I. GENERAL INFORMATION Institution Name: UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO - UNAM Institution Website: www.unam.mx International Relations Office Website: www.global.unam.mx INSTITUTION CONTACTS INFORMATION Head of International Relations Office: Title (Mr., Mrs., Ms) Name (Given Name) Ms Address Surname (Family Name) Cruz García Mtra. Neydi S. San Francisco No. 400, Esq. Luz Saviñón, Col. Del Valle, Deleg. Benito Juárez City/State/Province Country Zip Code México, D.F. E-mail info@global.unam.mx Incoming Student Mobility: Title (Mr., Mrs., Ms) Ms Address MÉXICO 03100 Phone (Country Code, Area Code, Number) (+5255) 5448 38 00 EXT. 37434 Name (Given Name) Surname (Family Name) Mtra. Berenice Castro Martínez San Francisco No. 400, Esq. Luz Saviñón, Col. Del Valle, Deleg. Benito Juárez City/State/Province Country Zip Code Mexico, D.F. E-mail bcastro@global.unam.mx Outgoing Student Mobility: Title (Mr., Mrs., Ms) Ms Address MEXICO O3100 Phone (Country Code, Area Code, Number) Haga clic aquí para escribir texto. Name (Given Name) Surname (Family Name) Mtra. Brenda Gasca Zambrano (as above) e-mail: bgasca@global.unam.mx City/State/Province Country Zip Code Haga clic aquí para escribir texto. Haga clic aquí para escribir texto. Haga clic aquí para escribir texto. 1 II. ACADEMIC INFORMATION Course catalogue / Academic offer website: Calendar dates for academic year : 1st Semester: www.dgae.unam.mx/planes/licenciatura.html Start date (DD/MM/YY): End date (DD/MM/YY): 04/08/2014 Start date (DD/MM/YY): 05/12/2014 End date (DD/MM/YY): 26/01/2015 05/06/2015 (beginning dates July to October 2013) nd 2 Semester: (beginning dates January to March 2014) Please select in what areas of study does your institution offers courses: All study areas as per site above. There are some specific restrictions for Medicine and Veterinary Medicine. There are alsospecial requirements for some of the other Faculties and Schools, please consult these at: http://www.global.unam.mx/es/estudext/imag/requisitos_facultadesescuelas-unam.pdf Areas of Study : 1) 2) 3) 4) Physics, Mathematics and all Engineering Biological Sciences and Health Social Sciences Humanities and Arts Specify if there is any of relevant prestige: Haga clic aquí para escribir texto. Places offered by your university to UNAM Undergraduate students for the academic year 2013–2014: Academic year 2014-15 *Number of Exchange Students for the 1st semester : Haga clic aquí para escribir texto. *Number of Exchange Students for the 2nd semester: *In case that the number of students per academic year have to be balance Haga clic aquí para escribir texto. per semester, please specify: 2 Areas of study NOT open or restricted to exchange students: Would you accept Graduate students from UNAM? How many aside the undergraduate students? Some areas in Medicine and some areas in Veterinary Medicine. Please consult: http://www.global.unam.mx/es/estudext/imag/requisitos_facultades-escuelas-unam.pdf This office (DGECI) administers UNDERGRADUATE mobility only. For postgraduate mobility there is a different office and different application process and requirements: Website: www.posgrado.unam.mx http://www.posgrado.unam.mx/apoyos_alumnos/extranjUNAM/ III. EXCHANGE REQUIREMENTS Application Form Website: http://www.sicai.unam.mx/extranjeros_incoming/ Application process is On-Line through our Student Mobility System. If your university has not received a user account and password to access the system, please contact us to ask for an account to be opened at bcastro@global.unam.mx or nvillanueva@global.unam.mx 1st Semester (DD/MM/YY): 2nd Semester (DD/MM/YY): Application Deadlines: 04/02/14 to 25/04/14 Application Procedure: 04/08/14 to 24/10/14 Application process is On-Line through our Student Mobility System. If your university has not received a user account and password to access the system, please contact us to ask for an account to be opened at bcastro@global.unam.mx or nvillanueva@global.unam.mx System User Guides will be sent to your international office, both for you and students, with all the details of the application process on-line. 3 Language Requirements: Document proving an advanced level of Spanish, equivalent to level B2 of the Common European Framework for Languages (if applicable). Health insurance: (Does insurance have to be purchased through your institution?) Visa Requirements (website recommended): Insurance does not need to be purchased through our institution. Medical and Travel Insurance Policy is mandatory before travelling to Mexico for mobility at UNAM. It must be valid during the complete length of stay in Mexico and must cover accidents, medical attention/services, mayor health expenses and repatriation of remains. http://www.global.unam.mx/es/estud-ext/guia-internacion.html IV. CREDIT AND GRADING SYSTEM Credits: Grading: Value of Credits – UNAM: Credit is the unit or grading for a course that is computed in the following way:a) In activities that require study or additional work from the student, such as theoreticalclasses or seminars, one hour of class week-semester corresponds to two (2) credits.b) In activities that don't require additional work or study from the student, such aspractices, laboratories, workshops, etc., one hour of class week-semester corresponds to(1) credit.c) The value in credit of clinic activities and practice for the learning of music and plasticarts, will be computed globally according to importance in the study plan and to the criteriafrom the corresponding Technical Board and from the University Board.School year will have the duration stated in the university's calendar. Credits for courseswith duration less than a semester will be calculated proportionally to their duration.Credits will be expressed in whole numbers.1 credit (Theory) is equivalent to 8 Hrs.1 credit (Practical) is equivalent to 16 Hrs. Grading Scale at UNAM: 0-5.9= Not Approved/Fail; 6= Sufficient-Performance meets the minimum criteria; 7= Satisfactory-Fair work with significant shortcomings; 8= Good- Generally sound work with some notable errors; 9= Very good-Above average results with some errors; 10= Excellent-Outstanding results with only minor errors. 4 V. PRACTICAL INFORMATION Living Costs per month (approximately in USD): Housing: Food: $2500-$3500 MX pesos $1500 MX pesos Costs for a Visitor Student Application fee: $250 USD for one semester registration. (When there is no signed agreement between universities). Transport: $600 MX pesos Study materials: Varies depending on study area Tuition fee: Other: $275 USD for each subject/course taken. (When there is no signed agreement between universities). Monthly living costs = Approximately $5500 MX pesos, for accommodation, meals, transportation. Exchange Rate varies each day, between $13.00 - $14.00 pesos per $1.00 USD ¡¡ THANK YOU !! 5