Mergers Chapter 11: Horizontal Mergers 1 Introduction • Merger mania of 1990s disappeared after 9/11/2001 • But now appears to be returning – Oracle/PeopleSoft – AT&T/Cingular – Bank of America/Fleet • Reasons for merger – cost savings – search for synergies in operations – more efficient pricing and/or improved service to customers Chapter 11: Horizontal Mergers 2 Questions • Are mergers beneficial or is there a need for regulation? – cost reduction is potentially beneficial – but mergers can “look like” legal cartels • and so may be detrimental • US government is particularly concerned with these questions – Antitrust Division Merger Guidelines • seek to balance harm to competition with avoiding unnecessary interference • Explore these issues in next two chapters – distinguish mergers that are • horizontal: Bank of America/Fleet • vertical: Disney/ABC • conglomerate: Gillette/Duracell; Quaker Oats/Snapple Chapter 11: Horizontal Mergers 3 Horizontal mergers • Merger between firms that compete in the same product market – some bank mergers – hospitals – oil companies • Begin with a surprising result: the merger paradox – take the standard Cournot model – merger that is not merger to monopoly is unlikely to be profitable • unless “sufficiently many” of the firms merge • with linear demand and costs, at least 80% of the firms • but this type of merger is unlikely to be allowed Chapter 11: Horizontal Mergers 4 An Example Assume 3 identical firms; market demand P = 150 - Q; each firm with marginal costs of $30. The firms act as Cournot competitors. Applying the Cournot equations we know that: each firm produces output q(3) = (150 - 30)/(3 + 1) = 30 units the product price is P(3) = 150 - 3x30 = $60 profit of each firm is p(3) = (60 - 30)x30 = $900 Now suppose that two of these firms merge, then there are two independent firms so output of each changes to: q(2) = (150 - 30)/3 = 40 units; price is P(2) = 150 - 2x40 = $70 profit of each firm is p(2) = (70 - 30)x40 = $1,600 But prior to the merger the two firms had total profit of $1,800 This merger is unprofitable and should not occur Chapter 11: Horizontal Mergers 5 A Generalization Take a Cournot market with N identical firms. Suppose that market demand is P = A - B.Q and that marginal costs of each firm are c. From standard Cournot analysis we know the profit of each firm is: (A - c)2 The ordering of the firms C p i= does not matter B(N + 1)2 Now suppose that firms 1, 2,… M merge. This gives a market in which there are now N - M + 1 independent firms. Chapter 11: Horizontal Mergers 6 Generalization 2 The newly merged firm chooses output qm to maximize profit: pm(qm, Q-m) = qm(A - B(qm + Q-m) - c) where Q-m = qm+1 + qm+2 + …. + qN is the aggregate output of the N - M firms that have not merged Each non-merged firm chooses output qi to maximize profit: pi(qi, Q-i) = qi(A - B(qi + Q-i) - c) where Q-i = is the aggregate output of the N - M firms excluding firm i plus the output of the merged firm qm Comparing the profit equations then tells us: the merged firm becomes just like any other firm in the market all of the N - M + 1 post-merger firms are identical and so must produce the same output and make the same profits Chapter 11: Horizontal Mergers 7 Generalization 3 The profit of each of the merged and non-merged firms is then: (A - c)2 Profit of each surviving firm C C p m = p nm = increases with M B(N - M + 2)2 The aggregate profit of the merging firms pre-merger is: M(A - c)2 C Mp i = B(N + 1)2 So for the merger to be profitable we need: (A - c)2 M(A - c)2 > this simplifies to: 2 2 B(N - M + 2) B(N + 1) (N + 1)2 > M(N - M + 2)2 Chapter 11: Horizontal Mergers 8 The Merger Paradox Substitute M = aN to give the equation (N + 1)2 > aN(N – aN + 2)2 Solving this for a > a(N) tells us that a merger is profitable for the merged firms if and only if: a > a(N) = 3 2 N 5 4 N 2N Typical examples of a(N) are: N 5 10 15 20 25 a(N) 80% 81.5% 83.1% 84.5% 85.5% M 4 9 13 17 22 Chapter 11: Horizontal Mergers 9 The Merger Paradox 2 • Why is this happening? – merged firm cannot commit to its potentially greater size • the merged firm is just like any other firm in the market • thus the merger causes the merged firm to lose market share • the merger effectively closes down part of the merged firm’s operations – this appears somewhat unreasonable • Can this be resolved? – need to alter the model somehow • asymmetric costs • timing: perhaps the merged firms act like market leaders • product differentiation Chapter 11: Horizontal Mergers 10 Introduction • General Electric and Honeywell proposed to merge in 2000 – GE supplies jet engines for commercial aircraft – Honeywell produced various electrical and other control systems for jet aircraft • Deal was approved in the US • But was blocked by the EU Competition Directorate – this was a merger of complementary firms – it is “like” a vertical merger – so can potentially remove inefficiencies in pricing • benefiting the merged firms and consumers – so why block the merger? Chapter 12: Vertical and Conglomerate Mergers 11 Introduction 2 • Vertical mergers can be detrimental – if they facilitate market foreclosure by the merged firms • refuse to supply non-merged rivals • But they can also be beneficial – if they remove market inefficiencies • Regulators need to look for the balance these two forces in considering any proposed merger Chapter 12: Vertical and Conglomerate Mergers 12 Complementary Mergers • Consider first a merger between firms that supply complementary products • A simple example: – – – – – – final production requires two inputs in fixed proportions one unit of each input is needed to make one unit of output input producers are monopolists final product producer is a monopolist demand for the final product is P = 140 - Q marginal costs of upstream producers and final producer (other than for the two inputs) normalized to zero. • What is the effect of merger between the two upstream producers? Chapter 12: Vertical and Conglomerate Mergers 13 Complementary mergers 2 Supplier 1 Supplier 2 price v2 price v1 Final Producer price P Consumers Chapter 12: Vertical and Conglomerate Mergers 14 Complementary producers Consider the profit of the final producer: this is pf = (P - v1 - v2)Q = (140 - v1 - v2 - Q)Q Maximize this with respect to Q Solve this for Q pf/Q = 140 - (v1 + v2) - 2Q = 0 Q = 70 - (v1 + v2)/2 This gives us the demand for each input Q1 = Q2 = 70 - (v1 + v2)/2 So the profit of supplier 1 is then: p1 = v1Q1 = v1(70 - v1/2 - v2/2) Maximize this with respect to v1 Chapter 12: Vertical and Conglomerate Mergers 15 The price charged by We need to solve each supplier is a function of theComplementary other producers these 2 two pricing equations supplier’s price 1 Solve this for v p = v1Q1 = v1(70 - v1/2 - v2/2) 1 Maximize this with respect to v1 p1/v1 = 70 - v1 - v2/2 = 0 v1 = 70 - v2/2 We can do exactly the same for v2 v2 140 v2 = 70 - v1/2 R1 v1 = 70 - (70 - v1/2)/2 = 35 + v1/4 so 3v1/4 = 35, i.e., v1 = $46.67 and v2 = $46.67 70 46.67 R2 46.67 70 Chapter 12: Vertical and Conglomerate Mergers 140 v1 16 Complementary products 3 Recall that Q = Q1 = Q2 = 70 - (v1 + v2)/2 so Q = Q1 = Q2 = 23.33 units The final product price is P = 140 - Q = $116.67 Profits of the three firms are then: supplier 1 and supplier 2: p1 = p2 = 46.67 x 23.33 = $1,088.81 final producer: pf = (116.67 - 46.67 - 46.67) x 23.33 = $544.29 Chapter 12: Vertical and Conglomerate Mergers 17 Complementary products 4 Supplier 1 Now suppose that the two suppliers merge Supplier 2 23.33 units @ $46.67 each 23.33 units @ $46.67 each Final Producer 23.33 units @ $116.67 each Consumers Chapter 12: Vertical and Conglomerate Mergers 18 Complementary mergers 5 Supplier 1 Supplier 2 price v The merger allows the two firms to coordinate their prices Final Producer price P Consumers Chapter 12: Vertical and Conglomerate Mergers 19 Complementary mergers 6 Consider the profit of the final producer: this is pf = (P - v)Q = (140 - v - Q)Q Maximize this with respect to Q pf/Q = 140 - v - 2Q = 0 Q = 70 - v/2 This gives us the demand for each input Q1 = Q2 = Qm = 70 - v/2 So the profit of the merged supplier is: pm = vQm = v(70 - v/2) Solve this for Q Maximize this with respect to v Chapter 12: Vertical and Conglomerate Mergers 20 Complementary mergers 7 This is the cost of the combined pm = vQm = v(70 - v/2) The has merger has reduced input: the merger reduced the final product price: costs to the final producer Differentiate with respect to v consumers gain pm/v = 70 - v = 0 so v = $70 Recall that Qm = Q = 70 - v/2 so Qm = Q = 35 units This gives the final product price P = 140 - Q = $105 This is greater What about profits? For the merged upstream firm: than the combined pre-merger profit pm = vQm = 70 x 35 = $2,480 For the final producer: pf = (105 - 70) x 35 = $1,225 This is greater than the pre-merger profit Chapter 12: Vertical and Conglomerate Mergers 21 Complementary mergers 8 • A merger of complementary producers has – increased profits of the merged firms – increased profit of the final producer – reduced the price charged to consumers Everybody gains from this merger: a Pareto improvement! Why? • This merger corrects a market failure – prior to the merger the upstream suppliers do not take full account of their interdependence – cut in price by one of them reduces downstream costs, increases downstream output and benefits the other upstream firm – but this is an externality and so is ignored • Merger internalizes the externality Chapter 12: Vertical and Conglomerate Mergers 22 Vertical Mergers • The same result arises when we consider vertical mergers: mergers of upstream and downstream firms • If the merging firms have market power – lack of co-ordination in their independent decisions – double marginalization – merger can lead to a general improvement • Illustrate with a simple model – one upstream and one downstream monopolist – – – – • manufacturer and retailer upstream firm has marginal costs c sells product to the retailer at price r per unit no other retail costs: one unit of input gives one unit of output retail demand is P = A – BQ Chapter 12: Vertical and Conglomerate Mergers 23 Vertical merger 2 Marginal costs c Manufacturer wholesale price r Price P Consumer Demand: P = A - BQ Chapter 12: Vertical and Conglomerate Mergers 24 Vertical merger 3 • Consider the retailer’s decision – identify profit-maximizing output – set the profit maximizing price Price A Demand marginal revenue downstream is MR = A – 2BQ retail marginal cost is r equate MC = MR to give the quantity Q = (A - r)/2B identify the price from the demand curve: P = A - BQ = (A + r)/2 profit to the retailer is (P - r)Q which is pD = (A - r)2/4B (A+r)/2 Retail Profit r Man. c Profit A-r 2B MC MR A/2B profit to the manufacturer is (r-c)Q which is pM = (r - c)(A - r)/2B A/B Quantity Chapter 12: Vertical and Conglomerate Mergers 25 Vertical merger 4 suppose the manufacturer sets a different price r1 then the downstream firm’s output choice changes to the output Q1 = (A - r1)/2B Price A Demand r1 r A - r1 2B and so on for other input prices demand for the manufacturer’s output is just the downstream marginal revenue curve MC Upstream demand MR Quantity A - r A/2B A/B 2B Chapter 12: Vertical and Conglomerate Mergers 26 Vertical merger 5 Price A Manufacturer Profit (3A+c)/4 Demand (A+c)/2 Upstream demand c (A-c)/4B MRu MR A/4B A/2B the manufacturer’s marginal cost is c upstream demand is Q = (A - r)/2B which is r = A – 2BQ upstream marginal revenue is, therefore, MRu = A – 4BQ equate MRu = MC: A – 4BQ = c Retail Profit MC A/B so Q*=(A-c)/4B the input price is (A+c)/2 while the consumer price is (3A+c)/4 the manufacturer’s profit is (A-c)2/8B the retailer’s profit is (A-c)2/16B Quantity Chapter 12: Vertical and Conglomerate Mergers 27 Vertical merger 6 • Now suppose that the retailer and manufacturer merge – – – – manufacturer takes over the retail outlet retailer is now a downstream division of an integrated firm the integrated firm aims to maximize total profit Suppose the upstream division sets an internal (transfer) price of r for its product – Suppose that consumer demand is P = P(Q) The internal transfer price nets out of the – Total profit is: • upstream division: (r - c)Q • downstream division: (P(Q) - r)Q • aggregate profit: (P(Q) - c)Q profit calculations • Back to the example Chapter 12: Vertical and Conglomerate Mergers 28 Vertical merger 7 This merger has the integrated demand is P(Q) = A - BQ benefited the two This merger has marginal revenue is MR = A – 2BQ Price firms benefited consumers A Demand (A+c)/2 Aggregate Profit c MR (A-c)/2B marginal cost is c so the profit-maximizing output requires that A – 2BQ = c so Q* = (A – c)/2B so the retail price is P = (A + c)/2 aggregate profit of the integrated firm is (A – c)2/4B MC A/B Quantity Chapter 12: Vertical and Conglomerate Mergers 29 Vertical merger 8 • Integration increases profits and consumer surplus • Why? – the firms have some degree of market power – so they price above marginal cost – so integration corrects a market failure: double marginalization • What if manufacture were competitive? – retailer plays off manufacturers against each other – so obtains input at marginal cost – gets the integrated profit without integration • Why worry about vertical integration? – two possible reasons • price discrimination • vertical foreclosure Chapter 12: Vertical and Conglomerate Mergers 30