How to Better Serve Veterans PPT

Another Kind of Valor:
A Day of Learning How to Better
Serve Veterans
and Their Families
“…and they shall beat their swords into
plowshares, and their spears into
pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up
sword against nation, neither shall they
learn war any more.” Is.2:4
• What am I going to learn?
– The effects of war on returning Veterans and
their families
– The effects of war and differences among
those who served in all military branches, and
in services available to Veterans and their
– How to engage, talk to, work with Veterans
and their families
– Resources for Veterans and their families
Today’s Returning Veterans
• Who are returning vets?
– Over 1.6 million soldiers have been deployed to
Iraq or Afghanistan.
– Over 1/3 of those soldiers have been deployed
multiple times.
– Global War on Terror (GWOT): 799,791 veterans
are currently separated from the military.
– As of January 2008, there were 299,585 GWOT
Veterans who have sought health care through
the VA.
– Over 100,00 veterans have returned to California.
Alphabet Soup: Veteran Key Terms
OEF: Operation Enduring Freedom
OIF: Operation Iraqi Freedom
GWOT: Global War on Terror
DOD: Department of Defense
VA: Veterans Administration
VBA: Veteran Benefits Administration
VHA: Veteran Health Administration
Major Issues for Combat Veterans
• Major Depression
• Post-Traumatic
Stress Disorder
• Traumatic Brain
Injury (TBI)
• Military Sexual
Trauma (MST)
• Substance Abuse
Job loss
Family dissolution
Violence towards
self and others
• Incarceration
Population: Regular Forces
• What are concerns for those who served in
active duty in the Army, Navy, Air Force,
Marines and Coast Guard as well as the
National Guard & Reserves?
• 46.6% of regular forces are under 25 years
• Many entered as teenagers and left home for
the first time.
• They may return to an already unstable home
environment with added stress from combat.
Population: National Guard &
• What are the concerns among National
Guard and Reservist Veterans?
– The average age of Guard and Reservists is
35.8 years old.
– Many Guard and Reservists are forced to
leave jobs at or near the peak of their career.
– These “volunteer” soldier veterans are half as
likely to file VA claims as their regular forces
counterparts, and half as likely to have their
claims approved.
Population: Women Military
in the Military
• What are concerns among soldiers and
Veterans who are women?
– More women are engaging in combat roles in Iraq.
– To date there are between 155,000- 180,000 women
who have served in OIF/OEF.
– Women are 2 to 4 times more likely than non-Veteran
women to be homeless.
– Preliminary research shows that women in war have
much higher exposure to traumatic experiences than
women in the community.
Population: Veteran Families
• What are some of the issues facing Veteran families?
– PTSD frequently has a debilitating effect on Veterans’ ability to
maintain employment and family relationships.
– 50-60% of spouses of brain injured Veterans reported having
– A drastic increase in the rate of child abuse and neglect in
military families has been reported since 2002.
– Resources for Spouses and children of Guard and Reservists
lose all benefits 90 days after their soldier returns from war
Meeting and Greeting
Veterans & Families
• Be quick to listen and slow to speak.
• When discussing combat experiences,
ALWAYS avoid making character judgments.
• Never say anything as stupid and insensitive
So, did you kill anyone?
My mom told me not to date a vet.
Did your (son, daughter, spouse) come back crazy?
What do you think about the war?
Talking With Veterans & Families
• How should I talk to
Veterans or their
families about their
– With respect, compassion
and patience. Talking
about combat can be an
awkward conversation.
• Ask factual, logistical
questions like:
– How long have you been
– What did you do in the
– How are you transitioning?
• Be honest and direct in
order to earn their trust
and build rapport..
– Welcome home. How can I
help you? Thank you for
your service.
Getting Help:
Support and Resources
• Where can Veterans and their families
go to get help?
– Veterans Administration.
– Vet Centers.
– Community Organizations like:
• Coming Home Project
• Swords to Plowshares
– YOU.
– What are helpful resources that you would
Resource: Veterans Affairs (VA)
The Department
of Veterans Affairs
Veteran’s Health
Vet Centers
Can’t all veterans go to the VA?
No. Generally, veterans must have an
honorable discharge, have served 24
continuous months, demonstrate
financial need, and/or have a service
connected disability.
OIF/OEF Veterans who served in
combat are eligible for 5 years of free
health care and may be eligible for 90
days of dental care after separation.
Veterans must apply separately to the
VHA and the VBA.
Vet Centers are designed to serve
combat veterans, their surviving family
members and victims of military sexual
trauma (MST).
Provide marital and family counseling
with counselors who are a Veteran as a
conduit for care.
Veterans Benefits
Barriers to Assistance
• I sent a veteran to the VA for help, so they
should be okay, right?
– Hopefully. Veterans do not always receive immediate
– The backlog in Veteran benefit claims has risen to
– As of June 2007, there were 202,705 GWOT
Veterans filing claims for the first time.
– The AVERAGE WAIT TIME for an initial decision on a
claim 183 days!
– The time frame for a claim decision, including
appeals, can exceed 10 years
What can I do to Help Veterans and
Their Families?
• Learn
– About military culture, experiences of soldiers,
and the needs of military, Veterans and their families.
• Give
– Them some of your time and energy, your
appreciation, and your resources.
• Be an Advocate
– For military, Veterans, and their families
• Talk
– To them with respect and honor, listening with
compassion and patience.
Engagement Skills
Practicing empathy
Providing choice
Removing barriers
Providing feedback
Clarifying goals
PTSD: Combat Stressors
• Being in constant alert for an IED/‘Booby
trap’ or other life threatening dangers.
• Feeling responsible for the death of an
enemy and fellow human.
• Seeing or experiencing the death or injury of
a friend or fellow soldier.
• Being shot at or exposed to other dangers.
• Sexual trauma.
Symptom Response
Acute stress reaction – immediate
Acute stress disorder – up to 1 month
Acute PTSD – 1 to 3 months
Chronic PTSD – 3 months and beyond
PTSD: Diagnostic Criteria
• Re-experiencing: thoughts, nightmares,
flashbacks, emotional reactions,
physiological reactions.
• Avoidance: Avoid thoughts, reminders,
amnesia; detachment, numbing, anhedonia.
• Arousal, sleep disturbance, concentration
problems, anger, hypervigilance, hyper
startle response.
PTSD: Impact on Families
• Intimate relationships:
– Directly effect the relationship: Anger
responses, withdrawal of affection,
unpredictable responses
– Indirect affect on relationship skills e.g.
impaired communication skills, avoidance,
numbing, etc.
– Perception of the relationship: satisfaction
with relationship reduced
PTSD: Impact on Families
• Spouse/partner
• Direct impact of PTSD symptoms
• Indirect: added stress, lack of intimacy
• Domestic violence
• Secondary trauma: “Contagious” PTSD
• Compassion fatigue
• Caregiver burden
PTSD: Impact on Children
• Direct effects: developmental milestones
delayed, adjustment issues, frightened of
• Indirect effects: parenting skills/role
changes, compromised e.g. hypervigilance,
avoidance/withdrawal, anger/aggression
• Child at risk: increased risk taking, neglect,
violence, substance abuse
Stages of Recovery and Treatment
Spaniol, Gagne,
et al
Prochaska &
Overwhelmed by
Struggling with
Living with
Living beyond
Stage of
Treatment Focus
• outreach
• practical help
• crisis
• relationship
• psycho-education
• set goals
• build awareness
Active Treatment
• counseling
• skills training
• self-help groups
• prevention plan
• skills training
• expand recovery
Motivational Interviewing
• asking open-ended questions
• listening reflectively
• affirming change-related participant
• encouraging self-motivational
• handling resistance without direct
What Helps
• Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
• Eye Movement Desensitization and
Reprocessing (EMDR)
• Brainspotting
• Support Groups
• Assistance with daily living support as
• Spiritual and Social supports.
• What have you found to be helpful in serving
returning Veterans and their families?