Otherwise Negative/Normal Statement: The remainder of the visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits for the patient's age. Template List: Wexler ( | Main Menu | Dictations | New Reports | Incomplete Reports | Complete Reports | List | New | Delete Group | ) Name: AR [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : With the exception of the above noted --- , the --- exam is unremarkable. IMPRESSION: Unremarkable with the exception of --- Name: ASP [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Anterior spondylolisthesis is noted. IMPRESSION: Anterior spondylolisthesis. Name: BIN [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Bibasilar infiltrates are observed. IMPRESSION: Bibasilar infiltrates. Name: C/W [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Comparison is made with prior study dated IMPRESSION: Name: CA++ [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Calcification is observed. IMPRESSION: Calcification. Name: CC [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Please correlate clinically and follow-up as necessary. IMPRESSION: Correlate clinically. Name: CHCA++ [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Chondrocalcinosis is noted. IMPRESSION: Chondrocalcinosis. Name: CHF [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Congestive heart failure is noted. IMPRESSION: CHF. Name: CM [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Cardiomegaly is observed. IMPRESSION: Cardiomegaly. Name: COPD [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is demonstrated. IMPRESSION: COPD. Name: CPA [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : costophrenic angle IMPRESSION: Name: DDD [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Degenerative disc disease is noted. IMPRESSION: Degenerative disc disease. Name: DEGEN [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Degenerative changes are noted of the IMPRESSION: Degenerative changes of the Name: DIP [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : distal interphalangeal joint IMPRESSION: Distal interphalangeal joint Name: DJD [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Degenerative joint disease is noted. IMPRESSION: Degenerative joint disease. Name: DS [Edit] [Delete] CPT: DS: disc space IMPRESSION: disc space Name: DXRS [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Dextrorotary scoliosis is noted. IMPRESSION: Dextrorotary scoliosis. Name: DXS [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Dextroscoliosis is noted. IMPRESSION: Dextroscoliosis. Name: ES [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Excess stool is noted in the rectum. IMPRESSION: Excess stool in rectum. Name: FX [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A fracture is demonstrated of the IMPRESSION: Fracture of the Name: HD [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : hemidiaphragm IMPRESSION: hemidiaphragm Name: HH [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A hiatal hernia is noted. IMPRESSION: Hiatal hernia. Name: IAHD [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : An indistinct area is noted in the --- hemidiaphragm. This may either represent scarring or an infiltrate. Please correlate clinically. IMPRESSION: Indistinct area in the --- hemidiaphragm, consider scarring vs. infiltrate. Name: IF [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Internal fixation of the --- is noted. IMPRESSION: Internal fixation of the Name: IN [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : An infiltrate is observed in the IMPRESSION: infiltrate. Name: IT [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : An intertrochanteric fracture is observed of the --- hip. IMPRESSION: Intertrochanteric fracture, --- hip. Name: KJ [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : knee joint IMPRESSION: knee joint Name: LB [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : The large bowel IMPRESSION: The large bowel Name: LES [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is a large amount of excess stool noted in the rectum. IMPRESSION: Large amount of excess stool in rectum. Name: LFSSA [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Linear fibrosis and/or subsegmental atelectasis is noted in the IMPRESSION: Linear fibrosis and/or subsegmental atelectasis Name: LLL [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : left lower lung IMPRESSION: Left lower lung Name: LLQ [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : in the left lower quadrant IMPRESSION: left lower quadrant Name: LML [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : left mid lung IMPRESSION: left mid lung Name: LRS [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Levorotary scoliosis is noted. IMPRESSION: Levorotary scoliosis. Name: LS [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Levoscoliosis is noted. IMPRESSION: Levoscoliosis. Name: LUL [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : left upper lung IMPRESSION: left upper lung Name: LUQ [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : left upper quadrant IMPRESSION: left upper quadrant Name: MCC [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : metacarpocarpal joint IMPRESSION: MC joint Name: MCP [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : metacarpophalangeal joint IMPRESSION: MCP joint Name: MTP [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : metatarsophalangeal joint IMPRESSION: MTP joint Name: MW [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Mediastinal widening is noted. IMPRESSION: Mediastinal widening. Name: N/C [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is no obvious change when compared to prior study dated IMPRESSION: No change from prior exam of Name: NAD [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : No acute disease. IMPRESSION: Negative for acute disease. Name: NHC [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : No hardware complications are evident. IMPRESSION: No hardware complications. Name: NL [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : IMPRESSION: Within normal limits. Name: NNFX [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : No new fractures are seen. IMPRESSION: No new fracture. Name: NSI [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A nonspecific ileus is identified. IMPRESSION: Nonspecific ileus. Name: NTB [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is no radiographic evidence for tuberculosis, present or past. IMPRESSION: No radiographic evidence for tuberculosis, present or past. Name: Otherwise Neg [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : The remainder of the visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits for the patient's age. IMPRESSION: Otherwise negative. Name: P1 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Bibasilar infiltrates are noted with slight vascular congestion. Differential diagnosis includes congestive heart failure or pneumonia. Please correlate clinically. IMPRESSION: Bibasilar infiltrates with slight vascular congestion. Consider pneumonia vs. congestive heart failure. Name: P10 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : The --- lower lateral lung and the costophrenic angle are not visualized on this exam and cannot be evaluated. IMPRESSION: --- lower lung not visualized. Name: P11 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : The peripheral -- lower lung and costophrenic angle are not seen on this exam and cannot be evaluated. IMPRESSION: --- lower lung field and hemidiaphragm not visualized. Name: P12 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : The hemidiaphragms and lower lungs are not seen on this exam and cannot be evaluated. IMPRESSION: Lower lung fields not visualized. Name: P13 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : The --- costophrenic angle is not seen on this exam and cannot be evaluated. IMPRESSION: --- costophrenic angle not visualized. Name: P14 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : The apices are not seen on this exam and cannot be evaluated. IMPRESSION: Apices not visualized. Name: P15 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A questionable left lower lobe infiltrate or possible cardiac fat pad is noted. Correlate clinically and follow-up as necessary. IMPRESSION: Possible left lower lobe infiltrate vs. cardiac fat pad. Name: P16 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : The heart covers most of the left lower lobe. IMPRESSION: Left lower lobe obscured by heart shadow. Name: P17 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is an internal fixation device present with no hardware complications. No new fractures are evident. IMPRESSION: No hardware complications. No new fracture Name: P18 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Total hip replacement. No hardware complications or new fractures are evident. IMPRESSION: Total hip replacement with no hardware complications or new fractures. Name: P19 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Total knee replacement. No hardware complications or new fractures are evident. IMPRESSION: Total knee replacement with no hardware complications or new fractures. Name: P2 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Cardiomegaly is noted with slight vascular congestion. Clinical correlation is recommended to rule out congestive heart failure. IMPRESSION: Cardiomegaly with slight vascular congestion; possible CHF. Name: P20 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : The radiocarpal angle in the lateral view is --- degrees. IMPRESSION: Name: P200 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is loss of the normal lordotic curve in the neutral lateral position. Clinical correlation is recommended for significance. IMPRESSION: Loss of normal lordotic curve; correlate clinically for significance. Name: P201 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is reversal of the normal cervical lordotic curve in the neutral lateral position. Correlate clinically for regional ligamentous-muscular spasm. IMPRESSION: Reversal of cervical lordotic curve; consider regional ligamentous-muscular spasm. Name: P202 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is loss of the normal lumbar lordotic curve noted. Correlate clinically for significance. IMPRESSION: Loss of normal lumbar lordotic curve; correlate clinically for significance. Name: P203 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is exaggeration of the normal lumbar lordotic curve noted. IMPRESSION: Exaggeration of normal lumbar lordotic curve. Name: P204 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is exaggeration of the normal cervical lordotic curve noted. IMPRESSION: Exaggeration of normal cervical lordotic curve. Name: P205 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is short curve dextroscoliosis demonstrated. IMPRESSION: Short curve dextroscoliosis. Name: P206 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is short curve levoscoliosis demonstrated. IMPRESSION: Short curve levoscoliosis. Name: P207 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A spur is noted anteriorally at IMPRESSION: Anterior spur Name: P208 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A spur is noted posteriorally at IMPRESSION: Posterior spur at Name: P209 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Spurs are noted projecting into the neural foramen at IMPRESSION: Spurs projecting into neural foramen at Name: P21 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : The fingers are held in partial flexion. IMPRESSION: Fingers are held in partial flexion. Name: P210 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is apparent limitation of extension in the cervical "extension view". IMPRESSION: Apparent cervical extension limitation. Name: P211 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is apparent limitation of flexion in the cervical "flexion view". IMPRESSION: Apparent cervical flexion limitation. Name: P212 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is apparent limitation of flexion in the lumbar "flexion view". IMPRESSION: Apparent lumbar flexion limitation. Name: P213 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is apparent limitation of extension in the lumbar "extension view". IMPRESSION: Apparent lumbar extension limitation. Name: P214 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is incomplete fusion visualized of the posterior neural arch at IMPRESSION: Incomplete fusion of posterior neural arch at Name: P215 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A Schmorl's node is noted at the superior endplate of IMPRESSION: Schmorl's node at superior endplate of Name: P216 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A Schmorl's node is noted at the inferior endplate of IMPRESSION: Schmorl's node at inferior endplate of Name: P217 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : The film is overexposed and there is poor or no soft tissue detail. This suboptimal evaluation appears grossly negative. IMPRESSION: Grossly negative suboptimal study. Name: P218 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : The film is overexposed. There is poor or no soft tissue detail. The AC joint is not well visualized. This suboptimal evaluation appears grossly negative. IMPRESSION: Grossly negative suboptimal study. Name: P219 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is spondylolysis of the pars interarticularis at L5 on the IMPRESSION: Spondylolysis of the pars interarticularis at L5. Name: P22 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A partial wedge collapse IMPRESSION: Partial --- wedge collapse. Name: P220 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : The --- hip appears higher than the other. IMPRESSION: --- hip higher than --- Name: P221 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : The head is held cocked to the IMPRESSION: Name: P222 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is segmental straightening of --- demonstrated. IMPRESSION: Segmental straightening. Name: P223 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is scoliosis visualized; however; no left or right film marker is seen. IMPRESSION: Scoliosis. Name: P224 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is apparent limitation of right lateral bending. IMPRESSION: Name: P225 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is apparent limitation of left lateral bending. IMPRESSION: Name: P226 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : I question which side is viewed in this presentation as there is no left or right marker seen. IMPRESSION: No side marker visualized. Name: P227 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is slight ligamentous instability noted at IMPRESSION: Slight ligamentous instability. Name: P23 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A partial loss of body height of --- is noted. IMPRESSION: Partial loss of --- body height. Name: P24 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : The cervical spine shows loss of the normal cervical lordotic curve. IMPRESSION: Loss of normal lordotic curve. Name: P25 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : The distal fingers are not well seen on this exam. IMPRESSION: Distal fingers not well visualized. Name: P26 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : The distal toes are not well seen on this exam. IMPRESSION: Distal toes not well visualized. Name: P27 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Osteopenia is demonstrated. IMPRESSION: Osteopenia. Name: P28 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Osteophytosis is demonstrated. IMPRESSION: Osteophytosis. Name: P288 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is medial tilt of the medial tibial condyle. IMPRESSION: Medial tilt, medial tibial condyle. Name: P29 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Narrowing of the knee joint is noted with degenerative changes evident. IMPRESSION: Knee joint narrowing and degenerative changes. Name: P3 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is decrease in all lumbar disc spaces with multiple levels of degenerative disc disease. IMPRESSION: Multiple level degenerative disc disease. Name: P30 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Chondrocalcinosis is noted of the ulnocarpal joint. IMPRESSION: Chondrocalcinosis, ulnocarpal joint. Name: P31 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is poor-to-no soft tissue detail. IMPRESSION: Name: P32 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Vertebral bodies are not seen below --- in the lateral view. IMPRESSION: Vertebral bodies not visualized below Name: P33 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Differences in technique prevent comparision with available prior x-rays. IMPRESSION: Unable to compare prior study. Name: P34 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Degenerative joint disease is noted of the distal interphalangeal joints. IMPRESSION: Degenerative joint disease of the distal interphalangeal joints. Name: P35 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Degenerative joint disease is noted of the distal interphalangeal joints and the proximal interphalangeal joints. IMPRESSION: Degenerative joint disease of the distal and proximal interphalangeal joints. Name: P36 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Hallux valgus deformity is evident. IMPRESSION: Hallux valgus deformity. Name: P37 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Apical pleural thickening is noted in the . IMPRESSION: Apical pleural thickening. Name: P38 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Apical pleural thickening and interstitial stranding is noted in the -- upper lobe. IMPRESSION: Apical pleural thickening and interstitial stranding. Name: P39 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Interstitial stranding is noted in the --- upper lobe. IMPRESSION: Interstitial stranding --- upper lobe. Name: P4 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is decrease in the disc spaces at L2-3, L3-4, L4-5 and L5-S1 with multiple levels of degenerative disc disease. IMPRESSION: Multiple level degenerative disc disease. Name: P40 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Soft tissue density in the --- lower lung. If symptomatic, suggest follow up exam in 3 days to rule out underlying infiltrate. IMPRESSION: Soft tissue density ---. Small infiltrate not entirely ruled out, correlate clinically. Name: P41 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : The film is overexposed but appears grossly negative for fracture. IMPRESSION: Overexposed film grossly negative for fracture. Name: P42 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : The film is overexposed, but appears grossly negative for acute disease. IMPRESSION: Over exposed film grossly negative for acute disease. Name: P43 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Narrowing of the hip joint in a superior direction is noted with --- degenerative changes demonstrated. IMPRESSION: Hip joint narrowing with degenerative changes. Name: P44 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is remoulding of the femoral head demonstrated. IMPRESSION: Remoulding of femoral head. Name: P45 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There are areas of the --- costophrenic angle that are whited out. IMPRESSION: Name: P46 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : The lung fields are overexposed on this exam and are too dark for diagnostic evaluation. Repeat examination is recommended. IMPRESSION: Overexposed image; repeat suggested. Name: P47 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : On this exam, parts of the lungs are too black for diagnostic evaluation. I question whether this may be a scanning issue. IMPRESSION: Possible scanning issue; repeat suggested. Name: P48 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : On this exam, parts of the --- are too black for diagnostic evaluation. Repeat study is recommended. IMPRESSION: Repeat suggested. Name: P49 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Degenerative changes of the lumbar spine are noted. IMPRESSION: Degenerative changes of the lumbar spine. Name: P5 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A possible infiltrate is noted in the ---. Scar tissue should also be considered. Correlate clinically and follow-up as necessary. IMPRESSION: Consider infiltrate vs. scar tissue in the ---. Name: P50 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Degenerative changes of the thoracic spine are noted. IMPRESSION: Degenerative changes. Name: P51 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Degenerative changes of the cervical spine are noted. IMPRESSION: Degenerative changes. Name: P52 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Vascular congestion is identified. Clinical correlation for congestive heart failure is recommended. IMPRESSION: Vascular congestion; possible congestive heart failure. Name: P53 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A tube tip is noted in the projection field of the right atrium. IMPRESSION: Tube tip projection field of the right atrium. Name: P54 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A tube tip is noted in the projection field of the right ventricle. IMPRESSION: Tube tip projection field of the right ventricle. Name: P55 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A PICC tip is noted in the projection field of the superior vena cava --- the right hilum. IMPRESSION: Name: P56 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : shows the chin is superimposed over a portion of the --- upper lobe. IMPRESSION: Name: P57 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A PICC tip is noted in the projection field of IMPRESSION: Name: P58 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A portion of the pelvis is not seen on this exam and cannot be evaluated. IMPRESSION: Portion of pelvis not visualized. Name: P59 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Elevation of the --- hemidiaphragm is noted. IMPRESSION: Elevation of the --- hemidiaphragm. Name: P6 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A remote fracture of the --- rib is demonstrated. IMPRESSION: Remote fracture --- rib. Name: P60 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Elevation of the --- hemidiaphragm is noted with adjacent compression atelectasis. IMPRESSION: Elevation of --- hemidiaphragm with adjacent compression atelectasis. Name: P61 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A bone infarct or osteochrondroma is noted at IMPRESSION: Bone infarct or osteochrondroma at Name: P62 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : An infiltrate is noted in the --- with slight vascular congestion. Please correlate clinically to rule out congestive heart failure and/or pneumonia. IMPRESSION: Infiltrate with slight vascular congestion. Consider pneumonia and/or congestive heart failure. Name: P63 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A spur is noted of the anterior/posterior superior patella. IMPRESSION: Anterior/Posterior superior patella spur. Name: P64 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A fracture of the surgical neck of the humerus is demonstrated. IMPRESSION: Fracture, surgical neck of humerus. Name: P65 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Clinical follow-up as necessary. IMPRESSION: Follow-up as necessary clinically. Name: P66 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Follow-up is recommended. IMPRESSION: Follow-up is recommended. Name: P67 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A posterior olecranon spur is noted. IMPRESSION: Posterior olecranon spur. Name: P68 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A portion of the pubic symphysis is obscured by fecal material. IMPRESSION: Portion of pubic symphysis obscured by fecal material. Name: P69 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is narrowing with degenerative changes of the navicular-greater multangular joint. IMPRESSION: Narrowing and degenerative changes of navicular-greater multangular joint. Name: P7 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A single view of the chest shows the lung fields to be well expanded and clear. The cardiac silhouette is unremarkable. The diaphragms and bony thorax are within normal limits. There is no evidence of tuberculosis. IMPRESSION: 1. Negative for acute disease. 2. No evidence of tuberculosis. Name: P7 2 views [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Two views of the chest show the lung fields to be well expanded and clear. The cardiac silhouette is unremarkable. The diaphragms and bony thorax are within normal limits. There is no evidence of tuberculosis. IMPRESSION: 1. Negative for acute disease. 2. No evidence of tuberculosis. Name: P70 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Obstruction is doubtful, but follow-up is recommended. IMPRESSION: Obstruction is doubtful with follow-up recommended. Name: P71 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : An infiltrate and/or effusion is demonstrated in the IMPRESSION: Infiltrate and/or effusion Name: P72 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Almost total opacification is demonstrated. IMPRESSION: Almost total opacification. Name: P73 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Otherwise, no significant change is identified. IMPRESSION: Name: P74 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Calcific bursitis is demonstrated. IMPRESSION: Calcific bursitis. Name: P75 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Obstruction cannot be excluded. Follow-up is recommended. IMPRESSION: Cannot exclude obstruction, follow-up recommended. Name: P76 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Compression atelectasis and/or infiltrate is noted. IMPRESSION: Compression atelectasis and/or infiltrate. Name: P77 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : An infiltrate is noted in the --- with slight vascular congestion. IMPRESSION: Infiltrate --- with slight vascular congestion. Name: P78 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Widening of the superior mediastinum is noted. IMPRESSION: Widening of superior mediastinum. Name: P79 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : The examination is otherwise grossly negative. IMPRESSION: Name: P8 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : No evidence of classic tuberculosis is evident. However, because of the infiltrate, tuberculosis cannot be excluded. IMPRESSION: No classic TB. However, due to infiltrate, tuberculosis cannot be entirely excluded. Name: P80 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : The distal tip of the stem is not seen on this exam. IMPRESSION: Distal stem not visualized. Name: P81 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : The film is overexposed with poor soft tissue detail. The AC joint is not well seen, but no fracture is evident. IMPRESSION: No fracture evident on suboptimal study. Name: P82 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : No prior x-rays are available for comparison. IMPRESSION: Name: P83 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A lordotic view of the chest has been presented. IMPRESSION: Name: P84 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is an indistinct area of the right cardiac border identified. Please correlate clinically for right middle lobe infiltrate. IMPRESSION: Indistinct area right cardiac border. Clinically correlate for infiltrate of the right middle lobe. Name: P85 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Osteochondritis dissecans is observed in the IMPRESSION: Osteochondritis dissecans Name: P86 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Comparison films with opposite side visualized may be helpful. IMPRESSION: Comparison films of opposite side recommended. Name: P88 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : An unfused epiphysis is observed. IMPRESSION: Unfused epiphysis. Name: P9 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : There is an area in the right upper lobe, which may represent a mass or vascular shadows. Comparison should be made with prior chest x-rays, if available. IMPRESSION: Right upper lobe mass vs. vascular confluence. Compare with prior study. Name: PAO [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Periarticular osteopenia is demonstrated. IMPRESSION: Periarticular osteopenia. Name: PF [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : in the projection field IMPRESSION: Name: PH [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A prominent --- hilum is noted. IMPRESSION: Prominent --- hilum. Name: PHS [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A plantar heel spur is noted. IMPRESSION: Plantar heel spur. Name: PIP [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : proximal interphalangeal joints IMPRESSION: PIP joints Name: PM [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A pacemaker is noted in the --- chest area. IMPRESSION: Pacemaker in place. Name: PM [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : pneumonia IMPRESSION: Pneumonia Name: PR [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A --- view of the chest shows the patient to be rotated. IMPRESSION: Name: RET [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Retrolisthesis is noted. IMPRESSION: Retrolisthesis. Name: RF [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : The remaining features are unremarkable. IMPRESSION: Name: RHS [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A retrocalcaneal heel spur is noted. IMPRESSION: Retrocalcaneal spur. Name: RLL [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : right lower lung IMPRESSION: right lower lung Name: RLQ [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : right lower quadrant IMPRESSION: right lower quadrant Name: RML [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : right middle lung IMPRESSION: right middle lung Name: RUL [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : right upper lobe IMPRESSION: right upper lobe Name: RUQ [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : right upper quadrant IMPRESSION: right upper quadrant Name: SB [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : small bowel IMPRESSION: small bowel Name: SL [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : slight IMPRESSION: Name: SP [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : spine IMPRESSION: Name: SPO [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Postsurgical changes are noted. IMPRESSION: Status postop changes. Name: STS [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Soft tissue swelling is noted IMPRESSION: Soft tissue swelling. Name: SV [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A single frontal view of the chest reveals IMPRESSION: Name: SVC [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : superior vena cava IMPRESSION: superior vena cava Name: THR [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A total hip replacement is demonstrated. IMPRESSION: Total hip replacement. Name: TKR [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A total knee replacement is demonstrated. IMPRESSION: Total knee replacement. Name: TSR [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A total shoulder replacement is demonstrated. IMPRESSION: Total shoulder replacement. Name: TT [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : A tracheotomy tube is in place. IMPRESSION: Tracheotomy tube. Name: VC [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Vascular congestion is demonstrated. IMPRESSION: Vascular congestion. Name: VCA++ [Edit] [Delete] CPT: : Vascular calcification is demonstrated. IMPRESSION: Vascular calcification. Name: MANDIBLE (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 70110 MANDIBLE: Multiple views of the mandible reveal no evidence for fracture or other significant bone or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: FACIAL (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 70150 FACIAL BONES: Multiple views of the facial bones show no evidence for fracture or other significant bone or soft tissue abnormality. The sinuses are clear. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: NASAL (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 70160 NASAL BONES: Multiple views of the nasal bones reveal no fracture or other significant bone or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: ORBITS (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 70200 ORBITS: Multiple views of the orbits reveal no fracture or other significant bony abnormality. The soft tissues are not remarkable. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: P Sinuses (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 70210 PARANASAL SINUSES: Two views of the paranasal sinuses show them to be clear throughout with intact mucosal and bony margins. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: SINUS (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 70220 PARANASAL SINUS SERIES: Upright PA, lateral and Waters views of the paranasal sinuses show them to be clear throughout with intact mucosal and bony margins. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: SKULL (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 70260 SKULL: Routine views of the skull show the cranial vault to be intact. The sella is normal in size and shape, and the soft tissues are unremarkable. IMPRESSION: Negative skull series. Name: Sft Tissue Neck (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 70360 SOFT TISSUE NECK: The bones and airways of the lateral neck including the oropharynx, epiglottis and glottis, as well as the subglottic spaces are all normal as are the soft tissues and bones. IMPRESSION: Normal neck. Name: CHEST 1 VIEW (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 71010 CHEST; FRONTAL VIEW: A single view of the chest shows the lung fields to be well expanded and clear. The cardiac silhouette is unremarkable. The diaphragms and bony thorax are within normal limits. IMPRESSION: No acute disease of the chest. Name: 2V CHEST (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 71020 CHEST; TWO VIEWS: PA and lateral views of the chest show the heart and mediastinum to be unremarkable. The lungs are clear, and the bones are intact. IMPRESSION: No significant abnormality. Name: 4V CHEST (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 71022 CHEST WITH OBLIQUE VIEWS: PA, lateral and oblique views of the chest show the heart and mediastinum to be unremarkable. The lungs are clear, and the bones are intact. IMPRESSION: Normal chest with oblique views. Name: RIBS (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 71100 & RL& RIB SERIES: RIBS: Examination of the &rl& rib cage shows no evidence for fracture or other significant bone or soft tissue abnormality or complication thereof. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: RIBS (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 71101 & RL& RIB SERIES, INCLUDING FRONTAL VIEW CHEST: RIBS: Examination of the &rl& rib cage shows no evidence for fracture or other significant bone or soft tissue abnormality or complication thereof. CHEST: The heart and mediastinum are unremarkable. The lungs are clear, and the bones are intact. IMPRESSION: Negative &rl& ribs including a single view chest. Name: B RIBS (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 71110 BILATERAL RIBS: AP and oblique views of the ribs reveal no evidence of fracture or other osseous abnormality. There is no pneumothorax. There are no pleural or diaphragmatic changes identified. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: BI RIBS + CXR (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 71111 & RL& RIB SERIES, INCLUDING FRONTAL CHEST VIEW: RIBS: Examination of the &rl& rib cage shows no evidence for fracture or other significant bone or soft tissue abnormality or complication thereof. CHEST: The heart and mediastinum are unremarkable. The lungs are clear, and the bones are intact. IMPRESSION: Negative rib series including single view chest. Name: Sternum (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 71120 STERNUM: The sternum is intact with no evidence for fracture, displacement or destructive lesion. The paraspinal soft tissues are unremarkable. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: C/S (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 72040 CERVICAL SPINE: AP and lateral views obtained. The vertebral bodies, disc spaces and posterior elements appear normal. No evidence of fracture or dislocation is seen. The prevertebral space and the soft tissues are unremarkable. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: CERVICAL SPINE [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 72040 CERVICAL SPINE: AP and lateral views of the cervical spine reveal the prevertebral bodies, disc spaces and posterior elements appear normal. No evidence of fracture or dislocation is seen. The prevertebral space and soft tissues are unremarkable. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: C/S (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 72050 CERVICAL SPINE: AP, lateral and oblique views of the cervical spine show good alignment throughout with disc spaces preserved and vertebral body height maintained. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: T/S (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 72070 THORACIC SPINE: AP and lateral views of the thoracic spine reveal the vertebral bodies, disc spaces and posterior elements appear normal. No evidence of fracture or dislocation is seen. The prevertebral space and the soft tissues are unremarkable. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: THORACIC SPINE [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 72070 THORACIC SPINE: AP and lateral views of the thoracic spine reveal the prevertebral bodies, disc spaces and posterior elements appear normal. No evidence of fracture or dislocation is seen. The prevertebral space and soft tissues are unremarkable. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: 3V T/S (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 72072 THORACIC SPINE: Multiple views of the thoracic spine show good alignment throughout with disc spaces preserved and vertebral body height maintained. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: 4V T/S (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 72074 THORACIC SPINE: Multiple views of the thoracic spine show good alignment throughout with disc spaces preserved and vertebral body height maintained. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: SPINE (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 72100 LUMBOSACRAL SPINE: AP and lateral views of the lumbar spine reveal no fracture, subluxation or other significant lumbar spine abnormality. The SI joints are unremarkable. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: L/S (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 72110 LUMBOSACRAL SPINE: Multiple views of the lumbosacral spine show good alignment throughout the lumbar spine with disc spaces preserved and vertebral body height maintained. The SI joints are unremarkable. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: 1V PELVIS (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 72170 AP PELVIS: A single AP view of the pelvis reveals no fracture or other significant bone or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: PELVIS (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 72190 PELVIS: AP and both oblique views of the pelvis reveal no fracture or other significant bone or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: BILAT SI JOINTS (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 72202 SACROILIAC JOINTS: AP and oblique views of the SI joints reveal no significant bone, joint or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: SI JOINTS [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 72202 & RL& SACROILIAC JOINTS: AP and oblique views of the &rl& sacroiliac joints reveal no significant bone, joint or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: SACRUM/COCCYX (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 72220 SACRUM/COCCYX: AP and lateral views of the sacrum reveal no evidence for fracture or other significant bone or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: CLAVICLE (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73000 & RL& CLAVICLE: AP views of the &rl& clavicle, with and without cephalic angulation, show no evidence for fracture or other significant bone, joint or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: SCAPULA (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73010 & RL& SCAPULA: Multiple views of the &rl& scapula show no evidence for fracture or other significant bone, joint or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: SHOULDER (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73030 & RL& SHOULDER: Multiple views of the &rl& shoulder reveal no fracture or other significant bone, joint or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: AC Joints (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73050 AC JOINTS WITH AND WITHOUT WEIGHT-BEARING: Views of the AC joints, with and without weight-bearing, reveal no fracture or other significant bone, joint or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: HUMERUS (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73060 & RL& HUMERUS: AP and lateral views of the &rl& humerus show no evidence for fracture or other significant bone or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: Elbow (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73070 & RL& ELBOW: Multiple views of the &rl& elbow show no evidence for fracture or other significant bone or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: ELBOW (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73080 & RL& ELBOW: Multiple views of the &rl& elbow show no evidence for fracture or other significant bone or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: FOREARM (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73090 & RL& FOREARM: AP and lateral views of the &rl& forearm show no evidence for fracture or other significant bone, joint or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: Wrist (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73100 & RL& WRIST: Two views of the &rl& wrist show no evidence for fracture or other significant bone or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: WRIST (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73110 & RL& WRIST: Multiple views of the &rl& wrist show no evidence for fracture or other significant bone or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: HAND (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73120 & RL& HAND: Two views of the &rl& hand show no evidence for fracture or other significant bone or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: HAND (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73130 & RL& HAND: Multiple views of the &rl& hand show no evidence for fracture or other significant bone or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: FINGERS (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73140 & RL& FINGERS: AP and lateral views of the &rl& fingers with attention to the finger show no evidence for fracture or other significant bone, joint or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: R/L HIP 1 VIEW (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73500 & RL& HIP: Single view of the &RL& hip reveals normal bony architecture. No fractures or other osseous abnormalities are seen. The acetabulum and femoral head do not show pathology, and the soft tissues are unremarkable. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: HIP (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73510 & RL& HIP SERIES: AP and lateral views of the &rl& hip show no evidence for fracture or other significant bone, joint or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: B HIPS/PELVIS (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73520 BILATERAL HIPS INCL AP PELVIS: Bilateral AP and lateral hips including an AP pelvis projection shows the visualized skeletal structures to be unremarkable and the joint spaces preserved. There are no fractures, dislocations or lytic or blastic lesions identified. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: FEMUR (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73550 & RL& FEMUR: AP and lateral views of the &rl& femur show no evidence for fracture or other significant bone or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: FEMUR [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73550 FEMUR: AP and lateral views of the femur reveal the visualized skeletal structures are unremarkable and the visualized joint spaces appear preserved. There are no fractures, dislocations or lytic or blastic lesions identified. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: R/L KNEES (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73560 & RL& KNEE: AP and lateral views of the &rl& knee reveal no fracture, subluxation or other significant bone, joint or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: &RL& Knee (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73562 & RL& KNEE: Three views of the &rl& knee reveal no fracture, subluxation, dislocation or other significant bone, joint or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: KNEE (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73564 & RL& KNEE: Multiple views of the &rl& knee show no evidence for fracture or other significant bone, joint or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: T/F (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73590 & RL& TIBIA/FIBULA: AP and lateral views of the &rl& tibia/fibula show no evidence for fracture or other significant bone or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: R/L ANKLE (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73600 & RL& ANKLE: AP and lateral views of the &RL& ankle reveal the visualized skeletal structures are unremarkable, and the visualized joint spaces appear preserved. There are no fractures, dislocations or lytic or blastic lesions identified. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: ANKLE (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73610 & RL& ANKLE: Multiple views of the &rl& ankle show no evidence for fracture or other significant bone, joint or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: R/L FOOT (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73620 & RL& FOOT: Two views of the &rl& foot reveal no fracture or other significant bone, joint or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: FEET W/WT (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73630 & RL& FOOT WITH NONWEIGHTBEARING VIEWS: Multiple views of the &rl& foot show no evidence for fracture or other significant bone, joint or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: FEET WITH WT (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73630.1 & RL& FOOT WITH WEIGHTBEARING AND NONWEIGHTBEARING VIEWS: Multiple views of the &rl& foot including a lateral weightbearing view reveal no significant bone, joint or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: Negative &rl& foot including a lateral weightbearing view. Name: HEEL (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73650 & RL& HEEL: Lateral and tangential views of the &rl& heel reveal no spur formation or other significant bony abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: KNEE ARTH CHG [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73654 & RL& KNEE: Mild to moderate degenerative arthritic change is observed in the &rl& knee and patella. There is no evidence for fracture or other significant abnormality. IMPRESSION: Mild to moderate degenerative arthritic change is observed in the &rl& knee and patella. Name: TOE (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 73660 & RL& TOES: AP and lateral views of the &rl& toes with attention to the toe show no evidence for fracture or other significant bone, joint or soft tissue abnormality. IMPRESSION: The visualized soft tissues and bony structures are radiographically within normal limits. Name: AP ABDOMEN (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 74000 AP ABDOMEN: A single AP view of the abdomen shows no evidence for renal or ureteral calculi. The intestinal gas pattern is unremarkable. The bones are intact. IMPRESSION: Negative AP abdomen. Name: GD1 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 74000 : There is moderate gastric air distention. IMPRESSION: There is moderate gastric air distention. Name: GD2 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 74000 : There is significant gastric air distention. IMPRESSION: There is significant gastric air distention. Name: GDK [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 74000 : On a 2-dimensional plain x-ray film, the only way to tell if a tube is actually inside the stomach is by three options: a) inject air while using a stethoscope listening over stomach for air gurgling sound, b) inject 50 c.c. air or gastrograffin contrast and take an x-ray to see if the tube tip is surrounded by the air or gastrograffin contrast, c) CT scan. I recommend options a) or b) above. IMPRESSION: On a 2-dimensional plain x-ray film, the only way to tell if a tube is actually inside the stomach is by three options: a) inject air while using a stethoscope listening over stomach for air gurgling sound, b) inject 50 c.c. air or gastrograffin contrast Name: KUB [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 74000 KUB: The intestinal gas pattern is unremarkable. No free air is evident, and no abnormal soft tissue mass or abnormal calcification is observed. The bones are intact. IMPRESSION: Negative KUB. Name: KUB [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 74000 KUB: AP view of the abdominal region shows a normal intestinal gas pattern. Visceral structures and contours are unremarkable. There are no soft tissue masses or pathological calcifications identified. The visualized skeletal structures are within normal limits for patient age. IMPRESSION: Normal KUB. Name: SUPINE ABDOMEN [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 74000 SUPINE ABDOMEN: A supine view of the abdomen shows the intestinal gas pattern to be unremarkable without evidence for abnormal soft tissue mass or calcification. The bones are intact. IMPRESSION: Negative supine abdomen. Name: 2 View Abd (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 74010 ABDOMEN; TWO VIEWS: IMPRESSION: Name: FLAT & UP ABD (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 74020 FLAT & UPRIGHT ABDOMEN: Flat and upright views of the abdomen show no evidence for free air. The intestinal gas pattern is unremarkable. Abnormal soft tissue mass or calcification is not observed. The bones are intact. IMPRESSION: Negative flat and upright abdomen. Name: GD1 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 74020 : There is moderate gastric air distention. IMPRESSION: There is moderate gastric air distention. Name: GD2 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 74020 : There is significant gastric air distention. IMPRESSION: There is significant gastric air distention. Name: GDK [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 74020 : On a 2-dimensional plain x-ray film, the only way to tell if a tube is actually inside the stomach is by three options: a) inject air while using a stethoscope listening over stomach for air gurgling sound, b) inject 50 c.c. air or gastrograffin contrast and take an x-ray to see if the tube tip is surrounded by the air or gastrograffin contrast, c) CT scan. I recommend options a) or b) above. IMPRESSION: On a 2-dimensional plain x-ray film, the only way to tell if a tube is actually inside the stomach is by three options: a) inject air while using a stethoscope listening over stomach for air gurgling sound, b) inject 50 c.c. air or gastrograffin contrast Name: ABD (Default) [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 74022 ACUTE ABDOMINAL SERIES : CHEST: PA view of the chest shows the heart is normal in size. The lungs are clear, and the bones are intact. ABDOMEN: Flat and upright views show a normal bowel gas pattern and no free air or abdominal fluid levels visualized. There are no abdominal calcifications present, and the visceral structures appear normal. No abdominal masses are seen, and the visualized bones are unremarkable. IMPRESSION: Negative acute abdominal series. Name: GD1 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 74022 : There is moderate gastric air distention. IMPRESSION: There is moderate gastric air distention. Name: GD2 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 74022 : There is significant gastric air distention. IMPRESSION: There is significant gastric air distention. Name: GDK [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 74022 : On a 2-dimensional plain x-ray film, the only way to tell if a tube is actually inside the stomach is by three options: a) inject air while using a stethoscope listening over stomach for air gurgling sound, b) inject 50 c.c. air or gastrograffin contrast and take an x-ray to see if the tube tip is surrounded by the air or gastrograffin contrast, c) CT scan. I recommend options a) or b) above. IMPRESSION: On a 2-dimensional plain x-ray film, the only way to tell if a tube is actually inside the stomach is by three options: a) inject air while using a stethoscope listening over stomach for air gurgling sound, b) inject 50 c.c. air or gastrograffin contrast Name: CAROTID [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 93875 CEREBROVASCULAR ARTERIAL STUDY: IMPRESSION: Name: VENOUS US LOWER [Edit] [Delete] CPT: 93971 VENOUS ULTRASOUND &RL& LOWER EXTREMITY: Sonography of the deep venous system of the &rl& lower extremity from the common femoral vein to the popliteal vein with compression maneuvers and doppler interrogation. Deep veins are compressible without visible thrombus. There is spontaneous venous flow with respiratory variation and augmentation. IMPRESSION: Negative venous ultrasound of the &rl& lower extremity. No DVT is identified. Name: 72010 [Edit] [Delete] CPT: P8 : No evidence of classic tuberculosis is evident. However, because of the infiltrate, tuberculosis cannot be excluded. IMPRESSION: No evidence of classic tuberculosis. However, due to infiltrate, tuberculosis cannot be entirely excluded.