“The Monkey’s Paw” Study Guide True or False -Sergeant-Major Morris shows the White family a mummified monkey’s head. -At the beginning of the story, father and son are playing a game of checkers. -The monkey’s paw had a spell that was cast on it by a fakir. -The father wishes for 500 pounds. -The father’s wish is granted when he wins a horse racing bet. Multiple Choice -The scene that opens the story can be best described as? -Sergeant-Major Morris tells the White family a story about? -The spell includes? -The father wishes for? -Mrs. White insists that her husband wish for? Sentence Completion -It was _________________ of me to assume that I’d get an A on my test when I didn’t even study. -Tyler was ______________ toward piano lessons because he thought they were boring. -Jorge _____________ Shannon when she found out that her pet turtle died. -The waiter _______________ me a selection of delicious desserts. -My mother’s ______________ looks made me realize that she wasn’t falling for my line of excuses. Short Answer -What is foreshadowing? -How is foreshadowing used in the story? -What is setting? Essay Write a brief essay that describes the setting of the Monkey’s Paw and how the tone and mood of the story help to develop the setting.