
iOS in Teaching and Learning
2/20/2013 4:16:00 AM
Learning Goals
 Understanding the utility of the iPad for classroom instruction.
Students will see how the iPad can reach all curriculum areas if
utilized properly. They will also understand how to organize the
components of the device to increase productivity and organization.
 Curriculum units include technology (NETs), improved classroom
practices (student engagement, opportunities to respond), and all
core content areas.
Needs Analysis
Teachers were given iPads without training, and sometimes without
any request on their part. This resulted in a need for guidance that
the teachers in our class have attempted to fill by voluntarily
participating in an iOS in teaching and learning class outside of
contract time.
 They have offered feedback that the students in their classes are
impressed with the technology
Learner Analysis
 The class teachers includes teachers, counselors, media specialists,
substitutes, counselors, and other certified positions at various
licensed (elementary and secondary) levels in the district.
Attitudes/Values/Opinions- The participants are all voluntary. They
are willing to spend extra time outside of their paid contract time to
learn more about the iPad and how to use it in teaching and
Access to technology: The teachers all have access to an iOS device
(except 2 subs). Many have access to an Apple TV, some don’t
know how to use it. Some do not have access to an Apple TV, but
are going to learn about alternatives (Reflector).
Schedules: The class happens after school, which selects for a
certain kind of learner. The students stay from 4:15-6:15, two
solid hours without a break. The dates are January 7-March 4.
Teachers who wish to receive USOE credit must post a short
response to a prompt regarding the previous class on Canvas.
Skills: This is a beginner class, the students come with varying
levels of basic understanding. Most were familiar with the creation
of an Apple account, which allowed the learners to quickly jump into
what is normally a logistical challenge- the downloading of apps.
Task Analysis
 Use the iPad as a teaching aid
 Set up an iPad for student and teacher use
o Set up Apple ID
o Email/calendars
o Universal Access settings (guided learning)
 Find and evaluate iPad apps for educational use
o QR Reader
o Angry Birds Rio
o Apps Gone Free
o AppStart
Context for Instruction
 Training Lab- including:
o iPad
o AppleTV
o iOS 6
o Remotes
o Projector
o Microphone
o Desktop Computer available
o Dongle for computer
o Cords
Delivery Method
o Direct instruction
o Hands-On experience with Apps Described
o Reason for approach: They need basic instruction to build
scaffolding which will be utilized to bring them to a level of
learning where they can use their hands-on experience to be
able to give an informed critique of an app they have used or
attempted to use in their own teaching by the end of the
o There is also an online component where course
objectives/materials/content can be reviewed in Canvas or on
Design Document
2/20/2013 4:16:00 AM
The goals and objectives of the instruction - objectives for your
overall unit and each lesson in your unit:
 Students will be able to feel comfortable with the navigation and
features of the iPad so as to be able to take the skills learned in the
class and apply them to future experiences (NET*S)
 Students will use the iPad as a means of organizing documents and
tasks as related to their teaching
o Example: Teachers will take the iPad to staff meeting and
take notes and use PDF reading/annotation apps to organize
and transport documents to meetings or other areas.
Prerequisites and learner characteristics:
 Teachers will need to be employed by the Canyons School district
and be certified with the state of Utah
 Teachers will need access to iOS technology that they bring to class
(we do have two exceptions with the subs who are obtaining
relicensure points)
 Teachers in our course have opened their iPads and have moved
beyond the initial iPad power-on stage (there will be
accommodation and help for those who have had zero set up if
 They will need regular internet access and be able to work with
course content during and after class. They will also need to be
comfortable using an internet browser and access course content.
Testing and evaluation strategies to be used in the instruction, as
 The teachers will submit a weekly reflection on the Canvas learning
site. This data will be evaluated as responses are posted
throughout the week.
They will also scan a QR code that leads to a Google Survey at the
beginning of some classes
o They will need to download the QR Reader App to do this.
 We will also be talking to the teachers at the beginning and end of
the course to assess the effectiveness of instruction.
Feedback mechanisms that will support testing and evaluation
 We will use classroom participation as a primary feedback
mechanism (comments, troubleshooting…)
o The teachers are in this class voluntarily and are very quick to
let one of the teachers know of a problem or concern. They
are spending their own time in the class and are highly
motivated to understand.
 The reflections and Google Surveys will also serve as an important
source of data for the learners
Practice activities to be used in the instruction, including feedback
 We will have apps assigned to be pre-loaded so that the students
can have a hands-on experience as we learn about their utility in
the classroom
 Students will follow along with their iPads as settings are discussed
and altered
 The QR app is used to allow students to take the Google Survey
Quiz at the beginning of class- this familiarizes them with the
scanning of QR codes
Examples and non-examples of the procedure or concept (as
 Care for the iPad
o Example: use a microfiber towel to clean the screen with a
proper solution
o Non-Example: use a steel wool pad and Clorox to clean the
screen (this permanently damages the iPad)
Basic Navigation
o Example: tapping an app icon gently to open an app
o Non-Example: hitting the screen and hitting harder as the app
is continuing to refuse to open, and then hitting the iPad
harder until it will never open another app again.
Introductory presentation of instruction
 My co-teacher and I will first introduce the Canvas interface and
show teachers how to log in and check assignments.
 We will also show them my website where they can find the apps
and links discussed in class.
 We will introduce (and likely reintroduce in subsequent class
periods) class norms for management purposes.
Motivational strategies to be used in instruction
We will be positive and available to answer questions outside of
We will have the Canvas site available with course agendas and
homework assignments
o We will also have available my Weebly Site to help teachers
who are having difficulty signing into or navigating Canvas
can find important references to relevant course material.
We will allow the teachers to share experiences with the class and
follow up to make sure that problems are addressed in their schools
by field/ed techs
We will provide them good information about quality accessories to
enhance their iPad experience
Basic plans for instructor materials
 My co-teacher and I are going to be working together to create
lesson plans and structure each class period.
 In lieu of printed materials, to encourage teachers to use
technology- this is a paperless class- we will be using the weebly
website and Canvas to turn in reflections.
o This is a beginning course, so accommodation will be made
for those teachers who are having extreme difficulty turning
in work on Canvas. We will allow them to turn in their work
via email.
 We will also have a Contact Group to quickly email the teachers and
disseminate information about free apps and other applicable
 We will be using and AppleTV and a projector and working wireless
internet (not a given).
Finish curriculum map (scope and sequence)
1. Keeping your Device Clean and Happy (iPad Maintenance and
2. Basic Navigation and App Management
3. Managing Settings
4. Creating and Using an Apple ID
5. Using Email on the iPad
Development Document: Instructor Guide2/20/2013 4:16:00 AM
Unit Title: What is iOS (iPad Operating System) and What
is it For?
Lesson Sequence:
1. Keeping your Device Clean and Happy (iPad Maintenance and
 Objective: The teachers will be able to care for the iPad and
keep it safe from damage or theft.
2. Basic Navigation and App Management
 Objective: Teachers will be able to navigate the basic features
of the iPad and manage the apps and their location on the
3. Managing Settings
 Objective: Teachers will be able to change settings and
understand the function of the settings found on their iPad in
this menu, specifically.
4. Creating and Using an Apple ID
 Objective: Teachers will be able to create and/or use an Apple
ID to purchase and download apps.
5. Using Email on the iPad
 Objective: Teachers will be able to send and receive email from
the iPad. They will also know where to set up an account in the
Keeping your device clean and happy- We will cover the following
aspects of basic maintenance of the iPad:
 Gain Attention: Demonstrate non-examples
o Show a Brillo Pad and ask what would happen if I were to
clean the iPad screen this way
o Present a bottle labeled “bleach” and ask about problems
created with this product when used with an iPad.
o Show a bottle of Windex, and ask the class their opinion of
the appropriateness of this cleaner for an iPad screen- Then
clear up misconceptions, and let them know that this is not an
appropriate cleaner for the iPad
Direction: Objective of the lesson stated: The teachers will be able
to care for the iPad and keep it safe from damage or theft.
Recall: We will ask the teachers what they understand about iPad
maintenance to find out what they know currently. The ensuing
discussion should lead to the introduction of the content. Some of
the guidance will be review for many of the teachers and some will
be issues that hadn’t been considered previously by class members.
Content: We will be presenting the following concepts with
opportunity to practice throughout. The objective of this lesson is
highly procedural, so the students will practice as instruction is
delivered. This should allow for the 3 levels of Application
Feedback. The students will have the opportunity to offer feedback
and ask questions throughout.
o Using proper cleaners (screen cleaners/microfiber towel)
o Using a case and/or screen protector
o Charging the iPad with the USB cord and the wall charger
o Be cautious with your device:
 Carrying the iPad
 Not exposing the device to extreme temperatures
Securing the iPad when not in use- do not leave
exposed in a car, unattended on the desk (should be
locked or concealed)- theft prevention
Evaluation: Students will be provided with scenarios (see
materials) and then explain to the class how to treat the iPad
o Example: It is a hot day, what should Jane do with her iPad
when she gets home?
Closure: Talk with your colleagues who aren’t in this class about
iPad care- would you be able to help them know what to do to keep
the iPad safe?
Basic Navigation- In this section we will be talking about how to navigate
the iPad. We will be demonstrating/practicing how to “play the game” of the
iPad Operating System.
 Gain Attention: Ask the class “Where is the keyboard or mouse on
this thing?” and hold up the iPad.
Direction: Objective stated: By the end of this class, the teachers
will be able to navigate the basic features of the iPad and manage
the apps and their location on the screen.
Recall: Find out what teachers know about moving between
screens and what they understand about organizing apps on the
iPad- The pace of this class can be altered depending on the
knowledge-base of the students.
Content: We will be teaching the teachers about various aspects of
iPad navigation. The objective of this lesson is highly procedural,
so the students will practice as instruction is delivered. This should
allow for the 3 levels of Application Feedback. The students will
have the opportunity to offer feedback and ask questions
throughout. We will be teaching the following tasks:
o The Home Button- the only button on the front of the iPad.
We will be exploring the following functions of the Home
Button. Students will have time to practice each of the
 Tapping once- to search or return to the home screen
 Tapping twice to access Airplay, volume/orientation, or
recently opened apps in the multitasking bar
 Tapping three times to activate Guided Learning (not
explained in depth- more to come in a subsequent class
period) will be demonstrated ONLY
o Finger gestures- Using finger gestures to navigate the iPad is
critical and will help the users to navigate in new apps as they
progress in their iOS understanding. The gestures we will be
learning and practicing include:
 Swiping with one finger to move between screens
Swiping with four fingers to bring up the multitasking
bar to conserve home button life and work more
Zooming by squeezing in and spreading out with the
thumb and index finger
Sliding the Notifications bar by moving a finger down
from the top of the iPad screen (Notifications will be
explained further in the settings portion of the lesson)
Pinch to return to home screen: four fingers and the
o Other buttons: We will introduce the following buttons as
 The power button on the top of the screen that
automatically puts the device in sleep mode
 Pushing the home button to wake it up and sliding
to unlock
 Pressing the power and home buttons simultaneously to
take a screen shot that will be added to the photo
 We will introduce the volume buttons and show how the
volume can be raised or lowered.
 We will introduce the switch and indicate that the
default setting would mute the sound, but another
option that can be changed in settings would lock
orientation- we will explore this in subsequent lessons.
o Rotating the screen - landscape and portrait
 We will show that the orientation changes as the iPad is
 The purpose for locking orientation will be
explained here as a way to control the orientation
in a presentation setting while the teacher is
 For those who have the switch set to lock the
orientation, we will show how they can use the
switch to lock orientation.
 Note: We will visit the idea of changing the
switch’s function as the Settings are
 For those who are on the default setting, we will
demonstrate how to the use the multitasking bar
to lock orientation.
o Managing apps: We will now introduce how to
move/delete/open apps on the iPad
We will show how to move apps by holding a finger
down on one app until they begin to wiggle
We will then demonstrate how we move the app around
the screen or against the edge of a screen to move the
app to another screen
We will show how to delete and app by pressing the
black “x” in the corner of the app
 We will explain why the native apps don’t have a
black “x” and cannot be deleted
We will show how folders can be created and named as
one app is moved over top another and the text in the
name of the folder can be altered.
 We will then show how other apps can be added
to the folder
We will show how an app can be added to the dock and
then is visible in all screens. We will explain how
precious this space is and they should put their 6 most
used apps in this area- We will also note that this is an
arrangement that can be changed by moving the apps
as discussed before.
Evaluation: Teachers will be evaluated throughout the process to
check for understanding, but we will have a reflection posted on
Canvas that will allow them to discuss what they have learned
about iPad navigation and app maintenance in this class.
Closure: Teachers will be able to check canvas to follow up with
their learning and revisit the topics studied here. I will also make
myself available for follow up questions via email.
Managing Settings:
 Gain Attention: How do you make this iPad your own? Where do
you think we can change that?
 Direction: Objective Stated: Teachers will be able to change
settings and understand the function of the settings found on their
iPad in this menu, specifically.
Recall: The teachers will be asked how much they know about the
settings features on their iPads. We will pace our lesson according
to their familiarity of these features.
Content: In order for teachers to be able to use the iPad after this
initial class, they will need to be able to add email and create
and/or use an Apple ID. This will occur in the settings area of the
iPad. The objective of this lesson is highly procedural, so the
students will practice as instruction is delivered. This should allow
for the 3 levels of Application Feedback. The students will have the
opportunity to offer feedback and ask questions throughout.
o We will show where the settings can be find by showing the
“settings” icon- We will guide the class through the settings
from top to bottom on the left settings bar (when the device
is being held in landscape orientation) Settings to be covered
 Airplane mode (turns off any transmitting ability)
 Wi-Fi- demonstrate how to select a wireless network
and show how to enter the password for Canyons
District Wi-Fi
Bluetooth (explain that this applies to Bluetooth devices
like keyboards)
 Do Not Disturb- turns off noisy notifications and
Facetime (explained later) at appointed times.
o Notifications
 Explain that these can be managed in this space and
what kinds of app-related notifications can be received
or not received as a result of this setting
o General
This is the place that includes much of the tasks and
iPad user will change in settings.
We will go through About, Software Update, and Usage
briefly and explain their purpose.
There are some parts of settings we will not address at
this time. Those include: VPN, iTunes Wi-Fi Synch,
Spotlight search, and Restrictions.
We will discuss the “Use Side Switch to:” to change the
lock from mute to orientation as we discussed
Multitasking Gestures should be on- in order for the
gestures discussed previously to work
Reset: We will direct the students to click this, but not
click anything in the next screen. They will be shown
that this screen will allow them to erase and reset
various parts of their iPad.
The other parts of the General settings will be touched
on but not explained at this time.
o Brightness & Wallpaper
 We will show how to change the wallpaper using photos
or backgrounds that are already loaded on the iPad
 We will explain the difference between the home and
lock screens
o Privacy
 We will talk about Location Services and why that would
be a good idea to have on (for Find my iPad) if the iPad
is lost
o iCloud - Syncing, Find my iPad
 We will talk about iCloud and how calendars and
contacts can be automatically synched when this setting
is set up appropriately
 We will advise “Find my iPad” to be turned on in case of
loss or theft- we will explain that this feature only works
when the iPad is connected to a wireless network.
Evaluation: Students will have the opportunity to respond in a
journal entry on the Canvas site to discuss what they have learned
in this class. We will also be evaluating throughout and
troubleshoot as issues arise.
Closure: Students will have the opportunity to view the class
agenda after its conclusion and I will be available to answer
questions via email.
Creating an Apple ID-
Gain Attention: I will begin this class by asking “What else can
this iPad do?” and then I will say “Who wants some apps?”
Direction: State objectives: Teachers will be able to create and/or
use an Apple ID to purchase and download apps.
Recall: This is an important step in this lesson, because it will
affect the pace. I will ask teachers who has an Apple ID they can
access to download apps. We will evaluate how much to focus on
the process depending on the feedback
Content: The objective of this lesson is highly procedural, so the
students will practice as instruction is delivered. This should allow
for the 3 levels of Application Feedback. The students will have the
opportunity to offer feedback and ask questions throughout. For
students who have already created an Apple ID, this stage will be
fairly simple, the need only sign in in Settings. The steps to be
followed include:
o The teachers will first be directed to create an Apple ID:
(Source- Apple Support Website)
 From the Home Screen, tap Settings, and then
tap iTunes & App Stores.
If an Apple ID is already signed in, tap the Apple ID
name, and then tap Sign Out.
Tap Create New Apple ID.
Choose the appropriate store by tapping Store, and
select the country in which you are located. Tap Done
to confirm your selection, and then tap Next to proceed
to the next screen.
The next screen will display the iTunes Store Terms and
Conditions. You can opt to have the Terms and
Conditions emailed to you for easier reading by tapping
Send by Email. To do this, enter your valid email
address, and then tap Send.
To agree to the Terms and Conditions, tap the Agree
button which is located on the bottom-right of the page.
Tap Agree again when the confirmation appears.
Once you've agreed to the terms and conditions, you'll
need to enter an email address, password, and choose
three security questions and provide answers to them.
The email address you provide will be your new Apple
ID (which is what you will use to log in to the iTunes
Store). Enter your email address, and then tap Next.
You can also enter an optional rescue email address.
Providing a rescue email address is recommended.
Learn more about the rescue email address.
The email address you provide will be your new Apple
ID (which is what you will use to log in to the iTunes
Store). Enter your email address, and then tap Next.
o Once the students have an Apple ID they will be directed to
download some free apps:
 QR Reader for iPad (This will be used in an activity in
class where the students get to scan the QR code and
answer a few questions that will help them to have an
experience typing on the iPad).
 AppStart (This app will enable the teachers to see some
apps that they could shop for on their own)
 Apps Gone Free (This app will let the teachers find
some apps that are free for a limited time they can
 Angry Birds Rio (This game gets them used to zooming
in and out and practicing the gestures mentioned
o iCloud will be tied to this Apple ID- Review of this setting
found in “settings”-turn on the Find My iPad, Photo stream,
and other preferred settings
Evaluation: This teachers’ mastery of this will be demonstrated by
the ability to create an Apple ID and use it to download apps listed
Closure: I will be available to answer questions and students will
offer a reflection on how they downloaded the apps and their
experience interacting with the apps they have downloaded. I will
be available for support via email.
Using Email on the iPad:
 Gaining Attention: “Have you wanted to send an email with your
iPad, but hadn’t attended a class that showed you how? Prepare to
say goodbye to those days!”
 Direction: State the objective: Teachers will be able to send and
receive email from the iPad. They will also know where to set up an
account in the settings.
 Recall: I will ask the class what they know about email. I will ask
about functions such as: reply, reply all, forward, deleting an email,
composing an email, etc… We will add instruction according to the
email understanding which we assume to be sufficient that we will
not have to review the idea of emailing with the class. We can
clear up inconsistencies as they arise at this stage.
Content: We will be helping the teachers to set up their district
email on the iPads. The objective of this lesson is highly
procedural, so the students will practice as instruction is delivered.
This should allow for the 3 levels of Application Feedback. The
students will have the opportunity to offer feedback and ask
questions throughout. For some this has already been done, and
they will be invited to explore their iPad apps during this part of
o We will walk the teachers on how to add email by following
the steps below:
 1. Open settings
 2. Scroll to “Mail, Contacts, Calendars”
 3. Select Add Account
 4. Choose Microsoft Exchange
5. Fill in the blanks according to the graphic (see
o NOTE the steps will be available on the website
o We will then show the teachers the following:
 Views (landscape/portrait) how to orient the screen
 How to create a new mail message
 How to reply/reply all
 How to forward
How to delete a message (discuss the function of an
exchange account- the synching across devices)
 Moving a message to a folder
 Adding multiple accounts to your iPad and viewing all
messages or one account at a time
o We will discuss the functionality of having email on the iPad
to be able to send creations from apps that will be
demonstrated, but not explained in depth in later courses.
Evaluation: The students will show that they can email from their
iPads by sending an email to the teachers.
Closure: The students will have the opportunity to review the
materials that are posted on Canvas and on my website. We will
also be available via email to help troubleshoot.
Development Document: Materials Guide2/20/2013 4:16:00 AM
Teacher Materials:
 iPad
 AppleTV
 Wireless Internet (canyonair)- Students will need the WiFi password
which will be provided at the beginning of the course.
 Projector- VGA connector
 Microphone Used through the Lab’s Audio System
 Microfiber towel (for examples)
 Screen Cleaner
Student Materials:
 iPad (each student requires their own device)
 Internet Access
 A Canvas Management Account
 A Canyons Email Account
 Credit Card (if an Apple ID has not been created prior to class)
 Fingers (to facilitate gestures)
 iOS Google Survey
 iPad User Guide
QR Reader App- to take the Google Survey to be taken at the end
of the course.
Angry Birds Rio- for practice of the gestures mentioned in the Basic
Navigation, but introduced after the Apple ID has been created
AppStart- Guides the new iPad user to apps designed for certain
purposes (office, school, organization, games, etc…)
Apps Gone Free- exposes the users to apps that are free for a
limited time following the lesson the Apple ID is created
 Canvas
 Katie Dewey’s Weebly Page
 Google Survey