EE-194-PLA Introduction to Plasma Engineering Part 1: Plasma Technology Part 2: Vacuum Basics Part 3: Plasma Overview Professor Jeff Hopwood ECE Dept., Tufts University Part 1: Basic Plasma Technology Plasma: an ionized gas consisting of atoms, electrons, ions, molecules, molecular fragments, and electronically excited species (informal definition) Plasma: the “fourth state of matter” plasma energy (electrons+ions) gas (steam) solid (ice) energy energy liquid (water) DC Plasma (AC Fluorescent Lamp…why AC?) ”sputtering” - Argon + Mercury @ ~0.01 atm. + - - + - ++- - - - +- - +- - + + - + Argon Electron Argon ion lamp endcap Also, this is the heart of high powered gas lasers. Fluorescent Lamp Spectrum The strong peaks of light emission are due to excited Hg: Hg + e- (hot) Hg* + e- (cold) Hg + light + ephoton Integrated Circuit Fabrication and Plasma Technology Microfabrication deposit-pattern-etch-repeat (a) (b) (c) (e) (f) (g) Copper metallization on the PowerPC chip (d) (h) Basic Plasma Technology Sputtering Magnetron DC Magnetron Pulsed RF S N Substrate to pump Target N S S N Basic Plasma Technology Capacitively Coupled Plasma 0.4 – 60 MHz Hopwood and Mantei, JVST A21, S139 (2003) Plasma Etching Cl2 Cl2 SiCl2 SiCl2 Cl S Cl+ Simplified anisotropic etching Cl2 + e- Cl + Cl+ + 2eSi(s) + 2Cl(g)+ ion energy SiCl2(g) Anisotropy is due to directional ion bombardment Dry or Plasma Etching Wet Etching (in acid) Cl+ Cl wafer Si(s) + 2Cl(g)+ ion energy SiCl2(g) The directional ion energy drives the chemical reaction only at the bottom of the microscopic feature. wafer In wet chemistry, the chemical reaction occurs on all surfaces at the same rate. Very small features can not be microfabricated since they eventually overlap each other. Trenches: etched and filled with copper Jason M. Blackburn, David P. Long, Albertina Cabañas, James J. Watkins Science 5 October 2001: Vol. 294. no. 5540, pp. 141 - 145 Plasma Deposition SiH4 SiH4 SiHX+H2 SiH SiH2 S Simplified plasma deposition H2 SiH4 + e- SiH3 + H + eSiH3 + e- SiH2 + H + eSiH2 + e- SiH + H + eSiH + e- Si + H + eSiHx+ surface+ ion energy Si (s) + Hx(g) Basic Plasma Technology Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma: Etch and Deposition Hopwood and Mantei, JVST A21, S139 (2003) Basic Plasma Technology Inductively Coupled Plasma: Etch and Deposition 0.4 – 13.56 MHz Hopwood and Mantei, JVST A21, S139 (2003) Other applications: Xenon Ion Propulsion Deep Space 1 encounter with Comet Borrelly Other Applications : Plasma Display Panels (PDPs) Structure blue red green From S.S. Yang, et al, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 31, 596 (2003). Plasma Display Panels (PDPs) Basic Operation initiate breakdown (~ 300 volts) Sustain Electrode sustain plasma (~ 180 volts) surface ++++ ++++++ Bus Electrode h ~ 200 m l ~ 400 m d ~ 60 m From S.S. Yang, et al, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 31, 596 (2003). Part 2: Basic Vacuum Concepts Goals • To review basic vacuum technology – Pressure, pumps, gauges • To review gas flow and conductance • To understand the flux of vapor phase material to a substrate • To understand mean free path, l Vacuum (units) 1.3x10-9 1x10-6 Torr 0.133x10-3 Pa 1.3x10-6 1 mTorr 0.133 Pa 1.3x10-3 1 Torr 133 Pa Typical High Pressure Plasma 1 atm. 760 Torr 101,333 Pa 1 Torr = 1 mm-Hg 1 Pascal = 1 N/m2 Typical Low Pressure Plasma Processing Ultrahigh Vacuum High Vacuum Rough Vacuum Rough Vacuum • “Mechanical Pumps” typically create a base pressure of 1-10 mTorr or 0.13-1.3 Pa Warning: Certain process gases are incompatible with pump fluids and pose severe safety risks! Rotary Vane Pump (Campbell) High Vacuum Pumping Cryopumps condense gases on cold surfaces to produce vacuum Typically there are three cold surfaces: (1) Inlet array condenses water and hydrocarbons (60-100 Kelvin) (2) Condensing array pumps argon, nitrogen and most other gases (10-20 K) (3) Adsorption is needed to trap helium, hydrogen and neon in activated carbon at 10-12 K. These gases are pumped very slowly! (Campbell) Warning: all pumped gases are trapped inside the pump, so explosive, toxic and corrosive gases are not recommended. No mech. pump is needed until regen. adapted from High Vacuum Pumping Turbomolecular Pump Process chamber High rotation speed turbine imparts momentum to gas atoms Inlet pressures: <10 mTorr Foreline pressure: < 1 Torr Requires a rough pump Good choice for toxic and explosive gases – foreline -gases are not trapped in pump All gases are pumped at approx. the same rate Pumping Speeds: 20 – 2000 liters per sec adapted from High Vacuum Pumping Process chamber Diffusion Pump The process gas is entrained by the downward flow of vaporized pumping fluid. Watercooled walls Foreline -to mech pump Benefits: Low cost, reliable, and rugged. High pumping speed: ~ 2000 l/s Caution: The process chamber will be contaminated by pumping fluid. A cold trap must be used between the diffusion pump and the process chamber. Heater/Pumping Fluid adapted from Not recommended for “clean” processes. Flow Rate Typically gas flows are cited in units of standard cubic centimeters per minute (sccm) or standard liters per minute (slm) “Standard” refers to T=273K, P = 1 atm. Example: Process gas flow of 50 sccm at 5 mTorr (@300K) requires 50 cm-3min-1(760Torr/5x10-3Torr)(300/273)(1min/60sec)(1/103) = 140 liters/sec of pumping speed at the chamber pump port Conductance Limitation 50 sccm Conductance depends on geometry and pressure (use tabulated data) 5 mTorr 140 l/s = Q/(P1 – P2) Fixed Throughput, Q: Q = 0.005 Torr x 140 l/s = 0.7 Torr-l/s > 140 l/s …since P2<P1 Corifice = ¼ (pa2)<v> l/s Ctube = pa2 (2a<v>/3L) …if mean free path >> a, L (see Mahan, 2000) Pressure Measurement Convectron Gauge: Initial pumpdown from 1 atm, and as a foreline monitor Thermal Conductivity of Gas Baratron: Insensitive to gas composition, Good choice for process pressures True Pressure (diaphragm displacement) Ionization of Gas RGA: A simple mass spectrometer Ion Gauge: Sensitive to gas composition, but a good choice for base pressures Vacuum Gauge Selection adapted from Residual Gas Analysis Low pressure systems are dominated by water vapor as seen in this RGA of a chamber backfilled with 4x10-5 torr of argon Why? H2O is a polar molecule that is difficult to pump from the walls --> bake-out the chamber Leak? Source: Pfeiffer vacuum products Gas Density (n) Ideal Gas Law PV = NkT Gas density at 1 Pascal at room temp. N/V = n = P/kT = (1 N/m2)/(1.3807x10-23J/K)(300 K) = [1 (kg-m/s2)/m2]/[4.1x10-21 kg-m2/s2] = 2.4x1020 atoms per m3 = 2.4x1014 cm-3 …at 1 Pa Rule of Thumb n(T) = 3.2x1013 cm-3 x (300/T) …at a pressure of 1 mTorr Gas Kinetics Maxwellian Distribution P (v ) m f (v ) 2 2 p kT 4pv 3/ 2 mv 2 exp 2kT Average speed of an atom: _ 8kT v c v f (v)4pv dv pm 0 2 Flux of atoms to the x-y plane surface: z n v z n vz f (v)dv 3 vZ 0 1 nv 4 Very important! (Campbell) Example A vacuum chamber has a base pressure of 10-6 Torr. Assuming that this is dominated by water vapor, what is the flux of H2O to a substrate placed in this chamber? n = 3.2x1013 cm-3/mTorr * 10-3 mTorr = 3.2x1010 cm-3 <v> = (8kT/pM)1/2 = 59200 cm/s z = (¼)n<v> = 4.74x1014 molecules per cm2 per sec! This is approximately one monolayer of H2O every second at 10-6 Torr base pressure. Collisions and Mean Free Path Gas Density n = P/ kT Cross-section s ~ pd2 l 1/sn d Rigorous Hard Sphere Collisions: l = kT / 2 pd2P sAr 2.6 1015 cm 2 lAr(cm) ~ 8 / P (mTorr) Part 3: Plasma Basics Paschen Curve F. Paschen, Ann. Phys. Chem., Ser. 3 37, 69 (1889). VDC d Too many collisions Electron energy<ionization energy Too few ionizing collisions: l>d What do we need to know about plasma? light Power Gas flow PLASMA gas (ng) Wall electrons ne, Te excited atoms and molecules ions Wall radicals, molecular fragments reaction products secondary electrons substrate pumping pumping Power Absorbed Power light Gas flow PLASMA gas (ng) Wall electrons ne, Te excited atoms and molecules ions Wall radicals, molecular fragments reaction products secondary electrons substrate pumping pumping Power Absorbed: DC • DC power – General electrical mobility and conductivity – Mobility: e = q<t>/m = q/nmme Where <t> is the average time between collisions and nm is the collision frequency (collisions per second) – Electron Conductivity: sDC = qnee = q2ne/nmme – DC power absorbed: Pabs (s DC E E )dv 3 vol Power Absorbed: RF • RF/microwave power – Ohmic Heating VRF f=13.56 MHz 1 2 3 Pabs s DC 2 | E | dv 2 2 w m vol 2 m – Generic electron-neutral collision frequency nm ~ 5x10-8 ngasTe1/2 (s-1) … ngas (cm-3), Te(eV). – Example: Find the pressure at which rf ohmic heating becomes ineffective: nm = 0.1w, Te = 2eV w = 13.56 MHz * 2p = 85.2Mrad/s ngas = 0.1*85.2x106/5x10-8(2)1/2 = 1.2x1014 cm-3 = 3.7 mTorr An electron oscillates in a rf electric field without gaining energy unless electron collisions occur Hopwood and Mantei, JVST A21, S139 (2003) Stochastic Heating an electron enters and exits a region of high field for a fraction of an rf cycle t0 << 2p/w Reflecting Boundary (plasma sheath) Emax ERF z x - E~0 vx(t0) > vx(0) The usual mechanism for heating electrons using RF electric fields at low pressures Wave/Resonant Heating -Ex t1 t3 t2 - - x k Electron cyclotron frequency: BDC wce = qB/me = 1.76x107 B(gauss) ERF E=0 x v F = q(vxB) y If w wce and ERF is perpendicular to BDC, then the electron gains energy from Ex in the absence of collisions. Ex. f=2.45 GHz --> B=875 G W/cm3 Hopwood and Mantei, JVST A21, S139 (2003) Electron Collisions Power light Gas flow PLASMA gas (ng) Wall electrons ne, Te excited atoms and molecules ions Wall radicals, molecular fragments reaction products secondary electrons substrate pumping pumping Electron Collisions • Elastic Collisions: – Ar + e Ar + e – Gas heating: energy is coupled from e to the gas • Excitation Collisions – Ar + ehot Ar* + ecold, Ar* Ar + hn – Responsible for the characteristic plasma “glow” – Eelectron>Eexc (~11.55 eV for argon) • Ionization Collisions: – Ar + ehot Ar+ + 2ecold – Couples electrical energy into producing more e_ – Eelectron > Eiz (15.76 eV for argon) • Dissociation: – O2 + ehot 2O + ecold or O2 + ehot O + O+ + 2ecold – Creates reactive chemical species within the plasma – Eelectron > Ediss (5.12 eV for oxygen) Collision Cross Sections • Unlike the hard sphere model, real collision cross sections are a function of electron kinetic energy s(E), or electron velocity s(v). • We must find the expected collision frequency by averaging over all E or v. 1 v(cm / sec) inelastic vsngas ...where l 1 / sngas t l (cm) becomes inelastic ngas s v ngas s (v)v f (v)dv 0 K sv (cm3s-1) Graphically f(E) or s(E) f(E) sAr(E) Note: the exponential tail of energetic electrons is responsible for ionization Te Eiz Electron energy, E The RATE CONSTANT: Kiz(Te) Kizoexp(-Eizo/Te) curve fitting Graphically f(E) or s(E) Hot electrons – more ionization f(E) sAr(E) Note: the exponential tail of energetic electrons is responsible for ionization Te Eiz Electron energy, E The RATE CONSTANT: Kiz(Te) Kizoexp(-Eizo/Te) curve fitting Examples of Numerically Determined Rate Constants (Lieberman, 2005) Generation Rate of Plasma Species by Electron Collisions y+ex+e dnx/dt = Kxneny For example, e Ar+ + Ar + e+e dne/dt = Kiznengas is the number of electrons (and ions) generated per cm3 per second Electron-Ion Recombination Three-Body Problem: e + Ar+ + M Ar + M the third body is needed to conserve energy and momentum in the recombination process wall recombination volume recombination - - M M M + + wall recombination dominates at low pressure because three body collisions are rare Transport to Surfaces Power light Gas flow PLASMA gas (ng) Wall electrons ne, Te excited atoms and molecules ions Wall radicals, n = ¼ n<v> molecular fragments reaction products secondary electrons substrate pumping pumping Electron and Ion Loss to the Substrate and Walls - the plasma sheath - - - - chamber neni r0 - - - - - - electrons are much more mobile than ions e = q<t>/me >> q<ti>/mi = i Electron and Ion Loss to the Substrate and Walls - the plasma sheath s ne<<ni n e = ni (sheath) -1kV r(x) + + 0v V x x V(x) + e x (after Mahan, 2000) low energy electrons are trapped within the plasma, but ions are accelerated by the sheath potential to the chamber walls and substrate Ion Flux The ion flux to a solid object is determined by the Bohm velocity (or sound speed) of the ion: uB = (kTe/mi)1/2 = 9.8x105 (Te/M)1/2 cm/s =9.8x105 (3 eV/40 amu)1/2 ~ 2.5x105 cm/s …and the ion flux is given by i = uBni (cm-2s-1) (this is the ion speed at the edge of the sheath) Electron Flux • Only the most energetic electrons can overcome the sheath potential, Vs. • e = ¼ ne<ve> exp (qVs/kTe) Boltzmann factor f(E) flux to surface Te qVs Electron energy, E Sheath Potential, Vs In the steady state, the electron and ion fluxes to the chamber/substrate must be equal, if there is no external current path e = i ¼ ne<ve> exp (qVs/kTe) = uBni = (kTe/mi)1/2 ne giving Vs = -Teln(mi/2pme) ~ -5Te This is often called the floating potential: Isolated surfaces have a negative potential relative to the plasma. Ion Energy Ex: Assuming argon with Te = 3 eV, s the ion energy at the cathode is Ei = q(1 kV + 4.7Te) = 1014 eV ignoring ion-neutral collision within s, and the ion energy at the anode is -1kV 0v Ei = 4.7 Te = 14 eV V Ion mean free path: x li = 1/ngassi ~ 3/p (cm) for Ar+ …where p is the pressure in mTorr Here li = 3/100 cm or 0.3 mm @ 0.1 torr NOTE: s>>li Ei << 1014 eV! (after Mahan, 2000) Particle Conservation and Electron Temperature A simple model for electron temperature can be found for a steady state plasma: # of ions created/sec = # of ions lost/sec KizngasneV = uBniAeff ne=ni Kiz/uB = Kizoe-E /kT /(kTe/mi)1/2 = Aeff/(V ngas) =1/deffngas iz e (V=plasma volume, Aeff = effective chamber area, deff = V/Aeff) Single-step vs. Two-step Ionization The electron temperature (Te) is a unique function of 7 1. gas density, ngas (pressure) 2. chamber size, deff = V/Aeff 6 11 n0 = 1 x 10 cm 3. gas type: Kiz, Eiz -3 5 Example: Two large parallel plates separated by 2 cm are used to sustain an argon plasma at 25 mTorr. Find Te. Te (eV) single-step Ar + e Ar+ + 2e 4 3 two-step deff = V/Aeff ~ pR2d / (pR2 +pR2) = d/2 2 ngasdeff ~ (25*3.2x1019m-3)(0.01m) =0.8e+19 m-2 1 Ar+eAr*+e Ar* + e Ar+ + 2e 0 Te = 3 eV 1e+18 1e+19 1e+20 ngdeff (m-2) (Note: we have assume that the plasma density is uniform) 1e+21 1e+22 Power Conservation and Electron Density, ne Power Absorbed by the Plasma = Power Lost from the Plasma Pion Pelectron Pabs = [qniuBEion+q(¼ne<ve>eV /kT )Eelec]Aeff +(Pheat+Plight+Pdiss) ≡ qneuBAeff(Eion + Eelec + Ec) s qVs e 2Te where EC is the collisional energy lost in creating an electron-ion pair due to ionization, light, dissociative collisions, and heat: EC = [nizEiz + nexEex + ndissEdiss + nm(3me/mi)Te]/niz Collisional Energy Loss EC L (eV) 104 103 N2 102 Ar 101 1 2 3 4 Te (eV) 5 6 7 8 910 Electron Density Example Continuing with the previous example A plasma is sustained in argon at 25 mTorr between two parallel plates separated by 2 cm. The radius of the plates is 20 cm and the power absorbed by the plasma is 100 watts. Find ne. 100 W = qneuBAeff(Eion + Eelec + Ec) = (1.6x10-19C)ne(2.5x105cm/s)(2px202 cm2) x (5Te + 2Te + 35 eV) ne = 1.3x1010 cm-3 Find ne if the gas is N2, assuming that Te ~ 3 eV 100 W = (1.6x10-19C)ne(2.5x105cm/s)(2px202 cm2)(5Te + 2Te + 400 eV) ne = 2.3 x 109 cm-3 Example (cont’d) Repeat the previous example using argon, BUT include an electrode voltage of 1000v that is applied to one plate to sustain the plasma. 100 W = qneuBAeff(Eion + Eelec + Ec) = (1.6x10-19C)ne(2.5x105cm/s)(px202 cm2) x {(5Te + 2Te + 35 eV)+[(1000 eV+5Te) + 2Te + 35 eV]} anode cathode ne = 1.7x109 cm-3 Secondary Electrons e = gsec i , where gsec~0.1-10 and Ee ~ qVs Power light Gas flow PLASMA gas (ng) Wall excited atoms and molecules secondary electrons electrons ne, Te ions Wall radicals, molecular fragments reaction products secondary electrons substrate pumping pumping Summary Power light Gas flow PLASMA gas (ng) Wall electrons ne, Te excited atoms and molecules ions Wall radicals, molecular fragments reaction products secondary electrons substrate pumping pumping Conclusion • Basics of Vacuum – ng, <v>, n,, l • Plasma Generation and Simple Models – Te, ne, ni, i • Basic Plasma Generation – DC (sputter deposition systems) – AC < 400 kHz (plasma displays, lighting) – Radio Frequency 0.4<f<900 MHz (etching and deposition) – Microwave > 900 MHz