Ignite Sessions: NROC Math Use Cases

NROC Math Use Cases: Ignite!
will begin promptly at 2:30 pm ET
While you are waiting, please do the following:
Use the Chat Area to tell us who you are, where you are from and
what your role is.
Configure your microphone and speaker by going to:
Tools-Audio-Audio Setup Wizard
Please mute your microphones or telephones when you are
not speaking.
We encourage interaction during the session, please use the chat area to share
questions, ideas, etc. as they arise. Raise your hand if you would like to speak.
The microphone will be open to the group at the end of the session as well.
Need help accessing? Please email: eakin@theNROCproject.org
NROC Math Use Cases: Ignite!
The Flipped Classroom
Scott Beckett, Jacksonville State University (AL)
NROC Math in a 1-1 Environment
Ryan Crete, Grand River Prep Academy (MI)
Adapting NROC Math for the Common Core
Annie Swinton, Open High School of Utah
Contextualizing Math for Career Pathways
Melissa Ball, Ivy Tech Community College (IN)
The NROC Project
a non-profit effort
sustained by institutional members of
the NROC Network
Everyone’s learning!
Developmental Math – An Open Program
Project Goal: Increase the number of financially-disadvantaged students
prepared with math skills for college or career. Create an efficient path to
Adults ages 16-80 (average age = 28)
Students who have failed math at least once
High School Remediation
 Accelerate the path through remediation
 Leverage the power of digital media
 Offer multiple modes of instruction
Funding: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
 Support multiple curricular standards
 Allow for flexible course configurations
Sustained by: Institutional Members of the NROC Network
 Arithmetic
Beginning Algebra
Intermediate Algebra
Topics in Geometry, Statistics, and Trigonometry
 Built on 350 explicit learning objectives
to allow fine-grained assessment
IGNITES are 5-minute
accompanied by 20 slides
that automatically
advance every 15
At the recent NROC Member Meeting, NROC members
presented Ignites on a variety of topics including NROC
Math Use Cases.
IGNITES are meant to “ignite” the audience – generate
awareness…stimulate thought and action on the subjects
Jacksonville State University in Alabama
Flipped Classroom model for Basic Algebra
Skills class.
Students watch the NROC Presentation
videos and Worked Examples on their own
time, take notes and turn them in for 5% of
their total grade.
During class, student work paper and pencil
problems related to concepts watched in
Students work in collaborative groups of
equal skill level; 40% of their grade is based
on work completed in these groups
Students spend class time on math fluency
and timed skills practices; Graduate
Psychology students offer “over the
shoulder” assistance
Results of pilot to date: students who most often interacted with
the NROC resources had higher final averages in the course
Read the JSU case study at :
Grand River Preparatory HS in Michigan
Remedial Math and Credit Recovery for
Secondary School students
Small class size and one-to-one laptop
initiative allows for individual pace and
more one-on-one instruction
NROC Algebra also used as credit
recovery course
NROC Developmental Math used as
supplement to class instruction in Math
Support course
Results of pilot to date: Algebra pilot students’
success rate jumped from 38% to 62%;
similar expectations for Developmental Math
Open High School of Utah
 Adapted NROC Math Resources for the
Common Core
 Focus on problem solving and making
connections between concepts as
outlined by the Common Core
 Reworked NROC Algebra and
Developmental Math program to fit into
OHSU’s new Math I, II and part of III
 Use NROC Team Projects to build
conceptual understanding and teach
students teamwork, communication and
analytical skills stressed in the Common
Read the OHSU case study at:
Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana
 Contextualizing NROC Developmental
Math for Career and Technical Program
 Students take pre-test to determine gaps in
math mastery; each student assigned
specific NROC unit and works
independently in computer lab with
instructor assistance
 Students are given specific examples of
how they would use math concepts in their
 Strong collaboration with technical
instructor to create contextualized math
Read the Ivy Tech case study at:
Imagine the Possibilities!
Open Resources for Personalized Learning
Flipped Classroom
Contextualization for career and technical
Course Redesign
Adult Programs
Independent, self-paced study
Emporium model
Placement Exam Labs
HS/College Bridge Programs
Summer Credit Recovery
Accelerated Learning
What’s your IDEA?
Developmental Math – An Open Program
Release Schedule
Standard Version Available NOW for adaptation in your LMS
Arithmetic, Beginning Algebra, and Intermediate Algebra Modules, with
additional Statistics and Geometry Topics
Coming Summer 2013:
Trigonometry Topics
Spanish closed captions of presentations and integrated textbook
Pre-Assessment Version (with unit-level diagnostic preassessments to
personalize learning paths) – IMS LTI (Moodle format available today)
2012-13 Pilot Use: 111 sections taught by 91 instructors at 27
institutions (10 with pre-assessment).
This session will be archived at NROCmath.org
Thanks to our fabulous presenters!
The Flipped Classroom
Scott Beckett, Jacksonville State University (AL)
NROC Math in a 1-1 Environment
Ryan Crete, Grand River Prep Academy (MI)
Adapting NROC Math for the Common Core
Annie Swinton, Open High School of Utah
Contextualizing Math for Career Pathways
Melissa Ball, Ivy Tech Community College (IN)
Thanks for your interest!
View more highlights from the 2013 NROC Network meeting at
Inspired by the format? There is still time to submit your own
Ignite! proposal for the ISTE conference before May 1.