Meat Production

Case Study : Cold Storage
Company (BYO)
Miss Amanda S. Mukova
Miss Lynita S. Beswick
Miss Gladys T. Matanhire
Mr Takunda F. Muchuva
Mr Victor T. Nyanhete
Meat is processed as follows :
The beast is stunned
Hoisted for bleeding
Conveyed to the processing unit
Carcass Splitting
Government Inspection
Government grading and weighing
Carcass washing
To ensure quality and consistency of beef
To inspect for diseases and infections in cattle
To protect consumer health
To detect an outbreak
To enable diagnosis and treatment
Salmonella Isolation
Anthrax Isolation
Brucella Antibodies Test
Icterus Test
Giemsa Stain
Zeehl- Neelsen Stain for Tuberculosis
Routine salmonella examination, weekly samples
are taken of various location and tissues on
abattoir level to test for salmonella. Slaughter,
flow drain or other representative areas example.
Tripe tub, effluent drain, bovine gall bladder
 Method
• Sterile absorbent swabs are suspended in the fluid for 1•
Place the swab in either tetrathionate broth, with 0.2ml
iodine solution added prior to use
Incubate overnight
Leaf streak onto a brilliant green plate
Incubate overnight at 37Celsius
 Examine
the plate the next morning for
any none lactose fermenting colonies
(pink colonies or surrounded colonies)
 NFL = Pink
 LF = Green
 Anthrax
Shake up approximately 2g of sample in sterile
distilled water or salime and incubate at 37celsius for
 Pour off supernatant into a sterile universal bottle
and heat at 80 Celsius for 10 mins
 To 10ml of sterile melted nutrient agar at 0,5ml of
heated supernatant fluid
 Mix well and pour into a sterile Petri dish
 Incubate at 37 Celsius for 12-15mins, undermine the
plates for deep colonies which have a typical
philamentous appearance (knotted- string)
 Confirmation is obtained by giving the pig or mouse
the inoculation
 All
carcasses detained for suspected
Jaundice should be subject for
A serum(Van der burg Test)
 Method
1. Place the following in a
 2.8ml of distilled water
 0.4ml of serum
 0.8ml diazoreagant
 4.0ml of ethanol
Stand for 15-20mins
test tube
 Colourless = negative
 Pink, red or violet = positive
Test Two
Prepare alcohol extract of fat, (soak small
pieces twice in size the volume of methanol
and stir for 15mins)
To 4.0ml alcohol extract add 1ml of diazo
reagent as above and stand for 10-15mins
Interpret as above
Used for routine tests of blood, spleen and lymph
smears. They are used for poly chromatic of cells,
inclusions and parasites
 Fix film with methyl alcohol for approximately 3
 Pour of alcohol and flood with 10% Glemsa
solution (1 ml Glemsa stain and 9ml distilled
water) 10 minutes.
 Wash off with water and allow to dry for a more
rapid method used a stronger Glemsa solution
for example 20% for 5 minutes.
Used to demonstrate mycobacteria and other acid
and alcohol fast bacteria.
 Flood the mixed slide with carbol fuchsin and
heat intermittently with a Bunsen burner without
boiling the stain.
 Wash with water and decolourise with acid
alcohol (97%) and 3% hydrochloric acid.
 Complete decolourisation with 205 sulphuric
acid for 6-10 minutes
 Wash of acid and apply methylene blue for 30
 Wash and dry.
 Black-red
colour on blue backgroundsupposed to be acid and alcohol fast.
 Carbonyl fuchsin 1 gram
 Ethanol (95%) 10ml
 Phenol solution 100ml (5% solution)
 Methylene blue
 This
test is obtained from blood taken from
animals that require testing. The samples
are taken in test tubes and allowed to stand
for one hour to allow clotting to take place.
To hasten clotting, the samples should be
placed in an incubator at 37 degrees
Celsius for 30 minutes after clotting has
taken place. The sample is then centrifuged
at 4000 rpm at 40 degrees Celsius for 3-5
minutes. The serum is then available for use.
The stock preparation of brucella organism
(antigen) is diluted according to instruction,
for each serum 3 test tubes are prepared.
Test tube 1
o Contains 1.9 ml of N saline
Test tube 2
o Contains 0.5 ml of N-Saline
test tube 3
o Contains 0.5ml of N-Saline
 Add
0.1 ml of serum to test tube 1 and mix
(by inverting back and forth
 Transfer 0.5 ml of the mixture from test tube
1 to test tube 2 and mix
 Transfer 0.5 ml of test tube 2 to test tube 3
and mix
 Discard 0.5 ml from test tube 3 and from test
tube 1 discard 1.0 ml to each test tube add
0.5 ml of the diluted standard antigen and
incubate at 37 degrees Celsius for 18 hours
positive titre is taken as 50-75%
agglutination in a dilution of serum of 1 :
40 which contains international units.
At CSC the cattle are imported from Botswana
and tested for anthrax, foot and mouth and
Icterus before being exposed to the market
 Laboratory tests also ensure the eradication of
infectious diseases thus close monitoring can be
employed in areas where the beasts come from
and in this case Botswana
 On the other hand CSC beef production has
reduced its standards thus permitting for bogus
and unregistered meat producers which over
look these important Laboratory tests