Where My Animal Lives - Catawba County Schools

What We Learned at the Zoo!
By the 2nd Graders
My Animal is an
American Bison
• It is a mammal.
• It eats grass and weeds.
Where My Animal Lives!
• Its habitat is the grasslands.
How My Animal Looks
• Color - Brown
• Size - 5-6 feet tall and
weighs 800-2000
• Sounds like a mad bull.
Adaptations My Animal Has
• My animal protects itself
with its horns. They
charge and hurt with
The Life Cycle of My Animal
• Baby - 1 baby is born at a
• Adult - The male’s name
is Bull. The females
name is cow.
• Lifespan - 15-40 years.
How My Animal Is Like Its Parents
• A baby bison is like its parents because its legs are as
long as its parents.
• A baby bison is different from its parents because it is
less harmless.
Click the ZOO MAP to learn about another animal!
My Animal is a Grizzly Bear
• It is a mammal.
• It eats plants and meat.
Where My Animal Lives!
• Its habitat is the forest and grasslands.
How My Animal Looks
• Color - brown
• Size – 6 to 7 feet tall and
it weighs 325 to 850
• Sound - grrrrr
Adaptations My Animal Has
• My animal protects itself
by smell and claws.
The Life Cycle of My Animal
• Baby - weighs 12 to 24
• Adult - 8 to 10 feet tall.
• Lifespan - 20 to 30 years
How My Animal Is Like Its Parents
• A grizzly bear is like its parents because it has the same
color fur.
• A grizzly bear is different from its parents because it is
smaller in size.
Click the ZOO MAP to learn about another animal!
My animal is a Giraffe
• It is a mammal.
• It eats leaves.
Where My Animal Lives!
• Its habitat is the grasslands.
How My Animal Looks
• Color - yellow and
• Size - 16 to 19 feet tall
• Sound - makes a
chewing sound
Adaptations My Animal Has
My animal protects itself by
traveling in herds. They are
so tall, they can see a long
way and leave before
danger comes.
The Life Cycle of My Animal
• Baby – called a calf
• Adult - is the world’s
tallest mammal
• Lifespan -25 years
How My Animal Is Like Its Parents
• A giraffe is like its parents because it is the same color.
• A giraffe is different from its parents because the grownups drink water and the baby drinks milk.
Click the ZOO MAP to learn about another animal!
My Animal is an Otter
• It is a mammal.
• It eats crabs and fish.
Where My Animal Lives!
• Its habitat is rivers, streams, and lakes.
How My Animal Looks
• Color - dark brown
• Size - 3 to 4 ½ feet long.
Adaptations My Animal Has
• My animal protects itself by
using its tail. It uses its very
strong tail to hit things.
They have claws and sharp
teeth too.
The Life Cycle of My Animal
• Baby - 1 to 5 newborns at
the same time, the name of
a young baby is a cub or
• Adult - weighs 10 to 30
pounds and is 3 to 4½ feet
• Lifespan - about 8 years.
How My Animal Is Like Its Parents
• An otter is like its parents because it looks like its parents. They
both have brown fur.
• An otter is different from its parents because when they are
born they are smaller and have no hair.
Click the ZOO MAP to learn about another animal!
My Animal is a Cougar
• It is a mammal.
• It eats deer, bighorn
sheep, rabbits, and wild
Where My Animal Lives!
• Its habitat is the deserts, grasslands, swamps, and
How My Animal Looks
• Color - Golden brown
• Size - weighs 150
• Sound - Growls and
Adaptations My Animal Has
• My animal protects itself
by biting things and
using it claws.
The Life Cycle of My Animal
• Baby - a baby is called
• Adult - they have 1 to 6
– babies at a time
• Lifespan - 12 to 20 years
How My Animal Is Like Its Parents
• A cougar is like its parents because it is the same color
and it has fur
• A cougar is different from its parents because it’s smaller
and weighs less.
Click the ZOO MAP to learn about another animal!
My Animal is a Red Wolf
• It is a mammal.
• It eats meat like caribou,
deer, elk and moose.
Where My Animal Lives!
• Its habitat is the mountains and forests.
How My Animal Looks
• Color – Reddish brown
• Size - 1.5 to 2.5 feet tall,
5 to 6 feet long
• Sound -Howls
Adaptations My Animal Has
• My animal protects itself
with speed, claws and
The Life Cycle of My Animal
• Baby - is called a cub
• Adult - can have 1-11
cubs at the same time
• Lifespan - 5 years
How My Animal Is Like Its Parents
• A red wolf is like its parents because they have fur, claws
and teeth.
• A red wolf is different from its parents because they are
born smaller.
Click the ZOO MAP to learn about another animal!
My Animal is a Chimpanzee
• It is a mammal.
• It eats plants, fruits,
leaves, seeds, stems,
nuts, and termites.
Where My Animal Lives!
• Its habitat is in the forests of Africa.
How My Animal Looks
• Color - some have gray
• Size - weigh between 80175 pounds
Sound - grunts and barks.
Adaptations My Animal Has
• My animal protects itself
by using their hands to
help them climb higher
and go faster.
The Life Cycle of My Animal
• Baby - One baby born at
a time
• Adult - Easy to train and
are very smart.
• Lifespan -– 40-45 years
How My Animal Is Like Its Parents
• A Chimpanzee baby is like its parents because they are the
same color.
• A chimpanzee baby is different from its parents because they
are carried by their mom when they are small.
Click the ZOO MAP to learn about another animal!
My Animal is a Zebra
• It is a mammal.
• It eats grass, bark, and
Where My Animal Lives!
• Its habitat is the grasslands, plains and deserts.
How My Animal Looks
• Color - The zebra looks
like a horse with black
and white stripes.
Size - It is 5 ft.tall and 6 to 8
Sound -It makes a braying
Adaptations My Animal Has
• My animal protects itself
by running fast and
hiding in the grass.
The Life Cycle of My Animal
• Baby - Babies are born
alive and are called foals.
• Adult - The male is called
a stallion and a female is
a mare.
• Lifespan - 22 years
How My Animal Is Like Its Parents
• A zebra is like its parents because it has the white and
black stripes.
• A zebra is different from its parents because it is smaller
and needs milk.
Click the ZOO MAP to learn about another animal!
My Animal is a Lion
• It is a mammal.
• It eats zebras, antelopes,
and grass eating animals.
Where My Animal Lives!
• Its habitat is the African savanna in a grassland.
How My Animal Looks
• Color - tan and brown
• Size - 10 feet long and
weigh between 250-400
• Sound -roar
Adaptations My Animal Has
• My animal protects itself
by showing his fangs.
He is scary. A lion can
run really fast.
The Life Cycle of My Animal
• Baby - called a cub
• Adult - Spends 21 hours
a day sleeping
• Lifespan - up to 40 years
How My Animal Is Like Its Parents
• A lion is like its parents because they both have long
• A baby lion is different from its parents because one has
a longer skeleton then the other.
Click the ZOO MAP to learn about another animal!
My Animal is an Rhinoceros
• It is a mammal.
• It eats grass, leafy twigs,
and shrubs.
Where My Animal Lives!
• Its habitat is the African grasslands and forests.
How My Animal Looks
• Color - grey
• Size - 5 ½ feet tall and it
weighs 7,000 pounds
• Sound - grunts
Adaptations My Animal Has
• My animal protects itself
by its horn and it has
very few enemies.
The Life Cycle of My Animal
• Baby - born alive and
called a calf
• Adult – male is called a
bull and female is called
a cow
• Lifespan - 35-40 years
How My Animal Is Like Its Parents
• A baby rhino is like its parents because it has a horn and it’s a
little horn.
• A baby rhino is different from its parents because the baby
rhino is small and the parents are big.
Click the ZOO MAP to learn about another animal!
My Animal is a Gorilla
• It is a mammal.
• It eats plants.
Where My Animal Lives!
• Its habitat is the rain forest.
How My Animal Looks
• Color - silver and black
• Size - 350 pounds, 6 feet tall,
long arms and short legs.
• Sound - Roars, grunts, and they
beat their chest. They can make
up to 25 sounds.
Adaptations My Animal Has
• My animal protects itself
because the skin on their
hands and feet are rough
so they can walk and
The Life Cycle of My Animal
• Baby - sleeps on his
moms chest.
• Adult -starts own family
when it is 12-15 years
• Lifespan - 50 years
How My Animal Is Like Its Parents
• A gorilla is like its parents because they travel in the same family
group and they look alike.
• A gorilla is different from its parents because they weigh 4-5
pounds and adults weigh 1000 pounds.
Click the ZOO MAP to learn about another animal!
My Animal is an Alligator
• It is a reptile.
• It eats many different
animals like birds,
turtles, fish and crabs.
Where My Animal Lives!
• Its habitat is the swamps and in water.
How My Animal Looks
• Color - greenish
• Size - 500 lbs and 15 ft
• Sound - chirp
Adaptations My Animal Has
• My animal protects itself
by snapping it’s mouth. It
has sharp teeth and a
strong tail to hit with. It
also has claws.
The Life Cycle of My Animal
• Baby - it hatches from
• Adult - they don’t eat in
the winter because they
live on the fat stored in
their tails
• Lifespan - 50 to 60 years
How My Animal Is Like Its Parents
• An alligator is like its parents because it eats meat.
• An alligator is different from its parents because parents
lay eggs.
Click the ZOO MAP to learn about another animal!
My Animal is an Elephant
• It is a mammal.
• It eats plants, roots, fruit
and bark.
Where My Animal Lives!
• Its habitat is grasslands near water.
How My Animal Looks
• Color - gray or brownish
• Size- 8-13 feet tall and it
weighs 5,000 to 14,000
• Sound - like a horn
Adaptations My Animal Has
• My animal protects itself
by using its tusk.
• Elephants ears cool them
The Life Cycle of My Animal
• Baby - called a calf
• Adult - largest mammal
on earth.
• Lifespan - up to 70 years
How My Animal Is Like Its Parents
• An elephant is like its parents because they are the largest
mammal on earth.
• An elephant is different from its parents because the baby
is not born with a tusk.
Click the ZOO MAP to learn about another animal!
My Animal is a Lemur
• It is a mammal.
• It eats leaves, flowers
fruit plants, sap and
Where My Animal Lives!
• Its habitat is in the forest of Madagascar which is
located in the continent of Africa.
How My Animal Looks
• Color - gray and white
• Size - 15 to 18 inches
long and weighs 5 to 8
• Sound -– chirping
Adaptations My Animal Has
• My animal protects itself
by its fur and claws. Its
fur keeps it warm and its
claws can scratch and
The Life Cycle of My Animal
• Baby - Live birth; 1-2
newborns; drinks
mother’s milk
• Adult - Lives in groups of
6-30 animals
• Lifespan - 20 to 30 years
How My Animal Is Like Its Parents
• A lemur is like its parents because it has the same color
• A lemur is different from its parents because it is smaller.
Baby lemurs are more playful.
Click the ZOO MAP to learn about another animal!
My Animal is a Black Bear
• It is a mammal.
• It eats fish, insects, other
mammals, berries, plants
and nuts.
Where My Animal Lives
• Its habitat is in mountains and wooded areas of
North America.
How My Animal Looks
• Color - Black
• Size - Five feet long and weigh
200 – 300 pounds
• Sound-Roars and Growls
Adaptations My Animal Has
• My animal protects itself by
moving fast. They are great
tree climbers. They are
fierce fighters. They have
sharp claws which is a
dangerous weapon.
The Life Cycle of My Animal
• Baby - called a cub, looks like
parents, depends on mother for
milk; 1-4 born at the same time
• Adult - male called a boar;
female called a sow
• Lifespan - 10-30 years
How My Animal Is Like Its Parents
• A black bear is like its parents because it has the features and
fur color.
• A black bear is different from its parents because it is smaller
than its parents and it depends on its mother for food.
Click the ZOO MAP to learn about another animal!