The Origin of Species AP Biology Speciation and Reproductive Isolation Species: members in a population who have the potential to interbreed in nature and produce viable, fertile offspring Reproductive isolation: one group of genes becomes isolated from one another to begin a separate evolutionary history Speciation: anything that fragments a population and isolates a small group of individuals Allopatric Sympatric AP Biology Allopatric Speciation: caused by geographic isolation AP Biology Sympatric Speciation: caused by anything besides geographic isolation habitat isolation: two organisms live in the same area but rarely encounter one another behavioral isolation: two species do not mate because of differences in courtship behavior temporal isolation: populations may mate or flower at different seasons or different times of day reproductive isolation: closely related species unable to mate because of a variety of reasons prezygotic barriers postzygotic barriers reproductive isolation AP Biology Scientific evidence of biological evolution uses information from geological, geological, physical, chemical and mathematical applications AP Biology Scientific evidence for Evolution 1) Fossil Dating Age of rocks where fossils are found rate of decay of C-14 relationships within phylogenic trees mathematical equations that utilize chemical properties to estimate age AP Biology 2) Morphological Homologies 3) Vestigial structures 4) Genetic similarities 5) Mathematical structures phylogenic trees Patterns of Evolution Divergent Convergent Parallel Coevolution Adaptive Radiation Gradualism Punctuated AP Biology Divergent Evolution Occurs when a population becomes isolated from the rest of the species, exposed to new selective pressures, and evolves into a new species allopatric speciation sympatric speciation AP Biology Convergent evolution Flight evolved in 3 separate animal groups evolved similar “solution” to similar “problems” analogous structures AP Biology Convergent evolution Fish: aquatic vertebrates Dolphins: aquatic mammals similar adaptations to life in the sea not closely related AP Biology Those fins & tails & sleek bodies are analogous structures! Parallel Evolution Convergent evolution in common niches filling similar ecological roles in similar environments, so similar adaptations were selected but are not closely related marsupial mammals placental mammals AP Biology Parallel types across continents Niche Burrower Placental Mammals Australian Marsupials Mole Marsupial mole Anteater Numbat Anteater Nocturnal insectivore Mouse Climber Marsupial mouse Spotted cuscus Lemur Glider Stalking predator AP Biology Chasing predator Sugar glider Flying squirrel Ocelot Tasmanian cat Wolf Tasmanian “wolf” Coevolution Two or more species reciprocally affect each other’s evolution predator-prey disease & host competitive species mutualism pollinators & flowers AP Biology Adaptive Radiation the emergence of numerous species from a common ancestor introduced into an environment, filling a niche AP Biology Modern Theory of Evolution 1. Gradualism 2. Punctuated Equilibrium 3. The Origin of Life 4. Endosymbiosis AP Biology Modern Theory of Evolution 1. Gradualism AP Biology Organisms descend from a common ancestor gradually over a long period of time in a linear branching fashion 2. Punctuated Equilibrium Stephen J. Gould and Nile Eldridge stated that gradualism is not supported by fossil record Rather a sudden appearance of species is explained by the allopatric model AP Biology 3. The Origin of Life is a Hypothesis Special Creation Was life created by a supernatural or divine force? not testable Extraterrestrial Origin Was the original source of organic (carbon) materials comets & meteorites striking early Earth? testable Spontaneous Abiotic Origin AP Biology Did life evolve spontaneously from inorganic molecules? testable Millions of years ago 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Paleozoic PROTEROZOIC PRECAMBRIAN 500 Cenozoic Mesozoic ARCHEAN 0 Colonization of land by animals Appearance of animals and land plants First multicellular organisms Animalia Oldest definite fossils of eukaryotes Appearance of oxygen in atmosphere Oldest definite fossils of prokaryotes 4000 Molten-hot surface of earth becomes cooler 4500 Formation of earth AP Biology Bacteria Archae- Protista Plantae Fungi bacteria The evolutionary tree of life can be documented with evidence. The Origin of Life on Earth is another story… What is Life? First we have to define LIFE… organized as cells respond to stimuli regulate internal processes homeostasis use energy to grow metabolism develop change & mature within lifetime reproduce heredity DNA / RNA adaptation & evolution AP Biology Spontaneous Generation What does it mean for something to be spontaneous? It used to be thought that living things could arise from nonliving things. This idea was called spontaneous generation. AP Biology Experiments disproving spontaneous generation Pasteur—mid 1800s Boiled broth in curved neck flask to allow air to reach broth but not microorganisms Broth only became cloudy when neck was broken off. AP Biology New Idea These experiments proved spontaneous generation incorrect. The idea that living things come from other living things is called biogenesis. AP Biology Conditions on early Earth Reducing atmosphere water vapor (H2O), CO2, N2, NOx, H2, NH3, CH4, H2S lots of available H & its electron low O2 = no free oxygen Energy source lightning, UV radiation, volcanic What’s missing from that atmosphere? AP Biology organic molecules do not breakdown as quickly Electrodes discharge sparks (lightning simulation) Origin of Organic Molecules Abiotic synthesis 1920 Oparin & Haldane propose reducing atmosphere hypothesis 1953 Miller & Urey test hypothesis Water vapor CH4 NH3 Mixture of gases ("primitive atmosphere") H2 Condenser Water formed organic compounds while bonding to clay AP Biology amino acids adenine Heated water ("ocean") Condensed liquid with complex, organic molecules Stanley Miller Harold Urey University of Chicago produced -amino acids -hydrocarbons -nitrogen bases -other organics It’s ALIVE! AP Biology How did the first cells possibly form? Sidney Fox produced protocells from solutions of amino acids by heating them. These structures have certain life-like properties: take up substances from the surroundings, growth, surrounded by a membrane. They have properties unlike living things: no hereditary characteristics, can’t respond to natural selection AP Biology Dawn of natural selection Origin of Genetics RNA is likely first genetic material multi-functional codes information self-replicating molecule makes inheritance possible natural selection & evolution enzyme functions ribozymes replication regulatory molecule transport molecule AP Biology tRNA & mRNA Key Events in Origin of Life Key events in evolutionary history of life on Earth Earth formed 4.6 bya, very hostile environment life originated 3.5–4.0 bya AP Biology Prokaryotes Prokaryotes dominated life on Earth from 3.5–2.0 bya 3.5 billion year old fossil of bacteria AP Biology modern bacteria chains of one-celled cyanobacteria Oxygen atmosphere Oxygen begins to accumulate 2.7 bya reducing oxidizing atmosphere evidence in banded iron in rocks = rusting makes aerobic respiration possible AP Biology photosynthetic bacteria (blue-green algae) ~2 bya First Eukaryotes Development of internal membranes create internal micro-environments advantage: specialization = increase efficiency natural selection! infolding of the plasma membrane plasma membrane endoplasmic reticulum (ER) nuclear envelope nucleus DNA cell wall Prokaryotic cell AP Biology Prokaryotic ancestor of eukaryotic cells plasma membrane Eukaryotic cell 4. Endosymbiosis Evolution of eukaryotes origin of mitochondria engulfed aerobic bacteria, but did not digest them mutually beneficial relationship natural selection! internal membrane system aerobic bacterium mitochondrion Endosymbiosis Ancestral AP Biology eukaryotic cell Eukaryotic cell with mitochondrion Endosymbiosis Evolution of eukaryotes Eukaryotic cell with mitochondrion origin of chloroplasts engulfed photosynthetic bacteria, but did not digest them mutually beneficial relationship natural selection! photosynthetic bacterium chloroplast Endosymbiosis Eukaryotic cell with AP Biology chloroplast & mitochondrion mitochondrion Theory of Endosymbiosis Evidence structural mitochondria & chloroplasts resemble bacterial structure genetic Lynn Margulis mitochondria & chloroplasts have their own circular DNA, like bacteria functional mitochondria & chloroplasts AP Biology move freely within the cell mitochondria & chloroplasts reproduce independently from the cell Cambrian explosion Diversification of Animals 543 mya AP Biology within 10–20 million years most of the major phyla of animals appear in fossil record AP Biology AP Biology Early mammal evolution 125 mya mammals began to radiate out & fill niches AP Biology Mass Extinctions Fossil record shows most species that have ever lived are now extinct. Reasons to become extinct: 1. destroyed habitat 2. changes in environment that did not favor species AP Biology Mass Extinctions certain times in history environmental changes have caused the normal rate of extinction to increase dramatically = mass extinction 5 Big Mass Extinctions AP Biology 6th Mass Extinction ? Typical “background” rate for extinctions is considered to be 1 – 10 in 400 yrs. There have been > 1,000 extinctions in past 400 yrs Not counting those species (probably some in rain forests) that are becoming extinct that we had never discovered Losses to date have not reached those of the BIG 5 AP Biology Consequences of Mass Extinctions significant & long term effects extinct species is gone forever course of evolution is changed takes at least 5-10 million yrs for diversity to recover from a mass extinction AP Biology Classification of Life AP Biology Classifying Life Molecular data challenges 5 Kingdoms Monera was too diverse 2 distinct lineages of prokaryotes Protists are still too diverse not yet sorted out AP Biology 3 Domain system Domains = “Super” Kingdoms Bacteria Archaea extremophiles = live in extreme environments methanogens halogens thermophiles Eukarya eukaryotes protists fungi plants animals AP Biology Evidence supporting relatedness in all 3 domains Genetic Information DNA/RNA: transcription, translation and replication Genetic Code in all living things Metabolic process conservation Structural evidence AP Biology membrane bound organelles, cytoskeleton Kingdom Bacteria Kingdom AP BiologyFungi Kingdom Archaebacteria Kingdom Protista Kingdom Plantae Kingdom Animalia