UNIT 5 – INSTITUTIONS OF GOVERNMENT: CONGRESS GENERAL TOPICS: Differences Between Congress and Parliament Congressional Basics Evolution of House and Senate Who Serves in Congress? Winning Congressional Elections Congressional Views Leadership of Congress Congressional Caucuses Congressional Committees Differences Between Bills and Resolutions How a Bill Becomes a Law SPECIFIC ASPECTS: Primary work and responsibility; relationship between each to the executive Article I powers; eligibility; number in each chamber; structure; purpose; problems What role has changed in the House over time? How has the Senate become more democratic? Generally speaking, how would you describe a typical member of Congress? How is the 113th Congress demographically unique? What is gerrymandering? Difference between safe and marginal districts Influential views – representational, organizational, attitudinal; polarization between public opinion and Congressional opinion (i.e. growing gap, professional politicians, ugly campaigns) Key party leaders in the House and Senate and their roles; party breakdowns below key leaders Purpose; benefits and drawbacks Standing committees in the House and Senate; exclusive committees in the House; select, joint, and conference committees; congressional staffers’ responsibilities; problems with staffers’ role; three staffing agencies Definition of a bill; definition of a resolution; three types of resolutions Process introduction of bill, committee referral, subcommittee hearings, marking up, committee voting, reporting bill, Rules Committee in House, debating, voting; revenue bills; floor debate differences (i.e. procedural rules in House and Senate); quorum and Committee of the Whole differences; filibustering; cloture; double-tracking; presidential action (veto, pocket veto, etc.) Controversies of Congress Pork barrel legislation, logrolling, franking privilege