INFO 404 Homework Assignment #2 This assignment is to be done individually. The due date is on the syllabus. TUTORIALS and BACKGROUND: 1) Complete the Drexel University Library Tutorial on Evaluating Websites at (Required) 2) Review the PPT concerning Health Information on the Web (Located with these Assignment Instructions). 3) Review Mr. Childs’ Video Tutorials (Located with these Assignment Instructions) or available at to further understand the process of Evaluating information on Websites (Required) 4) Review the Widener University Tutorial regarding Website Evaluation that is easy to understand and includes some specific information on evaluating health-related websites. This tutorial is located at (Recommended) 5) Medline Plus has a tutorial that includes the above information as well, which you may find useful, but is not required. It is located at (Optional) 6) You will be using a form at Emory University’s Website to evaluate several websites at one point in this assignment. This form is located at WORKSHEET: This worksheet contains three parts. The first part and second part asks you to evaluate the same three website (specific pages) through two different methods. It is important to note you may have to ‘clickoff’ of the initial page you are given in order to find information and appropriately gather information as you are evaluating the sites. The third part asks you to draw conclusions based upon your findings. Part I: 1. Click on the links to five of the Web sites within the chart below. 2. Use the criteria from the tutorials to complete the chart. a. Author: Website Sponsor/Owner, Author of Information (Include Credentials, Affiliation, and Contact Information)? b. Currency: How current is the information on the site (Include Date of Information, Last Updated, Copyright information)? c. Accuracy: Quality and Validity of the Information (Link Functioning, Links are for Reputable Sites, Information on site free from Errors – Spelling/Grammar, References, Research Methodology)? d. Objectivity: Is the information on the site free from bias (Consider Funding: Ads, Items being sold, ‘Causes’ Supported; Personal Opinions; Factual Errors)? e. Coverage: Is the information on the site in-depth or superficial (Consider the intended audience, Site Map, Topics Covered) f. Fill in the last column with how you would recommend using this site…scholarly, patient, personal, professional…describe in your words. Web site URL rugs/advair-diskus /Drugs/DrugSafety/ucm11132 6.pdf almeterolfluticasone_inhalatio n_disk-oral/article.htm Author Currency Accuracy Objectivity Coverage How Used? PART II: 1) Go to the Emory University Website ( and work through the Evaluation Form for the WebMD site, the FDA site, and the site listed above. It might be beneficial for you to print the form. 2) Fill in the chart below: a) Raw Score, Percentage, and Rating are explained on page 3 of the Form b) Areas of Difficulty – Out of the Nine Areas you evaluate in this form, which ones may have scored low (Content, Accuracy, Author, Currency, Audience, Navigation, External Links, and Structure)? Web site URL Raw Score Percentage Score Rating Areas of Difficulty Drugs/DrugSafety/ucm111326.p df meterolfluticasone_inhalation_di sk-oral/article.htm 3) Who would be the appropriate audience for each of the three sites in the chart above? Part III: In Part III you will draw conclusions based upon your findings. 4) Briefly compare and contrast your findings from the initial assessment/evaluation to the assessment/evaluation utilizing the Emory University form. 5) What types of recommendations and health education will you implement based upon what you may have learned from this assignment?