Embedded Assessments

Senior English IV
Instructor: Ms. Jessica McGinnity
Room: 523
Help Times: 5th hour (11:35-12:30) & after school (2:30-3:00)
Course Overview:
In this course, students will explore essential thematic questions in order to develop career and college ready
reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. The course is developed around the thematic concept of
perspective and how it shapes our understanding of the world around us, both as we perceive others and as
others perceive us. Students will develop advanced writing skills as they write narrative, expository, and
argument compositions in addition to researched compositions. Students will apply close reading and analysis
skills to at least two novels, a variety of non-fiction articles and essays, poetry, and a Shakespearean drama.
Finally, students will develop their speaking and listening skills through Socratic discussions, literature circles,
and formal presentations, paying careful attention to the purpose/audience relationship.
Year at a Glance:
First Quarter: Perspective’s Influence
Second Quarter: Understanding our Perspective—
Why Do We Do What We Do?
Embedded Assessments/Writing:
Narrative Essay/Photo Essay
Career/College Portfolio
Timed writes
Embedded Assessments/Writing:
Synthesis Essay
Analysis Essay
Argument Timed-Write
Thematically relevant texts (poetry/prose)
Current events
Thematically relevant texts (nonfiction)
Current events
Socratic Seminars based on assigned readings
Socratic Seminars based on assigned readings
Third Quarter: Exploring Solutions—Developing an
Informed Perspective
Fourth Quarter: Exposing Perspectives
Embedded Assessments/Writing:
Formal Research Paper (problem-solution paper)
Speech and Media Presentation
Embedded Assessments/Writing:
Argument Essay
Definition Essay
Timed Writes
Lord of the Flies (complete work)
Problem-Solution Writing Models
Research Paper Models
Current events
Socratic Seminars based on assigned readings
Satire Pieces
Media Articles
Ender’s Game (complete work)
Socratic Seminars based on assigned readings
Materials Needed:
1” binder with dividers labeled the following: My Notes, Teacher Handouts, Writing Pieces, Readings,
Lit. Terms
College ruled loose leaf paper
Blue/Black Pens
3x5 index cards
Post-It notes
Embedded Assessments:
Embedded Assessments are an opportunity for students to synthesize skills learned throughout a unit into a
meaningful performance product. Students will complete a minimum of TWO (2) of these per unit,
demonstrating development of reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.
Grading Criteria:
This class is constructed with a total points system (points earned/points possible). The value of assignments
within the course will be as follows:
Embedded Performance Assessments, Projects, and Tests
Writing Final Exam
Final Exam
50-100 points
50-100 points
5-30 points
10% of total grade
10% of total grade
*Extra credit is rarely given in this class. However, when it is offered, it is only open to students who have
turned in ALL work. Students missing assignments will not be allowed to earn extra credit, as it is EXTRA,
given above and beyond what is already expected. Extra credit is not intended as a means to salvage or
inflate a grade; therefore, do not rely on it as such. If you do the work that is assigned, you will not need it.
Tardy Policy:
It is imperative that you are on time for class each day. When you enter the classroom, you are to take your
seat and begin working IMMEDIATELY. This work serves a dual purpose: (1) to stimulate your brain and get
you ready for the day’s lesson, and (2) to allow your teacher to complete house-keeping tasks such as
recording attendance, etc. When you are tardy, you not only miss out on the opportunity for credit on this
assignment, but you also disrupt the flow of the class. Please do your best to be here on time—seated and
working quietly when the bell rings!
Consequences for Tardies:
1 – teacher consequence (e.g. no credit for bellwork, lunch detention, etc.)
2 – teacher consequence
3 – teacher consequence
4 – teacher calls home
5 - referral to administration
Late Work Policy:
Students are permitted to turn in late work for half-credit within one week of the original due date unless the
assignment was previously specified as not accepted late. For example, research papers and other long-term
assignments will NOT be accepted late. Students have one day for each day with an excused absence to
complete work that was assigned ON THE DAY ABSENT. Assignments that are due on the absence date are still
due and must be sent via e-mail or with a classmate. At no point in time will absences serve as extensions for
already assigned work. Students are responsible for submitting missing work in the appropriate tray. There
will be no reminders from Ms. McGinnity, and forgetting to turn it in will not be permitted as an excuse.
*Tests missed must be made up on the assigned make-up day unless the student missed more than one day
and is in need of missed information prior to taking the test.
Academic Dishonesty:
Plagiarism—representing another person’s ideas as a student’s own—will not be tolerated. Plagiarism within
any assignment will immediately result in a zero on the assignment, parental contact and referral to
administration. Furthermore, all parties involved will be held responsible and will face consequences (e.g. a
student allows another student access to his/her work that results in plagiarism (whether intentional or
Online Classroom:
Students are expected to utilize Virtual Classroom when directed. If a student does not have computer or
Internet access at home, he/she is expected to utilize the school library during lunch and before/after school.
The public library also provides free Internet access. Lack of technology access will not count as an excuse for
not completing assignments.
Online Grades:
Gilbert Public Schools provides access to private and secure on-line grades for every student. It is both the
student’s and the parents’ responsibilities to stay up-to-date with these grades. I welcome all questions and
concerns about student grades; however, I encourage the students to be proactive with speaking to me about
their grade concerns at this level of class.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS):
As members of the Coyote family, we pride ourselves on our dedication to Community, Values, Honor and
Scholarship. Students are expected to meet specific positive behavioral standards both in and out of the
classroom. These behaviors, such as being respectful and practicing academic honesty, are what make Campo
Verde such an amazing place to learn. During this school year, students will participate in a school-wide
initiative focused on the promotion and reinforcement of the expected standards of behavior.
Class Conduct/Behavior Expectations:
I expect my students to behave in a mature, responsible, and polite manner, exactly the same respect and
courtesy that I will show them. Outside of the general rules listed in the student handbook, I have several
policies that I expect every student to adhere to:
Be polite and considerate to your classmates, teacher, and especially guest teachers. You should feel
free to speak your opinion in this class (and are expected to quite often), but always in a polite and
considerate manner.
o Harassment will not be tolerated, and all district guidelines will be adhered to.
Water is welcome in the classroom. Any other beverages and all food should be discarded or
consumed before class time. Students walking in to class with any outside beverage (e.g., Starbucks,
QT, Circle K, Monster/energy drinks etc.) will be asked to throw the beverage away.
Restroom is to be used on an emergency basis only; do not abuse the system.
Please remove hats upon entry into class. District dress code will be enforced. If in violation, students
will be referred to the administration office and will be expected to complete all work missed.
Phones and personal computers will be used periodically in class. Students will receive clear
instructions as to when the use of these devices is appropriate.
Unauthorized technology (e.g., cell phones not used for teacher-directed purposes) will be taken if
noticed. Student may retrieve the item from the main office after school. Upon the second offense,
the phone will be given to administrator and the parent must pick up the item from the main office.
Welcome to your last year
of high school and the
first year of the rest of
your life. It’s going to
be a great one!
English IV Student and Parent Syllabus Acknowledgement
Student Name: ______________________________________________________
1. We understand that a high school diploma requires 4 full English credits, and that this course is therefore necessary
for graduation from Gilbert Public Schools. We understand that the teacher will communicate major concerns within
a timely fashion, but the best way to keep up to date on grades is through the school’s infinite campus parent/student
Student’s initials
parent/guardian initials
parent/guardian initials
2. We understand that success in this course relies on the diligent completion of assignments on time and that falling
behind with incomplete work puts the student in danger of not passing the course.
Student’s initials
parent/guardian initials
parent/guardian initials
3. We understand that plagiarism applies not just to entire works copied from someone else, but it also applies to small
segments copied without proper citation and to the formulating of someone else’s ideas into one’s own words. We
accept that plagiarism of any kind results in a zero on the prescribed assignment and administrative referral.
Furthermore, we understand that giving another student one’s own work to copy is considered academic dishonesty
and will result in a zero on the assignment as well.
Student’s initials
parent/guardian initials
parent/guardian initials
4. At this time, we accept the policies, procedures, and grading system as outlined in the syllabus, and we do not have
any questions regarding these items.
Student’s initials
parent/guardian initials
parent/guardian initials
Parent Contact Information:
Parent/Guardian Name: _______________________________ Email: _________________________________
Phone: _____________________________ Other: _____________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name: _______________________________ Email: _________________________________
Phone: _____________________________ Other: ____________________________________
Parent Signature: ___________________________________________________________