Ancient Egypt and Nubia Unit Test

Ancient Egypt and Nubia Unit Test
1. Which of the following beliefs was central to Egyptian religion?
a. The afterlife
b. The pyramids
c. The pharaohs
2. Why were tombs filled with art, jewelry, and other treasures?
a. The tombs served as museums
b. The tombs were the private storage rooms of the pharaoh
c. Egyptians believed the dead enjoyed such materials in the afterlife.
3. Which statement best describes the burial practices of Egyptians?
a. Egyptians preserved bodies as mummies
b. Egyptians buried their dead in the river
c. Egyptians used a funeral pyre for their dead
4. What discovery made it possible to read Egyptian hieroglyphics?
a. Cuneiform
b. Rosetta Stone
c. Tut’s Tomb
5. Papyrus was used by Egyptians to make what item?
a. Weapons
b. Food
c. Paper
6. Which if the following best defines dynasty?
a. A collection of queens
b. A collection of kings
c. A series of rulers from the same family
7. Besides providing a stable food diet, what other advantages did Egypt’s location provide for
early Egyptians?
a. It had temples in which to worship
b. It had natural barriers to protect against invaders
c. It had 2 dynasties to celebrate religious traditions
8. The Nile River Valley was well suited for settlement. Which of the following statements
supports this fact?
a. The geography helped to unify the country
b. The geography included areas for farming
c. The geography supported various desert plants and birds.
9. Pyramids are:
a. Warehouses where surplus food is stored
b. Royal tombs with 4 triangle shaped sides that meet in a point on top
c. Temples where the people are allowed to come and pray
10. What job employed the most people in Egypt?
a. Merchant
b. Farmer
c. Scribe
11. A trade network is a system of people in different lands who trade goods back and forth. What
conclusion can you draw about the people who participated in trade networks?
a. They benefitted from trade networks
b. They opposed trade networks
c. They feared trade networks
12. Which of the following best describes how Egyptian civilization developed?
a. Farms grew into villages and then cities
b. Cities broke off into scattered farms
c. Farms replaced cities and then pyramids
13. Were the ancient Egyptian’s religion:
a. Polytheism
b. Monotheism
14. Who would the people of Egypt blame if crops did not grow or if disease struck?
a. The mummies whose ka was disturbed
b. The pharaoh who was both ruler and god
c. The dynasty that was in power
15. Which of the following demonstrates that Kush and Egypt as times lived in peace with each
a. Kush and Egypt attacked each other
b. Kush and Egypt traded with each other
c. Kush and Egypt battled Aksum together
d. Kush and Egypt built temples together
16. By the 1400s BC, Egypt was the leading military power. Based on this fact, what conclusion can
you make about Egypt’s resources?
a. It was a rich country
b. It was a poor country
c. Its resources were being sent to help other countries
17. Many buildings in Meroe resembled Egyptian buildings. What can you infer from this?
a. The Egyptians constructed better buildings than the Kushites
b. Kushite culture was influenced by Egyptian culture
c. The Kushites did not know how to construct good buildings
18. The Nile River flows through two important regions in Egypt called
a. Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt
b. Mesopotamia
c. Nubia and Cairo
19. Why might a Kushite king be grateful for the cataracts located on the Nile?
a. The cataracts were a steady source of food
b. The cataracts helped keep Kush safe from Egypt
c. The cataracts made it easy to grow various crops
20. The 2 areas we have studied in this unit are Egypt and
a. Mesopotamia
b. Sumer
c. Nubia