
Response to Intervention
RTI: Assessment &
Progress-Monitoring at
the Middle & High School
Jim Wright
Data Collection: Defining Terms
Response to Intervention
Evaluation. “the process of using information collected through assessment to
make decisions or reach conclusions.” (Hosp, 2008; p. 364).
Example: A student can be evaluated for problems in ‘fluency with text’ by
collecting information using various sources (e.g., CBM ORF, teacher interview,
direct observations of the student reading across settings, etc.), comparing those
results to peer norms or curriculum expectations, and making a decision about
whether the student’s current performance is acceptable.
Assessment. “the process of collecting information about the characteristics of
persons or objects by measuring them. ” (Hosp, 2008; p. 364).
Example: The construct ‘fluency with text’ can be assessed using various
measurements, including CBM ORF, teacher interview, and direct observations of
the student reading in different settings and in different material.
Measurement. “the process of applying numbers to the characteristics of objects
or people in a systematic way” (Hosp, 2008; p. 364).
Example: Curriculum-Based Measurement Oral Reading Fluency (CBM ORF) is
one method to measure the construct ‘fluency with text’
Response to Intervention
Use Time & Resources Efficiently By Collecting Information
Only on ‘Things That Are Alterable’
“…Time should be spent thinking about things that the
intervention team can influence through instruction,
consultation, related services, or adjustments to the
student’s program. These are things that are
alterable.…Beware of statements about cognitive
processes that shift the focus from the curriculum and
may even encourage questionable educational practice.
They can also promote writing off a student because of
the rationale that the student’s insufficient performance
is due to a limited and fixed potential. “ p.359
Source: Howell, K. W., Hosp, J. L., & Kurns, S. (2008). Best practices in curriculum-based evaluation. In A. Thomas & J.
Grimes (Eds.), Best practices in school psychology V (pp.349-362). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School
Response to Intervention
RTI: Assessment & Progress-Monitoring
To measure student ‘response to instruction/intervention’ effectively,
the RTI model measures students’ academic performance and
progress on schedules matched to each student’s risk profile and
intervention Tier membership.
Benchmarking/Universal Screening/Local Norming. All children in a
grade level are assessed at least 3 times per year on a common
collection of academic assessments.
Strategic Monitoring. Students placed in Tier 2 (supplemental)
reading groups are assessed 1-2 times per month to gauge their
progress with this intervention.
Intensive Monitoring. Students who participate in an intensive,
individualized Tier 3 intervention are assessed at least once per week.
Source: Burns, M. K., & Gibbons, K. A. (2008). Implementing response-to-intervention in elementary and secondary schools:
Procedures to assure scientific-based practices. New York: Routledge.
Response to Intervention
Screening: Defining Terms
Screening: The same data are collected or the same
assessment is given to all students in a grade or other group.
Local Norms: The results of a screening are analyzed to
develop performance norms based on the local group that
was assessed.
Benchmarking: Students are screened and the results are
compared to external ‘research’ norms or benchmarks of
expected performance.
Source: Hosp, J. L. (2008). Best practices in aligning academic assessment with instruction. In A. Thomas & J. Grimes (Eds.), Best
practices in school psychology V (pp.363-376). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.
Response to Intervention
Screening: Finding Students That Need Academic
or Behavioral Assistance
When screening students for RTI services, error is
unavoidable, as data are not perfect. The screening cut-offs
established by schools will lead to two possible types of errors
in recruiting students for RTI services:
Type 1 Error [False Positives]: The screening cut-off is set higher,
IDENTIFYING all students who need RTI intervention services but also
including a few students who do not need intervention.
Type 2 Error [False Negatives]: The screening cut-off is set lower,
screening OUT all students who do not need RTI intervention services
but also excluding some students who do need intervention.
Source: Hosp, J. L. (2008). Best practices in aligning academic assessment with instruction. In A. Thomas & J. Grimes (Eds.), Best
practices in school psychology V (pp.363-376). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.
Response to Intervention
Local Norms: Screening All Students (Stewart & Silberglit,
Local norm data in basic academic skills are collected
at least 3 times per year (fall, winter, spring).
• Schools should consider using ‘curriculum-linked’
measures such as Curriculum-Based Measurement
that will show generalized student growth in
response to learning.
• If possible, schools should consider avoiding
‘curriculum-locked’ measures that are tied to a
single commercial instructional program.
Source: Stewart, L. H. & Silberglit, B. (2008). Best practices in developing academic local norms. In A. Thomas & J. Grimes
(Eds.), Best practices in school psychology V (pp. 225-242). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.
Response to Intervention
Local Norms: Using a Wide Variety of Data
(Stewart & Silberglit, 2008)
Local norms can be compiled using:
• Fluency measures such as Curriculum-Based
• Existing data, such as office disciplinary referrals.
• Computer-delivered assessments, e.g., Measures of
Academic Progress (MAP) from www.nwea.org
Source: Stewart, L. H. & Silberglit, B. (2008). Best practices in developing academic local norms. In A. Thomas & J. Grimes
(Eds.), Best practices in school psychology V (pp. 225-242). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.
Response to Intervention
Academic Screening Tools: Choices…
Assessments used for academic screening can assess:
• Basic academic skills (e.g., CBM Oral Reading Fluency,
Math Computation).
• Advanced concepts (e.g., math assessments at
www.easycbm.com that are tied to Math Focal Points
from the NCTM).
• Student performance according to curriculum
expectations (e.g., Measures of Academic ProgressMAP-from NWEA.org).
Response to Intervention
Curriculum-Based Measurement: Advantages as a Set of Tools to
Monitor RTI/Academic Cases
Aligns with curriculum-goals and materials
Is reliable and valid (has ‘technical adequacy’)
Is criterion-referenced: sets specific performance levels for specific tasks
Uses standard procedures to prepare materials, administer, and score
Samples student performance to give objective, observable ‘low-inference’
information about student performance
Has decision rules to help educators to interpret student data and make appropriate
instructional decisions
Is efficient to implement in schools (e.g., training can be done quickly; the measures
are brief and feasible for classrooms, etc.)
Provides data that can be converted into visual displays for ease of communication
Source: Hosp, M.K., Hosp, J. L., & Howell, K. W. (2007). The ABCs of CBM. New York: Guilford.
Response to Intervention
CBM Measures: Internet Sources
DIBELS (https://dibels.uoregon.edu/)
AimsWeb (http://www.aimsweb.com)
Easy CBM (http://www.easycbm.com)
iSteep (http://www.isteep.com)
EdCheckup (http://www.edcheckup.com)
Intervention Central
Response to Intervention
Measures of
Academic Progress
Response to Intervention
Universal Screening at Secondary Schools: Using Existing
Data Proactively to Flag ‘Signs of Disengagement’
“Across interventions…, a key component to
promoting school completion is the systematic
monitoring of all students for signs of
disengagement, such as attendance and behavior
problems, failing courses, off track in terms of credits
earned toward graduation, problematic or few close
relationships with peers and/or teachers, and then
following up with those who are at risk.”
Source: Jimerson, S. R., Reschly, A. L., & Hess, R. S. (2008). Best practices in developing academic local norms. In A. Thomas & J. Grimes
(Eds.), Best practices in school psychology V (pp. 1085-1097). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists. p.1090
Response to Intervention
Mining Archival Data: What Are the ‘Early Warning Flags’
of Student Drop-Out?
A sample of 13,000 students in Philadelphia were tracked for 8
years. These early warning indicators were found to predict
student drop-out in the sixth-grade year:
Failure in English
Failure in math
Missing at least 20% of school days
Receiving an ‘unsatisfactory’ behavior rating from at least one
Source: Balfanz, R., Herzog, L., MacIver, D. J. (2007). Preventing student disengagement and keeping students on the graduation
path in urban middle grades schools: Early identification and effective interventions. Educational Psychologist,42, 223–235. .
Response to Intervention
What is the Predictive Power of These Early
Warning Flags?
Number of ‘Early Warning Flags’ in
Student Record
Probability That Student Would
Source: Balfanz, R., Herzog, L., MacIver, D. J. (2007). Preventing student disengagement and keeping students on the graduation
path in urban middle grades schools: Early identification and effective interventions. Educational Psychologist,42, 223–235. .
Response to Intervention
Local Norms: Set a Realistic Timeline for ‘PhaseIn’ (Stewart & Silberglit, 2008)
“If local
norms are not already being collected, it
may be helpful to develop a 3-5 year planned
rollout of local norm data collection, reporting,
and use in line with other professional
development and assessment goals for the
school. This phased-in process of developing
local norms could start with certain grade levels
and expand to others.” p. 229
Source: Stewart, L. H. & Silberglit, B. (2008). Best practices in developing academic local norms. In A. Thomas & J. Grimes
(Eds.), Best practices in school psychology V (pp. 225-242). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.
Response to Intervention
Team Activity: Draft a Plan to Conduct an Academic
Screening in Your School or District
Develop a draft plan to screen your student
population for academic (and perhaps behavioral)
Question 1: How will you determine what mix of
measures to include in the screening (e.g., basic
academic skills, advanced concepts, student
performance according to curriculum expectations)?
Question 2: How might you make use of existing data
— e.g., disciplinary office referrals, grades, behavior
— in your screening plan?
Question 3: How frequently would you collect data for
each element included in the screening plan?
Question 4: Who would assist in implementing the
screening plan?
Response to Intervention
Intervention Tip: View Cognitive Strategy
Interventions at:
Response to Intervention
Understanding the
Learning Needs of
the Individual Student
Jim Wright
Response to Intervention
Instructional Assessment: Moving Beyond
Screening Data
• Screening data is intended to rapidly and efficiently
identify which students are struggling.
• However, schools also need the capacity to complete
more detailed ‘instructional assessments’ on some
students flagged in a screening to map out those
students’ relative strengths and weaknesses.
• Action Step: Schools should identify people on staff and
develop materials to conduct instructional assessments.
Response to Intervention
Local Norms: Supplement With Additional
Academic Testing as Needed (Stewart & Silberglit, 2008)
“At the individual student level, local norm data are just the first
step toward determining why a student may be experiencing
academic difficulty. Because local norms are collected on brief
indicators of core academic skills, other sources of information
and additional testing using the local norm measures or other
tests are needed to validate the problem and determine why the
student is having difficulty. … Percentage correct and rate
information provide clues regarding automaticity and accuracy of
skills. Error types, error patterns, and qualitative data provide
clues about how a student approached the task. Patterns of
strengths and weaknesses on subtests of an assessment can
provide information about the concepts in which a student or
group of students may need greater instructional support,
provided these subtests are equated and reliable for these
purposes.” p. 237
Source: Stewart, L. H. & Silberglit, B. (2008). Best practices in developing academic local norms. In A. Thomas & J. Grimes
(Eds.), Best practices in school psychology V (pp. 225-242). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.
Response to Intervention
Local Norms: Supplement With Additional
Academic Testing as Needed (Stewart & Silberglit, 2008)
“Whereas screening measures are more general (i.e., they
sample skills), analytic measures should be specific and
detailed. A math calculation measure with only one item of a
specific skill type (e.g., double-digit addition without carrying)
may provide sufficient information for screening decisions
(provided it includes other skill types that are relevant), but it
will not be useful for analytic decisions. If a decision needs to
be reached about a student’s specific skill such as double-digit
addition without carrying, there needs to be enough samples of
that behavior (i.e., items) in order to make a reliable and
accurate decision. How many items are necessary depends on
the task and the items themselves, but a good rule of thumb is
that if there are fewer than three to five items of a given skill,
there probably are not enough.” p. 369-370
Source: Hosp, J. L. (2008). Best practices in aligning academic assessment with instruction. In A. Thomas & J. Grimes (Eds.),
Best practices in school psychology V (pp.363-376). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.
Response to Intervention
Breaking Down Complex Academic Goals
into Simpler Sub-Tasks: Discrete
Response to Intervention
Identifying and Measuring Complex Academic
Problems at the Middle and High School Level
• Students at the secondary level can present with
a range of concerns that interfere with academic
• One frequent challenge for these students is the
need to reduce complex global academic goals
into discrete sub-skills that can be individually
measured and tracked over time.
Response to Intervention
Discrete Categorization: A Strategy for Assessing
Complex, Multi-Step Student Academic Tasks
Definition of Discrete Categorization: ‘Listing a number of
behaviors and checking off whether they were performed.’
(Kazdin, 1989, p. 59).
• Approach allows educators to define a larger ‘behavioral’ goal for
a student and to break that goal down into sub-tasks. (Each subtask should be defined in such a way that it can be scored as
‘successfully accomplished’ or ‘not accomplished’.)
• The constituent behaviors that make up the larger behavioral
goal need not be directly related to each other. For example,
‘completed homework’ may include as sub-tasks ‘wrote down
homework assignment correctly’ and ‘created a work plan before
starting homework’
Source: Kazdin, A. E. (1989). Behavior modification in applied settings (4th ed.). Pacific Gove, CA: Brooks/Cole..
Response to Intervention
Discrete Categorization Example: Math Study Skills
General Academic Goal: Improve Tina’s Math Study Skills
Tina was struggling in her mathematics course because of poor study skills. The RTI
Team and math teacher analyzed Tina’s math study skills and decided that, to study
effectively, she needed to:
Check her math notes daily for completeness.
Review her math notes daily.
Start her math homework in a structured school setting.
Use a highlighter and ‘margin notes’ to mark questions or areas of confusion in her
notes or on the daily assignment.
 Spend sufficient ‘seat time’ at home each day completing homework.
 Regularly ask math questions of her teacher.
Response to Intervention
Discrete Categorization Example: Math Study Skills
General Academic Goal: Improve Tina’s Math Study Skills
The RTI Team—with teacher and student input—created the following
intervention plan. The student Tina will:
 Approach the teacher at the end of class for a copy of class note.
 Check her daily math notes for completeness against a set of teacher
notes in 5th period study hall.
 Review her math notes in 5th period study hall.
 Start her math homework in 5th period study hall.
 Use a highlighter and ‘margin notes’ to mark questions or areas of
confusion in her notes or on the daily assignment.
 Enter into her ‘homework log’ the amount of time spent that evening
doing homework and noted any questions or areas of confusion.
 Stop by the math teacher’s classroom during help periods (T & Th only)
to ask highlighted questions (or to verify that Tina understood that
week’s instructional content) and to review the homework log.
Response to Intervention
Discrete Categorization Example: Math Study Skills
Academic Goal: Improve Tina’s Math Study Skills
General measures of the success of this intervention
include (1) rate of homework completion and (2) quiz &
test grades.
To measure treatment fidelity (Tina’s follow-through with sub-tasks of the
checklist), the following strategies are used :
 Approached the teacher for copy of class notes. Teacher observation.
 Checked her daily math notes for completeness; reviewed math notes, started math
homework in 5th period study hall. Student work products; random spot check by study
hall supervisor.
 Used a highlighter and ‘margin notes’ to mark questions or areas of confusion in her notes
or on the daily assignment. Review of notes by teacher during T/Th drop-in period.
 Entered into her ‘homework log’ the amount of time spent that evening doing homework and
noted any questions or areas of confusion. Log reviewed by teacher during T/Th drop-in
 Stopped by the math teacher’s classroom during help periods (T & Th only) to ask
highlighted questions (or to verify that Tina understood that week’s instructional content).
Teacher observation; student sign-in.
Response to Intervention
Monitoring Student Academic Behaviors:
Daily Behavior Report Cards
Response to Intervention
Daily Behavior Report Cards (DBRCs) Are…
brief forms containing student behavior-rating
items. The teacher typically rates the student daily
(or even more frequently) on the DBRC. The
results can be graphed to document student
response to an intervention.
Response to Intervention
Response to Intervention
Daily Behavior Report Cards Can Monitor…
On-Task Behavior (Attention)
Work Completion
Organization Skills
Compliance With Adult Requests
Ability to Interact Appropriately With Peers
Response to Intervention
Jim Blalock
Mrs. Williams
May 5
Rm 108
Response to Intervention
Jim Blalock
Mrs. Williams
Rm 108
05 05 07 05 06 07 05 07 07 05 08 07 05 09 07
60 60 50
Response to Intervention
Daily Behavior Report Card: Chart
Response to Intervention
RIOT/ICEL Framework:
Organizing Information to Better
Identify Student Behavioral &
Academic Problems
Response to Intervention
Response to Intervention
RIOT/ICEL Framework
Sources of Information
• Review (of records)
• Interview
• Observation
• Test
Focus of Assessment
• Instruction
• Curriculum
• Environment
• Learner
Response to Intervention
RIOT/ICEL Definition
• The RIOT/ICEL matrix is an assessment guide to help
schools efficiently to decide what relevant information to
collect on student academic performance and
behavior—and also how to organize that information to
identify probable reasons why the student is not
experiencing academic or behavioral success.
• The RIOT/ICEL matrix is not itself a data collection
instrument. Instead, it is an organizing framework, or
heuristic, that increases schools’ confidence both in the
quality of the data that they collect and the findings that
emerge from the data.
Response to Intervention
RIOT: Sources of Information
• Select Multiple Sources of Information: RIOT
(Review, Interview, Observation, Test). The
top horizontal row of the RIOT/ICEL table
includes four potential sources of student
information: Review, Interview, Observation, and
Test (RIOT). Schools should attempt to collect
information from a range of sources to control for
potential bias from any one source.
Response to Intervention
Select Multiple Sources of Information: RIOT
(Review, Interview, Observation, Test)
• Review. This category consists of past or present
records collected on the student. Obvious examples
include report cards, office disciplinary referral data,
state test results, and attendance records. Less
obvious examples include student work samples,
physical products of teacher interventions (e.g., a
sticker chart used to reward positive student
behaviors), and emails sent by a teacher to a parent
detailing concerns about a student’s study and
organizational skills.
Response to Intervention
Select Multiple Sources of Information: RIOT (Review,
Interview, Observation, Test)
• Interview. Interviews can be conducted face-to-face, via
telephone, or even through email correspondence.
Interviews can also be structured (that is, using a predetermined series of questions) or follow an open-ended
format, with questions guided by information supplied by the
respondent. Interview targets can include those teachers,
paraprofessionals, administrators, and support staff in the
school setting who have worked with or had interactions with
the student in the present or past. Prospective interview
candidates can also consist of parents and other relatives of
the student as well as the student himself or herself.
Response to Intervention
Select Multiple Sources of Information: RIOT
(Review, Interview, Observation, Test)
• Observation. Direct observation of the student’s
academic skills, study and organizational strategies,
degree of attentional focus, and general conduct can
be a useful channel of information. Observations can
be more structured (e.g., tallying the frequency of
call-outs or calculating the percentage of on-task
intervals during a class period) or less structured
(e.g., observing a student and writing a running
narrative of the observed events).
Response to Intervention
Select Multiple Sources of Information: RIOT
(Review, Interview, Observation, Test)
• Test. Testing can be thought of as a structured and
standardized observation of the student that is
intended to test certain hypotheses about why the
student might be struggling and what school
supports would logically benefit the student (Christ,
2008). An example of testing may be a student
being administered a math computation CBM probe
or an Early Math Fluency probe.
Response to Intervention
Formal Tests: Only One Source of Student Assessment
“Tests are often overused and misunderstood in and
out of the field of school psychology. When necessary,
analog [i.e., test] observations can be used to test
relevant hypotheses within controlled conditions.
Testing is a highly standardized form of observation.
….The only reason to administer a test is to answer
well-specified questions and examine well-specified
hypotheses. It is best practice to identify and make
explicit the most relevant questions before
assessment begins. …The process of assessment
should follow these questions. The questions should
not follow assessment. “ p.170
Source: Christ, T. (2008). Best practices in problem analysis. In A. Thomas & J. Grimes (Eds.), Best practices in school
psychology V (pp. 159-176). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.
Response to Intervention
ICEL: Factors Impacting Student Learning
• Investigate Multiple Factors Affecting Student
Learning: ICEL (Instruction, Curriculum,
Environment, Learner). The leftmost vertical column of
the RIO/ICEL table includes four key domains of
learning to be assessed: Instruction, Curriculum,
Environment, and Learner (ICEL). A common mistake
that schools often make is to assume that student
learning problems exist primarily in the learner and to
underestimate the degree to which teacher instructional
strategies, curriculum demands, and environmental
influences impact the learner’s academic performance.
The ICEL elements ensure that a full range of relevant
explanations for student problems are examined.
Response to Intervention
Investigate Multiple Factors Affecting Student Learning:
ICEL (Instruction, Curriculum, Environment, Learner)
• Instruction. The purpose of investigating the ‘instruction’
domain is to uncover any instructional practices that either
help the student to learn more effectively or interfere with
that student’s learning. More obvious instructional questions
to investigate would be whether specific teaching strategies
for activating prior knowledge better prepare the student to
master new information or whether a student benefits
optimally from the large-group lecture format that is often
used in a classroom. A less obvious example of an
instructional question would be whether a particular student
learns better through teacher-delivered or self-directed,
computer-administered instruction.
Response to Intervention
Investigate Multiple Factors Affecting Student Learning:
ICEL (Instruction, Curriculum, Environment, Learner)
• Curriculum. ‘Curriculum’ represents the full set of academic
skills that a student is expected to have mastered in a
specific academic area at a given point in time. To
adequately evaluate a student’s acquisition of academic
skills, of course, the educator must (1) know the school’s
curriculum (and related state academic performance
standards), (2) be able to inventory the specific academic
skills that the student currently possesses, and then (3)
identify gaps between curriculum expectations and actual
student skills. (This process of uncovering student academic
skill gaps is sometimes referred to as ‘instructional’ or
‘analytic’ assessment.)
Response to Intervention
Investigate Multiple Factors Affecting Student Learning: ICEL
(Instruction, Curriculum, Environment, Learner)
• Environment. The ‘environment’ includes any factors in the
student’s school, community, or home surroundings that can
directly enable their academic success or hinder that success.
Obvious questions about environmental factors that impact
learning include whether a student’s educational performance is
better or worse in the presence of certain peers and whether
having additional adult supervision during a study hall results in
higher student work productivity. Less obvious questions about
the learning environment include whether a student has a setting
at home that is conducive to completing homework or whether
chaotic hallway conditions are delaying that student’s transitioning
between classes and therefore reducing available learning time.
Response to Intervention
Investigate Multiple Factors Affecting Student Learning:
ICEL (Instruction, Curriculum, Environment, Learner)
• Learner. While the student is at the center of any questions
of instruction, curriculum, and [learning] environment, the
‘learner’ domain includes those qualities of the student that
represent their unique capacities and traits. More obvious
examples of questions that relate to the learner include
investigating whether a student has stable and high rates of
inattention across different classrooms or evaluating the
efficiency of a student’s study habits and test-taking skills. A
less obvious example of a question that relates to the learner
is whether a student harbors a low sense of self-efficacy in
mathematics that is interfering with that learner’s willingness
to put appropriate effort into math courses.
Response to Intervention
Response to Intervention
Activity: Use the RIOT/ICEL Framework
• Discussion: How can this
framework be used in your
school to improve the
quality of the data that you
collect on the student?
Response to Intervention
Defining Academic Problems:
Get It Right and Interventions
Are More Likely to Be
Jim Wright
Response to Intervention
Defining Academic Problems: Recommended Steps
1. Be knowledgeable of the school academic curriculum and
key student academic skills that are taught. The teacher
should have a good survey-level knowledge of the key
academic skills outlined in the school’s curriculum—for the
grade level of their classroom as well as earlier grade levels. If
the curriculum alone is not adequate for describing a student’s
academic deficit, the instructor can make use of research-based
definitions or complete a task analysis to further define the
academic problem area. Here are guidelines for consulting
curriculum and research-based definitions and for conducting a
task analysis for more global skills.
Response to Intervention
Defining Academic Problems: Recommended Steps
Curriculum. The teacher can review the school’s curriculum and related
documents (e.g., score-and-sequence charts; curriculum maps) to select
specific academic skill or performance goals. First, determine the
approximate grade or level in the curriculum that matches the student’s
skills. Then, review the curriculum at that alternate grade level to find
appropriate descriptions of the student‘s relevant academic deficit.
For example, a second-grade student had limited phonemic awareness.
The student was not able accurately to deconstruct a spoken word into its
component sound-units, or phonemes. In the school’s curriculum, children
were expected to attain proficiency in phonemic awareness by the close
of grade 1. The teacher went ‘off level’ to review the grade 1 curriculum
and found a specific description of phonemic awareness that she could
use as a starting point in defining the student’s skill deficit.
Response to Intervention
Defining Academic Problems: Recommended Steps
Research-Based Skill Definitions. Even when a school’s curriculum identifies
key skills, schools may find it useful to corroborate or elaborate those skill
definitions by reviewing alternative definitions published in research journals
or other trusted sources.
For example, a student had delays in solving quadratic equations. The math
instructor found that the school’s math curriculum did not provide a detailed
description of the skills required to successfully complete quadratic
equations. So the teacher reviewed the National Mathematics Advisory
Panel report (Fennell et al., 2008) and found a detailed description of
component skills for solving quadratic equations. By combining the skill
definitions from the school curriculum with the more detailed descriptions
taken from the research-based document, the teacher could better pinpoint
the student’s academic deficit in specific terms.
Response to Intervention
Defining Academic Problems: Recommended Steps
Task Analysis. Students may possess deficits in more global ‘academic
enabling’ skills that are essential for academic success. Teachers can
complete an task analysis of the relevant skill by breaking it down into a
checklist of constituent subskills. An instructor can use the resulting
checklist to verify that the student can or cannot perform each of the
subskills that make up the global ‘academic enabling’ skill.
For example, teachers at a middle school noted that many of their students
seemed to have poor ‘organization’ skills. Those instructors conducted a
task analysis and determined that--in their classrooms--the essential
subskills of ‘student organization’ included (a) arriving to class on time; (b)
bringing work materials to class; (c) following teacher directions in a timely
manner; (d) knowing how to request teacher assistance when needed; and
(e) having an uncluttered desk with only essential work materials.
Response to Intervention
Defining Academic Problems: Recommended Steps
2. Describe the academic problem in specific, skill-based
terms (Batsche et al., 2008; Upah, 2008). Write a clear, brief
description of the academic skill or performance deficit that
focuses on a specific skill or performance area. Here are
sample problem-identification statements:
– John reads aloud from grade-appropriate text much more slowly than his
– Ann lacks proficiency with multiplication math problems (double-digit times
double-digit with no regrouping).
– Tye does not turn in homework assignments.
– Angela produces limited text on in-class writing assignments.
Response to Intervention
Defining Academic Problems: Recommended Steps
3. Develop a fuller description of the academic problem to provide
a meaningful instructional context. When the teacher has
described the student’s academic problem, the next step is to
expand the problem definition to put it into a meaningful context.
This expanded definition includes information about the conditions
under which the academic problem is observed and typical or
expected level of performance.
– Conditions. Describe the environmental conditions or task demands in place
when the academic problem is observed.
– Problem Description. Describe the actual observable academic behavior in
which the student is engaged. Include rate, accuracy, or other quantitative
information of student performance.
– Typical or Expected Level of Performance. Provide a typical or expected
performance criterion for this skill or behavior. Typical or expected academic
performance can be calculated using a variety of sources,
Response to Intervention
Response to Intervention
Defining Academic Problems: Recommended Steps
4. Develop a hypothesis statement to explain the academic skill or
performance problem. The hypothesis states the assumed
reason(s) or cause(s) for the student’s academic problems. Once it
has been developed, the hypothesis statement acts as a compass
needle, pointing toward interventions that most logically address the
student academic problems.
Response to Intervention
Response to Intervention
Activity: Using the Academic ProblemIdentification Guide
• Discussion: How can your
school use the framework
for defining academic
problems to support the RTI
Response to Intervention
Curriculum-Based Measurement:
Jim Wright
Response to Intervention
Measurement/Assessment : Defining
• Assesses preselected objectives from local
• Has standardized directions for administration
• Is timed, yielding fluency, accuracy scores
• Uses objective, standardized, ‘quick’ guidelines for
• Permits charting and teacher feedback
Response to Intervention
CBM Writing:
Response to Intervention
CBM Writing Assessment: Preparation
• Select a story starter
• Create a CBM writing
probe: a lined sheet with the
story starter at the top
Response to Intervention
CBM Writing Assessment: Preparation
Story Starter Tips:
• Create or collect story starters that students will
find motivating to write about. (And toss out
starters that don’t inspire much enthusiasm!)
• Avoid story starters that allow students simply to
generate long lists: e.g., “What I want for my
birthday is…”
Response to Intervention
CBM Writing Probes:
Response to Intervention
Response to Intervention
CBM Writing Probes: Scoring
Response to Intervention
CBM Writing Assessment: Scoring
Total Words:
I woud drink water from the ocean and I woud
eat the fruit off of the trees. Then I woud bilit a
house out of trees, and I woud gather firewood
to stay warm. I woud try and fix my boat in my
spare time.
Total Words = 45
Response to Intervention
CBM Writing Assessment: Scoring
Total Words: Useful for tracking a
student’s fluency in writing
(irrespective of spelling,
punctuation, etc.)
Response to Intervention
CBA Research Norms: Writing
Response to Intervention
CBM Writing Assessment: Scoring
Correctly Spelled Words:
I woud drink water from the ocean
and I woud eat the fruit off of the
trees. Then I woud bilit a house
out of trees, and I woud gather
firewood to stay warm. I woud try
and fix my boat in my spare time.
Correctly Spelled Words = 39
Response to Intervention
CBM Writing Assessment: Scoring
Correctly Spelled Words: Permits
teachers to (a) monitor student
spelling skills in context of writing
assignments, and (b) track
student vocabulary usage.
Response to Intervention
CBM Writing Assessment: Scoring
Correct Writing Sequences: Most
global CBM measure. Looks at
quality of writing in context.
Response to Intervention
CBM Writing Assessment: Scoring
Correct Writing Sequences:
I woud drink water from the ocean
and I woud eat the fruit off of the
trees. Then I woud bilit a house
out of trees, and I woud gather
firewood to stay warm. I woud try
and fix my boat in my spare time.
Correct Writing Sequences = 37
Response to Intervention
Trainer Question: What objections or concerns
might teachers have about using CBM writing
probes? How would you address these
Response to Intervention
Homework: Draft a Plan to Conduct an Academic
Screening in Your School or District
Develop a draft plan to screen your student
population for academic (and perhaps behavioral)
Question 1: How will you determine what mix of
measures to include in the screening (e.g., basic
academic skills, advanced concepts, student
performance according to curriculum expectations)?
Question 2: How might you make use of existing data
— e.g., disciplinary office referrals, grades, behavior
— in your screening plan?
Question 3: How frequently would you collect data for
each element included in the screening plan?
Question 4: Who would assist in implementing the
screening plan?