies was the turning point in his life. The experience in an alcohol rehab, and the traumatic
experience of a divorce shaped his life for the ministry that God was preparing for him.
He was educated in the Longview Independent School District, at Ned E. Williams, Valley View Elementary,
Forest Park Junior High, and Longview High School. His post-secondary education included Kilgore College where
he received a license for Substance Abuse Counseling. He studied at the United Theological Seminary and Bible
College at the extension campus in Dallas, TX under Dr. James Hill. Later attending Texas College in Tyler, Texas
he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration with a minor in religion. He received his
Texas Teachers Certification from Region 7 in Kilgore, Texas. Along with the Holy Spirit, he thanks God for Dr.
James Hill and Dr. Baker-Fletcher (dean of religious studies at TC, who received his doctorate from Harvard), for
his deep knowledge and understanding of interpreting the Word of God.
He has work experience at Texas Eastman Chemical Company where he operated the first Distributive Control
System (DCS), a system that controlled the process for making polypropylene. He was instrumental in starting
two polypropylene plants by writing Standard Operating Procedures. He has managed convenient stores,
worked in a behavior hospital, and is currently working at John Tyler High School teaching business in the Career
and Technology Education Department.
Since accepting his call in the ministry in 1992, he has had the privilege of pastoring Christian Methodist
Episcopal Churches at Mt. Zion-Carthage, Pleasant Hill-Leigh, Mt. Pleasant-Kilgore, Moses Chapel-Gilmer, Miles
Memorial-Marshall, and currently Starrville CME in Winona-all in Texas. He has been known as a people person,
because of his undying love for people. Churches have called him a restorer, because of his ability to organize.
He has been a musician in several churches that didn’t have musicians, and allowing them to experience the full
presence of the Holy Spirit.
Pastor Daniels passion is teaching about faith and love, which are the central themes of the bible; how to
properly apply them in our everyday life. As Christians we are justified by faith, walk by faith, live by faith, and
without faith it is impossible to please God. We are taught that we must love unconditionally, and we must
master it to be successful in this life.
He is married to the former Maschell Bradford. He has five daughters and two sons, five grandchildren, and
currently lives in Tyler, Texas.