ECE 5233 Satellite Communications Prepared by: Dr. Ivica Kostanic Lecture 9: Satellite link design (Section 4.3) Spring 2014 Outline Thermal noise in satellite systems Noise temperature and noise figure of a device System level noise figure and noise temperature Examples Important note: Slides present summary of the results. Detailed derivations are given in notes. Florida Institute of technologies Page 2 Thermal noise Power spectrum density of thermal noise form a black body (one sided): Generated as a consequence of random electron motion at non zero temperature Dominant source of noise in microwaveportion of spectrum S f Other types of noise in electronic circuits hf hf exp 1 kT o Shot noise – random motion of charge in solid state devices and tubes h 6.626068 ×10-34 m 2 kg / s o Flicker noise – low frequency noise in solid state circuits k 1.3806503 ×10-23 m 2 kg s -2 K -1 o Quantum noise – consequence of discrete nature of charge o Plasma noise – random motion of charge in ionized plasma Radio spectrum extends up to 300GHz PSD of the thermal noise 4.5 4 3.5 PSD [W/Hz] Different noise types have different origins but similar power spectral density -> they can all be treated as thermal noise -21 x 10 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 Satellite service 0.5 Note: PSD graph is generated for T=300K 0 0 10 1 2 10 10 f [GHz] Florida Institute of technologies 3 10 Page 3 Thermal noise in RF communication Consider hf 6.62 10 34 f 1.655 10 13 f 21 kT 4 10 1.655 10 4 f GHz Since frequency smaller than 40GHz, hf/kT is small. hf hf hf exp 1 1 1 kT kT kT hf hf S f kT hf / kT hf exp 1 kT Note 1: T is temperature in K PDF of thermal noise in amplitude domain Fn n n2 1 exp 2 2 2 2 kTBe Note 1: noise has normal distribution in amplitude domain (CLT) Note 2: filter noise is also Gaussian (i.e. normally distributed) Note 3. power of the noise is limited by the equivalent bandwidth of the system Note 2: The noise if flat in spectral domain – “white noise” Florida Institute of technologies Page 4 Equivalent noise temperature of a device Noise temperature of the device – used to characterize noise sources internal to the device Measurement of equivalent noise temperature – Y factor method Each device is characterized either by noise temperature or noise figure In satellite communication – noise temperature more convenient N1 GkT1 B GkTe B N 2 GkT2 B GkTe B N1 T1 Te Y N 2 T2 Te Te T1 YT2 Y 1 Note: accuracy dependant on size of Y Florida Institute of technologies Page 5 Noise temperature of waveguides Waveguides are part of RF front end Waveguides have associated losses Losses attenuate both signal and noise that enter the waveguide All components on the same temperature – thermal equilibrium Solving for equivalent noise temperature Te 1 / GS 1T LS 1T Available input noise N i kTBn Note: Two ways of minimizing equivalent noise temperature of a waveguide Available output noise N o kTBn Gs k T Te Bn 1. Reduce losses 2. Reduce physical temperature Florida Institute of technologies Page 6 Noise figure One may write N 0 GFkT0 B System may be modeled as a noise free but one assumes that the PSD of the input is increased by the factor of F relative to the PSD on the room temperature Available power at the input Ni kT0 B, T0 290K If the network were noise free N o G N i GkT0 B Due to sources internal to network N 0 GN i N 0 GFN i Noise figure/Noise temperature N 0 k T0 Te BG N 0 kT0 BFG Te T0 FT0 Te F 1T0 ; F 1 Florida Institute of technologies Te T0 Page 7 Noise temperature of cascaded devices At the Rx signal travels through multiple components Each component has associate noise temperature One may extend the process to arbitrary number of components Of great interest is to determine equivalent “end to end” noise temperature – system temperature Te Te1 Te 2 T e3 G1 G1G2 Using relationship between noise temperature and noise figure: F F1 F2 1 F3 1 G1 G1G2 N1 G1kTi B G1kTe1 B G1k Ti Te1 B Note 1: System noise figure depends most heavily on the first component in Rx chain N 0 Gk Ti Te1 Te 2 / G1 B Note 2: Noise figure values in above equations are in linear domain N 0 G2 N1 G2 kTe 2 B G1G2 k Ti T1 B G2 kTe 2 B Ts Te1 Te 2 G1 Florida Institute of technologies Page 8 G/T ratio for earth stations Signal to noise ration at the output of the RX antenna Signal S PT GT GR 4R / 2 GR TK Depends on the RX only G/T ratio – figure of merit for the RX Noise Usually given in dB/K N kTs Be Small satellite terminals may have negative G/T value Signal to noise S PT GT N kBe 4R 2 GR Ts Florida Institute of technologies Page 9 Example Consider the system shown in the figure a) Compute the overall noise figure of the system. b) If the noise power from the antenna is kTaB where Ta = 15K, find the output noise power in dBm. c) What is the two sided PSD of the thermal noise? d) If the required SNR at the output is 20dB, what is the minimum signal power at the input? Assume that the system is at the temperature of 290K and with bandwidth of B=10MHz Answers: a) 2.55 b) -98.7dBm c) 6.8e-18mW/Hz d) -84.66dBm Florida Institute of technologies Page 10 Examples Example 4.3.4. Earth station has a diameter of 30m, overall efficiency of 68% and it is used for reception of a signal at 4150MHz. The system noise temperature is 79K when the antenna points at 28 degrees above horizon. a) What is the G/T ratio under these conditions? b) If heavy rain causes system temperature to increase to 88K, what is the new G/T value? Answer: a) G/T = 41.6dB/K b) G/T = 41.2dB/K Florida Institute of technologies Page 11