AP Government Jeopardy – Congress Whose house? “House” Committees work What they do Leaders & groups Election Mis-cellany 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Final Jeopardy! Question Congress Incumbency Effect U.S. Senate House of the U.S. Congress that approves presidential appointments of ambassadors, executive department heads, and federal judges – as well as trying a president in the impeachment process Whose house? 100 Seventeenth Amendment (1913) Provided for direct election of senators, previously chosen by state legislatures Whose house? 200 Six years Term of office for Senators Whose house? 300 U.S. House of Representatives House of the U.S. Congress responsible for originating all revenue bills – as well as bringing impeachment charges against the president Whose house? 400 Two years Term of office for Representatives (Congressmen/women) Whose house? 500 Delegate model of representation Member of Congress votes based on constituents views regardless of his/her own viewpoint “House” work 100 Trustee model of representation Member of Congress listens to constituents but forms his/her own views for which he/she votes “House” work 200 Committee system in Congress Where most of the work of Congress is done; permits specialization “House” work 300 Cloture Procedure to cut off filibuster (and debate) in the Senate, requires a 3/5 vote “House” work 400 Logrolling Supporting another member’s legislation in return for his/her support of your legislation; a tactic often used to obtain pork barrel projects “House” work 500 Standing Committee A permanent committee maintained from session to session of Congress; deals with a specific subject area such as agriculture, energy, etc. Committees 100 Rules Committee House committee that determines if a bill will be brought to the full House, sets rule for debate and voting on the bill Committees 200 Conference committee Temporary committee of members of both houses created to resolve differences in House and Senate versions of a bill – aim to create a compromise bill that both houses will accept Committees 300 Joint committee A committee consisting of members of both the Senate and the House Committees 400 Select committee Temporary committee appointed for a specific purpose, such as to investigate a particular issue, incident, or scandal Committees 500 Constituent casework Helping voters in their district solve problems involving the bureaucracy, most often delegated to Congressional staff What they do 100 Pork barrel legislation Legislation that provides funding for projects in a senator’s or representative’s home district or state What they do 200 Oversight Congressional function of reviewing and investigating activities of the executive branch What they do 300 Rider Amendment to a bill that has no connection to the subject matter of the bill; a tactic used to get legislation passed that would not otherwise become law What they do 400 Ways and Means Committee House committee in which all revenue bills originate What they do 500 Seniority system Member of the majority party who has served the longest on that committee generally becomes the committee chair Please note – this is the second most important criterion after party identification Leaders & Groups 100 Speaker of the House Presiding officer and most powerful member of the House of Representatives; elected by members of his/her party in the House; assigns bills to committees, makes committee assignments, and chooses committee chairpersons Leaders & Groups 200 Senate majority leader Most powerful member of the Senate; makes committee assignments for his/her party Leaders & Groups 300 Minority leader In both houses, this is the individual who makes committee assignments for the minority party Leaders & Groups 400 Congressional Caucus Congressional working groups that are not official committees; generally consist of members who share a common goal or identity (i.e., women, African Americans) Leaders & Groups 500 Reapportionment Redistribution of Congressional seats among states every ten years; occurs after the census determines changes in population Elections 100 Congressional redistricting State legislatures redrawing congressional districts after each census; districts must be contiguous and must represent equal populations Elections 200 Gerrymandering Drawing congressional districts to favor one political party or group over another Elections 300 Incumbency effect Tendency of those already holding office to win reelection; applies to nearly all seats in the House and Senate Elections 400 Baker v. Carr (1862) Supreme Court ruling that a state’s congressional districts had to be equal in population (called the “one man, one vote” rule) Elections 500 Article I Article that creates a bicameral legislature and lists its primary functions Mis-cell-any 100 Filibuster An attempt to keep debate open to stall a vote or bill with the goal of blocking the bill entirely Mis-cell-any 200 Legislative veto Nullification of an executive branch action by a vote of one or both houses of Congress Declared unconstitutional in 1983 by the Supreme Court Mis-cell-any 300 Congressional checks on the Executive branch Impeachment, “advice and consent” (approval powers), ability to override presidential vetoes Mis-cell-any 400 Congressional checks on the Legislative branch Ability to restructure the federal court system, approval of appointments for federal judges, ability to negate Supreme Court decisions by proposing constitutional amendments Mis-cell-any 500 • Name three reasons for the incumbency effect FINAL JEOPARDY • More campaign experience • Name recognition • More opportunities for news media • Fundraising advantages • Franking privilege • Claim credit for casework and pork barrel FINAL JEOPARDY