1) Location - ASFM Tech Integration

Middle East Country of the Year Campaign
Objective: Having an in-depth understanding of the countries of the Middle East.
The options: Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Palestine, Kuwait, Bahrain,
Syria, Oman, and Yemen.
Task: Your group has been assigned the task of selecting a country in the Middle East and creating a
project that would allow it to compete for “Country of the Year.” Your project needs to contain the
1) Location – map showing neighboring countries (relative location).
2) Background Knowledge – 3 Things we absolutely should know about your country before going
there! Can be found in CIA World Fact Book clicking on the “Introduction” tab.
3) Economy – 3 important facts about their economy. CIA World Fact Book – “Economy” tab.
4) People/Culture – 3 important facts about the people and culture – how are people often
described, what do they wear, what is appropriate or inappropriate for behaving in that
5) Place – 3 places you need to visit in that country (man-made or natural). Why?
6) Climate – Description of the climate. Best and worst times to visit because of the climate.
7) Fast Facts – Capital city, Flag, Religion, language (how do you say hello and goodbye in your
country), currency ($), popular foods and sports and anything else that’s interesting.
Project choices:
1) Video Ad Campaign
2) Interactive Presentation – Prezi, glogster, weebly
3) Mural with explanation – video, writing, or voicethread
4) Travel Journal with illustrations
5) Story with illustrations
Group Member Planning:
1) Location -- _____________________________________ Is responsible for the taking care of
the map.
2) Background Knowledge -- _____________________________________ Is responsible for
checking out the CIA World Factbook or another source for getting “3 must know
facts” about our country.
3) Economy -- _____________________________________ Is responsible for checking out the
CIA World Factbook or another source for getting “3 must know facts” about our
country’s economy.
4) People/Culture -- _____________________________________ Is responsible for finding
“three must know facts” that we can put about what the people/culture are like in our
5) Place -- _____________________________________ Is responsible for finding out “3 must see”
places in our country and explaining why!
6) Climate -- _____________________________________ Is responsible for checking out the
climate in our country and describing the best and worst times to visit.
7) Fast Facts -- _____________________________________ Is responsible for checking out the
Capital city, Flag, Religion, language (how do you say hello and goodbye in your
country), currency ($), popular foods and sports and anything else that’s interesting.