Article Card Summary 1st

Scene 3- Porter ()
Macduff ()
Lennox ()
Macbeth () Lady Macbeth ()
Banquo () Donalbain () Malcom ()
Scene 4- Ross (Clayton)
Macduff (Jacob)
Old Man (Gabe)
• Scene 1
• Who is Fleance and what would you remember about the witches’
• Do Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have any children?
• What is to happen upon the ringing of the bell?
• What does Macbeth see?
• Scene 2
• Lady Macbeth actually attempts to kill King Duncan herself. Why doesn’t
she go through with it? What does this reveal about her and her earlier
prayers to the evil spirits?
• Right after killing the king, Macbeth hears Malcolm and Donalbain in the
next room praying; this is the beginning of his religious crisis. What is so
upsetting to Macbeth about this?
• After this, Macbeth thinks he hears a voice crying out. What does it say?
• What is “this filthy witness?”
• Which tasks related to the murder does Lady Macbeth perform?
Scene 3
• List 3 references to hell that the porter makes.
• How is Macduff’s coming to Macbeth’s castle an
example of dramatic irony (where the audience
knows something the characters don’t)?
• What example of foreshadowing does Lennox give in
his conversation with Macbeth?
• Who does Macduff blame for the murder and why?
• What does Macbeth ironically admit to having done?
What’s his explanation for it?
• Who flees the castle and why?
Scene 4
• Who is now suspected of the murder and why?
• Do a plot summary for Act II.
Analysis of Act 2
• Act 2 is all about murder and its consequences.
How is Macbeth affected by the murder of King
Duncan? Explain. How does the murder of
Duncan affect the relationship between Macbeth
and Lady Macbeth? Explain. What long term
consequences do you think this will have on the
• Act 1 dealt with the concept of Fate. How does
Act 2 reflect the idea of Fate established in Act 1?
Movie Analysis and Compare/Contrast
• How do the witches in the movie differ from
the witches in the play? (Focus on more than
just physical appearance)
• How does the film display the relationship
between Macbeth and King Duncan?
• Does the portrayal of Macbeth differ from the
play to the movie? Is he a more sympathetic
character in the film?
Movie Analysis and Compare/Contrast
• How does the film help your understanding of
Lady Macbeth’s character?
• Describe the relationship between Macbeth
and Lady Macbeth. How does this
compare/contrast to the play?
Movie Analysis and Compare/Contrast
• Compare/Contrast the murder scene. How are
Macbeth and Lady Macbeth acting and
reacting in the movie compared to the play?