Ms. V. Norris @adventuresinbio Biology 12 Course Outline Biology 12 is an intensive yet rewarding course that provides an in depth look at the molecular, cellular & systems levels of the human body. The main themes of Biology 12 can be divided into: I. Cell Biology -biochemistry, cell structure & transport, DNA & protein synthesis II. Human Body Systems-digestive, circulatory, respiratory, nervous, urinary & reproductive systems Regular attendance, active engagement & good work habits are essential for success! Course Objectives: To To To To gain appreciation & enthusiasm for the human body (from cells to systems) examine the inter-relationships of structures & systems develop a good work ethic & a solid foundation of study skills have fun in a positive learning environment Classroom Expectations: I. RESPONSIBILITY: Bring your materials & work, bring a positive attitude, participate, ask q’s & ask for help! Check the website for missed work or @adventuresinbio Missed classes are missed opportunities to show your learning & may negatively affect your work habit. You may be asked to complete any missed test as an interview instead II. RESPECT: Who? What? Your classmates, your teacher, yourselves Your classroom, your school, your books Work Ethic: Work habits are an ESSENTIAL component of this course that will be emphasized and assessed regularly using the rubric below: Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement On time for class, with all materials Actively involved in learning; asks Qs, participates respectfully, works well with all students & in groups, shows initiative Completes all work to the best of ability Uses class time wisely Responsible use of equipment & clean up Uses personal technologies responsibly Usually on time for class, with materials Usually actively involved in class, participates respectfully, works w/others Completes most work to the best of ability Usually uses class time wisely Sometimes needs reminders to use personal technologies responsibly Often late for class, missing materials / in excused absences Needs support to become involved in class activities/participate/ to work with others Work is incomplete, lacks effort or copied Struggles to use class time wisely Personal technologies interfere with learning Work Ethic & Assessment: For each unit students will receive learning goals around which they can focus and organize their study. Concepts will be taught during class with increased emphasis on student work habits and active involvement in the learning process. Student understanding and application of content will be formatively assessed regularly, using the rubric below. Assignments and tests, along with a focus on work habits, will be used to help students understand their current level of mastery and application while providing descriptive feedback on areas to develop further. Beginning Difficulty demonstrating a basic understanding of concepts. Needs support to explain & show knowledge using key terms, images& examples. Struggles to relate & apply knowledge to other concepts Developing Demonstrates a basic understanding of concepts. Needs to improve use and connection of key terms, images and examples. Partially relates and applies knowledge to other concepts Accomplished Demonstrates a solid understanding of concepts. Able to connect some key terms, images and examples. Moderately extends knowledge through connections & applications to other contexts. Exemplary Demonstrates a complete and deep understanding of concepts. Can connect key terms, images & examples. Thoroughly extends, relates and applies knowledge to a variety of contexts & concepts Term grades will depict a snapshot of the student’s learning and may involve student-teacher interviews along with portfolio assessments of the most pertinent learning activities. LEVEL LETTER GRADE (L.G) PERCENTAGE (%) 0 Beginning I / F 30 45 Developing C- / C 55 60 65 Accomplished C+ / B 70 76 82 Exemplary A 88 95 100 Formal summative assessments will take place in late January and May. These may likely involve a combination of a test/project, interview, and portfolio to provide a more comprehensive opportunity for students to show what they have learned throughout the course. As all learners develop an understanding of content at different rates, this process is designed to put an emphasis on student work habits & the learning process instead of solely test-taking & achievement. “Think about your hero. Do you think of this person as someone with extraordinary abilities who achieved with little effort? Now go find out the truth. Find out the tremendous effort that went into their accomplishment- and admire them more.” (Dweck, 2008) Course Content Overview: Topic Intro to Biology & Scientific Processes Biochemistry Chapter Chap 1 & Labs Brief Description Lab Safety & Equipment, Experimental Design, Microscopy, Data Interpretation Chap 2 Water Acids, Bases, pH & Buffers in the Body Structure & Function of Organic Molecules -carbs, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids (DNA/RNA) Role of Enzymes in Biochemical Reactions Cell Structures & Functions Cell Membrane Transport Across the Cell Membrane Surface Area to Volume Ratio & Cell Size Chap 6.3 Cell Biology Chap 3 Chap 4 DNA & Protein Synthesis Chap 25 Digestive System Chap 12 Circulatory System Chap 13 Respiratory System Chap 14 Urinary System Chap 15 Nervous System Chap 17 Reproductive System Chap 21 DNA Replication Recombinant DNA Roles & types of DNA/RNA in protein synthesis Effects of Mutations on Protein Synthesis Parts of the Digestive System & their Functions The effects of Enzymes, Digestive Juices & pH The Parts of the Heart & their Functions Blood Vessels & Blood Heart Rate & Blood Pressure, Fetal Circulation Lymphatic System Parts & Functions & the Mechanisms Breathing Internal & External Respiration Parts & Functions of the Urinary System How is urine made? The transmission of Nerve Impulses Divisions of the Nervous System Male & Female Reproductive Systems